Contemporary Arts Forms: Installation Art and Performance Art

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Contemporary Arts Forms:

Installation Art and Performance Art

Installation art is a contemporary art form
that uses sculptural materials and other
media to modify the way the viewer
experiences a particular space. Usually life
size or sometimes even larger.
The installation artist’s manipulation of
space and materials has also been called
“environmental art,” “project art,” and
“temporary art.” Essentially, installation art
creates an entire sensory experience for the
viewer. Many installations are of a size and
structure that the viewer can actually walk
through them.
Performance art is a form of modern art in
which the actions of an individual or a
group at a particular place and in a
particular time constitute the work. It can
happen anywhere, at any time, or for any
length of time. It can be any situation that
involves four basic elements:
the performer’s body
a relationship between performer and
Performance art does include such activities as
theater, dance, music, pantomime, juggling, and
gymnastics. However, the term is usually reserved
for more unexpected, avantgarde, and unorthodox
activities intended to capture the audience’s

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