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CHIR13012- Research Literacy for Health Professionals


STUDENT DETAILS (student to complete):
Name: Mohamad MOURAD Due date: Monday, 30 September 2019, 12:00 AM
SID: S0287719 Submission for unit/course: CHIR13012- Research Literacy for Health Professionals
First marker: A. Vitiello Second marker:


(100-85%) (84-75%) (74-65%) (64-50%) (49-45%) (< 45%)

COMPLETION OF TASKS  All questions were attempted and more  All questions were attempted and  Not all questions were attempted,
 All questions were attempted and  All questions were attempted, and  Not all questions were attempted or
than 50% of questions were answered only 50% of questions were and the majority were answered
answered correctly most were answered correctly answered correctly
correctly answered correctly incorrectly
 All ancillary elements of the  Almost all ancillary elements of the  Only a few of the ancillary elements
 Most ancillary elements of the  Some ancillary elements of the  None of the ancillary elements of
(2.5 MARKS FOR EACH assignment, i.e. completion of the assignment, i.e. completion of the of the assignment, i.e. completion of
assignment, i.e. completion of the assignment, i.e. completion of the the assignment, i.e. completion of
POINT, plagiarism declaration, student plagiarism declaration, student the plagiarism declaration, student
plagiarism declaration, student details, plagiarism declaration, student the plagiarism declaration, student
details, etc were submitted correctly details, etc were submitted correctly details, etc were submitted correctly
TOTAL OF 5 MARKS etc were submitted correctly details, etc were submitted correctly details, etc were submitted correctly

 In a slight majority of instances, the

 The language used sometimes  Rarely did the language support the  Language used almost never
 Language used almost always language used supported the self-
GRAMMAR & LANGUAGE  The language used always supported the self-reflective self-reflective learning process. supported the self-reflective
supported the self-reflective reflective learning process. In a slight
supported the self-reflective learning process. It sometimes Rarely did the language used learning process. The language used
learning process. It almost always majority of instances, the language
learning process. It demonstrated demonstrated candour and demonstrate candour and almost never demonstrated candour
demonstrated candour and used always demonstrated candour and
candour and intellectual honesty intellectual honesty with respect to intellectual honesty with respect to and intellectual honesty with respect
(2.5 MARKS FOR EACH intellectual honesty with respect to intellectual honesty with respect to the
with respect to the questions asked the questions asked the questions asked to the questions asked
POINT,  All answers were written without any the questions asked questions asked
 Only some of the answers were  Only a few of the answers were  All of the written answers included
 Most answers were written without  A slight majority of answers were
TOTAL OF 5 MARKS) grammatical or spelling errors written without any grammatical or written without any grammatical or significant grammatical or spelling
any grammatical or spelling errors written without any grammatical or
spelling errors spelling errors errors
spelling errors

 The student correctly identified the

 The student correctly identified the problem at hand in a majority of  The student correctly identified the  The student correctly identified the
 The student correctly identified the  The student correctly identified the
problem at hand in most questions questions problem at hand in some questions problem at hand in none of the
problem at hand in all questions problem at hand in a few questions
 The student was able to mostly  The student was in a majority of cases  The student was able to occasionally questions
 The student was able to always use  The student was rarely able to use
always use the available data when able to use the available data when use the available data when  The student was unable to use the
the available data when developing the available data when developing
CRITICAL THINKING AND developing an answer developing an answer developing an answer available data when developing an
an answer an answer
LOGIC  The student was mostly always  The student was in a majority of cases  The student was occasionally answer
 The student was always successful in  The student was rarely successful in
successful in putting forward an successful in putting forward an successful in putting forward an  The student was unable to put
putting forward a cogent argument putting forward an argument that
argument that was logical and well- argument that was logical and well- argument that was logical and well- forward an argument that was
that was logical and well-reasoned was logical and well-reasoned
reasoned reasoned reasoned logical and well-reasoned
(3 MARKS FOR EACH  The student was always able to  The student was almost always able  The student was in a majority of cases  The student was occasionally able to
 The student was rarely able to arrive
 The student was unable to arrive at
arrive at a set of conclusions that at a set of conclusions that were
POINT, to arrive at a set of conclusions that able to arrive at a set of conclusions arrive at a set of conclusions that a set of conclusions that were
were consistent with identified data consistent with identified data
TOTAL OF 15 MARKS) were consistent with identified data that were consistent with identified were consistent with identified data consistent with identified data
 If applicable, the student always  If applicable, the student rarely
 If applicable, the student almost data  If applicable, the student  If applicable, the student failed to
appreciated the clinical/ patient- appreciated the clinical/ patient-
always appreciated the clinical/  If applicable, the student in a majority occasionally appreciated the clinical/ appreciate the clinical/ patient-
centred implications of the derived centred implications of the derived
patient-centred implications of the of cases appreciated the clinical/ patient-centred implications of the centred implications of the derived
answer answer
derived answer patient-centred implications of the derived answer answer
derived answer
 The use of external methodologies
 The use of external methodologies such  The use of external methodologies
 The use of external methodologies such as software, checklists, etc to
 The use of external methodologies as software, checklists, etc to arrive at such as software, checklists, etc to  The use of external methodologies
such as software, checklists, etc to arrive at the appropriate solutions
such as software, checklists, etc to the appropriate solutions was arrive at the appropriate solutions such as software, checklists, etc to
arrive at the appropriate solutions was in some instances appropriate
arrive at the appropriate solutions appropriate in the majority of instances was mostly not appropriate arrive at the appropriate solutions
NUMERACY AND was mostly appropriate  In some instances, results were
was always appropriate  In the majority of instances results were  In most instances, results were given was inappropriate
MATHEMATICAL SKILLS  Most results were given with the given with the appropriate
 All results were given with the given with the appropriate significant with the incorrect significant figures  Results were not given with the
appropriate significant figures significant figures
appropriate significant figures figures  In most instances, tables/graphs appropriate significant figures
 Most tables/graphs were  In some instances, tables/graphs
 All tables/graphs were appropriate  In the majority of instances were not appropriate and were  Tables/graphs were not appropriate
appropriate and were labelled were appropriate and were labelled
(3 MARKS FOR EACH and were labelled correctly tables/graphs were appropriate and labelled incorrectly or labelled correctly
correctly correctly
POINT,  All answers clearly had enough  Most answers clearly had enough
were labelled correctly
 In some instances, answers clearly
 In most instances, answers had  Answers did not have enough
information to determine how they  In the majority of instances answers insufficient information to information to determine how they
TOTAL OF 15 MARKS) information to determine how they had enough information to
were determined clearly had enough information to determine how they were were determined
were determined determine how they were
 All calculations were appropriate for determine how they were determined determined  Calculations were not appropriate
 Most calculations were appropriate determined
the question and yielded the correct  In the majority of instances calculations  In most instances, calculations were for the question and yielded the
for the question and yielded the  In some instances, calculations were
answer were appropriate for the question and not appropriate for the question incorrect answer
correct answer appropriate for the question and
yielded the correct answer and yielded the wrong answer
yielded the correct answer

 Overall the answers given were of a

 Overall the answers given were of an
 Overall the answers given were of an  Overall the answers given were of an  Overall the answers given were of an below average level and were
adequate standard and were on  Overall the answers were of a very
exemplary standard and were very exemplary standard but were above average standard and were generally difficult to read and
occasion easy to read and poor standard and were very
easy to read and understand somewhat difficult to read and somewhat easy to read and understand understand
GENERAL COMPOSITION understand difficult to read and understand
 The learner has demonstrated a understand  The learner has demonstrated an above  The learner has demonstrated a
& OVERALL  The learner has demonstrated a  The learner has demonstrated a very
commendable sense of ownership  The learner has demonstrated a average sense of ownership with below average sense of ownership
PRESENTATION satisfactory sense of ownership with poor sense of ownership with
with respect to the material notable sense of ownership with respect to the material presented with respect to the material
respect to the material presented respect to the material presented
presented respect to the material presented  If required, the majority of references presented
 If required, only some of the  If required, none of the references
 If required, all references fully  If required, most references fully fully adhered to the prescribed style  If required, only a few references
references adhered to the adhered to the prescribed style
(2 MARKS FOR EACH adhered to the prescribed style adhered to the prescribed style guide adhered to the prescribed style
prescribed style guide guide
guide guide  The majority of tables/graphs were guide
POINT,  In some instances, tables/graphs  None of the tables/graphs were
 All tables/graphs were clear and  Most tables/graphs were clear and clear and conveyed the necessary  In only a few instances were
TOTAL OF 10 MARKS) were clear and conveyed the clear and failed conveyed the
conveyed the necessary information conveyed the necessary information information correctly tables/graphs were clear and
necessary information correctly necessary information correctly
correctly correctly  In the majority of instances, the answers conveyed the necessary information
 On occasion the answers remained  All answers failed to remain within
 All answers always remained within  Most answers remained within the remained within the stated word limit correctly
within the stated word limit (+/- the stated word limit (+/-10%)
the stated word limit (+/-10%) stated word limit (+/-10%) (+/-10%)  Rarely did the answers remain within
the stated word limit (+/-10%)


Marker to complete


TOTAL ( /50)

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