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This Contract to Sell is made and executed by :

AAA, of legal age, Filipino, single and a resident of Salvacion, Siruma, Camarines
Sur,hereinafter referred to as the SELLER;


BBB, of legal age, Filipino, single and a resident of yyy Subdivision, Naga City, hereinafter
referred to as the BUYER;


WHEREAS, the SELLER is the registered owner of a parcel of land located at Barangay ZZZZ
and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 000839 of the Registry of Deeds for the Province of
Samar containing a total area of One Hundred Fifty Thousand (150,000) SQUARE METERS, more
or less, more specifically described as follows:

Transfer Certificate of Title No. 000839:

“Lot: Lot 2-A., Psd-05-003094 (AP)

Location: Brgy. ZZZ Samar
Boundaries: SW., along line 1-2......Property of Lily Colins
NW., along line 2-3…..Lot 2-B, Bed-05-003094 (AP)
NE., along line 3-4......Cayman Bay
E., along line 4-1........ Mangrove

Beginning at a point marked ”1” on the plan being N. 61 deg. 40'E., 8262.71 from BLLM No. 1,
Cad 722-D, ZZZ Cadastre, thence;

1-2 N. 69 deg. 23'W., 81.23m.

2-3 N. 01 deg. 48'E., 391.37m.
3-4 S. 72 deg. 41'E., 60.00m.
4-5 S. 00 deg. 55'E., 401.97m.”

WHEREAS, the BUYER has offered to buy and the SELLER has agreed to sell the above
mentioned property;

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the total sum of Three Million Five Hundred
Thousand Pesos (P3,500,000.00) Philippine Currency, the SELLER agrees to sell and the BUYER
agrees to buy the aforesaid property, subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. The total consideration of Three Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P3,500,000.00),
Philippine Currency, shall be payable as follows:

1.1. The amount of One Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand (P1,750,000.00), Philippine
Currency representing fifty percent (50%) of the total consideration shall be payable upon
execution of this Contract to Sell and shall be considered part of the total contract price;

1.2 The remaining balance in the amount of One Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand
(P1,750,000.00), Philippine Currency representing the other fifty percent (50%) of the total
consideration shall be payable six (6) months after the execution of this Contract to Sell;

2. The SELLER shall deliver her posssession, rights and interests over the subject
property and all documents of title to the subject property, including but not limited to the original copy
of Transfer Certificate of Title, Tax Declaration, to the BUYER upon execution of this Contract to Sell
devoid of any personal belongings, effects, tenants and other encumbrances.

3. The SELLER shall provide the BUYER with an easement of right-of-way which would
allow access to the subject property from the public highway and vice versa, free of charge, upon the
execution of this Contract to Sell;
4. The SELLER shall execute or cause the execution of a Deed of Absolute Sale in favor
of the BUYER upon full payment of the total consideration.

5. The payment of Capital Gains Tax connected with the subsequent Deed of Absolute
Sale, shall be for the account of the SELLER.

6. Documentary Stamps Tax, Notarization Fees, Transfer Fees and other miscellaneous
expenses connected with this contract, and the subsequent Deed of Absolute Sale, shall be for the
account of the BUYER.

7. The SELLER, her agents and relatives warrant to keep the peaceful possession of the
BUYER over the subject property and to defend his rights therein against third persons or entities
who may claim otherwise.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures, this ___________
day of _______________________ 20________ at ______________________ Philippines.

_______________________ _______________________


_______________________ _______________________



___________________________ ) SS.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in ____________________________________

personally appeared:

Name Valid ID Number Date/Place Issued

AAA ______________________ ______________________

BBB ______________________ ______________________

Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and
acknowledged to me that the same are their free act and voluntary deed.

This instrument, consisting of 2 pages, including the page on which this acknowledgment is written,
has been signed on the left margin of each and every page thereof by the concerned parties and their
witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on this ______day of _____________________ at


Notary Public

Doc. No. ……..;

Page No. …….;
Book No. …….;
Series of 20____.

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