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Naming Acids & Bases

What is an Acid?
•  Acid: a compound that makes hydrogen
ions H+ (aq) when dissolved in water
–  i.e.: HCl (aq) → H+ (aq) + Cl- (aq)
–  Note: acids must be dissolved in water to
produce H+ ions. Look for the (aq) which means
aqueous to indicate the acid is dissolved in
–  How to identify them:
Hydrogen + a non-metal with the (aq) symbol
What is a Base?

•  Base: a compound that makes

hydroxide ions OH- (aq) when dissolved in
–  i.e. NaOH (aq) → Na+ (aq) + OH- (aq)

–  How to identify them:

Metal + hydroxide ion (OH) with the (aq)
Naming Bases

•  Easy! Name the cation followed by the anion

(hydroxide) with the ending –ide (just like
we’ve been doing all along with ionic
•  You will know that it is a base if you see the
•  i.e. NaOH (aq)
–  sodium hydroxide
•  i.e. Ca(OH)2 (aq)
–  calcium hydroxide
Try It!
Name the following base:

1.  KOH (aq)

potassium hydroxide
Naming Acids with A Non-Metal
(simple anions)
•  i.e. HCl (aq)
•  You will know to name this as an acid
because of the (aq)
1.  Write “hydro-”
2.  Add the name of the non-metal (shortened,
with the ending “-ic”) i.e. chloric
3.  Add the second word “acid”
HCl (aq) = hydrochloric acid
Try It!
•  Name the following acids:
–  HF (aq)
•  hydrofluoric acid
–  HBr (aq)
•  hydrobromic acid
–  HI (aq)
•  hydroiodic acid
Naming Acids with Polyatomic Ions

•  The first part of the name is the name of the

polyatomic ion which is shortened . One of
two endings are added to this name.
–  - ic if the anion name ends in - ate.
–  - ous if the anion name ends in - ite.
•  The last part of the name is acid
•  i.e. HNO3(aq) (nitrate ion) = nitric acid
•  i.e. HNO2(aq) (nitrite ion) = nitrous acid
Try It!
•  Name the following acids:
•  H2CO3 (aq)
–  carbonic acid
•  H2SO4 (aq)
–  sulfuric acid (sulfate ion)
•  H2SO3 (aq)
–  sulfurous acid (sulfite ion)
Name to Formula
•  Determine the anion present from the name:
–  “hydro” in the name means H plus a non-metal
–  “-ic” or “-ous” means H plus a polyatomic ion
•  The cation (positive ion) is always H +
•  Write down the formulas of the two ions. Draw the table to
see which subscripts to add:
•  i.e. sulfuric acid
•  sulfuric ------> sulfate --------> SO4 2-
•  acid -------> hydrogen --------> H 1+
•  H SO4
•  1+ 2-

– Formula -------> H2SO4 (aq)

Try It!
•  Write the formula for:
phosphoric acid
Anion = phosphate PO43-, Cation = H 1+
1+ 3-

Formula: H3PO4(aq)

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