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Original Article (Pages: 3271-3281)

The Effect of Puberty Health Education based on Health Belief

Model on Health Behaviors and Preventive among Teen Boys in
Marivan, North West of Iran
Rohollah Valizadeh1, Parvaneh Taymoori2, Fayegh Yousefi3, Leila Rahimi4, *Naseh
MSc Student of Epidemiology, Student Research Committee, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia,
Iran. 2Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj,
Iran. 3Department of Psychiatry, Medicine Faculty, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran.
Department of Clinical Psychology, Marivan, Iran. 5Student Research Committee, Kurdistan University of
Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran.

Maturity and its related sexual and mental changes are one of the most important events in the life of
every individual. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of puberty health education
based on Health Belief Model on health behaviors and preventive among students boy first secondary
school in Marivan city in 2015.
Materials and Methods
This research is an experimental intervention study that was conducted in 2015. The study participants
were 64 male students of second year of first secondary school boys who were selected randomly with
cluster sampling from two schools among 12 schools in first grade of high school in the Marivan city.
Totally 32 students were selected randomly in the intervention group in the one of the schools and 32
students in the control group in the other school. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire
developed by the researchers based on the health belief model. The validity and reliability of
questionnaire was confirmed. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS version 17, Chi square,
descriptive statistics and independent t-tests.
Results showed significance differences after educational intervention in the mean scores of
awareness, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, cues to action and
performance in the intervention group (p<0.05), but there were no significant differences about
perceived barriers.
The findings of this study emphasize and describe the efficiency of educational intervention based on
health belief model in adopting the preventive and controlling behaviors in principles of maturity
health describing the maturity.
Key Words: Maturity health, Male students, Belief health Model, Marivan.

*Please cite this article as: Valizadeh R, Taymoori P, Yousefi F, Rahimi L, Ghaderi N. The Effect of Puberty
Health Education based on Health Belief Model on Health Behaviors and Preventive among Teen Boys in
Marivan, North West of Iran. Int J Pediatr 2016; 4(5): 3271-81.

*Corresponding Author:
Naseh Ghaderi, Student Research Committee, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran.
Received date Mar 23, 2016; Accepted date: Jun 22, 2016

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.8, Serial No.32, Aug 2016 3271

The effect of health education on teen boys using health belief model

1- INTRODUCTION any factor alone is not enough to explain

the complex behavior such as youth crime,
The period of adolescence is the time of
thus, the effective factors in crime of youth
emotional, cognitive, social and physical
are so varied that if it is impossible, it is
great changes. Maturity and its related
sophisticated to count all of them.
issues that individual and society are faced
Certainly, this problem does not ignore us
with them are numerous and varied (1).
to evaluate the different factors, know the
The critical period of adolescence is the
effective one of crime and analyze the
ages of 10-19 years of age that is
effect of each factor (7). In a study is
considered as a period of transition from
found that 47.9% of boys had no training
childhood to adolescence and is the
and information about issues of maturity
introduction of a unique process of
and 39.9% of them in the early stages of
physical changes that continues until the
maturity had experienced dizziness and
child becomes an independent mature be
confusion and had hatred from this stage
acceptable for society in the intellectual,
(8). Students face with special disturbances
professional and sexual different levels (2).
including anxiety, distress, eating
In Iran, according to the 2011 census, 16
syndrome, depression, substance abuse and
.5% of all population are consist of
physical symptoms. Daily stress plays a
adolescents in the age group of 10-19 year
main role in starting and maintaining a
old that approximately 52% percent of
variety of mental disorders and this has
those are boys (3). Our country with such a
been studied occasionally in the past few
huge investment requires accurate
decades and almost all researches have
planning and attention to the growth health
focused on the relationship between daily
of adolescents (4).
stress and depression. Stressful life events
The investigation of health history and can cause behavioral and psychological
needs of adolescents show that in recent damage for example depression, and have
years has been paid less attention to the a vital role in the relapse of this
health and needs of this group in disturbance (9).
comparison with child and even adults (5).
Puberty health is consisting of care and
Issues about maturity period and how to
principles that leads to promotion and
pass this period in both genders are very
maintenance of mental and physical health
important, because it has noticeable effect
in individual in this period (10).
on the social and sexual function in
Maturation and reproductive health needs
adulthood. Reproductive behaviors begin
of children, promotion of knowledge level
with the appearance of maturity, and the
and awareness of sexual and physical
feeling of independence in adolescents
changes, emotional changes, changes in
increases especially in present of parent’s
behavior and mood, physical health care,
neglect which is possible to be exposed to
proper nutrition, exercise and healthy
unhealthy behaviors such as
recreation are maturity and reproductive
communicating with bad friends and
health needs in boys (6). The lack of
criminal groups, smoking and drug abuse,
satisfaction and satiation of the adolescent
friendship with the opposite sex, unsafe
can be a base for aggression, disruption
behavior, lack of control of physical health
and mental difficulties or in reverse
and weight, improper use of the internet,
isolation and depression (11).
satellite and academic times (6). Various
effective factors are involved in the crime Adolescents between the ages of 10 and 19
of children and adolescents, also, these years are considered as a healthy group.
crimes are usually social crimes. Nevertheless, many adolescents may die
According to statement by Otto Kleinberg, because of suicide, accidents, violence,

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.8, Serial No.32, Aug 2016 3272

Valizadeh et al.

complications dealing with pregnancy and health behaviors and preventive among
other diseases that are either preventable or students boy first secondary school in
treatable. Additionally, many diseases in Marivan city, Iran, in 2015 (Figure.1).
adulthood have root in adolescence. For
example, smoking, sexually transmitted
infections such as HIV, malnutrition and
poor exercise habits, lead to illness or
premature death in life (12). There are
health behavior models to provide
beneficent methods to providers of oral
care to consider effective client-based
behavior. Thus, health behavior models is
very useful for identifying the determinant
factors of oral health behaviors to make
valid plans by health care providers and
access effective community-based
interventions (13).
The results of the study of Bronmandfar et
al., showed that more than half of the boys
about maturity signs, sexual and physical
health and psychological changes during Fig.1: Location of Marivan city, Iran
this period are unaware or have a little
information (14). Health education is the
one of the fundamental and prosperous 2- MATERIALS AND METHODS
ways of health promotion, which can play
the most important and essential role in 2-1. Study Design and Population
prevention and solution of the maturity This research is an experimental
problems. The purpose of health education intervention study that was conducted in
is the creation of positive behavior changes 2015. The study participants were 64
and help people to decide and maintain students of the second year of first
healthy behaviors (15). Health belief secondary school who were selected
model is one of the accurate and important randomly with cluster sampling from two
patterns and is used to determine the schools among 12 schools in first
relationship between health beliefs and secondary school boy in the Marivan city,
behaviors (16). This model (perceived North West of Iran. Permission to done
susceptibility and severity of a person's study was given by Sanandaj University of
understanding of the causes of the Medical Sciences Committee after ethical
perceived threat of a health condition and approval by ethical committee with code
on the other hand with regard to behavioral No. 94.119. Totally 32 students were
stimuli such as perceived benefits, selected randomly in the intervention
perceived barriers and cues to action) group in the one of the schools and 32
explains the reason of doing or not doing students in the control group in the other
of preventive health behavior by school.
individuals (17). Considering that no study
of maturity in boys has been done using 2-2. Methods
this model in Iran, this study aimed to We are used valid scientific resources
determine effect of puberty health related to adolescent period health of Boys
education based on health belief model on (18) in preparing the initial inventory with

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.8, Serial No.32, Aug 2016 3273

The effect of health education on teen boys using health belief model

regard to the health belief model. The changes in this period were presented, the
content validity was confirmed after second session was held about the beliefs,
performance of requested modifications assumptions and incorrect beliefs about
and omission of ambiguities by four health maturity and issues that may be a barrier to
education specialists and experts from health and proper behaviors and the third
Kurdistan and Gonabad universities of session, students are encouraged to be
Medical Sciences in 2015. Also, in this sensitive about the adolescent health
study in order to evaluate the reliability of behaviors (physical hygiene, avoidance of
the questionnaire, the 30 students were hazardous sexual behavior, nutrition,
asked who participated in a pilot study sports and recreation and etc.), and
from same school and grade in order to problems if they do not act in
assess the reliability of the questionnaire, future(perceived susceptibility) and depth
about the level of difficulty and their perception of complications that may be
perception of questions and after a occurred in the presence of hazardous
thorough review, the necessary reforms in behaviors in this period (perceived
the questionnaire was applied. The severity). Then in the fourth session about
reliability was calculated after collecting the benefits of proper behavior and health
the relevant data from 30 students using habits (perceived benefits) during this
internal matching and Cronbach's alpha period was discussed. Two months after
coefficient and approved by 0.81.Actually the educational intervention, post-test
the asked reformations by consultant questionnaires were distributed to both
specialist in our university applied. groups again, completed and collected by
Because of ethical considerations in this self-report.
study, permission of this study has been
2-3. Measuring Tests
received from Kurdistan University of
Medical Sciences and the necessary The data collection instrument was a
coordination has been done with the researcher made questionnaire based on the
department of education and school health belief model designed in four parts.
officials in the city of Marivan. The aim of The first part of the questionnaire was
the study was explained to students and included 15 questions about demographic
parents and their informed consent was data (such as sex, age, level of education
obtained in writing. and father’s occupation). The second part
included 20 questions about awareness
Before educational intervention, pre-test (correct response and incorrect response
questionnaire distributed among control were given a score of one and zero
and intervention group of students and respectively). The third part included 25
completed by students using self-reporting questions related to the health belief
method and collected. The intervention model, was specified with the 5-choice
group received three sessions of an hour Likert scale from strongly agree to totally
each session through lecture, group disagree including 6 questions, perceived
discussion and question-and-answer. The susceptibility (with a min score of 6 and a
booklets of health education in boys’ max score of 30), 5 questions about
maturity were delivered. Educational perceived severity (with a min of 5 and a
intervention was performed by school max score of 25), 5 questions about
health teachers and lasted two months, in perceived benefits (with a min of 5 and a
the designed educational program based on max score 25), with 6 questions about
health belief model, in the first session , perceived barriers (with a min score of 6
General Information about boys’ maturity and a max score of 30), and 3 questions
and physical, mental and emotional about cues to action with low to high range

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Valizadeh et al.

(with a min score of 3 and max of 6). The Table-1: This table showed that according
fourth part of the questionnaire, included to findings there was no significant
10 questions about performance with the difference between intervention and
5-choice Likert scale (1: always 2. often 3. control groups in terms of age, family,
sometimes 4. rarely 5. never) and how to education level of parents, mother's
scoring the questions about performance occupation and the history of failing in
was marked with a mini of 10 and max of exam, but in the father’s occupation and
50. birth order in family was observed
statistically significant relationship.
2-4. Inclusion Criteria
Findings indicated that 40.4% of students
Inclusion criteria included first-year participating in the control group and
students in high school and satisfaction to 41.4% of students participating in the
participate in the study. intervention group were 13 years old,
2-5. Exclusion Criteria 43.76% of students in the control group
and 46.88% of students in the intervention
Exclusion criteria included failure to fulfill group had families with 4 persons. First
the questionnaire correctly and completely. birth order was the most prevalent in the
2-6. Ethical Considerations intervention and control groups,
respectively (35.5% and 38.2%), 46.6% of
This study was approved by the Ethics mothers in the control group and 42.4% in
Committee of Sanandaj University of the intervention group had undergraduate
Medical Science, with code No. 94.119 education, 64.6% percent and 4.42%
and the objectives of the study were percent, education guidance. The highest
explained to all participants and all of level of education in the fathers (41.1%) in
them accepted to participate and were the control group and (39.8%) in the
assured of the confidentiality of their intervention were primary and
individual information as well as the undergraduate. Most mothers in the control
voluntary nature of participating in the group (87.5%) and the intervention group
study. (84.37%) were housekeeper. The most
2-7. Data Analyses occupation in fathers was related to
laboring, 34.37% in the control group and
Statistical analysis was carried out using
40.63% in the intervention group.
SPSS version 17, Chi square, descriptive
statistics and independent t-tests. P-value Table- 2: This table revealed that there
less than 0.05 were considered. Dependent was no significant difference in mean
variables (health belief model structures) score of health belief model (awareness,
were described as mean ± standard perceived susceptibility, perceived
deviation (SD) and independent variables severity, perceived benefits and perceived
were expressed as number of individuals barriers and cues to action) before
and percentages educational intervention between the two
groups. After the educational intervention,
3-RESULTS independent t-test showed a significant
In this study, a total of 64 subjects difference in the structure of awareness,
participated and had no attrition in the perceived susceptibility, perceived
number of subjects. Some demographic benefits, performance and cues to action
variables was studied in this study such as between the two groups. Two months after
age, gender, parents' occupation and the intervention, the paired t-test was used
parents’ education. to evaluate the efficacy of education
intervention and according the results,

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.8, Serial No.32, Aug 2016 3275

The effect of health education on teen boys using health belief model

mean score of awareness increased in the score of perceived benefits increased from
intervention group after the intervention 12.7 to 21.2 in the intervention group
from 10.5 to 17.4 and the paired t-test (P<0.001). The mean score of perceived
showed significant differences between barriers increased from 17.5 to 18.2 in the
mean scores before and after the intervention group (P<0.011) that was
intervention (P<0.001). The mean score of significant. The mean score of cues to
perceived susceptibility increased from action increased from 3.4 to 5.7 in the
17.5 to 23.7 in the intervention group intervention group (P<0.001). Also, the
(P<0.001). The mean score of perceived mean score of performance increased from
severity increased from 14.5 to 19.3 in the 27.7 to 34.8 in the intervention group
intervention group (P<0.001). The mean (P<0.026) that was not significant.

Table-1: Demographic characteristics of children in control (n=40) and interventional (n=40) groups
Group Name
Variables Intervention Control P-value
Number Percent Number Percent
13 22 68.75 20 62.5
Age (year) 14 10 31.25 12 37.5 0.209
First 15 46.88 14 43.76
Second 10 31.25 11 34.38
Birth order 0.012
Third 5 15.62 6 18.75
Forth And Higher 2 6.25 1 3.13
Employee 4 12.5 3 9.37
Self-Employed 11 31.38 13 40.63
Father Job 0.829
Worker 8 25 10 31.25
Retired 3 9.37 1 3.13
Other 6 18.75 5 15.62
Housekeeper 128 87.5 27 8403
Employee 2 6.25 2 6.25
Mother Job 0.129
Protector 0 0 1 3.13
Other 2 6.25 2 6.25
Illiterate 0 0 1 3.13
Father’s Elementary 14 43.73 9 28.13
Education 0.012
Undergraduate 11 34.38 13 40.63
High School 6 18.75 7 21.87
College 1 3.13 2 6.25
Mother’s Illiterate 0 0 0 0
Education Elementary 10 31.25 11 34.38
Undergraduate 15 46.88 14 43.76
High School 7 21.8 6 18.75
College 0 0 1 3.13

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Table-2: Comparing of mean and standard deviation of health belief model structures and the
performance of students in both intervention and control groups before and after intervention
Structures Group name Review time
Before After
Mean SD vention
Mean SD
Intervention 10.52 3.42 17.41 3.11
Knowledge Control 11.28 3.87 12.62 3.76
P-value ≥ 0.195 ≤ 0.002
Intervention 17.32 4.53 23.70 3.11
Control 16.88 4.87 17.22 3.7414.82
Perceived Susceptibility
P-value ≥ 0.225 ≤ 0.003
Intervention 14.51 4.43 19.35 5.18
Control 14.82 4.12 14.18 4.31
Perceived Severity
P-value ≥ 0.236 ≥ 0.003

Intervention 12.72 3.43 13.67 4.19

Control 12.88 3.57 19.81 4.94
Perceived Benefits
P-value ≥ 0.125 ≥ 0.001

Intervention 17.52 5.45 18.22 5.93

Perceived Barriers Control 17.74 5.53 18.13 5.91

P-value ≥0.223 ≥ 0.161

Intervention 3.48 0.49 5.71 1.11
Cues to Action
Control 3.68 0.58 3.95 0.66

P-value ≥ 0.225 ≤ 0.001

Intervention 27.72 9.86 34.84 10.81
Control 26.93 9.47 27.75 9.76

P-value ≥ 0.192 ≤ 0.002

SD: Standard deviation.

In this study, no statistically significant

difference were before the educational
intervention between the mean score of
Using specific patterns, such as the awareness in intervention and control
health belief model in educational groups, but after the intervention, the mean
programs can help to explain what needs score of awareness increased in the
to understand more about health beliefs intervention group and this increase was
and behavior (19). Due to the effective use significant. According to the results of this
of health belief model in different studies, study, Mazloomy and et al. investigated
in this study for the first time, Health the impact of the application of health
Belief Model to promote boys adolescent belief model in deciding preventive
health performed a study in Iran test that behaviors and adolescent health controller
its results confirmed the model on health in Ardakan city in 2011 (19), their results
behaviors and appropriate prevention. showed that after intervention, the average

Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.8, Serial No.32, Aug 2016 3277

The effect of health education on teen boys using health belief model

score of awareness was significant (20), Hazavehei et al. (22) and Aljasem
differences between case and control (25), but did not conform to the study of
groups and the scores of case group Mazloomy et al. (19) and Rezapur et al.
increased significantly before the (30). Before the intervention, the condition
intervention. The results of the study of of students ' perception about the benefits
Moody and et al. and also Shirzadi were of prevention of physical and mental
consonant with the results of present study damages caused by high-risk and unstable
(20, 21). The mean score of perceived behaviors of maturity was relatively weak,
susceptibility in both groups before the but using the educational intervention, the
intervention was in the same situation that status changed, and the average scores
shows those students' beliefs and increased in the intervention group and
perceptions about adolescent health issues significant difference was observed. This
were moderate. After the educational increased perceived benefits in the
intervention, the results indicated a intervention group can be related to a
significant difference between mean scores positive effect of educational intervention
of perceived susceptibility in the to convince the students about the
intervention and control groups. In other consequences of unhealthy behaviors
words, students in the intervention group prevention in maturity (such as behaviors
after the intervention, their perception of related to physical health nutrition, high
the problems and behaviors in adolescence risk sexual behaviors and masturbation, the
were higher. There are several studies that consumption of alcoholic beverages and
show the health belief model can improve tobacco, bad friends and participating in
the perceived susceptibility and therefore it their unsafe programs and entertainments).
is effective to adopt healthy behaviors. These findings matched with similar
studies of Shirzadi et al. (23) and
In the other study, Shirzadi et al.,
Mazloomy et al. (22), but not conform to
investigated about the effect of the training
the findings of study of Rezapur et al (30)
based on health belief model on the
and Robinson Whelen et al. (29).
maturity health promotion of girls
adolescent in hostels welfare centers, in Before the educational intervention, there
Tehran in 2011, results suggested that the was no significant differences between the
educational intervention have had a mean scores for perceived barriers in the
positive effect to improve the perceived two groups and after the educational
susceptibility and physical performance of intervention also, was no significant
the girls (22), as well as the findings of difference between the mean scores of
Mazloomy et al. (19), Hazavehei et al. perceived barriers in two groups which
(22), Sharifirad et al. (23) and Cheraghi et indicated a lack of the effect of educational
al. (24) confirmed the present study. intervention to eliminate barriers in safe
Before the intervention, no significant behavior in maturity. The most important
difference was between the score of findings about perceived barriers in this
perceived severity in both two groups, the study were 3 topics, first: the
students’ perception about the seriousness embarrassment of students from
of unhealthy and high risk behaviors in expressing issues and problems with
maturity period was almost the same family members, parents, teachers and
amount, but, after the educational school health trainer, second: a lack of
intervention, significant differences were correct information and the lack of the
observed in the average of scores between correct decision and being unstable in
two groups. These findings matched with behaviors, third: friendship and
the results of the study of Shirzadi et al. participation in unsafe recreational

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Valizadeh et al.

programs with bad friends. According to students improved their performance

the study of Ebrahimi and et al., the against the damage of unhealthy behavior;
average score of students' perceived these results matched with the findings of
barriers was not significant in the various internal and external studies (19,
intervention and control groups before and 20, 31, and 32).
after educational intervention (30). But the
4-1. Limitations of the study
findings of the study of Shirzadi et al. (23),
Mazloomy et al. (22) and Ebrahimikhah et The small sample size of include
al. (27) did not match with the results of studies are potential limitation of this
this study. Although before intervention, study. There is still need to further studies
there was no significant difference to access additional information about
between mean scores of cues to action in health teen boys. Another limitations of
the two groups, but after intervention, the current study, were low of the same
significant differences between both two study in this field and low of the schools
groups were observed. In this study, surveyed in marivan.
students tended to receive maturity health
education by a friends (26.2%), teachers 5. CONCLUSION
(18.9%), brother (12.9%), school health According to the findings of this study
trainers (11.2 %), school counselors can be concluded that educational
(10.3%), father (9.9%), mother (3.9%) and interventions based on health belief model,
sister (2.6 %). The results of Shirzadi et al. have positive effect on the improved
showed that girls obtained the highest perception of students (awareness,
information of adolescent health from perceived susceptibility, perceived
these resources, in order of priority, school severity, perceived benefits, cues to action
health teachers, books and visited people and performance); therefore, it is
(23). In accordance with other studies that suggested that health belief model
had been done in the field of adolescent structures should be used in designing and
health, the most important source of implementing of educational intervention
information were reported for mothers and programs including adolescent health
families (28- 29). In the other study that behaviors for boys.
was done in Egypt, 92.2 % of girls had
introduced the media as the source of The limitations of this study were the use
information about the principles of of self-report to complete the
adolescent health (30). questionnaires and evaluate the
performance of male students.
Also, the results of this study showed that Considering that the sensitivity of the
the mean scores of performance in the issue of maturity in Iran health and
intervention and control groups were not presented training had been carried out on
significantly different before the girls, so it seems to be necessary
intervention, but after intervention was researches about educational needs in
significant difference between mean scores maturity period of boys and providing the
of performance in two groups. Two essential training.
months after the intervention, the mean
scores of the intervention group were 6- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: None.
significantly higher than the control group. 7-ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
In other words, students in the intervention
The authors would like to thank the
group after the educational intervention,
financial support of Vice Chancellor for
their perception of the problems and
research and technology and also, the
behaviors in adolescence were higher, so,
cooperation of department of education of

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Int J Pediatr, Vol.4, N.8, Serial No.32, Aug 2016 3281

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