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1 Estimasi Biaya Operasional Penambangan Per Month

The Monthly Estimation of Mining Operational Cost

pengadaan alat berat

(operational)/Heavy sistem perhitungan biaya/The Counting Biaya / Unit The
no Equipment sistem/System Jumlah qty Cost System cost/unit total Biaya Total Cost keterangan Remarks

kontrak awal min 200 jam dengn harga akumulasi Rp.

720 jam hour X Biaya cost/unit = 1 jam 500.000 / Jam (30 Hari) = 720 Jam Early contract
1 Bult Dozer Carther Charter 3 Rp 360,000,000 Rp 1,080,000,000
hour = Rp.500.000 minimum 200 hours with accumulation price
Rp.500,000/hour (30 days) - 720 hours

kontrak awal min 200 jam dengn harga akumulasi Rp.

2 Excavator Carther Charter 3 720 jam hour X Biaya cost/unit = 1 jam Rp 360,000,000 Rp 1,080,000,000 500.000 / Jam (30 Hari = 720 Jam Early contract
= Rp.500.000 minimum 200 hours with accumulation price
Rp.500,000/hour (30 days) - 720 hours

3 Dump Truck Internal Carther Charter 10 kapasitas 20 ton 20 ton capacities Rp 38,000,000 Rp 380,000,000 Estimasi sewa per bulan Monthly rent estimation

4 Dump Truck external Carther Charter 10 kapasitas 24 ton 24 ton capacities Rp 40,000,000 Rp 400,000,000 Estimasi sewa per bulan Monthly rent estimation
Estimasi Produksi Production Estimation
rata2 gaji 11 jt. Sistem 24 jam =1.3 Hasil
Shift. Produksi perHari 24 JAM = ± 800 MT/DAY
gaji Bulanan Monthly @Shift = 50 orang Salary average gaji 1 Bulan akan di sesuaikan dengan bagian keahlian
5 karyawan Employee 150 80011X 25 Hari
Rp Kerja = 20.000 Rp
11,000,000 MT/Month Production result per
1,650,000,000 day 24 hours
perorangan = ± salary will be suit as per
1 month
Salary millions, 24 hour System, 3 Shift. @Shift
50 peoples 800 MT/day 800 x 25 working days = 20.000 MT/Month individual's skill

2. Harga per Mei 2017 per MT = $68 USD the price as per Mei 2017 was $68
USD per MT
Peralatan dan safety pemakaian 1 Bulan estimasi kotor 100 jt per bulan. Bruto scop, sepatu safety, sarung tangan, obat obatan,
6 Lapangan The Equipment 150 Rp 1,000,000 Rp 150,000,000 kacamata, DLL Hoe, safety shoes, gloves, medicines,
and Court Safety
Usage in 1 Month 3. Estimasi Hasil Per Bulan adalah 20.000 X 68 = $1.360.000 glasses
Eastimation 100 millions per month USD Monthly
estimation result was 20.000 x 80 = $1.360.000 USD
Estimasi kotor pemakaian BBM4. Konvesi Nilai Rupiah Adalah 13.000 per Dolar
7 BBM Solar Diesel Fuel pemakaian 1 Bulan 90000 menghabiskan 3000 liter/ hari atau
Fuel 1.360.000
Rp X 13.000 = Rp.17.680.000.000,-
8,000 Rp Rupiah kurs estimasi
720,000,000 convertion was
BBM 90 KL/Bulan Fuel estimation 90 KL/month
Usage in 1 Month Usage Bruto Estimation spend 3000
13.000 per dolar or 1.360.000 x 13.000 = Rp.17.680.000.000,-

perhitungan actual pengeluaran operational harus di

pengeluaran 1 Bulan kotor Biaya operational Perusahaan sesuaikan dengan actual per bulan The actual count of
8 operational Expenses in 1 Month 1 Bruto Cost of Operational Company Rp 500,000,000 Rp 500,000,000 operational expenses should be suit as monthly actual

Biaya Tak terduga akan Di Depositkan

acuan Pada kebutuhan Tak Terduga Dengan Penetapan
Biaya Tak terduga pengeluaran 1 Bulan untuk dan bisa di pakai bila mana di Pembukuan per 1 Minggu ( 1 Bulan 4 X) Unexpected
9 1 perlukan Unexpected Expenses will be Rp 2,000,000,000 Rp 2,000,000,000
Unexpected Expenses Expenses in 1 Month deposit and could be used when expenses should refer to Weekly Assigment Accountancy
(1 month 4 times)

Untuk 20.000 MT dikeluarkan ke KP (PT Per Ton Di bayar Tiap Bulan setelah Batubara Terjual ke
pengeluaran 1 Bulan BIC) Rp. 165.000 perMT for 20.000MT, Konsument dengan estimasi sebulan 20.000 MT @ ton
10 Comitment Fee Expenses in 1 Month 20000 cost per MT will be Rp.165,000 to KP Rp 165,000 Rp 3,300,000,000 will be paid monthly after the coal sold out to customer
(BIC Company) with estimation 20.000 MT/month


12 Jumlah Quantity Rp 11,260,000,000

2 Estimasi Sistem kerjasama dengan PT. Belayan Internasional Coal Per 10 Ha

Cooperation System Estimation with Belayan International Coal Company per 10 hectares
Prihal biaya lahan dan
no perizinan biaya per Prihal total keterangan

1 DP Advance Payment Rp 500,000,000 Rp 500,000,000 sampai keluar SPK till SPK released

Per Ton Di bayar Tiap Bulan setelah Batubara Terjual ke

Konsument dengan estimasi sebulan 20.000 MT per tonnage
2 Comitment FEE Rp 165,000 Rp 3,300,000,000 paid every month after the coal sold out to customer with
monthly estimation 20.000 MT

Jaminan Reklamasi
3 Rp 85,000,000 Rp 850,000,000 Per Ha
Stockpiles guarantee
Lahan Ganti Rugi
4 Rp 100,000,000 Rp 1,000,000,000 Per Ha (Nego)
Compensation court

7 Total Rp 5,650,000,000

NB : Perhitungan Estimasi Di lakukan jika Produksi 24 Jam. Apabila Sistem Perhitungan Berubah dalam acuan 12 jam perhari semua akan di sesuaikan mengikuti kesiapan Market.
Untuk aktual nya akan di lakukan perhitungan ulang sesuai dengan ke absahan sistem yang ada dan di ikat dalam perjanjian tertulis.
The Estimation Counting to be done if production running 24 hours. If the counting changes in 12 hours per day, everything will be followed as per Market readiness.
Actually the count will be re do, based on the exist system and will be binded in the written agreement

Volume OB 168,000 Bcm

Tonase Coal Coal Tonnage 42,000 Mt

Jarak angkut OB Rata-rata OB Transport Space Average 2,000 Meter

Jarak angkut OB Rata-rata OB Transport Space Average 5,000 Meter

Unit yang digunakan Unit which was used

Loading PC 300
Hauling DT 20T
Ripping Dozer D 8
Spreading D85ESS
General / Sloping PC 200

Asumsi Assumption
Harga Solar Fuel price 11,500 rp/ltr
Mid rate $1.21 rp/$
Material Ripping 90% dari total volume
Overhead cost 10% dari total cost
Jam Kerja per hari OB /OB working hour per day 8 jam
Jam Kerja per hari Coal/Coal working hour per day 7 jam

faktor koreksi
Prod'ty Standard Correction factor
PC 300, bcm/jam 200 0%
DT 20T, bcm/jam 60 0%
Dozer Ripping, bcm/jam 350 0%
Dozer Spreading, bcm/jam 260 0%

Estimasi Biaya OB OB Cost Estimation

Jenis Pekerjaan Type of working Volume (Bcm) Hire rate ($/jam)

Ripping dengan D 85 151,200 132.04
Loading dengan PC 300 168,000 70.34
DT 20T 168,000 39.55
Spreading dengan D 85 168,000 65.5
Bentuk Slope dengan PC 200 42,000 35.53
Sub total
Overhead cost
Cost per Bcm
Lama pengerjaan (hari) Working Duration (Day)

Estimasi Biaya coal Coal Cost Estimation

Jenis Pekerjaan Working Type Volume (Mt) Hire rate ($/jam)

Loading dengan PC 300 42,000 70.34

Hauling Coal dengan DT 20T 42,000 39.55
Sub total
Overhead cost
Cost per Mt
Lama pengerjaan (hari) Working Duration (Day)
of PIT Mining

Prod'ty Keterangan Remark


pengerjaa Waktu
n (jam) pengerjaa
Prod'ty Working Unit n (hari)
(Bcm/jam time(hour Digunakan Working Biaya cost
) ) Unit Usage time (day) ($) Biaya cost (Rp)
350 432 1 54 57,040 541,883,082.26
200 840 2 52.5 59,085 561,311,919.96
60 2,800 10 35 110,731 1,051,944,419.98
260 646 2 40.38 42,323 402,067,924.26
90 467 2 29.17 16,581 157,522,624.33
285,761 2,714,729,970.79
28,576 271,472,997.08
314,337 2,986,202,967.87
1.87 17,775.02
54 513,000.00

pengerjaa Waktu
n (jam) pengerjaa
Working Unit n (hari)
Prod'ty time(hour Digunakan Working Biaya cost
(Mt/jam) ) Unit Usage time (day) ($) Biaya cost (Rp)

153.8 273 1 39 19,203 182,426,373.99

18 2,333 6 55.56 92,276 876,620,349.98
111,479 1,059,046,723.97
11,148 105,904,672.40
122,626 1,164,951,396.37
2.92 27,736.94
56 527,777.78
DUMP TRUCK dan Perkiraan Produksinya

Pada pekerjaan pemindahan tanah mekanis dimana pemindahan tanah memerlukan jarak angkut yang cukup jauh atau dalam
Pemilihan jenis alat pengangkutan tergantung kondisi medan, volume material, waktu dan biaya.
At the soil moving mechanic it's need transport space which was far away or mobilize heavy equipments and lift up the materia

Alat angkut khusus itu adalah the special equipment was

• Wagon
• Trailer
• dan lain-lainnya. etc
Alat angkut tersebut dibuat secara khusus untuk tujuan pengangkutan yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi angkutan itu s
Transport equipment was made specially to transportation purpose as suit a its transport. At this chapter will be disc
Dalam pekerjaan konstruksi dikenal 3 macam jenis dump DUMPTRUCK. In the contruction working there 3 known
1. Side dump DUMPTRUCK (penumpahan ke samping).
2. Rear dump DUMPTRUCK (penumpahan ke belakang).
3. Rear and side dump DUMPTRUCK (penumpahan kebelakang dan kesamping).
Syarat utama agar Dump DUMPTRUCK dapat bekerja secara efektif adalah jalan kerja yang keras dan relative rata, n
the main prerequite in order to Dump Truck could work effectively was the working road which was heavy and flat, b
kondisi khusus atau “cross country ability” yaitu mampu bekarja pada jalan yang tidak biasa.
the special condition or cross country ability which means could be working at uncommon road.
Penentuan kapasitas DUMPTRUCK harus disesuaikan dengan alat pemuatnya atau Loader maupun Excavator lainny
To decide DumpTruck capacity should be suit as with either its loader or its other excavator. If the comparison was n
loader akan menunggu atau sebaliknya. Perbandingan yang dimaksud ialah perbandingan antara kapasitas muat Load
loader will be wait or in vice versa. The comparison which mentioned previously was the comparison between loader
yakni kapasitas 1 Loader dapat melayani 4 @ 5 DumpDUMPTRUCK, perbandingan ini juga akan mempengaruhi wa
it was 1 loader could be served 4@5 Dump Truck, this comparison will influence loading time.
Urutan perhitungan produktivitasnya adalah sebagai berikut Productivity Counting sequence as followed:
• Menghitung waktu siklus dari DumpDUMPTRUCK, yang meliputi Counting sequence time of Dump Truck covere
1. waktu muat, Loading time
2. waktu angkut, Transport time
3. waktu bongkar muatan, Unloading time
4. waktu untuk kembali, Returning time
5. waktu yang dibutuhkan DUMPTRUCKuntuk mengambil posisi dimuati kembali. Time for Dump Truck to take the
Waktu siklus adalah jumlah kelima waktu tersebut, yaitu the sequence time of that 5 times as followed:
Cmt = n. Cms + —- + t 1 + —- + t 2 …………………… (1)
Waktu siklus DT = waktu muat + waktu angkut + waktu buang + waktukembali + waktu tunggu/tunda.
DT sequence time = loading time + lifting time + dumping time + returning time + waiting/delaying time
dimana, Wherever,
n = ( C 1 / q 1 ) x K ……………………………… (2)
n = jumlah siklus yang diperlukan Loader untuk mengisi DumpDUMPTRUCK. N = sequence qty which was needed
C 1 = kapasitas rata-rata DumpDUMPTRUCK (m3, cuyd). C1 = average capacity for Dump Truck (m3, cuyd).
q 1 = kapasitas bucket Loader (m3). Q1 = bucket loader capacity (m3).
K = faktor bucket Loader. K = Bucket loader factor
Cms = waktu siklus Loader (menit). Cms = loader sequence time (minutes).
D = jarak angkut DumpDUMPTRUCK (m, yd). D = Dump Truck Transport Space (m, yd)
V 1 = kecepatan rata-rata DumpDUMPTRUCK bermuatan (m/min, yd/min). V1 = Average speed of Dump Truck to l
V 2 = kecepatan rata-rata DumpDUMPTRUCK kosong (m/min, yd/min). V2 = Average speed of Dump Truck empty
t 1 = waktu buang + waktu stand by sampai pembuangan mulai ((menit). T1 = Dump time + stand by time till the dum
t 2 = waktu untuk posisi pengisian dan untuk Loader mulai mengisi (menit) T2 = time to load position and loader sta
• Waktu pemuatan Loading time:
Waktu yang diperlukan Loader untuk memuat DumpDUMPTRUCK dapat dihitung sbb the time needed for loader to
Waktu muat = waktu siklus (Cms) + jumlah siklus untuk mengisi DT (n)……..……………………………….. (3
a. Waktu siklus Loader (Cms). Loader sequence time (Cms).
Waktu siklus Loader tergantung dari tipe Excavator, (crawler atau wheel) loader sequence time was depend on the typ
b. Jumlah siklus Loader untuk mengisi DumpDUMPTRUCK sampai penuh (n). B. Loader sequence quantity to load
Daya muat DumpDUMPTRUCK dapat dinyatakan dalam kapasitas volume atau berat muatan. Loading power of Dum
Kapasitas bucket dianggap kapasitas munjung atau tergantung material yang diangkut. The bucket capacity considere
Faktor bucket ditentukan oleh sifat alamiah tanah yang digali/dimuat. The bucket factor was decide by natural charac

• Waktu angkut material dan waktu kembali :

Material transport time & Returning time
Waktu angkut dan waktu kembali harus diperhitungkan dengan kondisi jalan
Transport time and returning time was counted with the road condition
yang dilalui atau keadaan jalan seperti tanahan gelinding dan/atau tahanan kelandaian.
which was going through or the road condition which turn over resistance or slope resistance.
RR maupun GR dapat dihitung sebagaimana biasanya.
RR or GR could be counted as usually.
Gambar. 5. 2. waktu siklus DUMPTRUCK.
Picture 5.2. Dump Truck sequence time
A 68

Dump Truck Production
Produksi perjam dari sejumlah DumpDUMPTRUCK yang bekerja di pekerjaan yang
Production per hour from few of Dump Truck which worked at the equal work
sama secara simultan dapat dihitung dengan rumus sebagai berikut :
continuously could be counted with the formula s followed:
C x 60 x E t

P = ———————— x M ………………………. ( 4)


C = n x q 1 x K ………………………………….. (5)

dimana, wherever

P = produksi per jam (m3/jam). P = Production per hour (m3/hour)

C = produksi per siklus. C = Production per sequence

Et = effisiensi kerja DumpDUMPTRUCK Et = Dump Truck Working Efficiency

Cmt = waktu siklus DumpDUMPTRUCK (menit). Cmt = Dump Truck sequence time

M = jumlah DumpDUMPTRUCK yang bekerja. M = Qty of Dump Truck which working

n = jumlah siklus dari Loader untuk mengisi DumpDUMPTRUCK. N = Loader sequence qty to load Dump Truck.

q 1 = kapasitas bucket (m3, cuyd). Q1 = Bucket capacity (m3, cuyd)

K = faktor bucket loader. K = loader bucket factor

Es = effisiensi kerja Loader. Es = Loader Working Efficiency

Cms = waktu siklus Loader (menit). Cms = Loader sequence time

Kombinasi kerja antara DumpDUMPTRUCK dengan Loader, Working combination between Dump Truck wih Loade

Persamaannya its equality was :

C x 60 x Et 60 x q1 x K x Es

P = ——————- x M = ————————— ……. (5. 7.)

Cmt Cms

Jika DumpDUMPTRUCK dan Loader digunakan secara bersama dalam suatu kombinasi,
if the Dump Truck and Loader were using togetehr in one combination,
maka sebaiknya kapasitas operasi DumpDUMPTRUCK sama dengan kapasitas Loader.
therefore, the capacity of Dump Truck should be the same as per Loader capacity.
Dari persamaan (5. 7.), jika hasil sebelah kiri lebih besar maka produksi Dump-
from its equality (5.7.) if the result at the left bigger therefore Dump production
DUMPTRUCK akan berlebih, begitu pula sebaliknya berarti produksi Loader yang lebih besar
will be over, in vice versa if the loader production was bigger too,
dan hal inilah yang menyebabkan waktu tunggu menjadi lebih lama.
and this caused waiting time will be long
Jumlah DumpDUMPTRUCK dan Loader yang dibutuhkan,
qty of Dump Truck & loader which needed,
Jumlah Loader dan DumpDUMPTRUCK yang sesuai dengan perhitungan dari suatu pekerjaan,
qty of Dump Truck & loader which suit as per working,
perlu ditambahkan (ekstra) guna menggantikan bila peralatan tersebut mengalami
have to be added (extra) to replace if the equipemnt encountered problem or broken.
gangguan atau rusak. Hal ini untuk mengatasi kelancaran jalannya operasi pekerjaan.
This way to make the operational working run smoothly.

Table dibawah ini akan memberikan data DUMPTRUCK atau Loader cadangan yang
This table below gave the list of Spare Dump Truck and Loader which
dibutuhkan sesuai dengan besarnya proyek yang dilaksanakan.
needed as per biggerness of the project excecuted
Sumber : Rochmanhadi, 1985.
Resources ; Rochmanhadi, 1985
5. 3. Contoh Permasalahan.
5.3. Problem sample
Suatu pekerjaan reklamasi atau penimbunan dengan menggunakan pasir urug
Reklamasi or stockpiles working with galley sand
harus dilakukan pada suatu daerah cekungan. Bahan timbunan yang didatangkan
should be done at cavity area. The stockpiles corvus which come from
dari luar proyek dengan jarak 25 km, dari jarak tersebut 5 km diantaranya harus
project outside with distance 25km, from that distance 5 km should be
melewati daerah perkotaan. Volume urugan sebesar 44.500 m3C, jalan akses ke
going through town area. The galley volume was 44.500 m3C, access road
lokasi penimbunan merupakan jalan yang diperkeras namun tidak beraspal, berarti
to the stockpile location was road which was stronger but not asphalt yet, it means
kontraktor tidak perlu memperbaiki jalan tersebut. Lama pekerjaan yang diberikan
the contractor no need to repair the road. Duration of working which was given
adalah 3 bulan atau 90 hari kalender. Pada bulan pertama terdapat 4 hari :
was 3 months or 90 days calender. At the first month there is 4 days :
Minggu dan 1 hari libur Nasional, pada bulan kedua ada 5 hari Minggu dan pada
Sunday and 1 day National holiday, and at the 2nd month tere will be 5 days Sunday and on
bulan ketiga terdapat 4 hari Minggu. Diperkirakan pada ketiga bulan tsb. akan
the 3rd month there will be 4 days Sunday. It's predicted on that 3 months there will be
terjadi hujan selama 3 hari dan 2 hari setelah hujan, jalan ke lokasi pengambilan
raining fo 3 days and 2 days after, the road to the location to take
material baru dapat dilewati oleh DumpDUMPTRUCK. Kontraktor selama hari libur tidak
the material could be going through by Dump Truck. The contractor during holidays was
diperkenankan untuk melakukan operasi, pekerjaan malam juga diperkenankan.
not permitted to do the operational, Working at night also permitted.
Jam kerja effektif per hari 8 jam.
Effective Working hour is 8 hours
Kondisi dan faktor-faktor :
The condition and factors
Faktor konversi volume untuk pasir urug : keadaan padat = 1.0
the volume convertion factor for the sand galley : solid condition = 1 : 0
keadaan lepas = 1,17
Free condition = 1.17
keadaan asli = 1,05
Original condition = 1.05
Peralatan yang digunakan :
The equipement to be used
1. Hidrolik Excavator PC 200 : Kapasitas bucket (q) = 0,70 m3B
Excavator hydraulic PC 200 : bucket capacity (q) = 0.70 m3B
Faktor bucket : 0,80 ; Faktor effisiensi :0,60
Bucket factor : 0.8, efficiancy factor : 0.60
Waktu siklus : Gali = 10 det
Sequence time : dig = 10 sec
Swing = 2 x 5 detik

Dumping = 5 detik

2. Dump DUMPTRUCK : Kapasitas Bucket = 5.00 m3L

2. Dump Truck : bucket capacity = 5.00 m3L
Faktor effisiensi : 0,80 ; Faktor bucket : 1.00
Efficiency factor : 0.8, bucket factor : 1.00
Kecepatan rata-rata – dalam kota : Isi : 20 km/jam ; kosong : 30 km/jam
Average speed in town : Volume : 20km/hour; Empty : 30km/hour
– luar kota : Isi : 40 km/jam ; kosong : 60 km/jam
Out of town : Volume : 40km/hour ; Empty : 60km/hour
Waktu siklus : Loading : 4 menit ; Dumping dan manuver : 2 menit.
Sequence time : loading : 4 minutes; Dumping and manuver : 2 minutes
A 70

3. Bulldozer : Kapasitas blade (q) : 4,38 m3B.

3. Bulldoze : Blade capacity (q) : 4.38 m3B
Faktor effisiensi : 0,60 ; Jarak dorong : 30 m.
Efficiency factor : 0.60 : push distance : 30m
Kecepatan rata-rata : Maju/dorong = 2,77 km/jam.
Average speed : forward/push = 2.77 km/hour
Mundur = 7,14 km/jam.
Retreat = 7.14 km/hour
Ganti persneling : 0,10 menit.
Transmission change : 0.10 minutes
Hitung : Analisa produksi Alat, Kebutuhan Alat dan Side Out-put.
Count : equipment production analysis, equipment necessity and Side Out - put
Jawaban Answer :

Volume pekerjaan : 44.500 m3C

Working volume : 44.500 m3C
Volume tanah asli atau yang harus digali = 44.500 m3 x 1,05 = 46.725 m3B.
Original soil volume or to be dig out = 44.500 m3 x 1.05 = 46.725 m3B
Waktu pelaksanaan = 90 hari – 4 -1 – 5 – 4 – (3 x 2) = 90 – 20 = 70 hari kerja eff.
Executed time = 90 days-4-1-5-4-(3x2) = 90-20=70 days working eff
a. Alat yang bekerja di penggalian (gali dan muat) – Excavator PC 200.
a. the equipment which work at digging (digging and loading)-Excavator PC 200.
q 1 = 0,70 m3B, K = 0,80, E = 0,60,

waktu siklus (Cm) = 10 + (2 x 5) + 5 = 25 detik.

Sequence time (Cm) = 10+(2x5)+5 = 25 sec
Produksi per siklus : q = q1 x K = 0,70 x 0,80 = 0,56 m3B
Production per sequence : q-qlxK=0.70x0.80=0.56 m3B
q x 3600 x E 0,56 x 3600 x 0,60

Produksi per jam Q = ——————– = ————————-

Production per hour Q = ——————– = ————————-
Cm 25

= 48,384 m3/jam ~ 48 m3B/jam.

=48,384 m3/hour~48 m3B/hour.
Produksi per hari = 48 m3/jam x 8 jam = 384 m3B/hari.
Production per daily = 48 m3/hourx 8 hour = 384 m3B/days
Jam kerja yang dibutuhkan = 46.725 m3B : 48 m3/jam = 973 jam
Working hour needed = 46.725 m3B : 48 m3/hour = 973 hours
Waktu kerja adalah = 70 x 8 jam = 560 jam kerja.
Working time was = 70x8 hours = 560 working hours
Sehingga Excavator yang dibutuhkan = 973 : 560 = 1,74 atau 2 unit.
Therefore excavator needed = 973:560=1.74 or 2 units
Produksi 2 buah Excavator = 384 m3B/hari x 2 = 768 m3B
Production 2 excavator = 384 m3B/day x 2 = 768 m3B
Volume Side output Pasir lepas = 768 m3 x (1,17 / 1,05) = 856 m3L.
Output side volume of free sand = 768 m3 x (1.17/1.05)=
b. Alat angkut (DumpDUMPTRUCK) :
b. Transport equipment (Dump Truck)
q = 5.0 m3L, K = 1.0, E = 0,80

waktu tempuh untuk jarak 5 km dgn kec. rata-rata – kosong : 30 km/jam

The time needed for 5km distance with average speed-empty : 30km/hour
isi : 20 km/jam
Volume : 20km/hour
waktu tempuhnya : – kosong = 5 /30 x 60 = 10 menit.
The needed time : - Empty = 5/30x60=10 minutes
Isi = 5 /20 x 60 = 15 menit.
Volume =5/20x60=15 minutes
Waktu tempuh 20 km, kec. rata-ratanya : – kosong : 60 km/jam
The needed time 20 km, average speed : - Empty : 60 km /hour
Isi : 40 km/jam
Volume : 40km/hour
Waktu tempuhnya : – kosong = 20/60 x 60 = 20 menit.
The needed time : - Empty = 20/60x60=20 minutes
Isi = 20/40 x 60 = 30 menit.
Volume =20/40x60=30 minutes
waktu siklusnya : Loading = 4 menit
Sequence time : loading = 4 minutes
Dumping & manuver = 2 menit
Dumping & manuver = 2 minutes
Kec. isi : 15 + 30 = 45 menit
Speed. Volume : 15+30=45 minutes
Kec.kosong 10 + 20 = 30 menit
Speed.Empty 10-20 = 30 minutes
Waktu siklus (Cm) = 81 menit atau 1 jam 21 menit
Sequence time (Cm) = 81 minutes or 1 hour 21 minutes
Produksi per siklus (q) = 5.0 x 1.0 = 5,00 m3
Production per sequence (q)=5.0x1.0=5,00 m3
A 71

q x 60 x E 5.0 x 60 x 0,80

Produksi per jam : Q = —————– = ——————– = 2,963 m3/jam

Production per hour : Q = —————– = ——————– = 2,963 m3/hour
Cm 81

= 3 m3/jamL
=3 m3/hourL
Produksi DumpDUMPTRUCK per hari : 3 m3/jamL x 8 = 24 m3L/hari.
Production Dump Truck per day : 3 m3/hourL x 8=24 m3L/day
Side output = 856 m3L/hari,
Jadi kebutuhan DumpDUMPTRUCK untuk melayani Excavator = 856 : 24 = 35.667
so Dump Truck necessity to serve excavator = 856:24=35.667
Dengan cadangan 2 unit, maka total DumpDUMPTRUCK yang dibutuhkan : 38 unit.
With spare 2 unit, so that the total Dump Truck needed : 38 units
c. Perataan tanah dengan Bulldozer.
c. Soil flatten with Bulldozer
q = 4,38 m3 ; E = 0,60.

Kecepatan rata-rata : – maju (F) = 2,77 km/jam = 47 m/menit

Average speed:-forward(F)=2.77 km/hour=47 m/menit
mundur (R) = 7,14 km/jam = 119 m/menit
Retreat ® =7.14 km/hour = 119 m/minutes
jarak gusur = 30 meter,
Moving distance = 30 meters
ganti persneling (z) = 0,10 menit.
Transmission change (z)= 0.10 minutes
Waktu siklus (Cm) = D/F + D/R + z = 30/47 + 30/119 + 0,10
Sequence time (Cm)=D/F+D/R+z=30/47+30/119+0.10
= 0,99 atau 1.00 menit
=0.99 or 1.00 minutes
q x 60 x E x 1,17 4,38 x 60 x 0,60 x 1,17

Produksi Bulldozer = ————————- = ———————————

Bulldozer production = ————————- = ———————————
Cm 1

= 179 m3/jam
=179 m3/hour
Produksi Bulldozer per hari = 179 x 8 = 1.352 m3
Bulldozer production per day = 179x8=1.352 m3
Jumlah Bulldozer yang dibutuhkan = 856 : 1.352 = 0,633 ~ 1 unit/hari.
Bulldozer qty needed = 856:1.352=0.633~1 unit/day
yang cukup jauh atau dalam memobilisasi alat-alat berat dan mengangkut material.

ments and lift up the material.

gan kondisi angkutan itu sendiri. Pada bab ini akan dibicarakan khusus mengenai produksi dump DUMPTRUCK.
t this chapter will be discussed specially regarding the Dump Truck Production.
n working there 3 known type of Dump Truck

g keras dan relative rata, namun kadang kala DUMPTRUCK didisain agar mampu bekerja pada
hich was heavy and flat, but sometimes Dump Truck could be designed on

maupun Excavator lainnya. Jika perbandingan tersebut tidak proporsional, maka kemungkinan
r. If the comparison was not proportioned, therefore the posibility
ntara kapasitas muat Loader dengan kapasitas DumpDUMPTRUCK, kurang lebih antara 1 : 4 @ 5 ,
omparison between loader capacity with Dump Truck capacity, approximately between 1:4@5.
a akan mempengaruhi waktu pemuatan.

e as followed:
me of Dump Truck covered:

r Dump Truck to take the loading position again.

as followed:
/delaying time

nce qty which was needed by loader to load Dump Truck.

p Truck (m3, cuyd).

speed of Dump Truck to load (m/min, yd/min)

ed of Dump Truck empty (m/min, yd/min)
+ stand by time till the dumping started (minutes)
ad position and loader start to load (minutes)

time needed for loader to load could be counted as followed:

……………………….. (3) loading time = sequence time (Cms) + sequence qty to load DT (n)………….(3)

ime was depend on the type of excavator, (crawler or wheel)

sequence quantity to load Dump Truck till full (n).
an. Loading power of Dump Truck could be stated in the volume capacity or loading weight.
bucket capacity considered as munjung capacityor depend on the material loading.
decide by natural character of soil which was dig out/loaded.
ty to load Dump Truck.

n Dump Truck wih Loader.

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