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Testing Theory

Test Concepts
What is a Test Case?;
Functional vs. Non-Functional Test Cases;
What is a Test Specification?;
What is a Test Report?;
Smoke Tests, Regression Tests, Stress Tests;
Design Validation (Verification);
Product Validation (environmental tests, EMC tests, functional tests, etc.).
Test Methods / Techniques
What is Black Box Testing?;
What is White Box Testing?;
Boundary value technique (especially practical exercises);
Equivalence class technique (especially practical exercises).
Test Levels (definitions)
Unit Test;
Integration Test;
System Test;
Acceptance Test.
Bugs / Defects / Faults / Errors
Definitions, differences, handling.
Software Development Models
[1] Foundation Level Syllabus (2011) - International Software Testing Qualification Board (ISTQB),
Foundation of Computer Programming
Conversions between different basis (2, 10, 16);
Number representations in computer memory: Little Endian vs. Big Endian;
Elements of boolean logic;
Data types, value ranges, signed vs. unsigned;
Variables and constants;
Repetitive structures, decision structures;
[1] Bazele matematice ale calculatoarelor, Florian Mircea Boian, Liana Bozga, Presa Universitara Clujeana,
[2]The C Programming Language (2nd edition), Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, Prentice Hall
Software Series, 1988, chapters: Types, operators and expressions (variables, types and sizes, constants,
declarations, arithmetic operators, relational and logical operators, increment/decrement operators,
bitwise operators, assignment, conditional expressions, precedence); Control flow (if, else-if, switch,
while, for, do-while, break-continue, goto-lables)
[3]Limbajele C si C++ pentru incepatori Vol. I (p.1 si 2) - Limbajul C, Liviu Negrescu, Editura Albastra,
[4] Tehnici de programare si structuri de date, editia a 2-a , Horia Ciocârlie, Editura : Eurostampa 2012
Discreete components
Resistors, capacitors, transistors, diodes, LEDs;
Serial and parallel connections;
Laws of Ohm and Kirchhoff;
Reading basic schematics;
Logical gates.
[1] Electronică industrială şi automatică, Babutia,I.,Boraci,R. , I.P.T.V.Timisoara 1989
[2] Dispozitive şi circuite electronice, D.Dascalu, M.Profirescu, Editura didactică şi
pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1982
Test Equipment
Equipment for measurement and control
Multimeters, oscilloscopes;
Power supplies;
Signal generators;
Aquisition systems.
[1] Măsurări electronice, senzori si traductoare - Ignea, A., Stoiciu, D., Ed. Politehnica, Timisoara, 2007
Microcontrollers and memory
Introduction to embedded systems (basics)
What is a microcotroller?;
Microcontrollers vs. microprocessors;
Memory types (external and internal);
Interrupts (types, main mechanism);
Busses (data, address, addressing space);
Internal structure of a microcontroller (registers, converters, ports, etc.).
[1] Embedded C, Michael J. Pont , Addison Wesley, 2002
[2] First Steps with Embedded Systems, Byte Craft Limited, 2002
[3] Sisteme cu microcontrolere orientate pe aplicaţii, M. Popa, Orizonturi Universitare, Timişoara, 2003
Signal aquisition and processing
General knowledge
Signal types;
Amplitude, period, frequency;
Conversions (ADC, DAC);
Signal modulation (amplitude and frequency).
[1] Digital Signal Processing. Principles, Algorithms and Applications, G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, 3rd
Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1996.
Interviu tehnic

Intrebari electronica

Reprezentarea principalelor componente electronice + definitie

Puntea H

Divizor de tensiune

Dioda Zener

PWM def si factorul de umplere.


Imtrebari programare

Transformari din binar in hexa

Ordonarea crescatoare a unui sir de nr.

Min si max dintr-un sir de numere

Suma elementelor impare dintr-un vector

Intrebari testare

Cum testam o telecomada de la o masina respectand specificatiile clientului:

- sa functioneze pana la 8 m distanta fata de masina

- sa functioneze cu o baterie de 3V
- sa testez funtionalitatea butoanele On/Off

Cum testam un pix

Interviu cu HR

Ce m-ar face sa vin cu placere la locul de munca?

De ce vreau sa lucrez pe testare?

Ce planuri as avea pe termen mediu si lung daca as lucra ca tester?

Ce fac daca ma angajez si nu imi place jobul?

Cum a fost pentru mine sa lucrez 12 ani in aceeasi companie?

Sa descriu o situatie dificila prin care am trecut si sa spun cum s-a rezolvat.

Ce ma astept sa gasesc la noul loc de munca?

Ce fac in cazul in care nu sunt acceptata?

Cum au decurs evaluarile in cadrul companiei?

Au fost momente cand mi-am mai dorit sa plec din companie?

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