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Gen. Ordoñez St. Concepcion Uno, Marikina City, 1807 Philippines.

SY 2018 - 2019

We, the researchers from STEM 11-D, are conducting a research about
Difficulties and Challenges faced by STEM students in OLOPSC SY 2018-2019. In
connection with this, we aim to understand the difficulties and challenges faced by
STEM students in OLOPSC SY 2018-2019. The information gathered will be
examined and will be used for future references. Certain respondents are chosen to
answer this questionnaire since they are the focus of our study. The answer of each
respondent will be significant to our study in helping STEM students. Since the target
respondents of our study are STEM students of OLOPSC, then researchers will only
give questionnaires to Grade 11 and 12 STEM students. Accurate answers will lead to
accurate results. Information gathered will be examined only by us and will remain

After giving the questionnaires to your president, we are going to retrieve it on

_________________ so problems like misplaced or lost questionnaire would be
avoided and researchers could pass it on time to our research teacher. Thank you for
your participation in our study, it is greatly appreciated. Once the study is complete,
the result will be given if you are interested.

Sincerely yours,

Cabodil, Rad Rivera, Ivan

Researcher Researcher

Crimen, Lance Rojas, Carlo

Researcher Researcher

Lopez, Diether Sicam, Martha

Researcher Researcher

Natividad, Joaquin

Noted by:

Ms. Abiguel C. Cabarles
Practical Reseach Teacher

Title: Difficulties and Challenges faced by STEM Students in OLOPSC SY


Name (Optional):
Grade level:

Instructions: Please fill in the blanks and answer it based on your own experiences.
Your answers should be at least in two sentences.

1.) What are your problems in the specialized subjects assigned to STEM students?

2.) What are your different ways in managing time to help you in problems at school?

3.) What are your study habits to learn more effectively in school?

4.) What struggles can you resolve easily and what struggles are you having trouble
resolving in learning?

1. They are very hard. Hard to understand.
2. I don't manage it well.
3. I read a lot and study more more hard.
4. Learn more and study hard.

1. I have trouble memorizing formulas. And I hate talking infront of a lot of people.
2. Use reminders and alarms. And taking down notes.
3. Be attentive always during discussion. And study even though not in school.
4. I have struggles and I resolve it when I do time management. I often have problems
because I have no time to solve it. I have troubles in doing complicated math.

1. The effectiveness of the module
2. Prioritizing the easy until the hardest
3. I review every lessons everyday after class.
4. I think resolving issues like the lackness of time given is just easy to resolve.

1. I think I do not have any problems with the specialized subjects assigned to STEM
students. Before choosing to enroll in this strand, I am already informed that we still
have many subjects related to Math and Science. As of now, I still do not have any
problems as this years we are ore focusing more on Math. I also believe that these
subjects will help studnts to learn more not just academically but also in life.
2. I will try to rest first to have some energy to do all of it and sometimes I do not
sleep at all. I have to admit that my time management is not that ideal but at least I
accomplished all of it. I will identify first my last priority and do it later.
3. My study habits are, sometimes I make acronyms for easier memorization of terms
and deinition. Rarely, I drink coffee to stay up just to do my school works. I will do
the hard tasks first then followed by the easy ones.
4. My struggles that I can resolve easily are usually individual work as I only depend
on myself, while my struggles that I am having trouble with are usually group works
as I always wait for my groupmates to send their works then later on compile it,
sometimes they do not pass or send their works at all.

1. Chemistry about the elements and its compositions.
2. Asking help to a friend when I have a problem because they help me sometimes.
3. I just read and read.
4. Problem solving involving equations. It is because I like solving problem

1. Hard
2. Lessening activities
3. None
4. Life problem

1. I mainly have problems in Basic Calculus and General Math. It is hard to
2. By taking small work and take a break.
3. Taking down notes. Listening attentively.
4. I can resolve problems easily like time management.

1. The specialized subjects are usually confusing.
2. I usually finish the difficult one so I have no problem when the deadlines are near.
3. I just listen to classical music and read a dictionary to improve my vocabulary anf
4. Struggles that are easy are finding answers for the topic, while the difficult ones are
time management and trying to remember all at once.

1. I sometimes have a hard time with studying, especially math subjects.
2. I study at school with friends to help me study faster and understand better.
3. Studying with friends help me learn more.
4. I can understand the lessons more when learning with others. I cannot learn when I
try to study alone which makes me struggle in my academic performance.

1. Some of the lessons are not parallel to the exam.
2. I always provide planner and sticky note reminders to keep my schedule organize.
By these, it leads me to prioritize the important things I need to do.
3. Make a gaphic organizer to understand better the lesson. I listen to the teachers and
do note taking.
4. I resolve easily about my schedule and dealing with simple tasks like homeworks
and reviewers. I am haing trouble of the cooperation of my groupmates and
understand the lessons in math.
Stem 12 c

1. I don’t have any problems with my subject. I am just overcoming or exceeding my
capacity to do more.
2. I am just enjoying myself. I don’t care what would happen as long as I am going
with the flow.
3. I don’t have any study habits. If I am interested in that certain subject, I would
listen carefully.
4. I don’t have any struggles. I am

1. I find it difficult in terms of dealing with numbers. It is hard for me to solve
mathematical problems.
2. I think creating a time schedule will allow me to mange my time in terms of the
problems in school.
3. In order for me to learn more effectively, it is my habit to have a self study in
school and even in home.
4. It is hard for me to learn when a teacher conducts a discussion because I cannot
focus enough. This problem ba resolved for me by having a self study. In that way, I
tend to focus more.

1. Nothing
2. Having a time plan and doing assignments early
3. Listening instead of taking notes
4. I can easily resolve my personal problems that which could affect me learning. I’m
having trouble because of my laziness.

1. Too many works
2. I don’t manage my time.
3. I don’t study, I just listen.
4. I don’t have struggles.
1. None
2. Sleep all day
3. Read memes/post/facts/trivias about the said subject.
4. Math problems easily reporting is my problem.

1. One of the problems is that we have two maths and two sciences, and the
curriculum in this school is that they tend to give the two of them at the same sem.
2. I do schedule or organize everything to keep track on deadlines. Another one is I
spend time with friends not just studying all throughout the day to keep me
3. Study lessons before sleeping and doing advance notes for a new leson to have an
overview at the topic.
4. I can resolve easily when I am having a hard time in studying by asking for help to
another person. And I am having trouble for understanding calculations on the day it
was thought especially it is our specialized subjects.

Stem 12 d

1. Sometimes its hard to understand some of the lessons. Also it takes time for you to
memorize some of the terms.
2. Proper scheduling like you need to balance you time in many things. You need also
to rest for your body to relax.
3. Waking up early to review the lesson. Sleeping in a right time.
4. I can manage all thing even though its very complicated. That ‘s how I can manage
my school works.

1. The only problem I encountered was the fact the core subjects have better activities
than our specialized ones. We give more focus and emphasis to English subjects.
2. I depend my school works to the arrangement of subjects per day as well as setting
aside core subject activities to give way to my specialized subjects.
3. I listened to music while learning. I used online tutoring videos. I seek help from
my teachers and classmates.
4. I solve problems if they are just minor and struggle if it includes personal reasons
or school activities. On the easy ones are like misunderstanding schedules while on
the hard ones are the things like surprise commitments.

1. I could probably say that those subjects are not easy, sometimes it is hard to catch
up at once.
2. Always a lot time and follow your time table.
3. Surround yourself with people who will help and encourage you to strive more
4. I can easily cope up with changes but honestly up until now it is my struggle to
wake up early in the morning.

1. I don’t have any problems in any specialized problems in STEM strand. I literally
mean like zero.
2. Listen to music. Talk to a special person who inspires you the most.
3. Listen to music. Studying late at night because thats when my mind is active.
4. I can resolve any problem concerning studying. I can’t solve some chemistry

1. Subjects (mathematics)
2. Give yourself time to study and rest
3. Write notes make reviewers
4. Time management; also time management

1. My problems is specialized subjects are I’m having a hard time to understand the
2. Write your time table and set your priorities
3. Encourage myself to study and focus more on school.
4. I’m having a hard time to adjust my organize time.

1. Before entering academic strand, I had expectations in terms of the activities the
activities that has to do with more of Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics. Although this subjects are quite hard, I managed to handle it throughout
the school year.
2. My time management was not that strict on too unoccupied but there are things that
I need to do, such as the essential things in my daily routine. I need to lessen the after
class hang-outs and anything that may occupy the time I reserved for problems. I
always change my routines if I think it doesn’t give me enough time to manage my
3. I try to watch YouTube videos especially on subjects like General Chemistry,
General Biology, General Math and Calculus. I also take notes and not just copy the
whole visual aids provided. Since the teachers are easy to get along and approachable,
I try to reach out and ask question about the lessons I cannot cope up with.
4. There are struggles that are not easily resolved but it can be with the courage to
overcome it. Throughout the school year, I still have the struggle to focus well on
what I do, to get grade conscious, to think that it is not a competition and to get and
understand not just the lessons but the difficult situations that you’ve been through.

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