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“Education is life itself” – John Dewey

Have you ever asked yourself why you wanted to be educated, and what is the
point of being educated? Well yes, I would ponder on those questions sometimes. Not
until I encounter a view on education by an Indian philosopher named Jiddu Krishnamurti
in his book entitled “On Education”. “Education is not only learning from books,
memorizing some facts, but also learning how to look, how to listen to what books are
saying, whether they are saying something true or false. Education is not just to pass
examinations, take a degree and a job, get married and settle down, but also to be able
to listen to the birds, to see the sky, to see the extraordinary beauty of a tree, and the
shape of the hills, and to feel with them, to be really, directly in touch with them. All that
is part of education.” From other various context I read or heard about education,
Krishnamurti’s view encapsulates my judgement on education. It might sound simple for
some but it brought me a different and vast perspective about life and cultivated the way
how I perceive things around me. Not only intellectually, but socially, spiritually,
emotionally towards oneself, things and people. And that once a person begins to learn
there’s no end to learning.

Along with my journey, there was this person who stood as my friend, teacher,
adviser, and guidance reminding me countless times to educate myself so that sooner I
can outfox whatever setbacks may come and challenges and become more prepared in
dealing real-life situations. Education not in the sense of acquiring enormity of knowledge
but to help oneself self and other people. Her words served as my source of strength and

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