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Resources Policy 51 (2017) 272–282

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Implications from substance flow analysis, supply chain and supplier’ risk MARK
evaluation in iron and steel industry in Mainland China

Jian Liua,b, Rui Anc, , Rongge Xiaoa, Yongwei Yanga, Gaoshang Wangb, Qian Wanga,d
School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China
Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, China
College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, China
Geophysical Exploration Academy of China Metallurgical Geology Bureau, China


Keywords: Supply risk evaluation is intended for adjusting industrial structure, and provides limited options to reduce
Substance flow analysis supply risk. The links between supply chain and industrial structure deserve better understanding. In this way,
Supply chain the industrial activities can be managed to change industrial structure from supply risk. We took the
Supplier’ risk evaluation anthropogenic iron in Mainland China into our case study. The comprehensive evaluation was modeled to
Iron and steel
tackle the problems of China's iron and steel industry. From the life cycle perspective, we found that extending
Industrial structure
iron and steel supply chain would digest the oversupply and reduce the excessive emission, the main problems
affecting on the steel ratio for electric arc furnaces were steel scrap shortage and relatively high electrovalence,
and Fe content of the social stock basically resided in construction industry which significantly influenced on the
flow of steel products and steel and iron products. More attention should be paid to the factors of export price,
resource allocation efficiency, financing capability and outdated capacity, strict inspection and prevention
should be taken to these risks. A comprehensive picture of several customized risk reduction strategies was
constructed for those problems. Of the strategies, China’ risks of iron and steel industry could be reduced if the
existing industrial structure were adjusted on the basis of the substance flow networks and global iron and steel
industrial chains. Based on the result, recommendations were made in this paper, aiming to contribute
important reference information for the industrial metabolism, resource management, and recycling of iron and
steel industry in Mainland China. The proposed methodology, integrating suppliers’ risk evaluation based on
supply chain and substance flow analysis offers a quick and convenient examination on more comprehensive
risk reduction alternatives. Further dedicated risk evaluation might be required to estimate the more precise
risks for the iron and steel industries or other industries that were pre-identified as the outdated.

1. Introduction microchip manufacturing processes (You et al., 2001), the mass

balance of waste water volume in a semiconductor factory (Williams
Substance flow analysis (SFA) has gained prominence, as an et al., 2003), or material and energy flows in iron and steel manufac-
increasing number of researchers across the world have embarked on turing (Michael, 1999; Michaelis and Jackson, 2000a, 2000b; Yu et al.,
the task of developing country and regional specific studies with broad 2007; Zhang et al., 2013; Yellishetty and Mudd, 2014; Wang et al.,
ranging applications in many fields. Previous studies using SFA were 2015). Although several previous studies explored the steel cycle and
conducted mainly to analyze flows of metals (lead, copper, zinc, created several models (Wang et al., 2007; Geyer et al., 2007; Lu and
aluminium, iron, nickel, cadmium, etc.) on a very large system Yue, 2010; Park et al., 2011; Pauliuk et al., 2012; Yellishetty et al.,
boundary, such as at the local (Palmquist, 2004; Lindqvist and von 2014; Wang et al.,2014), their general modeling approach is an
Malmborg, 2004; Zhang et al., 2014), regional (Igarashi et al., 2007; analytical method used to systematically assess the flow and stock of
Tabayashi et al., 2008; Lifset et al., 2012; Pauliuk et al.,2012; Cha et al., a material or substance through a given system (e.g. productive system,
2013; Huang et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014), or global scale (Mao and economic or social system) by the principle of mass balance (Huang
Graedel, 2009; Elshkaki and Graedel, 2013). SFA has also been applied et al., 2014), which should be clearly defined in space and time
to some production processes, such as material and energy inputs into (Bringezu et al.,1997; Brunner and Rechberger, 2004; Hendriks

Corresponding author. Permanent address: College of Earth Sciences, Gezi Buliding, Jianshe street 2199, Changchun city 130061, Jilin Province, China.
E-mail address: (R. An).
Received 20 June 2016; Received in revised form 23 December 2016; Accepted 3 January 2017
Available online 25 January 2017
0301-4207/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Liu et al. Resources Policy 51 (2017) 272–282

et al., 2000). In-use material stocks are often the major cause of fall shadow also conform to shadow of large number theory (Qin and
disconnection between system inflow and outflow in a given year, Wei, 2008; Liu and Liu, 2012). Therefore, the fuzzy mathematics model
meaning that dynamic SFA models lead to more accurate prediction of is used to have a comprehensive supplier’ risk evaluation and the
future resource use and waste streams (Elshkaki et al., 2005). In recent effective risk prevention measures are put forward based on the theory
years, some studies have applied dynamic material flow analysis to which aims to provide references for enterprises’ risk evaluation and
forecast production, recycling, and iron ore consumption in the prevention (Liu and Liu, 2012).
Chinese steel cycle until 2100 by using steel services in terms of in- The main goal of our research is to construct a comprehensive
use stock per capita as driver of future development (Pauliuk et al., picture of customized risk management strategies based on SFA,
2012). SFA of steel in Australia, Brazil, China and India has been aimed supply chain and supplier’ risk evaluation. We’d like to enhance the
at providing better understanding of stocks and flows and to inform the methodology of supply risk evaluation in order to highlight the
policy making for achieving the industrial metabolism (Yellishetty and problems of iron circulation and the iron and steel industries of
Mudd, 2014). Quantifying the Chinese steel flow from cradle to grave concern. The subsequent management measures can then focus on
could assist Chinese iron and steel industry to understand its historical the structure of iron and steel industry, and examine the effects of the
status and future options on production route transformation, capacity scenarios on supply risk reduction. The way to reduce the supply risk is
planning, scrap availability, resource and energy consumption (Wang to strengthen the control of the supply chain's optimization. We took
et al., 2014). An enhanced dynamic modeling has been devised to iron and steel industry in 2011 in Mainland China as an example; the
explore stocks and flows of buildings in China and to quantify the proposed methodology framework may also apply to other nations and
related steel cycle (Wang et al., 2015). Almost all these studies outlined regions.
above took advantage of the quantity function of flows of metals to
focus on the efficiency of substances or resources. However, supply 2. Methodological and ideological options
chain and suppliers’ risk evaluation were neglected, or at least not the
first concern in these studies. Risk analysis and risk reduction can benefit from the model which
A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, enables comparison of scenarios with different risk management
information, and resources involved in moving a product or service measures. Wu and Olson (2009) emphasized the benefit of risk
from supplier to customer. Supply chain activities involve the trans- modeling for risk control, especially the optimization of risk manage-
formation of natural resources, raw materials, and components into a ment. Our model combining SFA and risk evaluation has two advan-
final product that is delivered to the end customer. In sophisticated tages. First, the SFA screening of the most relevant factors enriched the
supply chain systems, used products may re-enter the supply chain at domain of risk reduction solutions, e.g., changing an industrial
any point where residual value is recyclable (Anna, 2006). A typical structure. Second, we estimated the risk in the fuzzy model and supply
supply chain begins with the ecological, biological, and political chain which are end-point indicators, rather than the mid-point
regulation of natural resources, followed by the human extraction of indicator which was used in most SFA studies. The factors of higher
raw material, and includes several production links before moving on risk of supply can be identified.
to several layers of storage facilities of ever-decreasing size and The proposed methodology integrating suppliers’ risk evaluation
increasingly remote geographical locations, and finally reaching the based on supply chain and SFA, for a case study of the iron and steel
consumer. There are a variety of supply chain models, which address industry in mainland China the year 2011, is to offer quick examination
both the upstream and downstream sides. Supply Chain Roadmap is a on more comprehensive risk reduction alternatives. The integration of
method where an organization's supply chain strategy can be reviewed SFA to risk evaluation is implemented in the step of data collection and
in an organized and systematic approach in order to assure alignment SFA framework formulation in following steps:
of the supply chain with the business strategy. The method is supported
in the most important and recognized theories and practices about 1. Identify the processes with iron input / outputs inputs/outputs and
supply chain strategy and business strategy (Perez, 2013). the goods containing iron.
The current economic environment is full of competition and 2. Link the processes with the substance flows according to the supply
uncertainty, all kinds of uncertain factors contain risk in the integrated chain or life cycle information.
supply chain. As the upstream supply chain enterprises, suppliers are 3. Collect the data of goods flows with corresponding Fe contents.
playing an important role. The suppliers’ risk is one of the main sources 4. Establish the substance flow models and flow charts.
of the supply chain risk, so it becomes the important issue in the 5. Disaggregate the substance flow system into three main streams.
current economic environment. Recently, as the awareness of the 6. Do the suppliers’ risk evaluation based on the Fuzzy model.
suppliers’ risk is improving, the related researches are also carried
out deeply. Some analyzed the source of the suppliers’ risk from the 2.1. Substance flow analysis (SFA)
perspective of the whole supply chain, the multilevel supplier risk index
system is provided based on the theory, the suppliers’ risk management Following the general procedures of SFA (Van der Voe, 1996; Udo
is discussed, which pointed that the way to reduce the suppliers’ risk is de Haes et al., 1997; Brunner and Rechberger, 2004; Geyer et al., 2007;
to strengthen the control of the supply chain's optimization (Sun, 2009; Huang et al., 2014), we assume that the spatial boundary is Mainland
Wu et al., 2008; Liu and Liu,2012). According to supply chain structure China considering the annual flows in year 2011. The system bound-
division, the cooperation relationships between enterprise and supplier aries are thus the geographical borders of Mainland China. By iron and
are divided into type A, type V and type T (Liu and Liu, 2012). A further steel we mean all economic iron and steel qualities, but data of all
study is done on type A. Based on the type A cooperation, the suppliers’ alloying elements are not contained in this study. The present study is
risks contain the external risk effected by natural factors and market therefore a substance flow analysis, which would only account for the
volatility factors and the internal risk effected by the change of internal Fe content of the material flows (Van der Voet, 2002; Graedel, 2002;
factors in the dynamic cooperation systems. Because the influence of Geyer et al., 2007).
factors are random and fuzzy, it is usually inaccurate for suppliers’ risk We presented the static iron flow model in two forms. The first
prediction. From this perspective, the method is used based on the model is a production network which specifies several supply chains of
likelihood of the fuzzy mathematics to study the suppliers’ risk degree, iron related products. In principle, the flows associated with a process
which will make suppliers’ risk evaluation more accurate. The general are categorized as import, export, interflow between processes, or
statistical samples can be seen as random set projection theory of single emissions that return to the environment. The second model sum-
point, fuzzy sets can be manifested as random sets and random sets of marizes the overall iron flow from a life cycle perspective. All processes

J. Liu et al. Resources Policy 51 (2017) 272–282

Fig. 1. Supply chain for iron and steel in Mainland China. Notes: This figure is modified from supply chain by Geyer et al. (2007). Inputs are shown in ovals and production processes
in square boxes; Dotted single-headed arrows denote iron losses or/and recycling from the system during product processing; Full double-headed arrows denote trade international and
overseas deals of Fe mass across the system boundary; Full single-headed arrows denote flow direction of Fe mass within the system boundary.

involving iron flow were organized according to a sequence of life cycle Geological Survey is based on official data sources and published
stages that include mining, milling, smelting, refining, fabrication and literatures.
manufacturing, use or consumption, and waste management. The
framework combining economic and environmental systems was 2.2. Supply chain modeling
investigated with relevant processes. The flows as emission crossing
the interface between two systems were surveyed as well, for a better There are a variety of supply chain models, which address both the
understanding of how China’ production chains lead to overcapacity. upstream and downstream sides. Method is applied in four steps:
We considered the industries that use raw materials containing Fe scope, understanding, evaluation, and, redesign and deployment
as well as the waste treatments that determine the destination of waste (Anna, 2006; Geyer et al., 2007; Perez, 2013).
and scrap containing Fe. The measurements were based on the total
iron flow. Each flow was the multiplication of goods flow with 2.2.1. Scope
corresponding Fe content. At present, there is some relevant steel The aim of this study is to document and analyze the production
and iron SFA databases available in Main China. However, there is and consumption of iron and steel in Mainland China since 2011. The
little information available on uncertainty for some stock and flow data. boundaries are thus the geographical borders of Mainland China. By
Compared with imports of iron ore, the proportion of export volume is iron and steel we mean all economic iron and steel qualities, i.e. we
small and can be neglected. Because of trade of final products in use or account for all alloying elements that are contained in the metal matrix.
consumption involving import and export data in different areas and
estimated average Fe content, there is not unified statistical data 2.2.2. Understanding
sources which have great difference and certain inaccuracy. We will Supply chain for iron and steel involve the transformation of
not enter the discussion of the data sources for the moment. In natural resources, raw materials, and components into a final product
addition, the losses of steel and iron products in use are derived from that is delivered to the end customer. In sophisticated supply chain
corrosion and consumptive use. In the absence of systematic, reliable systems, used products may re-enter the supply chain at any point
statistics, the losses could be excluded from consideration. where residual value is recyclable (Anna, 2006). The three process
Based on the collective judgment of the authors regarding the groups describe the domestic transformations from one material
reliability and quality of the data, high confidence data include CISA category into another, i.e. all material conversions taking place within
(China Iron And Steel Association) data, Worldsteel (World Steel Mainland China borders. They reduce the stock of input material and
Association) data, ISSB (International Steel Statistics Bureau) data, add to the stock of output material. Import and export activities, i.e. the
Chinese official (National Bureau of Statistics (China), NBS; Ministry of transportation processes across Mainland China borders for each
Land and Resources (China), MLR; General Administration of Customs material category, complete the system (Geyer et al., 2007).
(China), GAC; Ministry of Commerce (China), MOFCOM; National
Development and Reform Commission (China), NDRC) data, estimated 2.2.3. Evaluation
or validated data mainly based on official data and CISA data, and data Our model of China iron and steel production and consumption
of a similar quality from other sources. Lower confidence data include consists of three groups of transformation processes (production,
the authors’ estimated values mainly based on unofficial data sources fabrication and manufacturing, use), and four different material
such as published literatures whose data may be from specific experi- categories (iron ore, iron and steel scrap, iron and steel products, iron
mental conditions, industrial reports where the data may be affected by and steel in new final goods) (Geyer et al., 2007). Iron flow within the
economic interest or reporters’ attitude, dissertations and so on. supply chain is more complicated. It is illustrated in more detail in
However, all data in the Results have been validated by mass balancing, aggregated form in Fig. 1, which helps identify the critical processes
and most are similar to CISA or official estimates, which tend to associated with Chinese iron and steel production and consumption.
confirm our estimates for some missing data, and is in accordance with Fig. 2 shows the three production routes in some detail.
the history and present situation of the Chinese steel and iron industry.
The unknown inputs and known input were balanced with total outputs 2.2.4. Redesign and deployment
as products and emissions. Information about Fe content was gathered Informed supply chain strategies can be designed based on the
from a broad literature review (Yan, 2013; Zhang, 2014). These papers analysis that highlights the interaction between the iron and steel
choose the year 2011 as the reference so as to ensure data availability industries, its initial sources, eventual sinks and the pathways linking
and quality. Because an unpublished iron SFA report from China them. On the other hand, we also take into consideration iron and steel

J. Liu et al. Resources Policy 51 (2017) 272–282

Fig. 2. Iron and steel production routes in Mainland China. Notes: This figure is modified from production routes by Geyer et al. (2007) and Pauliuk et al. (2012). Inputs and outputs
are shown in ovals and production processes in square boxes; Full single-headed arrows denote flow direction of Fe mass across /within the system boundary.

Table 1
Supply risk appraisal index system of iron and steel industry. Chinese market now. Under this background, to some suppliers, the
worst consequence is that some management and investment funds
Classification First level indexes (Ui) Second level indexes (Ui,j) will lost, and after a certain period of funds circulation they will come
to a bad situation such as lack of money and orders, declining in sales
External risk Resource allocation (U1) Natural endowment (U1,2)
Resource allocation efficiency
and inventory increases. Thus, capital return rate and financing
(U1,2) capability are the major influence factors. Price of iron and steel may
Great depression(U2) Capital return rate (U2,1) reflect that supplier have come into financial problems which even will
Financing capability (U2,2) lead to bankruptcy. These signals are expressed by producer price
index and export price index. Supply is of great importance for iron
Internal risk Price of iron and steel(U3) Producer price index (U3,2)
Export price index (U3,2) resource management, classified into addition of new capacity and
Supply of iron and steel Addition of new capacity (U4,1) outdated capacity. Enterprise culture indicates that close cooperation
(U4) Outdated capacity (U4,2) calls for the unanimous agreement, coordination and trust. The risk of
Enterprise culture(U5) Cooperation satisfaction index
cultural differences happened in various aspects of the cooperation. So
Information sharing degree
we choose cooperation satisfaction index and information sharing
(U5,2) degree as the risk indexes. Waste treatment has become a hot topic
Waste treatment (U6) Recycling of steel (U6,1) of every country in the world now. In the upstream supply chain,
Emission reduction rate (U6,2) suppliers are obliged to fulfill policies and regulations well formulated
by the government when cooperated with the downstream partners in
Data sources: The 3rd Experience Exchanging Forum of Mining Investment 2015
successfully held in Beijing City, China on December 20th. The theme of the forum was
order to achieve the goal of utilize iron resource measurably. So the
“when to bargain-hunt in global mining industry as well as roadshow and review for main risk indexes include recycling of steel and emission reduction
mining projects” co-organized by Beijing Suntrans Language Translation Co., Ltd. and rate.
China Mining Association. According to the internal risks and external risks, select some of the
main factors for the construction of the risk index system. From the
industry in Mainland China facing the risks of export price, emergency perspective of the high probability of risk and greater loss and
plan, financing capability, outdated capacity, and excessive emission to according to the principle of the system design, we select the indexes
strengthen the control of the supply chain's optimization. that are easily measured and quantified for the suppliers. The second
level risk evaluation system should have greater adaptability in case of
2.3. Suppliers’ risk evaluation the harder work and higher cost, so it could be suitable for most cases.
In view of this, the influence factor set, U, the evaluation index system
The fuzzy model was chosen for suppliers’ risk evaluation as the consists of 6 first level and 12 s level indexes. Those aspects of my risk
following (Wu et al., 2008; Qin and Wei, 2008; Sun, 2009; Wu and assessment summarized in Table 1 are identified combined with the
Olson, 2009; Liu and Liu, 2012). current market characteristics in our economy and the internal risks
and external risks. Those aspects were decided by the 10 experts among
2.3.1. Analysis on the risk indexes deposit geology, geological exploration, metallurgy, steel industry,
From the perspective of the cooperation type, combined with the resource economics, resource management, mining investment, fi-
changes in the domestic market and development situation, some risk nance, trade, and other specialists in different areas to have an
factors are selected, which were easily ignored by us and can reflect the independent judgment, in case of its field limitation which will cause
risk. The risk factors are classified into external risks and internal risks. the risk evaluation result unreasonable. We describe a little more on
External risks consist of resource allocation and great depression, this in the following.
whereas internal risks are composed of price, supply, enterprise culture Iron ore results from particular geological conditions, and usually
and waste treatment. Generally, in addition to carry out a strict occurs in the particular location of areal structure zone or depositional
inspection and assessment about great depression, price and supply, system. No the total identified resource reserves or retained resource
some factors such as resource allocation, enterprise culture and waste reserves in scale in Mainland China has a high iron grade. There are
treatment that often be overlooked should be taken into considered. about 2000 Mt (million tonnes) of resource reserves of rich ore with an
Resource allocation is of great importance for natural endowment and iron grade of over 50%, in turn, over 53,000 Mt of resource reserves of
resource allocation efficiency. The former have been offered to support lean ore with a iron grade between 20% and 50%, and around 8000 Mt
resource allocation geologically, closely associated with present situa- of resource reserves of extremely lean ore with an iron grade of less
tion of iron resources and iron ore deposits in China. The latter is than 20%. All those indicate that the total amount of China's iron
sufficient to derive interesting resource allocation rules which ensure resource is abundant, but which have the characteristics of larger lean
that capacity of facilities and operating rates is performed by suitable ore, little mine with rich grade, complicated ore type, difficult utiliza-
iron resource. Great depression is an important phenomenon in tion on temporary. As of the end of 2011, the total identified resource

J. Liu et al. Resources Policy 51 (2017) 272–282

reserves or retained resource reserves in China come to 84,028 Mt, and conform to shadow of large number theory (Qin and Wei, 2008).
74,647 Mt, respectively (Li et al., 2012). The unoccupied retained Therefore, the fuzzy analysis method was used to have a quantitative
resource reserves from totally unoccupied ore district and partly suppliers’ risk evaluation.
occupied ore district come to 37,874 Mt, accounting for 60% of the
total retained resource reserves. Of these, unoccupied retained reserves
2019 Mt, unoccupied retained basic reserves 2602 Mt, and unoccupied Made an independent evaluation about the 12 s level
retained resources 35,272 Mt, indicating the potential for greater indexes. Adopt a hundred-mark system and have an independent
development and utilization, and mainly retained resources (Li et al., judgment according to the SFA and supply chain, economic
2012). conditions. And then normalize the predication and get the weight of
In our economy, industries produce products to supply the demand. influence factors (weighting vectors), A.
Some supply chains of iron- and steel containing products or services
have been broken, because of the overcapacity problem in China's iron
and steel industry. The recent increase in iron ore production has been Establish the evaluation model. Similarly, we adopt hundred-
driven by rapid development of the Chinese iron and steel industry. In mark system, the lower the expert marked, the lower the final
2011, China had become the world's largest producer, since iron ore evaluation value. The evaluation set, V=(V1, V2, V3, V4, V5)=(safety,
production added up to 1330 Mt, accounting for less than 50% of world good, vigilance, risk, and loss). The set of the suppliers’ evaluation are
iron ore production (MLR, 2012; NBS, 2012; Li et al., 2012); it had carried out. By means of grading matrix and a Fuzzy Casting from U to
also become the world's largest consumer, as its pig iron (or cast iron) V, the single-factor evaluation is accomplished. Using the grading
production soared to 645.79 Mt, accounting for 58.5% of world cast matrix, the initial evaluation results have been calculated into single
iron production (NBS, 2012; The Editorial Board of China Steel indexes, and then the comprehensive evaluation matrix (fuzzy
Yearbook, 2012; Worldsteel, 2012); its crude steel production evaluation matrix), R, is established. According to it, R can be found.
amounted to 684Mt, accounting for about 45.1% of world crude steel The fuzzy model of M (*, +) is used for comprehensive evaluation, fuzzy
production (Worldsteel, 2012; MLR, 2012; NBS, 2012); its crude steel comprehensive judgment, B, can be found:
consumption was 624Mt, accounting for 43% of world crude consump-
B = A*R (1)
tion (Worldsteel, 2012; The Editorial Board of China Steel Yearbook,
2012). Mainland China therefore has an increasingly important role to
play in supporting sustainable use of global iron resources, and the Results and analysis. After the entreating of judge index,
identification of potential savings in the processes of iron production, using the largest judge index as the result of judge results of
fabrication and manufacturing, consumption and recycling is an urgent corresponding remark gathering, M = max (b1,b2,…bm), that is the
task. On the other hand, the share of secondary steel production in Fuzzy synthesis evaluating conclusion.
China decreases from 25.63% in 1990 to 10.1% in 2012, against the
background that the world average level experiences a 13% rise to
29.2% in 2012 (Wang et al.,2014). Regardless the obvious reasons like
2.3.3. The risk prevention
huge production and low utilization efficiency, the imbalance between
Some theories were provided for the suppliers’ risk prevention
supply and demand should be responsible for this phenomenon.
(Salonen, 2011; Feng and Li, 2011). But most of the methods remained
Overexploitation of iron ores lead to irrational resources allocation
in the theory level which application rate is low and the applicability is
as well as iron and steel industry in Mainland China is facing the supply
limited. So it is necessary for us to study suppliers’ risk evaluation and
risks. Supply risk analysis and risk reduction are critical issues to
prevention according to the current trend and problems of social
possess a sustainable iron and steel industry. Different types of risks
development and iron and steel industrial own characteristics.
are of concern in the sustainable iron and steel industry. For example,
the environmental risk may arise from the release of hazardous
substances. The operation of advanced processes also exposes the 2.4. Strategy evaluation
workers to health risk in their workplaces. The outdated capacity
increase the risks on the supply management, caused by the structure In the final step, as interpretation, we identified the processes or
of iron and steel industry. stages with significant production routes, the substance flow network
According to these judgments, we can set up a roughly correspond- for customized risk management strategies, together with global iron
ing relationship between the ten (the different areas) and supply chain and steel industrial chains customized risk management strategies.
for iron and steel or iron cycle in Mainland China, with appropriateness These processes and stages were considered the targets to eliminate
of the methods integrating supplier’ risk evaluation based on supply supply risk. The management of iron input into downstream industries
chain and SFA. Although some aspects of the six (Ui) are not to be could also improve the system. We examined the effects of risk
derived from the results of SFA, there will be no deviation in the scores reduction for the alternatives derived from the SFA, supply chain
among the judgments. strategy and supplier’ risk evaluation and local industrial structure
analyzed for the country.
2.3.2. Establish the risk evaluation mathematical model
3. Results Application of the fuzzy model. The suppliers’ risks contain
the external risk effected by resource endowment factors and market 3.1. Iron cycle in Mainland China
volatility factors and the internal risk effected by the change of internal
factors in the dynamic cooperation systems. Because the influences of The iron cycle in the Chinese economy is illustrated in Fig. 3.
these factors are random and fuzzy, it is usually inaccurate for However, for Fig. 3, there is little information available on uncertainty
suppliers’ risk prediction. From this perspective, the method is used for some stock and flow data. I also think consideration of trade of final
based on the likelihood of the fuzzy mathematics to study the suppliers’ products would be very important for China, a country with a role of
risk degree, which will make suppliers’ risk evaluation more accurate the world factory. Actually, this is already the practice in many previous
(Liu and Liu, 2012). The general statistical samples can be seen as studies on China's steel cycle (Wang et al., 2007, 2014, 2015; Pauliuk
random set projection theory of single point, fuzzy sets can be et al., 2012). The iron content embodied in a country's import/export
manifested as random sets and random sets of fall shadow also of semi-manufactured parts and final products cannot be overlooked.

J. Liu et al. Resources Policy 51 (2017) 272–282

Fig. 3. A simplified schematic chart of a technological iron flow (units: Mt Fe/annum) (modified from Yan (2013)). Inputs are shown in square boxes; Full single-headed arrows denote
flow direction of Fe mass within or and across the system boundary. The social “stock” in the domestic steel market in late December 2011 is shown in the box of fabrication and
manufacturing, and the “stock” in the box of use refers to the ΔRs.

For this purpose, the present study explored the United Nations were 65.50 Mt, subtracting the exports and discards in production and
Commodity Trade (Comtrade) Database. Under the Standard consumption, in-use stock of iron end products must be 529.78 Mt Fe
International Trade Classification (SITC) code system with 3- to 5- content of the 595.28 Mt total available iron used in manufacturing.
digit resolution, nearly 220 categories of commodities were found to The difference between the flow and stock accumulated in the
contain iron. These trade flows were computed and aggregated into the economy called the net “implicit” stock (NIS). While the overcapacity
iron cycles (Wang et al., 2007). For example, parts and final products, can be discussed on the basis of capacity of facilities and operating
7.1Tg, exported to other regions in 2006 (Wang et al., 2007). In fact, rates of them, the NIS, 382.16 Mt (911.94–529.78 Mt) Fe content in
parts and final products consist of semi-manufactured parts and final 2011 may have some relations with China's overcapacity now runs as
products. Note that trade flows of steel products (semi-manufactured high as 300 Mt (330.69 Mt) in 2015. On the other hand, the ΔRs
parts) in Fig. 3 are 34.70 Mt, and trade flows of final products in Fig. 3 (where should rather be the change of the social stock), 529.78 Mt Fe
have been excluded from consideration. Because of trade of final content resided in use or consumption. Therefore, it is supposed that
products in use or consumption involving import and export data in the gap between the ΔRs and demand has already decreased sharply in
different areas and estimated average Fe content, there is not unified 2011.
statistical data sources which have great difference and certain Subtracting the export which was about 1/13 of the total input Fe
inaccuracy (Yan,2013; this study). We will not enter the discussion of content, the remained net input Fe content was around 411.73 Mt. The
the data sources for the moment. Compared with imports of iron ore, difference between the input and output accumulates in the economy
the proportion of export volume is small and can be neglected. Taken and is called the net addition to stock (NAS). The NAS, 42.83 Mt
together, these data indicate that it is very difficult for me to study on (411.73–368.90 Mt) of 529.78 Mt Fe content resided in use or
these trade flows of final products computed and aggregated into the consumption.
iron cycles. In addition, the losses of steel and iron products in use are However, the 368.90 Mt emission of Fe content could be released in
derived from corrosion and consumptive use. In the absence of the future. The poisonous & harmful waste and scrap containing
systematic, reliable statistics, the losses could be excluded from compounds in the environment may escape through dispersion or be
consideration. disposed of. The emission today from the system could increase the
Seen from Fig. 3, we can observe three main streams. First, iron environmental and healthy risk in the future because strong chemical.
moves along the production and consumption flow that use iron Importantly, 368.90 Mt emissions cause a huge waste of resources to
containing compounds as a resource. Second, iron moves along the the community, compared to the domestic mineral extractions of
import and export flow that brings into and out of iron containing 465.50 Mt Fe content or the total imports of 446.85 Mt Fe content in
compounds. Third, all processes also brings iron into the environment. 2011, and to our addition of new capacity of 30 Mt a year.
In the three streams, more than 905.53 Mf Fe content entered the
Chinese iron and steel production in 2011. More than 904.59 Mt of 3.2. Supply chain for iron and steel
iron ores entered the production in which imports were more than
439.09 Mt which was about 49% of the total consumption. More than 3.2.1. Production
911.94 Mt of Fe content entered the Chinese economy through mineral The first stage of production is mining and milling of the iron ores.
extraction, producing steel scrap, recycling waste and scrap and Milling produces tailings and concentrates; the concentrates are fed
importation, of which the domestic mineral extractions (465.50 Mt into smelter to produce pig iron and slag; pig iron is further refined into
Fe content) accounted for 51%, and of which the total imports crude steel with high purity. The emission in these processes will be fed
(446.85 Mt Fe content) 49% in the form of iron ore, crude steel, steel back into the stage of production to retreat and into the environment.
scrap and pig cast. In 2011, more than 34.69 Mt Fe content of steel In Mainland China, open mining and underground one were both
products were exported the foreign countries, and the output Fe found. Most were of the latter. Home mining is becoming more and
content to the environment was 368.90 Mt, in the process of the more difficult because of energy costs. The different physical properties
mining, milling, smelting, refining, fabrication, manufacturing, recy- between ore and gangue are most widely used in mineral processing so
cling. Because Fe content of domestic discard of iron end-products as to separate them. The two ore milling technologies used in Mainland

J. Liu et al. Resources Policy 51 (2017) 272–282

Table 2 purchase them for the services they provide. At this point, they enter
The original score matrix for iron and steel suppliers. the use phase, which is thus the ultimate reason for and destiny of the
different iron and steel flows through production, fabrication and
No. U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6
Judgment1 100 90 90 90 90 100 The use of steel comprises use and stock. The products in use may
Judgment 2 80 90 60 70 80 100 be assembled ones, or infrastructures to build up bigger systems. In
Judgment 3 70 90 60 75 85 90
2011, These products mainly serve in Chinese construction industry
Judgment 4 80 80 75 80 80 90
Judgment 5 100 90 80 90 80 100 (48.5%), machinery manufacturing industry (17%), automotive indus-
Judgment 6 90 85 75 85 85 95 try (7.3%), communications and transportation industry (5.2%), home
Judgment 7 85 80 80 80 80 90 appliance manufacturing industry (2.2%), shipbuilding industry
Judgment 8 85 75 65 75 85 95 (2.2%), container manufacturing industry (1.2%), hardware products
Judgment 9 80 90 60 75 85 80
industry (3.2%), electric power industry (0.6%), petrochemical indus-
Judgment 10 70 70 75 80 80 80
Average value 84 84 72 80 83 92 try(1.4%), metal packaging industry (1.2%) and the others (10%) (NBS,
Normalization 0.169 0.169 0.145 0.161 0.167 0.185 2012; The Editorial Board of China Steel Yearbook, 2012; Yan, 2013).
Of them, the structure of iron and steel consumption of Mainland
China in 2011 indicates that the most main consumers are construction
China are Froth flotation process and Magnetic separation at integrated industry (Pauliuk et al., 2012; Yan, 2013; Wang et al., 2014, 2015),
steelworks. Across milling technologies, we can collect mineral pow- accounting for 48.5% of the total final goods, followed by machinery
ders and concentrates as a furnace burden after they are sintered and manufacturing industry.
agglomerated. The pig iron production technologies used in Mainland
China are blast furnace at integrated steelworks. Blast furnaces furnace
consumes sintered iron ore and produces liquid pig iron. The two steel
production technologies used in Mainland China are blast furnace/ 3.3. Supplier’ risk evaluation
oxygen furnace and electric arc furnace (Pauliuk et al., 2012). Blast
furnaces furnace consumes sintered iron ore and produces liquid pig We take into account according to the SFA, onsite monitoring and
iron, which is transported to the oxygen furnace. In the oxygen furnace investigation and Chinese economy and expert judgment, and have an
the carbon content of the pig iron is reduced, remaining impurities are original score matrix as shown in Table 2. According to the theory of
removed and alloying elements are added scrap is added as cooling fuzzy mathematics, each index has different effect to the original score
agent since exothermic oxidation processes heat the furnace above its to some extent, so the average value should be figured out first. The
requirements. After the oxygen furnace the molten steel is refined and sum is 495 and then normalized it:
cast. Electric arc furnaces rely mainly on scrap as iron source but are A = (0.169, 0.169, 0.145, 0.161, 0.167, 0.185)
also capable of using directly reduced iron from ore as an alternative
input. Blast furnace/oxygen furnace kept the steel ratio at 87–92% all Based on A and V, the set of appraisal matrix for steelworks are
the time. The electric arc furnace was followed by secondary metallurgy shown in Table 3. According to Table 3, we obtain the set of matrix, R.
and casting and in steelmaking was about 10% of the total crude steel
production. In the past decade, lots of pig iron or molten iron was fed ⎛ 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0 ⎞
⎜ 0 0.1⎟
into EAF (electric arc furnace) and the scrap usage of EAF fluctuated ⎜
0.3 0.5 0.1

slightly (Pauliuk et al., 2012). Thus, the real scrap-EAF route share is ⎜ 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0 ⎟
much lower than the EAF production share (Wang et al., 2014). At the ⎜ 0.1 0.3 0.6 0 0 ⎟
⎜ 0 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.2 ⎟
same time, the proportion of the world electric arc furnace steelmaking ⎜ 0.2 ⎟
R=⎜ 0 0 0.2 0.6
basically remained at around 33%. It is supposed that it has a
⎜ 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 ⎟⎟
significantly contribution to the energy consumption and emissions ⎜ 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.1 0 ⎟
of carbon dioxide. ⎜ 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0 ⎟
⎜ 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1⎟
⎜ 0 0.3 0.4 0 0.1⎟⎟
3.2.2. Fabrication and manufacturing ⎜
⎝ 0 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.1⎠
Integrated steelworks, mini-mills and foundries produce the liquid
steel and iron products that fabricators transform into components, The fuzzy model of M (*, +) is used for comprehensive evaluation,
like the landing gear of airplanes or the drum of a washing machine, results can be found by Eq. (1).
which are then used in final goods manufacturing. The manufacture of
iron and steel concerns the production of semi-products and the B = (0.34, 0.52, 0.76, 0.35, 0.13)
assembling of final goods, while the flows comprise the fabrication of
steel products, the manufacture of semi-products and final goods. The
Table 3
processing products and scrap flow out of the fabrication and manu- The set of appraisal matrix for iron and steel suppliers.
facturing process as various steel products or steel and iron products,
while several home scraps/new scraps are produced such as leftover Ui Ui,j V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
materials and lathed scrap, which will be fed back into the stage of
U1 U1,2 2 3 4 1 0
production, manufacture and fabrication to retreat and into the U1,2 0 3 5 1 1
environment. Besides this there are also some old scraps or/and home U2 U2,1 3 2 3 2 0
scraps or/and waste and scrap from domestic parts and abroad which U2,2 1 3 6 0 0
U3 U3,1 0 1 3 4 2
flow into the stage of production or/and fabrication and manufactur-
U3,2 0 0 2 6 2
ing. The manufacturer assembles the semi-products (i.e., steel pro- U4 U4,1 3 4 2 1 0
ducts) from the fabricators into final goods, for example, a car, a U4,2 1 4 4 1 0
washing machine or a personal computer. U5 U5,1 2 3 3 2 0
U5,2 2 3 4 0 1
U 6 U6,1 0 3 4 2 1
3.2.3. Use U6,2 0 2 5 2 1
Final goods are manufactured to be sold to end customers who

J. Liu et al. Resources Policy 51 (2017) 272–282

4. Discussion resources allocation and great depression got a lower appraisal score,
and the internal risks consist of price of iron and steel and supply of
4.1. Iron cycle in Mainland China iron and steel got a lower appraisal score, which indicates that these
factors should be given more attention because of the higher risk
The SFA specified the emission quantities with associated sources. degree. It can be found that most experts take a vigilance attitude
In each streams, refineries, especially steelmaking contribute the most towards resource allocation efficiency in resources allocation, financing
emissions into the air, water and soil. This reveals an opportunity to capability of great depression risk and outdated capacity of supply of
significantly reduce the environmental risk. Research showed that the iron and steel risk, they take a risk attitude towards export price of
emission from refineries into the soil was higher than into the air, the China’ iron and steel industry.
major source of soil accumulation was waste management. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the factors of export
Under steady-state circulation of iron in 2011, the iron utilization price, resource allocation efficiency, financing capability and outdated
efficiency in Mainland China would be a great concern to capacity in capacity, strict inspection and prevention should be taken to these risks
future. Under steady-state iron loss in 2011, the losses in Mainland accordingly.
China will be a great concern to resource depletion in future. The
immediate consequence with wasteful resource is pollution serious. 4.4. Strategy evaluation
Under steady-state emission (368.90 Mt Fe content) in iron and steel
industry in 2011, the emission in Mainland China will be a great Informed risk management strategies can be designed based on the
concern to environmental pollutant in future. Thus, three practical above analysis that highlights the interaction among iron cycle, supply
alternatives to tackle China's the problems of iron and steel industry chain, and supplier’ risk evaluation. We also take into consideration a
could be considered. First, And adjusting the industrial structure based few much more in-depth analyses for Chinese iron cycle in the
on extending iron and steel supply chain will promote the flow of steel literature, as discussed in detail in the previous studies (Park et al.,
products and steel and iron products. Second, the recycling rates plays 2011; Pauliuk et al., 2012; Yellishetty et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014).
a very important role and the future scrap supply might not be as Below, a comprehensive picture of several strategies customized for
optimistic as some researchers’ estimations due to the possibility of major routes are assessed as illustrations (Figs. 4 and 5).
prolonging construction's lifetime (Wang et al., 2014). Third, control Firstly, control the two stages of production of crude steel and
technologies help to optimize the portfolio of emissions into another recycling of scrap iron and steel products. Sustainability of iron use
medium, changing both the paths from source to environmental media may be improved by shrinking China's mining and milling capacity.
and exposure pathway. Promote the flow of steel products and steel and iron products.
Improve steel ratio of electric arc furnaces, and use secondary resource
4.2. Supply chain for iron and steel of raw material, i.e. recycled as iron and steel waste and scrap (Fig. 4).
This would require advanced recycling technologies as manufacturers
The main problems affecting on the steel ratio for electric arc of machinery and transportation equipment would have to shift to
furnaces are steel scrap shortage and relatively high electrovalence. secondary steel as well as new capacities in secondary production
Most of Fe content of the social stock (ΔRs) basically resided in which could, however, make redundant already existing integrated
construction industry which significantly influenced on China’ iron and steel plants (Pauliuk et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2015).
steel industry supply chain. With construction of new buildings turning Secondly, changing the industrial structure based on extending iron
down and obsolescence of old buildings rolling up, the construction and steel industry supply chains. The chains characterize outsourcing,
industry will have to shift its focus to maintenance, renovation, and globalization, lean supply chain initiatives and supplier rationalization.
end-of-life management of the growingly aging building stocks (Wang Especially, it is typical of operations management for prospectors,
et al., 2015). The scrap supply in China will rise significantly in the scientists, miners, millers, smelters, refiners, fabricator, manufac-
future, meanwhile, the secondary production route share will grow turers, retailers, consumer, re-user, financial services companies, IT
sharply and exceed primary production share before or after 2050 companies, power plant, construction industry, government agencies,
depending on our options. The scrap recycling rate and construction's international traders and transnational enterprises. The organization is
lifetime play a vital role in this trend (Wang et al., 2014). This pattern highly dependent on suppliers to achieve business objectives for China’
change will be strengthened if the lifetime of buildings is elongated. It iron and steel industry and is in the core of the cooperation. This shows
also indicates that the development of the real estate industry when an idea for a cooperation relation among iron and steel enterprises,
Chinese economic environment is good directly introduces the steel financial services companies, IT companies and offshore industries,
industry capacity allocation (Sun et al., 2017). et al., which highlights the interaction among mass flow, technology
It is commonly accepted that as China strives to sustain growth, flow, business flow, business flow, capital flow (Fig. 5). On the other
supply-side reform is the latest tool to be taken from the box and hand, this shows an idea for global iron and steel industrial chains
sharpened. The existing problems in the sector have been exacerbated based on cooperation relations. Global iron resource information
in recent years by slowing growth, structural adjustments in the database and financial capital are links to iron and steel industry and
economy and policies to reduce the old capacity in the steel industry their upstream and downstream industries at home and abroad
in Mainland China. Grasping accurately these rules is the premise of (Fig. 4), which is an integrated iron and steel group corporation,
achieving market's decisive role in the resource allocating process while resulting from outsourcing, globalization, lean supply chain initiatives
giving full play to government function (Sun et al., 2017). and supplier rationalization (Fig. 5).
Therefore, redesigning and deploying China industrial structure Thirdly, take a strict inspection and prevention to these risks of
based on extending iron and steel industry supply chain is required for export price, resource allocation efficiency, financing capability and
more useful, effective, or promising supply chain's optimization. overcapacity before they happen (Figs. 4 and 5). In order to prevent
risk of export price, an integrated iron and steel group corporation –
4.3. Supplier’ risk evaluation global iron and steel industrial chains should be established (Fig. 5).
Derive interesting resource allocation rules to ensure capacity of
Because the 0.76 is the maximum value, according to the principle facilities and operating rates, performed by suitable iron resource
of maximum degree, China's iron and steel supplier’ risk degree goes to and the substance flow networks (Fig. 4). Iron and steel industry
vigilance, which means that China should alert for its supplier and should take conservative financial plan, pay attention to the accumula-
adjust risk link timely. As the same time, the external risks consist of tion of funds, reduce the liabilities and focus on cash flow, maintain

J. Liu et al. Resources Policy 51 (2017) 272–282

Fig. 4. The substance flow networks for customized risk management strategies. Compared with Fig. 3 based on Fig. 1, the figure is integrated with global iron resource information
database and financial capital. Global iron resource information database and financial capital are links to iron and steel industry and their upstream and downstream industries at home
and abroad, which is an integrated iron and steel group corporation, an “aircraft carrier” shown in Fig. 5. Notes: Inputs are shown in ovals and production processes in square boxes;
Dotted single-headed arrows denote iron losses or recycling from the system during product processing; Full double-headed arrows denote trade international and overseas deals of Fe
mass across the system boundary; Full single-headed arrows denote both flow direction of Fe mass and technology within the system boundary. They, meanwhile, stand for iron resource
information flow, business flow (product flow) and capital flow across or/and within the system boundary. Ming companies offer Fe mass flow (substance flow) and technology flow. IT
companies offer iron resource information flow base on big data. Business flow in circulation of commodities is characterized by demand driven supply chain. Financial services
companies offer capital flow.

financial flexibility. When there is a fluctuation in the market and the improve crude steel processing technology, and to enlarge the capacity
economic situation is not stable, they could operate their company and for domestic and imported waste management. As for these risks, these
cooperate with their suppliers, financial services companies which offer results show that the suitable risk management strategy varies among
capital flows, and internet companies which offer iron resource iron and steel industries according to Chinese industrial character-
information flow base on big database (Fig. 5). In the long run, to istics, together with enhance the integration of international iron and
digest the overcapacity, we also should take into consideration chan- steel industrial strength. There is no doubt that integration of iron and
ging the industrial structure based on extending iron and steel industry steel industry and internet industry, information industry, financial
supply chain, global iron and steel industrial chains, the supply-side industry, infrastructure and basic industry together with overseas
reform, together with the Belt and Road Initiative. markets is the best strategic choice in today's economic development.
We can compare the performance of each strategy by modifying the
inputs and parameters in the fuzzy model. We found that changing 4.5. Scenario analysis
existing industrial structure had the most significant risk reduction in
Mainland China, based on the above iron cycle, supply chain, and The SFA- and supply chain -integrated risk evaluation in our study
supplier’ risk evaluation. The second most effective measure is to is suitable for screening-level risk assessment and management. With a
improve steel ratio of electric arc furnaces, reduce iron loss of tailings, wide insight into China's iron and steel industries and upstream and
slags and scraps, recycle an amount of home scraps, old scraps and downstream industries, goals and strategies for risk management could
imported steel scraps, and improve the recovery rate of scrap iron and be quantitatively defined, although uncertainty exists. This approach
steel products. These also reveal that it is important for Chinese iron saves money and effort from large scale input and output monitoring.
and steel industry to shrink the milling and refining capacity, to Further dedicated surveys and risk assessments could be focused on

Fig. 5. Global iron and steel industrial chains customized risk management strategies. Notes: Cin and Cex are domestic and international financial services companies respectively; Gin-
Gex are government agency cooperation at home and abroad; IT and Database are internet and internet companies and their iron resource information database network respectively;
FM and Capital Market are a multi-level system of financial markets and their venture exploration capital market respectively. Pin and Pex are production processes of iron ore mining
and milling, pig iron smelting, crude steel refining at home and abroad respectively; Min and Mex, in turn, are fabrication and manufacturing at home and abroad respectively, Uin and U
ex, use or consumption at home and abroad respectively, Win and Wex, waste management and recycling at home and abroad respectively. Inputs are shown in square boxes; Full single-
headed arrows denote flow direction of capitals and services across or/and within the country; Full single-headed arrows with an enhanced thickness denote flow direction of Fe mass
within the country which in circulation of commodities is characterized by demand driven supply chain; Full double-headed arrows denote input and output of material or substance
flow, technology flow, information flow, business flow (product flow), capital flow and services across or/and within the country.

J. Liu et al. Resources Policy 51 (2017) 272–282

processes of potential iron circulation. evaluation. Modification of industrial activities, adjusting the industrial
The supply risks may be underestimated because part of the iron structure could be used to effectively reduce supply risk after the level
and steel stays in a stock or/and port or/and compartment stably. It of risk reduction is assessed for each strategy. Although uncertainty
requires years or decades for the Fe content to truly reach equilibrium exists in this large-scale estimation, the results highlighted the
with the other stock or/and port or/and compartments with which it is problems of iron circulation and the Chinese iron and steel industries
in contact. However, the potentially increased future risk as a result of of concern. Further strategies and effectiveness monitoring could be
past old capacity and excessive emission is noteworthy. focused on these problems and concern. This would save time and
Estimation errors could arise from a number of assumptions in our expenditure in the process of implementing national iron and steel
study. First, the estimation is based on iron cycle, supply chain, industrial supply risk monitoring. Further implications of this study
evaluation index system, which assumes that the substance flow and could contribute to the design and management of global industrial
supply chain is similar for all facilities of the iron and steel industrial systems, in terms of the industrial economics that looks into the
process. However, process designs and controlling technologies do vary interaction among industries for identifying solutions for total supply
at each facility. Another possible reason is the classification of risk management.
industrial sectors and materials. The accessible statistics regarding
iron and steel industries were based on a rough classification system Acknowledgements
that accommodates various industrial processes. In other words, the
output of an industrial category includes not only iron -and steel We would like to thank Resources Policy Editing and two anon-
-related industries but also some industries that do not contribute to ymous referees for their insightful comments. This work was partially
outdated capacity and excessive emission. Second, the degree of mass supported by China Geological Survey (Grant [2015] 05-03-05-019).
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