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1. What is Equality of Humanity?

The Equality of humanity in Indonesian is “Kesetaraan Kemanusiaan”.
The Equality of humanity is when all persons are held to be of equal rank, undifferentiated, and
there is no discrimination against certain side.

2. Topic
a. Facts
 Differentiated
People are diffrentiated by ethnicity or religion
and the treatment is also different.

 Discrimnation
Certain side are often blamed for everything
that is not their fault.

 Not Equal
Certain side get privileges simply because
of their job, ethnicity, or religion.

b. Main Problem
There is no Equality of Humanity in Indonesia.

c. Solutions
 We have to “wake up” to know that one of the biggest problem in Indonesia is Equality of
 Change our own mindset that all people are equal and must have a same treatment.
 We have to make our mindset becomes reality. Because there is a lot of people who need
 Government should moving to end this problem.
Citizens must support the government.
 Keep the Equality of Humanity still standing in our country to help a lot of people.

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