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   Astronomy is
Astronomy a natural science that study of 
celestial objects (such as stars, galaxies, planets, moons,
asteroids, comets and nebulae), the physics, chemistry,
and evolution of such objects, and phenomena that
originate outside the atmosphere of Earth, including
supernovae explosions, gamma ray bursts, and cosmic
microwave background radiation.
 The earliest accounts of how the Sun, the Earth and the
rest of the Solar System were formed are to be found in
early myths, legends and religious texts. None of these
can be considered a serious scientific account.
 The earliest scientific attempts to explain the origin of the
solar system invoked collisions or condensations from a
gas cloud. The discovery of 'island universes', which we
now know to be galaxies, was thought to confirm this latter
 The theory: Hydrogen and other
gases swirled around and
condensed into our sun and its
 The nebular hypothesis is the most
widely accepted model in the field
of cosmogony to explain the formation
and evolution of the Solar System. It
suggests that the Solar System formed
from nebulous material. The theory
was developed by Immanuel Kant and
published in his Universal Natural
History and Theory of the Heaven.
Originally applied to our own Solar
System, this process of planetary
system formation is now thought to be
at work throughout the universe.
 The theory: One day our
sun burst open, and
planets and moons
shot out at high
speeds and went to
their respective
places, then stopped,
and star ted orbiting
the sun, as the
moons began orbiting
the planets.
 The theory: Planets and moons were
flying around, and some were
captured by our sun and began
 The theory: A pile of space dust and rock
chunks pushed together into our planet,
and another pile pushed itself into our
moon. Then the moon got close enough
and began encircling the ear th.
 The theory: Our world collided with a
small planet, and the explosion threw
of f rocks which became the moon, and
then it began orbiting us.
 The theory: Our planets, moons, and
suns spun of f from the collision
between stars.
 The theor y: Gas clouds were captured by our
sun. But instead of being drawn into it, they
began whirling and pushing themselves into
planets and moons.

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