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1. This assignment contains only ONE question that is set in English.

2. Answer in English or Bahasa Malaysia. (You are encouraged to answer in English)

3. Learners are to submit assignment only in MsWord format unless specified otherwise.
Please refrain from converting text/phrases into picture format such as .gif / .jpeg /
print screen / etc.

4. Download the language version of the assignment template concerned from the
myINSPIRE for preparation and submission of your assignment. Your assignment should
be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing.

5. Your assignment should be between 3000 to 5000 words excluding references. The
number of words should be shown at the end of your assignment. Do not copy the
assignment question and instructions to your answer.

6. Submission of assignment:
a. Face-to-face Class Student:
You MUST submit a softcopy of your assignment online through myINSPIRE and a
hardcopy to your facilitator.
b. Online student:
You MUST submit a softcopy of your assignment via myINSPIRE and another
softcopy to the facilitator via e-mail.

7. You can submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

8. Your assignment must be submitted starting from 29th March 2019 until 31st March 2019.
Submission after 31st March 2019 will NOT be accepted.

9. Your assignment should be prepared individually. You should not copy another person’s
assignment. You should also not plagiarise another person’s work as your own.

10. Please take note that PENALTY will be imposed on late submission of assignment as
specified in the Registrar’s Office circular 6/2012 (Refer to Registrar’s Announcement in

11. Please ensure that you keep the RECEIPT issued upon submisson of your assignment as
proof of submission. Your assignment is considered as NOT submitted if you fail to
produce the submission receipt in any dispute arises concerning assignment submission.


This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.

You would be given feedback on the assignment before the Final Semester Examination


Warning: The submitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity check. If

plagiarism is detected, marks would be deducted as follows:

No. % Similarity Group % Marks Deduction

1 0 – 30 0
2 30.01 – 50 5
3 50.01 – 70 10
4 70.01 – 100 100

Assignments found to have similarities under any of the categories above; will not be
entitled to apply for appeal. For learners who fall into the 70.01-100 similarities group, the
access for online appeal for assignment remarking of the subject will be disabled from the
appeal options.




The purpose of this assignment is to develop learners’ ability to identify important issues
surrounding corporate social responsibility (CSR).


Malaysians prefer brands with CSR programmes, says study

About 92% of Malaysian consumers said businesses have a responsibility to do social good,
suggesting that corporate social responsibility (CSR) remains an important consideration for
Malaysian brands. In a new YouGov Omnibus research, it also stated that half of Malaysians
(52%) believe businesses have a responsibility to ensure their supply chain does not harm
the environment. Omnibus head Jake Gammon said the latest research shows that brands
are required to step up in their CSR game, not just in their products.

“In order to get ahead, brands now have to go beyond simply proving that their given
product is a cut above the rest; smart businesses looking to distinguish themselves need to
work hard to showcase their values as well,” he said.

The study suggested that CSR can be used as a strategy for winning over customers —
among the important responsibilities are to prevent environmental damage and forced
labour in the companies’ supply chains. As 52% of Malaysians believe that businesses are
responsible at preventing the environmental damage incurred in their supply chains, nearly
half (48%) of consumers believe that businesses are responsible to ensure that their supply
chain is free from damaging practices such as forced labour.

Moreover, 52% Malaysians feel that businesses should assist in upskilling community
members. The study also showed that 73% of consumers would assume a more optimistic
impression of a business that gives to charities, even if it is a small amount, while 63% of
them would recommend brands that adopt the responsibility. As a whole, almost six in 10
(or 59%) Malaysians sampled for the study feel that businesses should be doing more to
help charities in general.

Source : The Malaysian Reserve, January 4th, 2018.

a. Based on the above article, select an organisation that you are familiar with, to conduct
this study. Briefly describe the selected organisation’s background and identify the roles
or the contributions of the selected organisation in CSR.


b. Critically review at least 5 articles (journal articles or books) on CSR, and justify why CSR
is important in a business organisation.
c. Identify which level of corporate social responsibility that has been achieved by the
selected organisation. Support your answer with relevant evidence or justification.
d. Summarize CSR advantages and disadvantages (if any) towards the organisation. How
does CSR helps to enhance ethics in the selected organisation?

Assignment Format:
a. Use double space and 12-point of Times New Roman font.
b. The assignment should contain about 3000 – 5000 words (15 – 20 pages)
c. Provide reference using the American Psychological Association (APA) format
d. References should be latest (year 2015 onwards)

 Assignments should be submitted according to the due date.
 You are to submit a softcopy of your assignment online through myInspire and a
hardcopy to your facilitator.
 Plagiarism is not acceptable. If you are not sure what is meant by plagiarism, refer to
the various websites which discuss this matter, e.g.

The assignment will be graded based on both content as well as presentation. You may receive
low marks due to poor presentation, even if the content is adequate. Presentation includes
spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, continuity and transitions between
paragraphs, headings, and other mechanics of expository writing.

Part a)
- Appropriate selection of an organisation with clear background. 5 marks
- Discussion on roles / contribution towards CSR 10 marks
Part b)
- Review of 5 journal articles or books. 15 marks
- Correct justification on the importance of CSR 5 marks
Part c)
- Level of CSR identified correctly with relevant evidence and 10 marks
Part d)
- Summary of advantages and disadvantages of CSR towards the 8 marks
- Discussion on how CSR helps enhance ethics in an organisation 7 marks
 Use of APA style


 Language structure
 References

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