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25, 1988

fracture zones as were found in holes H 12, H 12A, and H13 1987), engineers, and geologists working on the design of sur-
(Fig. 2). However, at shallow depths there seems to be a more face and subsurface storage and containment facilities.
frequent occurrence of singular fractures and very thin fracture
zones. Figure 4 shows the seismic-reflection profile for this Acknowledgements
site. The reflections seen on this profile suggest the possibility We wish to thank Don Steeples and the University of Kansas
of three to five poorly developed fracture zones at less than for their help in collecting and reducing the seismic data.
0.10 s double travel time, but the lack of velocity data does not
allow a correlation. B. A , , STEEPLES,
M. A. 1987. Shallow seismic reflection study of an
unconfined acquifer during a pumping test. Ground Water, 25(6):
Conclusions 703 -709.
At the two sites investigated, the shallow seismic-reflection MAYNE, W. H. 1962. Common reflection point horizontal data stack-
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by Santa Cruz (UCSC) on 10/22/14

technique has been shown to be a useful tool for locating or ing techniques. Geophysics, 27(6), pt. 2: 927 -938.
NICHOLS, T. C., JR.,and COLLINS, D. S. 1986. In situ and laboratory
indicating near-surface fracture zones, as well as their extent geotechnical tests in the Pierre Shale near Hayes, South Dakota.
and geometry in a relatively homogeneous rock such as the United States Geological Survey, Open-file 86-152.
Pierre Shale in South Dakota. Not only are the fracture zones NICHOLS, T. C., JR.,COLLINS, D. S., and DAVIDSON, R. R. 1986.
accurately located, but also the dip, extent, thickness, and In situ and laboratory geotechnical tests of the Pierre Shale near
nature of the beds are reasonably well determined. Such infor- Hayes, South Dakota-A characterization of engineering behavior.
mation is extremely useful to hydrologists (Birkelo et al. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 23: 181 - 194.
For personal use only.

Cyclic behaviour of plate anchors

Department of Civil Engineering and Building Science, University of Edinburgh, The Kings Buildings, Edinburgh
EH9 3JL, Scotland

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Glasgow, Rankine Building, Glasgow GI2 8LT, Scotland
Received April 9, 1987
Accepted December 10, 1987

This note describes a series of tests canied out on plate anchors embedded in a normally consolidated cohesive soil and
subjected to long-term cyclic loads. The principle parameters in the cyclic testing were the mean load and the cyclic amplitude
of load about the mean. The tests demonstrated that the anchors did not fail when load cycled up to 50 20% of the drained
ultimate pull-out capacity, with the anchor displacements being associated with the buildup and dissipation of pore pressure.
With recycling, the level of loading without failure could be increased to 70 f 20% of the drained capacity.
Key words: anchors, cycling, clay.
Cet article dCcrit une sCrie d'essais effectuCs sur des plaques d'ancrage enfouies dans un sol coherent normalement
consolidC, et assujetties i des charges cycliques i long terme. Les principaux paramktres des essais cycliques Ctaient la charge
moyenne et l'amplitude d'oscillation de la charge autour de la moyenne. Les essais ont dCmontrC que la rupture n'etait pas
atteinte lorsque la charge oscillait jusqu'a 50 20% de la resistance i l'arrachement ultime drainCe, alors que les dCplace-
ments Ctaient favorisCs par la gCnCration et la dissipation de la pression interstitielle. Au cours d'un nouveau chargement
cyclique, le niveau de chargement pouvait &tre accru jusqu'i 70 + 20% de la rbsistance drainCe sans que la rupture se
Mots clgs : ancrages, chargement cyclique, argile.
[Traduit par la revue]

Can. Geotech. J. 25, 374-381 (1988)

Introduction necessitated the introduction of new technology into offshore

Until the mid-1970's, nearly all offshore structures were engineering, in particular the use of tension foundations for
supported on the seabed through large gravity bases or bearing offshore platforms. This interest had led to research effort into
piles. The need for cheaper and alternative designs and the the uncertain aspects of tension foundations, such as the long-
progress of oil and gas exploration to deeper waters have term holding capacity of the tension foundation; the model
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FIG. 1. Schematic layout of consolidation tank.

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study described in this note is such an investigation for loading, whether static or cyclic, is influenced by the excess
bearing-type anchors. Anchors have been used extensively pore-water pressures mobilized in the soil. In cohesionless
onshore and have proved successful for many applications, soils, these excess pore pressures are dissipated within a short
such as tethering transmission towers or providing resistance to time, and do not significantly affect the long-term cyclic
compression pile testing. The designs have been found to be behaviour of the anchor. In cohesive soil where the coefficient
satisfactory through the combination of the use of high factors of permeability is much smaller, the excess pore pressures are
of safety and full-scale in situ testing. While this has been ade- sustained for a longer time, resulting in different behaviour
quate for onshore work, extensions of the applications of the patterns for short- and long-term cyclic loading.
bearing type of anchor to offshore environments necessitate a The test results given here describe an experimental model
further appraisal of the design techniques, for four main investigation carried out by Ponniah (1984) into the long-term
reasons: cyclic loading of plate anchors.
(i) The magnitude and durations of the fluctuating or cyclic
loads are higher than those catered for on land.
(ii) The serviceable life of the anchor may extend up to 30 Test facility and programme
years in harsh environments. Each anchor test was carried out in kaolin consolidated from
(iii) Remedial measures or repair are more difficult. a slurry in a tank 300 mm in diameter and 600 mm high. A
(iv) The effects of failure can be catastrophic, particularly in consolidation pressure of 690 kPa was applied by a pressure
terms of human life. bag with drainage from each end of the tank as shown in Fig. 1,
The loads that may be expected to be applied to an anchor by resulting in a normally consolidated cohesive soil with an aver-
the buoyant superstructure are a sustained pull or tension and a age undrained shear strength of 180 kPa.
superimposed fluctuating load. This fluctuating or cyclic load The physical properties of the soil, Speswhite Kaolin, were
is due to the rocking and bobbing motion of the superstructure specific gravity, 2.62; % finer than 2 p , 60; activity, 0.45;
caused by the motion of the wind and waves past it. Under plastic limit, 36%; liquid limit, 63%. The kaolin was slurried
storm conditions, these loads are significant, and may lead to at a moisture content of about 1.75 times the liquid limit, and
failure of the anchors. after consolidation to 690 kPa, was measured to have a mois-
In the onshore environment, anchors have been extensively ture content of 37% at almost 100% saturation.
used with confidence, owing to the ability to obtain good soil From triaxial tests conducted on 38 mm diameter, 76 rnrn
data for design and the possibility of in situ anchor tests, with long samples of the consolidated kaolin, the effective friction
relatively simple remedial measures if required. In contrast, in angle was measured to be 2 1". From oedometer consolidation
an offshore application, the anchor-a critical component of tests the coefficients of permeability were observed to decrease
the structure throughout its use-is designed on less certain soil with decreasing void ratio, and were measured to be decreas-
information and any unexpected behaviour is either extremely ing from 4 x to 2 x 10-lomls for a corresponding reduc-
costly to remedy or even catastrophic. Hence the relevance and tion in void ratio from 1.70 to 1.05.
importance of this anchor study. Before consolidation was initiated, a 50 mm diameter by
The interaction of the anchor and the soil, and the resulting 3 mm thick disc anchor connected to a 9.5 mm shaft was plac-
restraint, is a function of the anchor type, the soil, and the type ed in the slurry such that at the end of consolidation the anchor
of loading. The response of anchors to the two types of would have a depth-to-diameter ratio of 4.5. At the end of the
376 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 25, 1988



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FIG. 2. Schematic layout for load-controlled anchor tests.

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1. Summary of cyclic tests

Mean Amplitude Displacement
Cycling sequence (%) (%) No. of cycles (mm)
First cycling

Recycling from zero load 30 +5 480, 385 0.89

30 +10 618, 867 1.94
30 +20 839, 079 2.89
Recycling, load maintained 50 + 10 131, 887 1.25
50 + 15 241, 361 0.82

*To failure.

consolidation stage the top of the anchor shaft was offered up given in columns 2 and 3 of Table 1, are expressed as a per-
to the loading arrangement in readiness for the start of the test. centage of 3600 N, which had been measured as the drained
The consolidation pressure was maintained throughout the failure load of an identical plate anchor. This drained failure
loading of the anchors. load was used because the load cycling was to be applied over
A schematic layout for the anchor tests is shown in Fig. 2. a considerable period of time and would therefore be related to
With the arrangement shown it was possible to vary the type of the long-term or drained capacity of the anchor.
loading, static or cyclic, and also the magnitude and period of The subsidiary parameter examined in this study was the
the cyclic load. For the present test series a sinusoidal cycle effect of the sequence of load cycling on the anchor displace-
with a 10 s period was used. The principal parameters in the ment. The three particular aspects of this were first cycling-
cyclic testing of the anchors were the mean load and the cyclic where no previous load cycle had taken place; recycling-
amplitude of load about this mean. The mean and amplitude, where a sequence of cycling was repeated, with the same mean
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378 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 25, 1988
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I 3 10 3o 100 300 103 ~ 0 3104 ~ 0 4 105

TIME (mini

FIG. 5. Displacements due to creep.

and amplitude of load, with a period of unloading of at least was applied for 24 h before cycling, and these tests have been
24 h between the sequences; and precycling-where a designated as "recycling, load maintained" in Table 1. Pre-
sequence of cycling was terminated and then restarted, with a cycling was also camed at mean loads of 50 and 70%.
higher mean load and (or) a higher amplitude.
In the case of first cycling, or in the absence of previous Cyclic test results
cycling, 30 and 50% mean loads were used. At the 30% mean The anchors were tested at varying mean loads and at differ-
load, three amplitudes of loading, 5, 10, and 20% were ent amplitudes and the test results are summarized in Table 1.
applied. At the 50% mean load, the three amplitudes applied These tests enabled a comparison to be made of the effects of a
were 10, 15, and 20%. Recycling was canied out at mean number of parameters, which are discussed below.
loads of 30 and 50%, and with two different starting condi-
tions. The first condition was one in which the anchor was sub- Effect of cyclic mean and amplitude
jected to the mean load and immediately cycled, and these tests The effect of the load amplitude, ranging between 5 and
have been designated as "recycling from zero load" in 20%, on the displacements was examined for two mean loads,
Table 1. The second condition was one in which the mean load namely 30 and 50%, and is shown in Figs. 3 and 4 respec-
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FIG. 6. Effect of mean, at 10% amplitude.

FIG. 7. Effect of recycling, at 30% mean.

CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 2 5 , 1988

- -
- -
4- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

-: -
3- -
C -
- -
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- -
-2- -
- -
- a -* -
- -
- -
1 - R E C Y C L I N G AT 50 ? l o % -.
- 0

- @-- -
- r..~O.---O----~-.-O..---.,.---O..-O-~o - -J -re-ocr
- -
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10 I O* lo3 lo4 lo5 lo6


FIG. 8. Effect of recycling, at 50% mean

FIG. 9. Effect of precycling.

tively. The creep displacements corresponding to the peak drainage. In summary, the displacements during the cyclic
cyclic stresses are also shown. It is apparent from this figure loading of an anchor are due to the buildup and dissipation of
that the displacements are made up of creep and cyclic compo- pore pressures, and anchor failure occurs if the buildup of pore
nents. pressure is greater than the dissipation, within each load cycle.
The displacements due to creep were obtained from "main-
tained" load tests where the anchor displacements were moni- Effect of recycling and precycling
tored as a function of time for each corresponding increment of Subsequent to the initial sequence of cycling, the anchors
load, and are shown in Fig. 5. The part of the plot that is linear were unloaded and subjected to further sequences, either at the
and increasing with log of time is considered to be due to same mean and amplitude-termed recycling-or at increased
creep. mean and (or) amplitude-termed precycling. Figures 7 and 8
There appear to be three parts to the cyclic displacement, show the effect of recycling, comparing the initial cycling with
the second sequence for the mean loads of 30 and 50% respec-
and in the absence of other information, the following explana-
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by Santa Cruz (UCSC) on 10/22/14

tion is offered for these tests. In the first part, up to about 1000 tively. In Fig. 7 , the second sequence of cycling was applied
cycles, the displacements are due to the consolidation of the without the load being maintained at the mean level of 30%.
surrounding soil caused by the extra loading on the anchor. As The displacements are observed to be greater because the loads
associated with the initial consolidation are higher.
such the magnitude of this displacement is governed by the
In Fig. 8, the displacements during recycling are consider-
total load, that is, the sum of the mean and the amplitude, and
ably less than those in the first cycling. When the cycling is
is illustrated in Fig. 6 where increasing the total load from
30 f 10% to 50 f 10% increased the initial displacement stopped, all excess pore pressures are dissipated, with a stif-
fening of the soil. Thus, on reapplication of an equal load the
from 1 to 2 mm.
In the second part, beyond about 1000 cycles, equilibrium is displacements would be less.
reached between the buildup of excess pore pressure caused by In the test that failed on first cycling, the anchor was cycled
external loads and the dissipation of this pore pressure into the at 50 f 20% and failure occurred after about 40 000 cycles.
Precycling of the same anchor under the same mean load and
surrounding soil, within each cycle of loading. Associated
with this dissipation per cycle, are small consolidation dis- amplitude showed no failure and its behaviour is shown in
placements, which, over a period of time, add up to give the Fig. 9 in comparison with the first-cycled failed anchor. This,
again, is due to stiffening of the soil due to precycling.
For personal use only.

displacement-time relationship. These part-two displace-

Because of precycling, the peak cyclic loads could be increased
ments are dependent on the amplitude and to a lesser extent on
the mean. In Fig. 6 , despite increasing the mean load from 30 up to 90% of the static capacity before failure occurred, as
shown in Fig. 9 for 70 f 20%.
to 50% at 10% amplitude, the displacements are similar, for
Thus it is observed that recycling and precycling improves
the range 10'-lo6 cycles, whereas in Figs. 3 and 4 , it is
the ability of the anchor to cany loads.
shown that increasing the load amplitudes from 5 to 20%
resulted in increased displacements for the corresponding
numbers of cycles. Conclusions
The third part of the displacement occurs only when failure The tests demonstrated that the anchors did not fail when
is reached, as in the test at 50 f 20% when displacements per cycled up to 50 f 20% of the static capacity. When cycling
cycle begin to increase with each load cycle. In this part the was stopped and restarted, as with periods of relative calm
buildup of excess pore pressure in a cycle of load is greater between storms in an offshore situation, the anchors were safe
than the dissipation, and hence with each application of load up to 70 f 20% of their static capacity.
cycle the excess pore pressures become cumulatively larger
and the corresponding effective stresses smaller until failure ANDERSON,
K. H. 1976a. Behaviour of clay subjected to undrained
occurs. cyclic loading. Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, No. 114.
Cyclic testing of triaxial samples under stress levels and 19766. Effect of cyclic loading on clay behaviour. Norwegian
Geotechnical Institute, No. 113.
drainage similar to those in the anchor would help in confirm- CHANG, C. S. 1982. Residual undrained deformation from cyclic
ing the above behaviour. Information on the cyclic testing of loading. ASCE Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division,
triaxial samples has been either for purely undrained condi- 108(GT4): 637 -646.
tions (Anderson 1976a; Chang 1982) or for drainage permitted PONNIAH, D. A. 1984. Behaviour of plate anchors in cohesive soils
between sequences of undrained loading (Anderson 19763) under static and cyclic loads. Ph.D. thesis, University of Glasgow,
rather than on the cyclic loading of a sample with continuous Glasgow, Scotland.

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