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Section A

[20 marks]

Questions 1 to 5
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1 The family _______________ accepts the kind woman as the housekeeper.

A gladly
B bravely
C peacefully
D excellently

2 The old man went to the _______________ to feed the horses.

A coop
B stable
C aviary
D aquarium

3 The girls continued playing _______________ it was pouring heavily.

A whether
B because
C although
D therefore

4 Most tomatoes _______________ from green to red when they are ripe.
A change
B changes
C changed
D changing

5 Ravi : Could _______________ have that magazine?
Sarah : Please help _______________.
A I, himself
B I, yourself
C she, herself
D you, myself

Question 6

Choose the suitable idiom.

Pilih simpulan bahasa yang sesuai.

6 “Everyone seems tired. Let’s just _____________________ and continue the work
tomorrow”, said the manager to his staffs.
A call it a day
B be in the same boat
C get your act together
D give someone the cold shoulder

Questions 7 to 9
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikut.

My mother is a doctor and she has her own clinic. It is located _____7______

a bookshop and a bank along the main road. She sees a lot of patients every day. She

starts working _______8_______ 8 o’clock every morning. Many people like to see her

______9_____ she examines them thoroughly and explains patiently.

7 A along
B next to
C between
D opposite

8 A in
B at
C on
D since

9 A since
B because
C although
D however

Question 10
Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10 Zaki won the 400-metre race during Sports Day.

A found
B reached
C broke
D lost

Question 11
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

11 A Encik azman and his family have lived in kuala lumpur since 1990.
B Encik Azman and his family have lived in kuala lumpur since 1990.
C Encik Azman and his family have lived in Kuala Lumpur since 1990.
D Encik Azman and his family, have lived in Kuala lumpur since 1990.

Questions 12 to 15
Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk mengisi tempat-tempat kosong.

The members of the SK Telok Bahang English Club visited an old folks home

last week. They brought along some ______12_____ for the elderly there. Emily and

Roslina spent their time _____13______ with two of the residents at the home. Wai

Ling ______14______ some news from the newspaper to another resident who could

not see very well. Raj and some other pupils watched television with the elderly. The

elderly people _____15______ very happy that the pupils came to visit them.

12 A cakes
B clothes
C parcels
D hampers

13 A singing
B chatting
C scolding
D whispering

14 A read
B reads
C reading
D were reading

15 A is
B are
C was
D were

Questions 16 – 18
Read the story below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Three Simple Rules

Once in Thailand, there was a wealthy but greedy man named Chulong. One day, he
saw a beautiful and colourful bird in a bush. Its voice was very sweet. He caught the small
bird. The bird spoke, “Why do you catch me?” Chulong said he wanted to sell the bird for a
big amount of money. “If I am imprisoned, I lose my beauty and my sweet voice”, said the
bird. Then, it slowly turned into a black bird.

It suggested, “Set me free. In return, I shall teach you three simple but useful rules.”
The bird promised that it would not fly away if Chulong set it free. Chulong released the bird
and it flew and sat on the branch of a tree. Its colour started changing and it became beautiful

“The first rule is never believe everything others say. Secondly, never be sad about
something you do not have. Lastly, never throw away what you have in your hand.” said the
bird. “You silly bird. These three rules are known to everyone. You have cheated me,’
shouted Chulong.

The bird said, “Chulong, think about all your actions today. You believed all that I
said. You were also sad about not having me. Finally, you had me in your hand unfortunately,
you threw me away. The rules were simple but you never followed them.” It flew away and
disappeared from his sight.

16 The bird had all these features ______________________.

I a small beautiful body

II colourful feathers
III a sweet voice
IV broken wings

A I , II and IV
B I , III and IV

C I , II and III
D I and II

17 The bird would change its colours and lose its sweet voice if someone ___________.

A sold it
B cheated it

C locked it in a cage
D set it free to fly anywhere

18 Which of the following statements is not one of the simple rules stated in the story?

A Never to be unhappy with something that one does not have.

B One cannot simply believe what is spoken by others.

C Not to throw away what one already has.

D Trust everything that is heard.

Questions 19 – 20
Read the notice below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca notis di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.


Date : 6 February 2018

Time : 4.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.

Venue : School tennis court

Attire : T-shirt, tracksuit bottom and sports shoes

Equipment : Tennis racquet

 If you are interested to join the school tennis team selection, you are invited to
register your name with Ms. Delilah at least two weeks before the selection date.
 The players need to show 5 S’s (Skill, Stamina, Speed, Strength and Spirit) as to
fulfil the selection criteria.
 The chosen players will undergo an intensive training for three months before
representing the school for the tournaments in June 2018.
 The school will only select ten players for the school team.

19 The tennis players _____________________.

A must attend the selection process on the sixth of February

B may wear any type of attire that they want
C do not need to bring any sports equipment

D can be at the venue after 6.00 p.m.

20 Which statement is true?

A Nine players will be chosen for the school team.

B The registration must be at least a fortnight before the selection date.

C Strength, Speed, Spirit and Skill are the criteria needed for the selection.

D The duration of the intensive training is 5 months in June 2018.

Section B
[30 marks]
Question 21
Write a suitable response for each picture in the space provided.
Tulis jawapan yang sesuai bagi setiap gambar di ruang yang disediakan.





[2 marks ]
I bought it at the bookshop.





[2 marks ]
Me too. Let’s go
and have lunch.


I think it’s

[2 marks ]

Question 22
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

On my trip to England, I was taking a train to London. I noticed that the coach was noisy
and filled with young people. Before long, the train inspector came to check our tickets. A lone
passenger realised he couldn’t find his ticket and became upset. He was worried that he would be
suspected lying. When the inspector began questioning him, there was a sudden chaos.

Everyone had begun searching for the ticket. It was eventually stuck under a seat several rows
from its owner. No one in the coach talked to or even noticed the ticket-owner before yet, they
offered him their help. It really amazed me!

Tick () the correct answer.

Tanda () pada jawapan yang betul.

a) Who lost the ticket?

The coach

The train inspector

The lone passenger

[1 mark]

It really amazed me!

b) The writer is referring to the ____________________ of the passengers.




[1 mark]

c) Was the ticket finally found?

Which sentence in the story tells you this?

Answer : _______________________________________________________________[1 mark]

Sentence : ______________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________[1 mark]

d) List two moral values that you learnt from the story.

i)______________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

ii)______________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

e) If you were in the train, would you help the man to find the ticket? Why ?



[2 marks]

Question 23
Study the poster given and answer the questions that follow.
Teliti poster yang diberikan dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Surfing The Internet

Wealth of Go online
knowledge anytime
anywhere you want!
you are!

Advantages Disadvantages
Easy access to information Poor eyesight
Downloading music and movies Causes addiction
Communication at fingertips Creates laziness

Write True or False in the space provided.

Tulis True atau False dalam ruang yang disediakan.

(a) There are advantages and disadvantages in surfing the Internet. [1 mark]

(b) Surfing the Internet can cause one to be lazy. [1 mark]

Circle the correct answer to fill in the blanks.

Bulatkan jawapan yang betul untuk mengisi tempat kosong.


Surfing the Internet can cause __________ eyesight.

wonderful poor strong

(c) __________ is easy when we use the Internet.

Cooperation Collaboration Communication

[1 mark]

(d) We can download __________ for free with the Internet.

films and music movement and musical money and melody

[1 mark]

(e) Where do you learn to use the computer in school and what do you do when you surf
the Internet?

Place : ________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

Activity : ________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

Go online anytime you want!

(f) What do you understand by the sentence above?



[2 marks]

Question 24 and 25
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Animals can be grouped into three categories based on the food they eat. They are all
connected together to form a food chain in the ecosystem. The biggest group is called herbivores
and they eat plants only. They can be surprisingly large animals. Examples of these animals
include cows and elephants. They eat grass, tree bark, aquatic plants and shrubs. Herbivores may
not have enough to eat if there is not enough plants.

The second group, which eats only meat, is called carnivores. They will feed on
herbivores, omnivores, and other carnivores. Large carnivores include wolves and mountain lions.
They often have long, sharp claws.

On the other hand, omnivores like bears and humans consume plants and meat. Generally,
they eat fruits and vegetables freely. Omnivores will also hunt both carnivores and herbivores
including small mammals, reptiles, and insects. It’s important for us to maintain this food chain in
order to have a balanced ecosystem.

Question 24
Tick () the correct answer.
Tanda () pada jawapan yang betul.

(a) There are __________ types of animal diets according to the passage above.



[1 mark]

Examples of these animals include cows and elephants.

(b) The phrase ‘these animals’ refers to __________.



mammals, reptiles and insects

[1 mark]

Question 25
Write your answer in the space provided.
Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.

(a) Give two other examples of herbivores than the ones mentioned in the passage.
(i) ___________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(ii) ___________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(b) In your opinion, why do carnivores have long, sharp claws?



[2 marks]
(c) Humans need to protect animals and plants.
Do you agree? Give your reason.


[2 marks]


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