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1. Which of your parents is working overseas?

___ mother
___ father
___ both

2. Who is/are the person/s taking care of you?

___ grandparents
___ aunt and uncle
___ nanny
___ Others (please specify) _____________

3. How old are you when your parent/s start working abroad?
___ 0-4
___ 5-9
___ 10-13
___ 14-17

4. What continent does the working country of your parents belong to?
___ Asia (China, Singapore, Malaysia, neighboring countries of the Philippines)
___ Europe
___ West Asia (Libya, Syria, Pakistan etc.)
___ Northern and Southern America
___ Australia

5. Through what technology or way are you able to communicate with your parents?
___ Cellphone
___ Internet (Skype, Yahoo etc.)
___ Letter
___ Others (pls. specify) ______________

6. How often do you communicate with your parents?

___ Once a day
___ Two-four times a week
___ Thrice every month
___ Others (pls. specify) ____________

7. What do you feel when your parent/s said that he/she/they will work overseas?
8. Do you miss them?
___ Yes
___ No

9. Does your legal guardian suffice the responsibilities of your parents?

___ Yes
___ No

10. To whom do you always say your problems?

___ Parents
___ Legal guardian
___ Friends

11. How do your parents let you feel that they love you?
___ They send you money
___ They call you everyday
___ Others (pls. specify) _____________

12. What is your response as of now taking in to the situation that your parents are not by
your side?
___ A feeling of rebellion
___ Studying hard
___ Always stay with your friends (Nababarkada)
___ Others (pls. specify)_____________

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