Step 1: List of Components Needed: Hardware

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Step 1: List of Components Needed

 evive
 Arduino Nano
 IR Sensor
 General Purpose Board
 LEDs
 Resistors
 DC Motor
 Battery
 Wires
 Glue Gun
 Soldering Iron
 White Paper
 Some 3D Printed Parts


 Arduino IDE
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Step 2: Understanding Some Basic Concepts
What is Persistence of Vision?
Persistence of Vision, or POV, occurs when a visual image seems to persist continuously when a
stream of light is repeatedly interrupted for very brief instances and does not enter our eyes during
those durations.

How does the Persistence of Vision works?

The human eye cannot process more than 10-12 images per second. When a series of images more
is presented in quick succession, it gives us the illusion that the images are in motion.

This is the basic principle behind the making of the animated movies.
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Step 3: Printing the 3D Printed Part
Here we are going to 3D Print the holder to which we will be fixing our complete assembly. Download
the .STL given below.

The Holder consists of two parts.

1. The Rotating Part
2. The Stable Part

 Motor Mount.stl

Download View in 3D
 Case.stl

Download View in 3D

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Step 4: Assembling the LEDs
Once you have the 3D Printed parts with you, its time to start the making.

Take the General Purpose Board and cut it in the size that fits the Rotating part.

Once done, its time to add the LEDs.

In this project, I have used 8 red LEDs, you can use as many and of any color you want.

Once done, short (common) the cathode terminal of all the LEDs by soldering them on the GPB.

Add resistors to protect the LEDs from blowing up due to high voltage supply (5V). I have used the
220ohm resistors. Solder one end of each resistor to the anode terminal or positive leg of each LED.

Solder jumper cables to the second leg of each resistor.

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Step 5: Connection With Arduino Nano
Connect all the LEDs to Arduino Nano as given below:

 LED0: D2 of nano
 LED1: D3 of nano
 LED2: D4 of nano
 LED3: D5 of nano
 LED4: D6 of nano
 LED5: D7 of nano
 LED6: D8 of nano
 LED7: D9 of nano
 Common cathode: Ground of nano
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Step 6: Attaching the DC Motor
Attach the DC Motor to the given space in the holder.

Power the DC Motor using evive.

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Step 7: Adding IR Sensor
It's time to add the IR Sensor.

As we need to indicate the beginning from where the text should be written. Attach a small piece of
white paper to the steady assembly, which will be detected by the IR Sensor.
Varying the place of the paper leads to a change in the position of the text displayed.

Connect it to Nano:

 GND: GND of nano

 Vin: 5v of nano
 Out: D10 of nano
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Step 8: Completing the Assembly.
We need to power up the Nano. For that, connect the battery to it.

Once done, fix the Nano into the Rotating Part.

Fasten the Rotating Part to the holder.

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Step 9: Arduino Code

Upload the following code to Arduino Nano:




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Step 10: Working

When the IR sensor detects the white paper, the LEDs start glowing and create the illusion that
something is displayed by the LED. This is due to the persistence of vision, where the LEDs turn on
and off in such a way that the different images overlap each other forming letters.
Langkah 1: Daftar Komponen yang Dibutuhkan

Perangkat keras

• menggusur

• Arduino Nano

• Sensor IR

• Dewan Tujuan Umum


• Resistor

• Motor DC

• Baterai

• Kabel

• Lem tembak

• Besi Solder

• Kertas putih

• Beberapa Bagian Cetak 3D

Perangkat lunak

• IDE Arduino

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Langkah 2: Memahami Beberapa Konsep Dasar

Apa itu Kegigihan Visi?

Persistence of Vision, atau POV, terjadi ketika gambar visual tampaknya bertahan terus menerus ketika aliran cahaya berulang kali terputus karena
kejadian yang sangat singkat dan tidak masuk ke mata kita selama durasi tersebut.

Bagaimana cara Kegigihan Visi bekerja?

Mata manusia tidak dapat memproses lebih dari 10-12 gambar per detik. Ketika serangkaian gambar lebih banyak disajikan dalam suksesi cepat, itu
memberi kita ilusi bahwa gambar sedang bergerak.

Ini adalah prinsip dasar di balik pembuatan film animasi.

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Langkah 3: Mencetak Bagian Cetak 3D

Di sini kita akan 3D Mencetak dudukan yang kami akan memperbaiki perakitan lengkap kami. Unduh .STL yang diberikan di bawah ini.

Wadah terdiri dari dua bagian.

1. Bagian Yang Berputar

2. Bagian Yang Stabil


• Motor Mount.stl

Unduh Lihat dalam 3D

• Case.stl

Unduh Lihat dalam 3D

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Langkah 4: Merakit LED

Setelah Anda memiliki bagian Dicetak 3D dengan Anda, saatnya untuk memulai pembuatan.

Ambil Papan Serba Guna dan potong dalam ukuran yang sesuai dengan bagian Rotating.

Setelah selesai, saatnya menambahkan LED.

Dalam proyek ini, saya telah menggunakan 8 LED merah, Anda dapat menggunakan sebanyak dan sebanyak warna yang Anda inginkan.

Setelah selesai, pendek (umum) terminal katoda semua LED dengan menyoldernya di GPB.

Tambahkan resistor untuk melindungi LED agar tidak meledak karena pasokan tegangan tinggi (5V). Saya telah menggunakan resistor 220ohm. Solder
salah satu ujung setiap resistor ke terminal anoda atau kaki positif dari setiap LED.

Kabel jumper solder ke leg kedua dari masing-masing resistor.

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Langkah 5: Koneksi Dengan Arduino Nano

Hubungkan semua LED ke Arduino Nano seperti yang diberikan di bawah ini:

• LED0: D2 dari nano

• LED1: D3 nano

• LED2: D4 dari nano

• LED3: D5 dari nano

• LED4: D6 dari nano

• LED5: D7 dari nano

• LED6: D8 dari nano

• LED7: D9 nano

• Katoda umum: Tanah nano

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Step 6: Attaching the DC Motor

Attach the DC Motor to the given space in the holder.

Power the DC Motor using evive.

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Step 7: Adding IR Sensor

It's time to add the IR Sensor.

As we need to indicate the beginning from where the text should be written. Attach a small piece of white paper to the steady assembly, which will be
detected by the IR Sensor.

Varying the place of the paper leads to a change in the position of the text displayed.

Connect it to Nano:

• GND: GND of nano

• Vin: 5v of nano

• Out: D10 of nano

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Step 8: Completing the Assembly.

We need to power up the Nano. For that, connect the battery to it.

Once done, fix the Nano into the Rotating Part.

Fasten the Rotating Part to the holder.

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Step 9: Arduino Code

Upload the following code to Arduino Nano:




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Step 10: Working

When the IR sensor detects the white paper, the LEDs start glowing and create the illusion that something is displayed by the LED. This is due to the
persistence of vision, where the LEDs turn on and off in such a way that the different images overlap each other forming letters.
Step 6: Attaching the DC Motor

Attach the DC Motor to the given space in the holder.

Power the DC Motor using evive.

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Step 7: Adding IR Sensor

It's time to add the IR Sensor.

As we need to indicate the beginning from where the text should be written. Attach a small piece of white paper to the steady assembly, which will be
detected by the IR Sensor.

Varying the place of the paper leads to a change in the position of the text displayed.

Connect it to Nano:

• GND: GND of nano

• Vin: 5v of nano

• Out: D10 of nano

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Step 8: Completing the Assembly.

We need to power up the Nano. For that, connect the battery to it.

Once done, fix the Nano into the Rotating Part.

Fasten the Rotating Part to the holder.

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Step 9: Arduino Code

Upload the following code to Arduino Nano:




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Step 10: Working

When the IR sensor detects the white paper, the LEDs start glowing and create the illusion that something is displayed by the LED. This is due to the
persistence of vision, where the LEDs turn on and off in such a way that the different images overlap each other forming letters.

Langkah 6: Memasang Motor DC

Pasang Motor DC ke ruang yang diberikan dalam dudukan.

Nyalakan Motor DC menggunakan evive.

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Langkah 7: Menambahkan Sensor IR

Saatnya menambahkan Sensor IR.

Karena kita perlu menunjukkan awal dari mana teks harus ditulis. Pasang selembar kertas putih kecil ke unit yang stabil, yang akan dideteksi oleh Sensor

Memvariasikan tempat kertas menyebabkan perubahan posisi teks yang ditampilkan.

Hubungkan ke Nano:

• GND: GND of nano

• Vin: 5v dari nano

• Keluar: D10 nano

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Langkah 8: Menyelesaikan Majelis.

Kita perlu menyalakan Nano. Untuk itu, hubungkan baterai ke sana.

Setelah selesai, pasang Nano ke dalam Rotating Part.

Kencangkan Bagian yang Berputar ke pegangan.

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Langkah 9: Kode Arduino

Unggah kode berikut ke Arduino Nano:




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Langkah 10: Bekerja

Ketika sensor IR mendeteksi kertas putih, LED mulai bersinar dan menciptakan ilusi bahwa sesuatu ditampilkan oleh LED. Hal ini disebabkan oleh
kegigihan penglihatan, di mana LED menyala dan mati sedemikian rupa sehingga gambar yang berbeda saling tumpang tindih membentuk huruf.

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