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Sound and Noise Attenuation with Glass

Purpose of this document.

The purpose of this document is to make the reader aware of some of the characteristics of
Sound and Noise. It provides noise attenuation data glass and suggests some possible
solutions for noise problems. It should not be seen as a complete treatment of the subject
of sound, noise, the attenuation performance of glass or glass solutions for noise
problems. This document should not be used alone to make an assessment or decision
relating to any product or any potential fitness for purpose of any solution to a noise


Sound surrounds us every day of our lives and our hearing is the only sense other than our
eyes which can provide information on events which occur a long distance away. Our hearing
allows us not only to become aware of an event but to pinpoint its location without seeing it.
Sound is present in many forms and intensities and can be pleasing or annoying, soothing or
destructive. Therefore it is important that we are able to control it in order to make our lives


Sound is caused by the vibration of a surface being transferred to a surrounding medium such
as the air. The process of transfer is by physical contact. If the vibration is imagined as an
oscillation then at one extreme of the oscillation the surface is pushing on the air and at the
other extreme it is moving away from the air, therefore sucking the air towards it. When the
surface is pushing on the air it produces a slightly higher pressure than normal and when it is
moving away it produces a slightly lower pressure than normal so the oscillation produces
alternating higher and lower pressure zones. This difference in pressure causes our ear drum
to vibrate and these vibrations travel through the mechanism of the ear to our brain where it is
interpreted as the sensation we hear as sound. Sound can be described as a longitudinal
pressure wave caused by the vibration of an object.

Fig 2. One vibration of the speaker and

Fig 1. No Sound. And the air is sound begins to propagate through the
undisturbed air
Fig 3. Speaker has stopped, the initial sound continues
to propagate through the air.

Fig 4. A series of sound waves propagating through the air.

Sound and Noise

Noise is unwanted sound. It may be unwanted for a number of reasons some of which are, it
is too loud, it is inappropriate for the current activity (e.g. sleep), unpleasant (e.g. not your
favoured music) and many other reasons. We do not want to be bothered by sound that we
find irritating.

Characteristics of Sound

The speed of vibration can vary considerably and is called the frequency of the sound and is
measured in hertz (Hz) and represents the number of vibrations per second of the object
causing the sound. When we speak of high or low pitched sound we are referring to the
frequency. The frequency range of human hearing ranges from 20 Hz to 20,000Hz. Sound
exists outside this frequency range but we cannot hear it. The loudness of the sound is
represented by the magnitude of the sound pressure. The higher the pressure the louder the
sound. This pressure can be increased to a level where we feel pain and damage can be
caused to the hearing mechanism of the ear. The difference between the smallest pressure
our ears can sense and the point at which pain is perceived is numerically large and our ears
do not sense a doubling of sound pressure as a doubling of loudness. The decibel was
introduced to represent sound pressure. The sound intensity measured in Decibels (dB) is
called the Sound Pressure Level and is universally used as a measurement of the Sound

The use of the logarithmic scale does present some difficulties, simply because it is not a
linear scale. A linear scale means that when the figure representing the quantity of the item
being measured is doubled then there will be twice as much of the item present. Most of the
quantities we encounter in our daily lives are measured in a linear fashion so if the number
representing the amount of a particular item is doubled then we expect that there will be twice
as much of that quantity. Encountering a scale which is not linear, such as the Decibel scale,
for the first time can seem very strange. If the sound pressure level was increased by 10dB
then we would feel that the sound was twice as loud so a noise increase from 60dB to 70dB
would seem to have doubled. If it was reduced by 10dB then we would feel that the noise had
halved so a decrease from 60 to 50dB.

dB Relative dB Relative
Increase Loudness% Decrease Loudness%
Increase Decrease
0 0 0 0
1 7 1 7
2 15 2 13
3 23 3 19
4 32 4 24
5 41 5 29
6 52 6 34
7 63 7 38
8 74 8 43
9 86 9 46
10 100 10 50
20 400 20 75
30 800 30 88
40 1600 40 94
50 3200 50 97

Table 1. The relationship between dB and relative loudness as sensed by our ears

It should be noted that the detection of small changes in loudness is difficult. If you left a room
and the sound was increased or decreased by 2dB and you later returned to the room you
would not detect that the sound level had been altered. This means that you would not detect
a 15% increase or a 13% decrease in loudness in this situation. If you were present in the
room at the time the sound was altered you would comfortably detect the 2dB alteration.

The pressure wave method of transmission means that sound is not able to travel large
distances because it has to shake all the air in between so the energy is quickly absorbed.
Placing barriers in the path of sound can increase this absorption and as a consequence can
reduce the distance sound is able to travel.

Human sensitivity to sound

The ear is the tool which human body uses to detect sound waves in the environment and the
brain is the device which interprets the information detected by the ear. The ear does not
sense all sound frequencies at equal loudness. The threshold of hearing is a measure of the
quietest sounds which the ear can detect. It is interesting to note that the sound frequencies
at the extreme ends of human sensitivity (20Hz and 20kHz) have to be much louder for
humans to be able to hear them, than frequencies in the range human speech. This presents
an issue for the analysis of sound problems. To overcome this issue sound measuring
equipment has a built in filter to adjust for this variance. This filter is called an A weighting.
Sound Pressure level is measured in dB and the adjusted measurement is designated as
dB(A). It is used very commonly.
Sound reduction with Glass.

The sound reduction of glass is most accurately determined by testing. The tests are
undertaken at specialised acoustic laboratories. The test process measures the reduction at
each third octave band frequency from 100Hz to as much as 4000Hz. The reduction at each
of these octave bands is different. A typical plot is shown in the graph below.

Coincidence Dip

Figure 5. A typical graph of sound reduction for various glass types

This graph shows a typical sound reduction plot for several glazing types. The first thing to
notice is that the graph, for all the glass types, slopes upward from left to right indicating that
the sound reduction is better in the higher frequencies than the lower frequencies. There is a
noticeable dip and recovery in the graph near the right hand side, this is called a coincidence
dip and it can be seen in all test data for glass although the magnitude and position change
with thickness and type of glass.

Dealing with sound loss levels at various frequencies can be complicated so various methods
have been developed to reduce this frequency data to a single figure. STC (Sound
Transmission Class) had been the most common parameter used for glass over the years
and the process of determination was set out in AS 1276 but this standard has now been
superseded by AS/NZS ISO 717.1:2004. This new standard determines the Weighted Sound
Reduction Index Rw. The numbers which result from the two methods are often the same as
can be seen in the performance tables at the end of this document. The process for the
determination of STC and Rw values is very similar and often the numbers are the same or
very close however there are some minor differences and they are

Feature Rw STC
Frequency Range 100Hz to 3.15 kHz 125Hz to 4 kHz
Quantity produced Rw, C, Ctr STC

Modification of glass performance

The plot above shows the basic behaviour of glass when subjected to sound. This can be
modified by altering the glass make up. The plot above shows the behaviour of 6mm
annealed glass and will also apply to 6mm toughened glass.

The plot for 6.38mm Laminated glass looks slightly different because the coincidence dip is
not be as large and this is due to the lower viscosity of the interlayer used to laminate the
glass together. There are now interlayers which are designed specially to reduce sound and
these combine two materials in the one interlayer and these have a marked effect on the
coincidence dip. This can be seen in the plot for 6.5mm Hush, The stiffness of glass is one
characteristic which determines its resistance to sound penetration and this is the reason
thicker glass is better than thinner glass. It is possible to combine a thicker and a thinner
glass in the one laminate so the difference in thickness can be combined with the difference
in viscosity of the interlayer to maximise the sound reduction effect

Air has a vastly different viscosity to glass so can be used as a sound reduction medium. This
introduces the possibility to use double glazing as a sound reduction agent. Double glazing
can be quite effective but the appropriate amount of air is required. Typically the double
glazing used for thermal insulation provides only a modest improvement in sound reduction.
However a wider air gap than is possible for hermetically sealed double glazed units is much
more effective. A gap of 50mm to 200mm will provide a substantial reduction when compared
to the glass alone. Typically two window frames are required to achieve this. This can be
seen in Figure 5.

Solving a noise problem.

It is important to note that the following information relates to glass only.

Solving a noise problem is not as easy as it sounds. The noise level which is acceptable to
one person may not be acceptable to another and it is very difficult to allow for this variation
by specifying Rw parameters. A detailed solution would involve measuring the nature and
intensity of the offending sound and choosing a glass product which will reduce the intensity
sufficiently at all frequencies. This assessment process can also be done using single
numbers. It means reducing the external noise to a single number and then subtracting the
single number for the glass this will provide a single number for the noise coming through the
glass. This is relatively simple but consideration must be given to the materials and structure
of the building as well.

The sound reduction performance of glass is now measured in Rw and the process of
determination of Rw produces two additional parameters C and Ctr. These adaptation terms
are used to modify the Rw number to better represent the sound reduction of glass for
different types of noise.

The “C” adaptation term is relevant to the following noise types

1. Living activities (talking, music, radio, TV)
2. Children playing
3. Railway traffic at medium and high speed
4. Highway traffic with speeds >80km/hr
5. Jet aircraft at short distance
6. Factories emitting mainly medium and high frequency noise

The “Ctr” adaptation term is relevant to the following noise types

1. Urban road traffic
2. Railway traffic at low speeds
3. Aircraft which are propeller driven
4. Jet aircraft which are a large distance away
5. Disco music
6. Factories emitting mainly low and medium frequency noise.

The tables in Appendix A of this document list the sound reduction in spectral terms and the
performance in terms of Rw, C, Ctr and STC.

What do you need to know?

You need to be in possession of three things before a solution can be determined.
1. External noise Level
2. Desired internal noise level
3. Sound reduction data for glass

If you are in possession of this information the process is simple.

Subtract the desired internal noise level from the external noise level and you have
determined the magnitude of the noise which the glass must remove.
The next step is to look through the sound reduction data for the glass which can provide this
reduction. Remember to apply the appropriate adaptation term (C or Ctr) to the Rw value and
use the resulting value for comparison.

The external noise level is often the most difficult to determine because the intensity varies
with the distance from the noise source. The most accurate way for this to be determined is to
have the noise measured by an Acoustic Engineer.

Noise is an ever present phenomenon in our environment and can be both enjoyable and
annoying. Glass is an essential component in our buildings and there is no reason why an
appropriate glass cannot be selected to solve a noise problem as well as satisfy all the other
requirements which may be placed on it.
Appendix A

Sound Reduction Data for Glass

Frequency 3mm 4mm 5mm 6mm 8mm 10mm 12mm 15mm 19mm
100 15 17 17 18 19 24 25 25 25
125 22 23 25 22 27 26 29 29 29
160 19 22 23 22 22 28 31 31 31
200 18 21 23 22 27 26 30 30 31
250 20 21 23 26 25 28 30 31 32
315 22 24 25 26 28 29 32 33 35
400 25 26 28 29 30 32 34 35 36
500 27 29 30 31 33 34 36 37 38
630 29 30 32 33 35 36 36 35 36
800 30 32 33 34 36 37 36 32 35
1000 32 34 35 36 37 36 33 33 38
1250 33 34 36 36 34 33 32 35 40
1600 34 36 36 32 30 33 36 39 44
2000 35 36 32 26 33 38 39 42 47
2500 35 31 26 30 37 41 42 45 50
3150 30 25 32 34 40 43 46 50 52
4000 26 31 35 37 41 44 47 51 55
Rw 30 31 32 32 34 36 37 37 40
C -1 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1
Ctr -4 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -4
STC 29 29 30 30 34 36 36 37 40

Table A1. Sound Attenuation for Monolithic Glass

Frequency 6.38mm 8.38mm 10.38mm 12.38mm
100 18 20 24 25
125 22 27 26 28
160 22 26 28 28
200 22 26 26 27
250 26 26 27 31
315 26 28 29 32
400 29 29 31 33
500 31 34 34 35
630 33 36 36 37
800 34 37 37 37
1000 36 35 33 36
1250 36 31 35 35
1600 36 33 34 37
2000 34 35 38 41
2500 31 39 42 44
3150 35 42 44 47
4000 39 43 46 50
Rw 33 34 36 37
C -1 -1 -1 0
Ctr -3 -3 -3 -3
STC 33 35 36 37

Table A2. Sound Attenuation for VLam Laminated Glass

Frequency 6.5mm 8.5mm 10.5mm 12.5mm
100 21.1 22.3 26.3 28.9
125 23 24.1 25.7 28.9
160 24.9 28.1 28.6 29.7
200 25.6 28.3 28.4 29.6
250 27.2 30 31.5 32.3
315 29 31.3 33.5 34.4
400 30.8 33.6 34.8 35.3
500 32.3 34.2 35.2 35.9
630 33.8 35.4 37.1 37.9
800 35.5 37.3 38.7 40.1
1000 37.1 38.7 40.1 41.4
1250 38.2 39.8 40.8 41.6
1600 39.1 40.4 41 41.1
2000 39.6 40.1 39.7 41.1
2500 39.2 38.6 40 43.4
3150 37.9 39 43.7 47.6
4000 38.2 43.6 47.9 50.8
5000 42.9 48.1 51.6 54.5
Rw 36 38 39 40
C -1 -1 -1 -1
Ctr -4 -4 -3 -3
STC 36 38 39 40

Table A3. Sound Attenuation for VLam Hush

Frequency 4mm 6mm 6mm 10mm 10mm 10mm
Hz 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm
Gap Gap Gap Gap Gap Gap
4mm 6mm 6.38mm 4mm 6mm 6.38mm
100 25 17 19 23 27 27
125 24 26 24 28 27 28
160 23 22 21 26 24 26
200 21 18 19 19 24 26
250 21 18 19 23 29 30
315 19 24 24 26 31 32
400 22 27 28 31 33 34
500 25 29 32 33 34 36
630 30 33 34 36 37 40
800 33 37 38 39 39 41
1000 36 39 40 41 41 42
1250 38 39 40 41 41 41
1600 40 39 39 41 39 41
2000 41 34 35 45 37 42
2500 35 37 39 45 40 44
3150 31 42 44 42 43 49
4000 40 47 49 44 47 53
Rw 31 33 34 36 38 40
C -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
Ctr -4 -5 -5 -5 -4 -5
STC 31 33 34 36 38 40

Table A4. Sound Attenuation for Double Glazing

Frequency 6mm 6mm 10mm
Hz 100mm 150mm 200mm
Gap Gap Gap
4mm 4mm 6mm
100 25 27 32
125 27 30 37
160 27 30 39
200 33 34 45
250 33 34 46
315 37 39 46
400 41 42 47
500 46 46 45
630 50 50 45
800 54 54 44
1000 57 57 45
1250 59 58 50
1600 58 58 53
2000 52 52 58
2500 51 49 58
3150 48 47 64
4000 57 52 64
Rw 46 47 49
C -2 -2 -1
Ctr -7 -6 -4
STC 46 47 49

Table A5. Sound Attenuation for Wide Air Gap Double Glazing
Frequency 8.5mm 4mm 5mm 6mm 8mm 8mm 10mm 10mm
Hz Hush VFloat VFloat VFloat VFloat VFloat VFloat VFloat
16mm 16mm 16mm 16mm 16mm 16mm 16mm 16mm
Gap Gap Gap Gap Gap Gap Gap Gap
12.5mm 8.5mm 8.5mm 8.5mm 8.5mm 10.5mm 10.5mm 12.5mm
Hush Hush Hush Hush Hush Hush Hush Hush
100 27.4 26.8 24.3 27.2 28.4 28.2 31.3 30.9
125 23.9 23.3 22.8 23.7 21.3 23.9 29.7 30.3
160 29.3 22.8 19.6 22.9 21.9 23.6 27.8 27.6
200 32.1 23 22.7 22.6 24.2 28 27.5 29
250 38.7 28.3 26.6 27.8 30.9 31.5 36.6 37.9
315 42.5 30.3 31.4 31.7 36.1 38.8 39.9 39.7
400 45.2 32.7 36.1 37.8 39.8 40 43.3 42.9
500 46 35.5 38 39.9 41.5 41.1 44.1 44.2
630 47.9 39.9 41.5 42.9 44.4 43.8 46.4 46.2
800 49 44.2 45 46.3 46.9 45.9 45.8 45.9
1000 49.7 47.5 47.6 48.3 48.2 47.5 44.3 44.3
1250 50.1 50.4 50.3 48.4 45.4 44.9 43.8 43.2
1600 50.5 51 49.6 48.2 45 43.9 44.2 43.3
2000 52.1 51.3 46.5 44.3 46.5 45.3 46.7 47.3
2500 55.1 50.3 44.5 45.4 48.4 49.3 51.1 52.1
3150 59.9 47.6 48.3 50.1 52.4 54.4 56.6 57.2
4000 64.7 52.8 54.9 55.8 58.1 59.4 61.9 62.5
5000 69 58.6 60.6 61 63 63.7 65.6 66.3
Rw 47 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
C -2 -1 -3 -3 -3 -2 -1 -2
Ctr -7 -5 -7 -7 -7 -6 -5 -6
STC 47 39 40 41 42 43 45 45

Table A6. Sound Attenuation for VLam Hush Double Glazing

Frequency 10.76mm 8.76mm 6mm 4mm 8.76mm 10.76mm
Hz VLam VLam VFloat VFloat VLam VLam
12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm
Gap Gap Gap Gap Gap Gap
8.5mm 6.5mm 6.5mm 6.5mm 8.5mm 6.8mm
Hush Hush Hush Hush Hush Hush
100 24.9 26.9 25.8 24.8 26.9 29.1
125 21.9 19.6 19.5 20.6 19.1 20.7
160 22.6 21.7 21.9 21.5 21.2 23.5
200 25.3 25.1 24 21.5 24.8 26.3
250 30.8 29.2 28.3 24 27.9 30.7
315 32.3 29.3 29.4 25.8 29.5 32.1
400 36.4 33.3 32.7 30.2 33.4 36.6
500 38.8 36.5 36.2 33.2 36.5 39.3
630 40.9 39.1 39.2 36.6 38.6 41.1
800 42.2 41.5 41 39.6 41.5 41.8
1000 42.5 43.8 42.5 42.5 42.8 42.2
1250 42.6 42.4 42.7 42.8 41.5 42.5
1600 41.5 42.4 41.5 44.3 42.4 43.4
2000 42.3 44 39.8 45.1 44.9 47.2
2500 45.4 46 41.2 43.9 47.6 48.1
3150 49.6 48.8 45.5 42.3 49.5 49.8
4000 53.3 51.9 49.1 47.3 51.6 52.2
5000 56.3 54.8 52.5 51.7 54.9 55
Rw 40 39 38 36 38 40
C -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1
Ctr -6 -6 -5 -3 -5 -5
STC 40 39 38 37 37 40

Table A6. (cont.) Sound Attenuation for VLam Hush Double Glazing
Appendix B
Noise Reduction Solutions Using
The following tables take the recommended design sound levels within rooms from AS/NZS
2107: 2000, for various activities, and lists the glass to be used to achieve the desired sound
level at the room side of the glass.

The standard makes reference to “Satisfactory” and “Maximum” levels. “Maximum” refers to
the highest level of noise in the room which is believed tolerable by AS/NZS 2107: 2000 for
the activity being undertaken in that room. “Satisfactory” refers to the noise level in the room
which is comfortable for the activity being undertaken in the room. Therefore the “Satisfactory”
solution is more desirable for the occupant than the “Maximum” solution.

In the tables “Maximum” is referred to as “Maximum suggested noise level in room” and
“Recommended” is referred to as “Recommended noise level in room”.

The glass solution to achieve the “Recommended noise level in room” is found in the column
“Recommended Glass”.

The glass solution to achieve the “maximum suggested noise level in room” is found in the
column “Minimum Tolerable Glass”.

The tables provide the solution for both traffic and aircraft noise for the building use
designations shown in AS/NZS 2107: 2000. The attenuation of traffic noise in this table is
represented by Rw+Ctr and aircraft noise is represented by Rw+C. This table relates to the
noise level at the room side of the glass not necessarily the noise level in the room because
the level in the room is influenced by the roof, walls and floor not just the glass in the

It should be remembered the acceptable noise levels suggested in AS2107 may not be
suitable for all people. There are various methods for analysing and finding a solution to a
noise problem. An acoustic consultant is an authoritative source of information and advice for
analysing and developing solutions to noise problems. Consideration should be given to
employing their expertise.
Type of External Traffic Noise Aircraft Noise
Occupancy Noise
Level Internal noise level (room side of glass) Internal noise level (room side of glass)
Minimum Tolerable Minimum Tolerable
Recommended Glass Recommended Glass
dB Glass dB dB Glass dB
Board Room
65 10.5mm VLam Hush 29 4mm Float 37 6.5mm VLam Hush 30 4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 30dB)
8.5mm VLam Hush + 16mm 8mm VFloat +
(Maximum suggested 70 gap + 30 6.38mm VLam 40 16mm Gap + 29 6.38mm VLam 38
noise level in room = 12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5 VLam Hush
10mm VFloat + 8.5mm VLam Hush +
75 200mm Gap + 30 10.5mm VLam Hush 39 16mm Gap + 30 6.5mm VLam Hush 40
6mm VFloat 12.5mm VLam Hush
8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +
80 No listed solution - 16mm gap + 40 No listed solution - 16mm Gap + 39
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5 VLam Hush
65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 45dB)

(Maximum suggested 70 4mm VFloat 42 4mm VFloat 42 4mm VFloat 41 4mm VFloat 41
noise level in room =

75 6.38mm VLam 45 4mm VFloat 47 5mm VFloat 45 4mm VFloat 46

80 10.5mm VLam Hush 44 6.38mm VLam 50 6.5mm VLam Hush 45 6.38mm VLam 45

Call Centre
65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 40dB)

(Maximum suggested 70 6.38mm VLam 40 4mm VFloat 42 6.38mm VLam 38 4mm VFloat 41
noise level in room =

75 10.5mm VLam Hush 39 6.38mm VLam 45 6.5mm VLam Hush 40 5mm VFloat 46

8.5mm VLam Hush + 16mm 8mm VFloat +

80 gap + 40 10.5mm VLam Hush 44 16mm Gap + 39 6.5mm VLam Hush 45
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5mm VLam Hush
Computer Room
65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 45dB)

(Maximum suggested 70 4mm VFloat 42 4mm VFloat 42 4mm VFloat 41 4mm VFloat 41
noise level in room =

75 6.38mm VLam 45 4mm VFloat 47 5mm VFloat 45 4mm VFloat 46

80 10.5mm VLam Hush 44 6.38mm VLam 50 6.5mm VLam Hush 45 6.38mm VLam 45

Design Office
65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 40dB)

(Maximum suggested 70 6.38 VLam 40 4mm VFloat 42 6.38mm VLam 38 4mm VFloat 41
noise level in room =

75 10.5mm VLam Hush 39 6.38mm VLam 45 6.5mm VLam Hush 40 5mm VFloat 45

8.5mm VLam Hush + 16mm 8mm VFloat +

80 gap + 40 10.5mm VLam Hush 44 16mm Gap + 39 6.5mm VLam Hush 45
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5mm VLam Hush
Type of External Traffic Noise Aircraft Noise
Occupancy Noise
Level Internal noise level (room side of glass) Internal noise level (room side of glass)
Minimum Tolerable Minimum Tolerable
Recommended Glass dB dB Recommended Glass dB dB
Glass Glass
General Office
Areas 65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 40dB)
70 6.38mm VLam 40 4mm VFloat 42 6.38mm VLam 38 4mm VFloat 41
(Maximum suggested
noise level in room =
75 10.5mm VLam Hush 39 6.38mm VLam 45 6.5mm VLam Hush 40 5mm VFloat 45

8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +

80 16mm gap + 40 10.5mm VLam Hush 44 16mm Gap + 39 6.5mm VLam Hush 45
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5 VLam Hush
Private Office
65 6.38mm VLam 35 4mm VFloat 37 5mm VFloat 35 4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 35dB)

(Maximum suggested 70 10.5mm VLam Hush 34 6.38mm VLam 40 6.5mm VLam Hush 35 6.38mm VLam 40
noise level in room =
8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +
75 16mm gap + 35 10.5mm VLam Hush 39 16mm Gap + 34 6.5mm VLam Hush 40
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5 VLam Hush
10mm VFloat + 8.5mm VLam Hush + 8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +
80 200mm Gap + 35 16mm gap + 40 16mm gap + 35 16mm Gap + 39
6mm VFloat 12.5mm VLam Hush 12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5 VLam Hush
Reception Area
65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 40dB)

(Maximum suggested 70 6.38mm VLam 40 4mm VFloat 42 6.38mm VLam 38 4mm VFloat 41
noise level in room =

10.5mm VLam Hush 39 6.38mm VLam 45 6.5mm VLam Hush 40 5mm VFloat 45
8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +
16mm gap + 40 10.5mm VLam Hush 44 16mm Gap + 39 6.5mm VLam Hush 45
80 12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5 VLam Hush
4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 45dB)
4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36
(Maximum suggested
noise level in room =
50dB) 65

4mm VFloat 42 4mm VFloat 42 4mm VFloat 41 4mm VFloat 41


6.38mm VLam 45 4mm VFloat 47 5mm VFloat 45 4mm VFloat 46


80 10.5mm VLam Hush 44 6.38mm VLam 50 6.5mm VLam Hush 45 6.38mm VLam 45
Type of External Traffic Noise Aircraft Noise
Occupancy Noise
Level Internal noise level (room side of glass) Internal noise level (room side of glass)
Minimum Tolerable Minimum Tolerable
Recommended Glass dB dB Recommended Glass dB dB
Glass Glass
Airport Departure
Lounge 65 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36
4mm VFloat
(Recommended noise
level in room = 45dB)
70 4mm VFloat 42 4mm VFloat 42 4mm VFloat 41 4mm VFloat 41
(Maximum suggested
noise level in room =
75 6.38mm VLam 45 4mm VFloat 47 5mm VFloat 45 4mm VFloat 46

80 10.5mm VLam Hush 44 4mm VFloat 52 6.5mm VLam Hush 45 4mm VFloat 51

Passenger 65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36
Check-in Area

(Recommended noise
level in room = 45dB)
70 4mm VFloat 42 4mm VFloat 42 4mm VFloat 41 4mm VFloat 41

(Maximum suggested
noise level in room = 75 6.38mm VLam 45 4mm VFloat 47 5mm VFloat 45 4mm VFloat 46

80 10.5mm VLam Hush 44 6.38mm VLam 50 6.5mm VLam Hush 45 6.38mm VLam 45

Art Gallery
65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 40dB)

(Maximum suggested 70 6.38mm VLam 40 4mm VFloat 42 6.38mm VLam 38 4mm VFloat 41
noise level in room =

75 10.5mm VLam Hush 39 6.38mm VLam 45 6.5mm VLam Hush 40 5mm VFloat 46

8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +

80 16mm gap + 40 10.5mm VLam Hush 44 16mm Gap + 39 6.5mm VLam Hush 45
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5mm VLam Hush
Exhibition Areas
65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 40dB)

(Maximum suggested 70 6.38mm VLam 40 4mm VFloat 42 4mm VFloat 38 4mm VFloat 41
noise level in room =

75 10.5mm VLam Hush 39 6.38mm VLam 47 5mm VFloat 40 4mm VFloat 46

8.5mm VLam Hush +

80 16mm gap + 40 10.5mm VLam Hush 50 6.5mm VLam Hush 39 6.38mm VLam 45
12.5mm VLam Hush
Place of Worship
65 10.5mm VLam Hush 29 4mm Float 35 6mm VFloat 30 6mm VFloat 35
(Recommended noise
level in room = 30dB)
8.5mm VLam Hush +
(Maximum suggested 70 16mm gap + 30 6.38mm VLam 34 6.5mm VLam Hush 29 6.5mm VLam Hush 35
noise level in room = 12.5mm VLam Hush
10mm VFloat+ 8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +
75 200mm Gap + 30 10.5mm VLam Hush 35 16mm gap + 30 16mm Gap + 34
6mm VFloat 12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5mm VLam Hush
8.5mm VLam Hush + 35 8.5mm VLam Hush +
80 No listed solution - 16mm gap + No listed solution - 16mm gap + 35
12.5mm VLam Hush 12.5mm VLam Hush
Court Room 8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +
65 16mm gap + 25 6.38 VLam 35 16mm Gap + 23 5mm Float 35
(Recommended noise 12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5mm VLam Hush
level in room = 25dB)
6mm VFloat + 8.5mm VLam Hush +
(Maximum suggested 70 150mm gap + 25 10.5mm VLam Hush 34 16mm gap + 23 6.5mm VLam Hush 35
noise level in room = 4mm VFloat 12.5mm VLam Hush
8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +
75 No standard solution - 16mm gap + 35 No standard solution - 16mm Gap + 35
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5mm VLam Hush
6mm VFloat + 8.5mm VLam Hush +
80 No standard solution - 150mm gap + 35 No standard solution - 16mm gap + 35
4mm VFloat 12.5mm VLam Hush
Type of External Traffic Noise Aircraft Noise
Occupancy Noise
Level Internal noise level (room side of glass) Internal noise level (room side of glass)
Minimum Tolerable Minimum Tolerable
Recommended Glass dB dB Recommended Glass dB dB
Glass Glass
Library Reading
Area 65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36

(Recommended noise
level in room = 400dB)
70 6.38mm VLam 40 4mm VFloat 42 4mm VFloat 38 4mm VFloat 41
(Maximum suggested
noise level in room =
75 10.5mm VLam Hush 39 6.38mm VLam 45 5mm VFloat 40 5mm VFloat 45

8.5mm VLam Hush +

80 16mm gap + 40 10.5mm VLam Hush 44 6.5mm VLam Hush 39 6.5mm VLam Hush 45
12.5mm VLam Hush
Exhibition Area 65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 40dB)
70 6.38mm VLam 40 4mm VFloat 42 4mm VFloat 38 4mm VFloat 41
(Maximum suggested
noise level in room =
75 10.5mm VLam Hush 39 6.38mm VLam 45 5mm VFloat 40 5mm VFloat 45

8.5mm VLam Hush +

80 16mm gap + 40 10.5mm VLam Hush 44 6.5mm VLam Hush 39 6.5mm VLam Hush 45
12.5mm VLam Hush
Post Offices and
General Banking 65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36

(Recommended noise
level in room = 45dB)
70 6.38mm VLam 42 4mm VFloat 42 6.38mm VLam 41 4mm VFloat 41

(Maximum suggested
noise level in room = 75 10.5mm VLam Hush 45 6.38mm VLam 47 6.5mm VLam Hush 45 5mm VFloat 46

8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +

80 16mm gap + 44 10.5mm VLam Hush 50 16mm Gap + 45 6.5mm VLam Hush 48
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5mm VLam Hush
Railway and Bus
Terminal Ticket 65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36

(Recommended noise
level in room = 45dB)
70 6.38mm VLam 42 4mm VFloat 42 6.38mm VLam 41 4mm VFloat 41

(Maximum suggested
noise level in room = 75 10.5mm VLam Hush 45 6.38mm VLam 47 6.5mm VLam Hush 45 5mm VFloat 46

8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +

80 16mm gap + 44 10.5mm VLam Hush 50 16mm Gap + 45 6.5mm VLam Hush 48
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5mm VLam Hush
65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 45dB)

(Maximum suggested 70 6.38mm VLam 42 4mm VFloat 42 6.38mm VLam 41 4mm VFloat 41
noise level in room =

75 10.5mm VLam Hush 45 6.38mm VLam 47 6.5mm VLam Hush 45 5mm VFloat 46

8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +

80 16mm gap + 44 10.5mm VLam Hush 50 16mm Gap + 45 6.5mm VLam Hush 48
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5mm VLam Hush
Coffee Bars
65 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 37 4mm VFloat 36 4mm VFloat 36
(Recommended noise
level in room = 45dB)

(Maximum suggested 70 6.38mm VLam 42 4mm VFloat 42 6.38mm VLam 41 4mm VFloat 41
noise level in room =

75 10.5mm VLam Hush 45 6.38mm VLam 47 6.5mm VLam Hush 45 5mm VFloat 46

8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +

80 16mm gap + 44 10.5mm VLam Hush 50 16mm Gap + 45 6.5mm VLam Hush 48
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5mm VLam Hush
Type of External Traffic Noise Aircraft Noise
Occupancy Noise
Internal noise level (room side of glass) Internal noise level (room side of glass)
Minimum Tolerable Minimum Tolerable
Recommended Glass dB dB Recommended Glass dB dB
Glass Glass
Houses and
Apartments near 6mm VFloat 30 4mm VFloat 35
65 10.5mm VLam Hush 29 4mm Float 37
minor roads
Sleeping Areas
8.5mm VLam Hush +
70 16mm gap + 30 6.38mm VLam 34 6.5mm VLam Hush 29 6.38mm VLam 35
(Recommended noise 12.5mm VLam Hush
level in room = 30dB)
10mm VFloat+ 8.5mm VLam Hush +
(Maximum suggested
75 200mm Gap + 30 10.5mm VLam Hush 35 16mm gap + 30 6.5mm VLam Hush 34
noise level in room = 6mm VFloat 12.5mm VLam Hush
35dB) 8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +
80 No standard solution - 16mm gap + 35 No standard solution - 16mm Gap + 35
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5 VLam Hush
Houses and
Apartments near 65 10.5mm VLam Hush 29 4mm Float 37 6mm VFloat 30 4mm VFloat 36
minor roads
Living Areas 8.5mm VLam Hush +
70 16mm gap + 30 6.38mm VLam 40 6.5mm VLam Hush 29 6.38mm VLam 38
(Recommended noise
level in room = 30dB)
12.5mm VLam Hush
10mm VFloat+ 8.5mm VLam Hush +
(Maximum suggested 75 200mm Gap + 30 10.5mm VLam Hush 39 16mm gap + 30 6.5mm VLam Hush 40
noise level in room = 12.5mm VLam Hush
6mm VFloat
8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +
80 No standard solution - 16mm gap + 40 No standard solution - 16mm Gap + 39
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5 VLam Hush
Houses and
Apartments near 65 10.5mm VLam Hush 29 4mm Float 37 6mm VFloat 30 4mm VFloat 36
major roads
Sleeping Areas 8.5mm VLam Hush +
70 16mm gap + 30 6.38mm VLam 40 6.5mm VLam Hush 29 6.38mm VLam 38
(Recommended noise
level in room = 30dB)
12.5mm VLam Hush
10mm VFloat+ 8.5mm VLam Hush +
(Maximum suggested 75 200mm Gap + 30 10.5mm VLam Hush 39 16mm gap + 30 6.5mm VLam Hush 40
noise level in room = 12.5mm VLam Hush
6mm VFloat
8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +
80 No standard solution - 16mm gap + 40 No standard solution - 16mm Gap + 39
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5 VLam Hush
Houses and
Apartments near 65 6.38mm VLam 35 4mm VFloat 37 6mm VFloat 35 4mm VFloat 36
major roads
Living Areas
70 10.5mm VLam Hush 34 4mm VFloat 42 6.5mm VLam Hush 35 4mm VFloat 41
(Recommended noise
level in room = 35dB)
8.5mm VLam Hush +
(Maximum suggested 75 16mm gap + 35 6.38mm VLam 45 6.5mm VLam Hush 34 5mm VFloat 45
noise level in room = 12.5mm VLam Hush
10mm VFloat+ 8mm VFloat +
80 200mm Gap + 35 10.5mm VLam Hush 44 16mm Gap + 35 6.5mm VLam Hush 45
6mm VFloat 10.5mm VLam Hush
Hotels and Motels
near minor roads 65 10.5mm VLam Hush 29 4mm Float 35 6mm VFloat 30 4mm VFloat 35
Sleeping areas
8.5mm VLam Hush +
(Recommended noise
level in room = 30dB)
70 16mm gap + 30 6.38mm VLam 34 6.5mm VLam Hush 29 6.38mm VLam 35
12.5mm VLam Hush
(Maximum suggested 10mm VFloat+ 8.5mm VLam Hush +
noise level in room = 75 200mm Gap + 30 10.5mm VLam Hush 35 16mm gap + 30 6.5mm VLam Hush 34
6mm VFloat 12.5mm VLam Hush
8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +
80 No standard solution - 16mm gap + 35 No standard solution - 16mm Gap + 35
12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5 VLam Hush
Hotels and Motels
near major roads 65 6.38mm VLam 35 4mm Float 37 6mm VFloat 35 4mm VFloat 36
Sleeping Areas

(Recommended noise
level in room = 35dB) 70 10.5mm VLam Hush 34 6.38mm VLam 40 6.5mm VLam Hush 35 6.38mm VLam 40

(Maximum suggested 8.5mm VLam Hush + 8.5mm VLam Hush +

noise level in room =
40dB) 75 16mm gap + 35 10.5mm VLam Hush 39 16mm gap + 34 6.5mm VLam Hush 40
12.5mm VLam Hush 12.5mm VLam Hush
10mm VFloat+ 8.5mm VLam Hush + 8mm VFloat +
80 200mm Gap + 35 16mm gap + 40 No standard solution 35 16mm Gap + 39
6mm VFloat 12.5mm VLam Hush 10.5 VLam Hush

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