Competency Based Iep Example

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 Education  Plan  

Student  Details  
Student  Name:  Karen Ministry  Designation  (s):   G

Grade:  Kindergarten IEP  Activation  Date:  October 2019

PEN:  10598765 IEP  Yearly  Review  October 2019
Date  of  Birth:  95/12/15 Case  Manager:   Sophia Le
Student  Support  Team:   Role:  
IST Teacher – Sophia Le

Classroom Teacher – John Atkins

Educational Assistant – Jane Wilson

Speech Language Pathologist – Stan Uster
Resource teacher – Rex Bond
Parent/Guardian  consulted   October 5, 2019

Student  Profile  
My  Interests:   √ Link FreshGrade
Karen  likes  to  like  with  water  and  beads.     :  
Karen  likes  to  explore  how  things  work.  
Karen  likes  to  play  with  blocks  and  build  towers  with  them.    
Karan  enjoys  sensory  play.    

My  Learning  Preferences:   √ Link:  FreshGrade

Karen learns best with 1:1 support and being near a teacher or parent. Karen enjoys manipulating sensory play objects, such as water and
beads. She understands simple, verbal communication. Karen learns the best when participating in known routines, such as snack time and
home time.
What  you  need  to  know  about  me:   Link FreshGrade
Karen communicates through echolalia, gestures, and limited functional speech. She works the best when she knows the routines and when she
is near the teacher or her parents. Karen likes routine and structure with firm boundaries and expectations. Karen works on an adapted program
and is working at below level grade expectations. Karen does not have a clear understanding of danger and sometimes does not react to
physical pain. Karen will sometimes run and will need to be closely supervised, especially when outside on the playground.

Core  Competencies  
My  Focus  
My  Strengths:   My  Stretches   Area  

Personal  Skills   Karen can show a sense of joy. Karen is learning to self-regulate her emotions and to calm
Personal   Karen can sometimes recognize emotions. herself down in appropriate ways when she is feeling √
Awareness   Karen responds well to verbal directives overstimulated or if she does not get her way.
Personal  Identity  

Social  Skills   Karen can communicate to others when she needs Karan is learning to share things, such as the water tray,
Communication   help. Karen also has a good relationship with the with other children. Karen is also working to increase the √
Social   adults that works with her. length of time that she spends with other children.

Intellectual  Skills   Karen enjoys learning how things work. Karen Karen is working on further developing her receptive
Critical  Thinking   can also sustain her attention during activities that language and functional expressive language. Karen needs √
Creative   she enjoys and is interested in. 1:1 support with most work tasks, as she has an intellectual
Thinking   disability. Karen is also learning her letter names and sounds
and recognizing numbers.
Support  and  
Universal   Essential  Supports  
The use of visual schedules with pictures and times First, Next, Then visual, to help with transitions
Quiet corner where children can go to when they need to have a break Requires direct daily EA support during recess and lunch breaks
to calm down
Allow for student choice in learning activities Receive SLP support once a week and service implemented by the EA.
Have fidget tools to use in the classroom, such as noise-cancelling
Allow timers to help with transitions
Plans   Date  
Safety Plan December 2019
Behaviour Support Plan January 2020
Student  Core  Competency-­Based  Goals  
I  have  authored  my  own  goals:   Yes,  with  some  support        √ Yes,  with  full  support  
Teacher/Support  Staff:   Mr. Atkins and Ms. Wilson
Goal/   With support, I can be a part of the group by

Objective:  Sharing toys and materials with others Instructional   -social stories
Strategies:   -modeling how to share and take turns when
playing with toys
-Positive reinforcement when successful
Objective:  Increasing the length of time in group activities Instructional   -Provide breaks in between group activities
Strategies:   -Positive reinforcement when successful
-Use a token economy. When she spends 5
minutes in a group activity, she can earn a
reward towards playing at the water table.

Student  Core  Competency-­Based  

I  have  authored  my  own  goals:   Yes,  with  some  support          √ Yes,  with  full  support  
Teacher/Support   Mr. Atkins and Ms. Wilson
Goal/   I can regulate my feelings and emotions by
Objective:  Identifying the feelings that I see in others Instructional   -Social stories
Strategies:   -Use examples of pictures of people’s faces
when they are feeling different emotions
-Zones of regulation to show what colour
zones other people may be in
-Direct supervision during center time,
recess, and lunch
Objective:  Using strategies to calm down when I am feeling angry Instructional   -social stories
Strategies:   -role play
-Visual menu of regulation strategies
-Zones of regulation to show what colour
zone I am in

Student  Core  Competency-­Based  

I  have  authored  my  own  goals:   Yes,  with  some  support       √ Yes,  with  full  support  
Teacher/Support   Mr. Atkins and Ms. Wilson
Goal/   I can improve my communication skills by
Objective:  Using oral language to interact with my peers Instructional   -Modeling
Strategies:   -Rehearsing expected conversations
-Support the students in the class to learn
how to respond and communicate back to
Karen when she makes an attempt at
communicating with them
Objective:  Answering “Wh” questions when given a visual scenario, Instructional   -Modeling
with support Strategies:   -Social stories
-Direct teaching of “Wh” questions using
visual supports
-Use photos or other visuals
-Connect to daily school activities, such as
during the morning meeting

Curricular  Competency/Content-­Based  Goals  

Course/Subject Language Arts Teacher/Support   Mr. Atkins and Ms. Wilson
:   Staff:  
Learning  Standard:   can create stories to deepen awareness of self, family and community by

Learning the letters and letter names and matching -Phonemic awareness
Objective:   Instructional  
them with -Poems and songs by using technology
Objective:   Learning the parts of stories Instructional   -Modeling how to create a story, such as
Strategies:   characters and setting of stories
-Using pictures and loose parts to create stories

Curricular  Competency/Content-­Based  Goals  

Course/Subject Language Arts Teacher/Support   Mr. Atkins and Ms. Wilson
:   Staff:  
Learning  Standard:   can explore the foundational concepts of print, oral and visual texts by

Learning a variety of communicative functions such -Use carrier phrases such as “I see” or “I like” to
Objective:   Instructional  
as requesting/protesting, asking and answering extend her word phrases
questions, sharing information throughout her day. -Use a variety of activities to prompt
communication temptation to encourage her to
initiate word phrases and to increase her
Objective:   Instructional  

Curricular  Competency/Content-­Based  Goals  

Course/Subject Math Teacher/Support   Mr. Atkins and Ms. Wilson
:   Staff:  
Learning  Standard:  I can communicate my mathematical thinking in different ways by

Objective:   Understanding the relationship for numbers from 0- Instructional   -Provide hands-on manipulatives
10 Strategies:   -Provide direct instruction in small group settings
Objective:   Representing whole numbers to 10 in a variety of Instructional   -Use of pictures, hands-on manipulatives
contexts Strategies:  

Karan has a diagnosis of Autism and has an intellectual disability. Karan is working on an adapted program on the above goals
in relation to the big ideas of the Kindergarten curriculum.

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