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What’s your Aim? What do you do in your free times? Who teaches you English?

What’s the time now?

Can you suggest me a good college? What should I do to improve English? Will you meet me next week?

Did you send me a msg? Have you taken admission? Could you help me please? Can you speak Arabic?

How do manage your routine? Do you join gym? Can you drive? Why don’t you go abroad?

Why do people use face book? Which phone do you have? Are you going to leave the centre?

What makes you happy/sad /angry/excited/irritated/emotional/relaxed/hyper/tense/smile/boring?

Who loves/cares/hates/irritates/helps/disturbs/encouirages/respects/demotivates/misses U the most?

How many times you offer pray? What kinds of program you watch on TV? What are you interested in?

What do like to eat/play/listen/do/have the most? Which country/games/activity/book/device you like?

How do you behave with parents/friends/children/nieghbours/classmates/teavhers/?

What do you do when you are alone/bored/tensed/angry/emotional/insecure/happy/sad/dioppointed?

Education is one of the basic needs of a human being. It is a process by which our mind
develops. In other words, it is a mental and intellectual training that helps us to meet
challenges and overcome obstacles to progress. The necessity of education is immense.
It is essential for any kind of development. It ennobles our mind and refines our
sensibility. It helps us to know how to earn well and how to spend well. It can really
remove the darkness of ignorance. It is often compared to light. The purpose of
education is to enlighten the individual and to develop his /her wrong. It helps us to
make the right choices in life and to perform our duties properly. It broadens our
outlook and promotes humanity and universal brotherhood. Thus, education promotes
understanding among people. It is only education that can help us to adopt rational
attitude. This could be used as catalyst for a change for the better. Education provides us
with the knowledge of health, sanitation and population control. It also enhances our
ability to raise crops, store food, protect the environment and carry out our social
responsibilities. That is how education can contribute towards a change for the better
SAAD: Hi ALI! Welcome back from summer vacation. Did you have a good time in Muree?

ALI: Yes, I did. there was everything I expected, and more. How about you? Did you go anywhere?

SAAD: Yes, as a matter of fact I did. I spent a week in Isb. I'm thinking about getting a job there.

ALI: Ok what are you doing now a days?

SAAD: Hmm... I'm doing my studies of O’levels also take English language classes.

ALI: What do you like best about your city?

SAAD: well Its very peaceful, so there is not lots of crowed, and there's always something new. It's historical than
modern than modern and generally residential city things are very convenient its very comfortable place to live.

ALI: what do you do in your free times?

SAAD: yeah one thing for sure , as You know I’m interested in art work, so I often make paintings!

ALI: wow that sounds good… but I for outing with my friends, OK what are your future plans?

SAAD: I think AFTER COMPLETING my initial studies I would go abroad for higher studies & I think I'd like to
marry there.

ALI: That’s very practical …. But you should return back to Pakistan your family needs you here.

SAAD: Yes I would surely come back, it’s my motherland I love more than anything & any place in the world.


SAAD, yeah it’s a part of our Emaan/faith being a Muslim we should believe in it.

ALI, can you do me a favor, I need English notes can you provide me?


ALI, When will you meet me again it was really very interesting conversation with you I really enjoyed?

SAAD. Yeah will see you very soon may be on this weekend we will have dinner together at my home.


Insist resist exist consist of encourage expect

Corporate develop expel abstain from refrain from deceive

Communicate convey compel recite govern enhance

Grammar Pattern 1: Yes/No Questions
[Note: Use the first question word in your answer!]

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question and answer out loud!

1. Do you have a pet? Yes, we do. / No, we don't.
2. Does she like to study? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
3. Did you see it? Yes, we did. / No, we didn't.
4. Can you speak English well? Yes, we can. / No, we can't.
5. Is she from here? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
6. Are you from a big city? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't.
7. Are they going to come? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
8. Will you go with us? Yes, we will. / No, we won't.
9. Were you at home last night? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't.

Conversation Practice - Ask these questions to your friends!

1. Do you speak English well? (Yes I do. / No I don't.) 2. Do you speak another language well?
3. Does your sister like pizza? (Yes she does. / No she doesn't.)
4. Does your friend like to eat pizza?
5. Do you have a brother or sister?
6. Does your father work in an office?
7. Can you play the guitar? (Yes I can. / No I can't.)
8. Can you drive a car?
9. Can your father drive a car?
10. Can you answer these questions easily?
11. Can French people speak French?
12. Is your friend a good singer? (Yes he is./Yes she is./No he isn't./No she isn't.)
13. Is today Friday?
14. Are you a good student? (Yes I am. / No I am not. / No I'm not.)
15. Are your friends tall?
16. Is your mother going to work today? (Yes, she is./No she is not./No she isn't.)
17. Is your dog big?
18. Are you going to stay home tonight? (Yes, I am. / No I am not. / No I'm not.)
19. Are you going to travel this year?
20. Will you practice all of these questions? (Yes I will. / No I won't.)
21. Will your friend help you study English?
22. Was yesterday Thursday? (Yes it was. / No it was not. / No it wasn't.)
23. Was your test difficult?
24. Were your parents from the same town or city? (Yes they were./No they weren't.)
25. Were your teachers helpful to you?

Grammar Pattern 2: W Questions

["W" word + part of "Yes/No" Question]

Model Sentence:
What languages can you speak?

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question and answer out loud!

1. What / is your name? (My name is ~ .)
2. What / can you / do well? (I can ~ very well.)
3. Where / are you from? (I am from ~ .)
4. Where / will you go / tomorrow? (I will go to ~ .)
5. When / did you / wake up / this morning? (I woke up at ~ o'clock.)
6. When is your birthday? (My birthday is in ~ .)
7. Who is your favorite singer? (My favorite singer is ~ .)
8. Who will come with us? ( ~ and ~ will come with us.)
9. Why are you studying English now? (I am studying English because ~ . )
10. Why were they so happy? (They were so happy because ~ .)

Conversation Practice - Ask these questions to your friends!

1. What do you like to do in your free time?

2. What will you eat for dinner tonight?
3. Where do you buy fruits and vegetables?
4. Where is the best place to visit in winter?
5. Who was your favorite teacher in school?
6. Who is the most popular singer in your country?
7. When was your last vacation? (My last vacation was in ~ .)
8. When do you prefer to study, in the morning or in the evening?
9. Why are you sleeping so late? (I'm sleeping so late because...)
10. Why are you walking to your school? (I'm walking because...)

Discussions - Give longer answers to these questions.

1. What is the most exciting movie you have ever seen?

2. When is the coldest weather in your hometown?
3. Where do you like to go on a warm summer's day?
4. Who do you like to talk to when you have a problem?
5. Why do you want to learn English?
Choose the correct answer.

1. I a new bike yesterday. bought
w ill be
2. If you don't hurry up now, you late for school.
w here
3. Can you tell me the station is?
w ho
4. Do you know the man is talking to your brother?
5. I haven't been on holiday 1996.
6. I don't have money.
7. I would spend my holidays in the USA if I enough money.
do not like
8. They water sports.
w orse
9. The weather today is even than yesterday.
10. How people can you see outside?
11. They were swimming in the .
w eek
12. Let's meet again next .
13. We ate breakfast and we left the house.
14. I haven't been to London three years.
am w riting
15. I a test at the moment.
16. Charles met friends at the club last night.
17. Would you like apple?
18. My sister has four .
19. Give the book.
20. He opened the box .

Check answ ers

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