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Have you ever used any home care services (to lengthen the time at home / help stay at home) for yourself
or for someone else (senior or disabled member of your family, etc.)?


Q2. Do you think you would consider using some home care services (to lengthen the time at home / help stay
at home) for yourself or for someone else (senior or disabled member of your family, etc.) in the next 5 years?

Yes definitely
Yes maybe

Q3. How did you/would you find your service provider?

(main way)

Specialized agency
NHS / Private Health Care
Word of mouth

Other, please specify:

Q4. Which of these following services have you/would you use?

(Tick all that apply)
Life assistance
To have company / companion
Illness caring
Help to wash
Help to cook
Help to clean
Continual (24/7) help
House maintenance (For example; help paying bills)
After a stay in an hospital

Other, please specify:

None of them
Q5. If you would be looking for this kind of company, what would be the important criteria to choose a company
that provides home care assistance services?
(Please rank form to 1 to 5: 1 being the most important criteria)


Company location

Specific carer

Tailored services

24h assistance

Help in obtaining financial aid

Quality of work

Recommendation by an organisation (company or charity)

Recommendation by relatives

Recommendation from a website / previous customers of theirs

Other, please specify:

Q6. How much would you be willing to pay for this kind of services?

(in plain PHP)

Per hour

Per month

Q7. When choosing the service provider, what information would you like to know about the company?
(Tick all that apply)

Reviews from people who have personally used the provider

Code of conduct
Rules and regulation
Rules and criteria for hiring staff
Extra services
Company background check

Other, please specify:

Q8. When choosing the home care assistant, what information would you like to know about the person?
(Tick all that apply)
Reviews from people who have personally used the home care assistant
Extra skills and interests
Ethnic origin
Background check
Staff CV

Other, please specify:

I would not look for any kind of information

Q9.What sort of hiring process would you want to go through in order to feel comfortable with the choice of
the home care assistant you made?
(Tick all that apply)

Trial period
Reference check
Random house visits to check up on staff

Other, please specify:

None of the above

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