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DEFINING SOCIAL SCIENCES AS THE STUDY  Status societies are based on kinship

OF SOCIETY and myth as operating principles

SOCIAL SCIENCE  Contract societies are based on
The field of human knowledge that deals with all aspects individual merit and achievement
of the group life of human beings, So it is subject to  Idea corresponds with later, modern
change with the changes the human behaviour. theories
DIFFERENCE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE, NATURAL  Overly simplistic, but still has an impact
SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES on anthropological thinking today
Natural Science:  America: Lewis Henry Morgan (1818-82)
A branch of science that seeks to elucidate the rules that  Published the first ethnography of the
govern the natural world by using the Empirical and Iroquois
Scientific method.  Outlined an evolutionary scheme that
Humanities traced seven stages of societies from
Are academic disciplines that study the human condition, savage to civilized
using methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or  Each of the stages was connected to
speculative. technological achievement
 Anthropology is the holistic "science of man," - a  Also focused heavily on kinship systems
science of the totality of human existence  His work influenced later philosophers
and social scientists, such as Marx and
 Economics is the social science that analyzes the
production, distribution, and consumption of
 Tylor (1832-1917) teacher
goods and services.
 influenced Darwin
 Geography is the science that studies the lands,
 Outlined major fields of anthropology still
features, inhabitants, and phenomena of Earth.
used today
As "the bridge between the human and physical
 Wrote noteworthy definition of culture:
“complex whole which includes
 History is the study of past of human in the world. knowledge, belief, art, morals, custom,
 Political Science is the study of social and any other capabilities and habits
arrangement to maintain peace and order within acquired by man as a member of
a society. society”
 Psychology the scientific study of the human  Frazer (1854-1941) student
mind and its functions, especially those affecting  Focused his work on myth and religion
behavior in a given context.  Believed thought developed from the
 Sociology is the study of human social magical via the religious to the scientific
relationship or social system or human group  First person to hold title “Professor of
behavior. Sociology is the systematic study of Anthropology”
society and human social action. FRANZ BOAZ- Cultural relativism is the ability to
 Linguistics is the study of language - how it is put understand a culture on its own terms and not to
together and how it functions. Various building make judgments using the standards of one’s own
blocks of different types and sizes are combined culture. The goal of this is promote understanding of
to make up a language. cultural practices that are not typically part of one’s
own culture.
BRONISLAW MALINOWSKI-Malinowski’s Theory of
Historical context of the emergence of Needs to closely related to his perspective
ANTHROPOLOGY on individual functionalism. Essentially this theory
 19th C. (Victorian age) idea of social evolution proclaims that culture exists purely for biological,
 Belief that all human societies develop in psychological, and/or social needs. Malinowski
one particular direction (from savage to further defines this theory by noting the necessary
civilized) hierarchy of needs and the role of symbolism within
 European societies were believed to the structure.
embody “civilized” (according to A.R. RADCLIFFE-BROWN-Saw the acting individual
Europeans, of course!) as less important, emphasizing instead the social
 Technological advances of the Industrial institutions.All social and cultural institutions are
Revolution and the spread of European functional in maintaining overall social structure of a
colonialism contributed to this belief society.
 Europeans believed that “white man’s
burden” was to “civilize the savages”
through colonialism and missionary work
 Britain: Henry Maine (1822-1888)
 Made distinction between status and
contract societies

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