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San Fabian, Pangasinan

Name: __________________________________________________________________Section: ___________________
Score: __________


Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.

________ 1. It refers to the totality of what man has learned as a member of society.
a. Sociology b. Anthropology c. Culture d. Psychology
________ 2. These consist of tangible things such as technological tools, architectural, structures, fashion and accessories,
And food.
a. Material culture c. Non-material culture
b. Basic culture d. Commercial culture
________ 3. It is the perception of individuals to accepted reality.
a. Outlook b. Beliefs c. knowledge d. Folkways
________ 4. These are customary patterns of everyday life that specify what is socially correct and proper in everyday life.
a. Mores b. Norms c. Folkways d. Laws
________ 5. The totality of social organization which includes the social structure and system.
a. Tribe b. Community c. Society d. Nation
________ 6. It refers to the stable pattern or configuration of social relationships and social interactions in society.
a. Social structure c. Social system
b. Social reality d. Social organization
________ 7. It is the scientific study of patterned shared human behavior.
a. Anthropology b. Psychology c. Sociology d. History
________8. The branch of knowledge which deals with the scientific study of man, his works, his body, his behavior and
Values in time and space.
a. Science b. Humanities c. Psychology d. Anthropology
________ 9. It is the scientific study of the state and politics which deals with the nature, principles, and mechanics of
Rules, authority, power, and influence.
a. Political science c. Social science
b. Law d. Humanities
________ 10. It is considered as the main relationship between sociology and anthropology.
a. Emergence of community c. Language use by people
b. Culture shared by men d. Fossils of early human beings
________ 11. The following are examples of material culture except.
a. Tools b. Weapons c. Dwelling units d. Customs
________ 12. These are guides or model of behavior which tells us what is proper and which are appropriate or
Inappropriate, right or wrong.
a. Folkways b. Norms c. Beliefs d. Laws
________ 13. These are customary patterns of everyday life that specify what is socially correct and proper in everyday
a. Mores b. Norms c. Laws d. Folkways
________ 14. They embody the code of ethics and standards of morality in society.
a. Mores b. Norms c. Folkways d. Fads
________ 15. They represent the standards we use to evaluate the desirability of things.
a. Fads b. Values c. Laws d. Mores
________ 16. The following statement are characteristics of culture except
a. It is learned and acquired c. It is shared and transmits
b. It is deliberated and enacted d. It gratifies human needs
________ 17. This arises from the fact that cultures differ and each culture defines reality differently.
a. Indoctrination c. Ethnocentrism
b. Relativism d. Imitation
________ 18. The following are four principal ways of cultural adaptation except
a. Ethnocentrism b .Convergence c. Fission d. Parallelism
________ 19. The following are modes of learning and acquiring culture except
a. Diffusion b. Imitation c. indoctrination d. Conditioning
________ 20. It is an attempt to judge behavior according to its cultural context
a. Cultural Indoctrination c. Cultural relativity
b. Subcultures d. Culture shock
________ 21. The natural process of biological change occurring in a population across successive generations
a. Evolution b. Culture c. Biology d. Sociology
________ 22. It is the genus of modern humans and the first group that came out of Africa.
a. Rama b. Australopithecus c. Homo d. Homo erectus

________ 23. It is considered as the earliest known fossil creature identified as definitely manlike in form.
a. Ramapithecus b. Australopithecus c. Pithecantropus d. Eutherian
________ 24. This species is also known as the “Handy Man”
a. Home erectus
b. Homo habilis
c. Homo sapiens
d. Homo rudolfensis
________ 25. This species is also known as the “Upright Man”
a. Homo sapiens c. Australopithecus
b. Homo habilis d. Homo erectus
________ 26. The earliest tools used by prehuman pirates
a. Spears c. Sword
b. Broken pebbles d. Arrows
________ 27. It refers to the period of flaked and polished stone implements
a. Mesolithic
b. Paleolithic
c. Neolithic
d. Marsupial Period
________ 28. It refers to a relatively high level of cultural and technological development of human beings.
a. Society b. Community c. Civilization d. Nation
________ 29. It refers to genetic variation among human groups that characterizes their common biological traits along
With supposedly correlated other traits.
a. Race b. Ancestry c. Civilization d. Ethnicity
________ 30. The cultural differences among groups of people bounded by certain cultural and historical commonalities
that establish their unique identity.
a. Ethnicity b. Race c .Ancestry d. Civilization
________ 31. “Stupid old woman,” said Arachne indignantly. Arachne was ______.
a. Shouting at the woman c. Acting overconfidently
b. Speaking disrespectfully d. Teaching her a lesson
________ 32. You ____ report any bullying incident immediately to your teacher.
a. Could b. must c. would d. will
________ 33. Lorna can speak three languages now. Previously, she ____ speak only one.
a. Ought to b. shall c. could d. would
________ 34. You need to put in more effort into your work; ____ you won’t get a passing grade.
a. Moreover b. otherwise c. unless d. instead
________ 35. These days, teens love to listen to Korean pop artists; _____ I still prefer 90’s hits.
a. Hence b. whereas c. therefore d. consequently
________ 36. The story “Daedalus and Icarus” has striking thematic similarities to which Filipino folklore?
a. Si Juan Tamad c. Si Malakas at Si Maganda
b. Ang Kwento ng Gamu-Gamo d. Ang Alibughang Anak
________ 37. Vilma is a transferee. She has yet to make new acquaintances in class. One day, she tried to go with her
classmates for lunch, but they refused her to join in. What kind of bullying was demonstrated in this
a. Physical bullying b. verbal bullying c. cyber-bullying d. social bullying
________ 38. She had scarcely finished speaking when the loud roaring of the waves announced that the monster was on his
way. Andromeda shrieked. At her cry, her frantic father and mother came running. They clung to their daughter
and lamented.
Determine the sensory image appealed to in this passage.
a. sight b. hearing c. smell d. taste
________ 39. Falling Action: sets the tone for the ending:: Rising action: ________.
a. Shows the turning point of the story
b. Builds up the tension and crisis
c. Introduces the characters
d. Narrates the ending
________ 40. King Minos: Daedalus:: ______ : Perseus
a. Poseidon b. Phineas c. King Acrisius d. Andromeda

________ 41. Why did Athena have to accept the challenge of a contest from Arachne?
a. So that Athena may win the favor of Zeus
b. Because Athena is arrogant and self-centered
c. In order to teach Arachne a lesson on humility
d. So Arachne will learn from the best spinner of thread
________ 42. Kristine got shoved by her classmate. What is the best thing she can do?
a. Go home and tell her parents. c. Go to the clinic
b. Plan for a sweet revenge d. Report it to a teacher
________ 43. Cardo took things from Jessan’s wallet and tied her bag to the chair. What should Jessan do about it?
a. Go to the health corner and cry. c. Visit the guidance counselor
b. Report the incident to the principal d. Tell it to her adviser
________ 44. The following are important steps in writing a persuasive essay except _____.
a. Prepare your thesis statement
b. Support you main points with facts and details
c. Draft your arguments logically
d. Emphasize the strength of your opinion
________ 45. With my own ten fingers I gained this skill, and by hard practice from early morning till night…How could there
be finer cloth or more beautiful embroidery than mine? If Athene herself were to come down and compete with
me, she could do no better than I.
What is the mood of the passage?
a. Arrogance b. fear c. sadness d. triumph
________ 46. The following are important steps in writing a persuasive essay except _____.
a. Prepare your thesis statement
b. Support you main points with facts and details
c. Draft your arguments logically
d. Emphasize the strength of your opinion
________ 47. Arrange the following events and choose the letter which has the correct sequence:
1. The young Perseus was found by Dictys at sea.
2. Perseus accidentally killed King Acrisius.
3. Medusa died at the hands of Perseus.
4. Athena gave Perseus a shield, while Hermes gave him a sword.
5. Perseus received his mission to kill Medusa.

a. 4-3-1-5-2 b. 2-3-5-1-4 c. 1-5-4-3-2 d. 1-4-5-3-2

________ 48. A short story usually follows the plot pyramid. Which is the correct arrangement that follows this common
plot structure?
1. Rising Action 4. Exposition
2. Climax 5. Falling Action
3. Resolution
a. 3-5-2-1-4 b. 4-1-2-5-3 c. 4-2-1-5-3 d. 4-3-1-2-5
________ 49. You were organizing a symposium on the topic Anti-Bullying in Schools. Which group of panelists would you
plan to invite?
a. Mayor, Medical Professional, Business men c. Psychologist, Lawyer, Counselors
b. Police, Fireman, Volunteers d. Scientist, Researchers, Engineers
________ 50. For an Anti-Bullying in Schools panel discussion, which group of topics would you consider to formulate?
a. Computer Addiction, Financial Problems, Behavior of students
b. Anti-Bullying Act, The effects of Bullying, and Ways to Avoid Bullying
c. The Causes of Bullying, Improving Academic Performance, Desirable Habits
d. Absenteeism, Bullying and its Definition, Use of Gadgets

Prepared by:
Grade 10 Teachers of English


Grade 10 Chairman
Checked by:

Head Teacher VI


Principal IV

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