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7/17/2019 Poll: 1 in 4 Americans Don't Plan to Retire | Engoo Daily News

Poll: 1 in 4 Americans Don't Plan to

July 17, 2019
6 Intermediate Economy & Business USA & Americas

Exercise 1

layoff /ˈleɪɔːf/
Noun the act of making someone unemployed because there is no
work for them to do

There have been many layoffs in the company


financially /faɪˈnænʃəli/ in a way that relates to money

My parents helped me financially when I was
studying at university.

prepared /prɪˈpɛrd/
Adjective ready for something that will happen in the future

Everything is prepared for the wedding.

aging /ˈeɪdʒɪŋ/ (of a person or population) getting older

Much like Japan, Singapore also has an aging
workforce /ˈwərkfoʊrs/
Noun all of the people who are working or are available for work
in a country, area, business, etc.

According to the study, Japan's workforce could be

20% smaller by 2040. 1/5
7/17/2019 Poll: 1 in 4 Americans Don't Plan to Retire | Engoo Daily News

Exercise 2

Poll: 1 in 4 Americans Don't Plan to Retire

Nearly one-quarter of Americans say they never plan to retire, and

another quarter say they will continue working after their 65th birthday,
according to a poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public
Affairs Research.

However, experts say that illness, injury and layoffs often make older
workers leave their jobs sooner than they'd like.

According to government data, about 1 in 5 Americans 65 or older are

working or looking for a job. For many, money has a lot to do with the
decision to keep working.

Anqi Chen from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College
says that the average age when people retire hasn't increased much. So
people now live much longer after they retire, and they may not have
enough money for all that time.

When asked how financially prepared they feel for retirement, 14% of
Americans under the age of 50 and 29% over 50 say they feel extremely
or very prepared, while just about one-third feel unprepared. But 56% of
younger adults say they don't feel prepared for retirement.

Americans aren't sure about how the aging workforce affects workers:
39% think people staying in the workforce longer is mostly a good thing
for American workers, 29% think it's a bad thing and 30% say it makes
no difference. 2/5
7/17/2019 Poll: 1 in 4 Americans Don't Plan to Retire | Engoo Daily News

About 45% of people think that continuing to work until an older age is
good for the US economy.

Exercise 3

1. According to government data, how many Americans 65 or older are
working or looking for a job?

2. How many Americans think continuing to work until an older age is good
for the US economy?

3. Do most younger adults in the US feel prepared for retirement?

Exercise 4

1. Do you find it surprising that 1 in 4 Americans don't plan to retire? Why?
Why not?

2. Do most people in your country stop working as soon as they reach

retirement age? Do you see this as a good thing?

3. Do you think you'll miss working after you retire? Why? Why not?

4. Do you think you'll work for the same company for the rest of your
career? Why? Why not?

5. Is there anything you plan to do more of once you retire? Please explain
your answer. 3/5
7/17/2019 Poll: 1 in 4 Americans Don't Plan to Retire | Engoo Daily News

Exercise 5

Further Discussion
1. How would you react if your government decided to raise the retirement
age? Please explain your answer.

2. If given the choice, at what age would you like to retire? Why?

3. If you could pick anywhere, where would you choose to live after you
retire? Please explain your answer.

4. Who is the oldest person you know? Please describe them.

5. Retirement is when you stop living at work and start working at living.
What do you make of this statement?

This lesson is based on an article by the Associated Press.

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