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“Through this Door the Seed of the Righteous Elect Enters the House of Y¢iSrael; having full
Protection of the Most High Ehyeh.”
An Ezekiel 27 Mantle


Constructive and Public Notice

Please take NOTICE and respond to the following truths:

All missions known to FNAP-E are commissions given by the Creator Ehyeh to advance HIS Kingdom of
Y’israel, through the keeping of HIS Laws, Statutes, and Commandments unto the strengthening of
Alahayam KINGDOM’s governance, in the interest of all First Nation “Ab Origine” Peoples', aka
Americans, Sovereign Nations [Y'israel] and Citizenry, found in pre-colonial Azareth, (now known as
united States of America, Republic), before the arrival of invading Colonizers;
This is lawful Notice and is sent pursuant to your promise and your institutions policy to uphold the First, Fourth, Fifth,
Sixth, Seventh, Ninth and Tenth Articles in Amendments to Constitution for the United States of America Republic, and
pursuant to your Oath, requires your written response specific to subject matter. Your failure to respond, as stipulated,
and rebut, with particularity, everything in this Notice with which you disagree, is your lawful, legal and binding
agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this Notice is true, correct, legal, lawful and binding upon
you and any agencies, entities, organizations, institutions et. al, in any court of law, without your protest or objection or
that of those who represent you. Your silence is your acquiescence to the truth and evidence of the Constructive Notice.
See: Connally v. General Construction Co., 269 U.S. 385, 391. Notification of legal responsibility is “the first essential of
due process of law”. See also: U.S. v. Tweel, 550 F.2d.297; “Silence can only be equated with fraud where there is a legal
or moral duty to speak or when an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading.”

Whereas, the Autochthon Ywvi of the Sha’Kori AyeliUdotlvsv Y′israel Tza′r′Ter Ba′Tach and the
Tonkawa of Tey'shas [Y′israel] Tza′r′Ter Ba′Tach establishment of First Nation "Aborigine" Peoples
Embassy Ba’Tach and First Nation "Aborigine" Peoples Embassy (FNAP-E), a Tza’r’Ter organization:
A declared and affirmed Tribal Embassy within the united States of America Republic (without UNITED

As established January 1, 2015, and publicly declared July 18, 2019, that the Autochthon Ywvi of the
Sha’Kori AyeliUdotlvsv [Y′israel] Tza′r′Ter Ba′Tach and the Tonkawa of Tey'shas [Y′israel] Tza′r′Ter
Ba′Tach file this “International Affidavit Constructive and Public Notice” of the creation and
establishment of the First Nation “Aborigine” Peoples Embassy Ba′Tach and the First Nation "Aborigine"
Peoples Embassy (FNAP-E), an international tribal institution established under the Autochthon Ywvi of
the Sha’Kori AyeliUdotlvsv Y′israel Tza′r′Ter Ba′Tach and the Tonkawa of Tey'shas [Y′israel] Tza′r′Ter
Ba′Tach: An Institution Owned, Created, and established EXCLUSIVE by Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, the
Alohym of Y’israel and given unto EXCLUSIVE and Perpetual Stewardship to The Autochthon Ywvi of
the Sha’Kori AyeliUdotlvsv [Y′israel] Tza′r′Ter Ba′Tach and the Tonkawa of Teyshas Tza′r′Ter Ba′Tach;
inclusive of all intellectually property, and under the EXLUSIVE and perpetual auspices of the
KiSike/KiSka of (1) Autochthon Ywvi of the Sha’Kori AyeliUdotlvsv Y′israel and (1) Tonkawa of
Tey'shas [Y′israel];

This lawful and proper “International Affidavit Constructive and Public Notice” formally initiates the
genuine efforts of the Autochthon Ywvi of the Sha’Kori AyeliUdotlvsv Y′israel Tza′r′Ter and the
Tonkawa of Tey'shas [Y′israel] Tza′r′Ter, to ensure First Nation “Ab Origine Peoples un-alien-able rights
to Self-Governance and Sustainment; thereof, via the establishment, development, implementation of
International Tribal Governance; as aligned with the Most High Ehyeh’s Kingdom laws, statutes, and


commandments, relating to First Nation Aborigine Peoples sovereign states’ and its Citizenry’s political
world views as manifested in Sovereign Tribal States institutions, et. al., including the FNAP-E, whose
core purpose is to advance, secure, and protect the interests of the First Nation “Aborigine” Peoples
sovereign Tribal States and its citizenry.

The FNAP-E founders are Ambassador Galiquogi¢ “SeaVan” Cadoche¢ Yashar¢al, KaSiKa of the
Autochthon Ywvi of the Sha¢Kori Tza′r′Ter AyeliUdotldsv Y'israel; Ambassador Mahal Jaha Netis,
KaSiKa of Tonkawa of Tey'shas Tza′r′Ter AyeliUdotldsv [Y'israel]. FNAP-E Consuls are Consular
Raanan Kaleb Yashar¢al, Consular Tani Netis, Consular Yarra Zakia Chymas Yashar¢al, Consular ROC
StoneFort Yashar¢al and Consular Ani¢Wakisa Netis.

Since 2015, FNAP-E has been actively assembled in alliance with First Nation Aborigine Tza'r'Ter
[Y'israel] in commonly known as, North America Territories, opposing ongoing violations of the
unalienable rights of First Nation “Aborigine” Peoples.

The First Nation “Aborigine” Peoples Embassy (FNAP-E) is dedicated to alliances with the International
Community to advance, secure, and protect the interests of First Nation “Aborigine” Tribal Nation States
and their Citizens.

Let it be known, there can be only one Embassy for a specific country and First Nation "Aborigine"
Peoples Embassy (FNAP-E) was officially declared on January 1, 2015; giving International Affidavit
Constructive Public Notice on July 18, 2019.

Violation fines are $500,000 per day until cured, payable in lawful united States of America Republic

Alahayam, MOST HIGH POWERS: Ehyeh, YaShaYah, Ruwach Quodesh
AyeliUdotlvsv (Nation)
Ba’Tach, (Trust)
Y′isRael, (State)
Tyeshas (Texas)
Tza’r’Ter (Tribe/Tribal)

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal – Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

Mail Correspondences to FNAP-E Address:

Ambassador – KaSiKa Galiquogi′ Sea′Van Cadoche′ Yashara′al

Ambassador– KaSiKa Mahal Jaha Netis
c/o P.O. Box 1481
Baldwin, New York 11510


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