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Education Unit : SMP N 2 Kragan

Subjects : Natural Science
Class / Semester : VII (seven) / I
Topic : Matter and Change
Sub topic : Acid and Base
TimeAllocation : 1 meeting (25 minutes)
A. Core Competences
1. Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion.
2. Respect and appreciate the honest behavior, discipline, responsible, cares (tolerance,
mutual assistance), polite, confident, to interact effectively with the social and natural
environment within reach of the association and their existence.
3. Understand and apply knowledge (factual, conceptual and procedural) by curiosity about
science, technology, art, culture, associated with the visible phenomena and events.
4. Try, process, and report in the realm of the concrete (use, parse, compose, modify, and
make) and the realm of the abstract (write, read, calculate, draw, and fabricate) in
accordance with the learned in school and other sources in the same viewpoint /theory.
B. Basic Competencies and Indicators
Basic Competencies Indicators
1.1 Admire the order and complexity of 1.1.1 Responsive gift of God for their simple
God's creation on the physical and air in everyday life that facilitate human
chemical aspects of life in the work.
ecosystem, and the role of man in his
environment and manifest in the
practice of the teachings of their
2.1 Indicate behavioral science (curious; 2.1.1. Show the attitude of honest,
objective; honest; careful; meticulous; conscientious, careful and responsiblewhen
diligent; careful; responsible; open; making observations as a form of
critical; creative; innovative and implementation of the attitude in conducting
caring environment) in their daily observations, and discuss.
activities as a form of implementation
of the attitude in conducting
observation , experimentation, and
2.1 Appreciate work of individuals and 2.2.1 Show respect for the work of
groups in their daily activities as a individuals and groups in daily activities
form of implementation conducting
experiments and report experimental
3.5 Understand the characteristics of the 3.5.1 Describe about indicator
3.5.2 Know about kind of indicator
substance, as well as physical and
chemical changes in substances that
can be used for everyday life
(example separation of mixtures)
4.5.2 Conduct an investigation to 4.4.1 Do experiment to diferentiate acid and
determine the nature of the solution base use natural indicator.
that is in the neighborhood using
artificial or natural indicators
C. Learning Purposes
1. Students can describe about indicator
2. Students know about kind of indicator
3. Students experiment to diferentiate acid and base using natural indicator.
D. Learning Materials

1.1 Acid and Base Indicators

As described on the properties of acids and bases above, acid and base have unique properties.
We can diferentiate between acid and base use indicatos. An acid-base indicators area compound
that shows a color change when reacted withacid or base.
Natural Indicators
Various types of plants can be used as natural indicators. Plants including indicators will
naturally show a color change in the solution acid or alkaline. Some examples of plants including
natural indicators are saffron, rose, red cabbage, purple cabbage, and hibiscus flowers.
Turmeric extract will leave yellow bright in acidic solution and under alkaline conditions will
give an orange color. Cabbage (cabbage) red containing a substance indicators, namely
anthocyanin. This substance in red sour, green on weak base, and yellow on a strong base.
Hibiscus flower extract will give a bright red color if dropped in acid solutions. When dropped in
alkaline solution will be generated green color.
Synthetic Indicators
One type of synthetic indicators that are not in the form of a liquid solution litmus paper.
There are two types of litmus paper, namely blue and red litmus litmus.Blue litmus paper turns
red in acidic solutions. Red litmus paperwill be blue in alkaline solution.
E. Learning Approach / Learning Model / Learning Methods
Learning approach : Scientific approach
Learning Model : Discovery Learning
Learning Methods :Group discussions and experiment.
F. Learning Resources
1. Kemendikbud. 2014. IlmuPengetahuanAlam SMP/ MTs Kelas VII. Jakarta:
PusatKurikulumdanPerbukuan, Balitbang, Kemdikbud.
2. Hsu, Tom. 2005. Foundations of Physical Science. USA: CPO Science
G. Learning Media
Media : Power point, video.
Tools : cup, tablespoon,.
Sheet discussion student : acid and base indicator.
H. Lesson Plan
Activities Syntax of Discovery Time
Learning step
Learning allocation
Pre Activity 1. Stimulation
1. Teacher greets students. 3 minutes

2. Students and teacher pray to

start the lesson.

3. Teacher checks attendance of

4. Teacher starts the lesson with
questions that relate the topic to
real life. “howthe taste of
orange fruits?”

5. Teacher tells the purpose of the

By the end of the lesson, students
willbe able to:
 Identify acid and base using
 Experiment to differentiate acid
and base using natural indicator
Core 2. Problem
Observing 17 minutes
Activity  Teacher shows some examples of
acid and base in the environment of
 Students observe the
 Teacher demonstrates using
 Teacher asks questions about the
1. How we can identify acid and base?
2. Data collection  Teacher asks students to make
 Teacher gives instructions to
students about what will be done
 Students conduct experiment to
differentiate acid and base using
natural indicator

3. Data Processing  Students discuss with her/him friend

about experiment.
4. Verification
 Students from each study group
observe the result of their
 Member of study group create a
report in written form.
 Students Present the results of
experiment and other students give
Post 5 minutes
5. Generalization Association
 Teacher guidesof students to make
conclusions about
a. description acid and base
b. different between acid and base
c. example acid and base in our
d. acid and base indicator
Teachers give an evaluation about
thematerial that has been studied
 Teacher assigns students to make a
picture about acid rain process
 Teacher end the learning process
with prayers and greetings

Type Form of assessment instruments
Spiritual attitude Observation sheet attitude and rubric
Social attitude Observation sheet attitude and rubric
Psychomotor Assessment test practice natural indicator of acid and base
Cognitive short descriptiontest
1. Spiritual Attitudes Assessment Instrument
Students Spiritual Attitudes Observation Sheet
Name :
Class :
Numbe Aspects of observation Score
r 1 2 3 4
1. Pray before and after lessons
2. Say gratitude for the gift of God.
3. Greet before and after give opinion / presentation.
4. Express admiration orally and in writing to God
when he/she saw the greatness of God.
Total Score
Assessment rubric:
Score 4 = Always, if they always perform according to a statement.
Score 3 = Often, if often appropriate statement.
Score 2 = Sometimes, if sometimes do.
Score 1 = Never, if it never did.

Total Score
Value= x 100
Total Maximum Score


Very Good 80 ≤ AB ≤ 100

Good 70 ≤ B ≤ 79

Enough 60 ≤ C ≤ 69

Less <60

2. Social Attitudes Assessment Instrument

Attitude Observation Sheet of discussions
Attitude Observation Sheet
Class : VII
Day, date : ...............
Topic / Theme : Acid and base indicator
Sub topic : Natural indicator.
Number Name of students Attitude Explanation



Description of scoring:
4 = if always consistently show an attitude in accordance with aspects of attitude
3 = if often consistently show an attitude in accordance with aspects of the attitude and
sometimes does not match the aspect attitude
2 = if sometimes consistently show an attitude in accordance with aspects of behavior and
attitudes are often incompatible aspect
1 = if it was never consistently show an attitude in accordance with aspects of attitude

Calculation of the final value using the formula:

Total Score
Value= x 100
Total Maximum Score


Very Good 80 ≤ AB ≤ 100

Good 70 ≤ B ≤ 79

Enough 60 ≤ C ≤ 69

Less <60

3. Psychomotor Assessment instruments

Attitude Observation Sheet
Class : VII
Day, date : ...............
Topic / Theme : Acid and base indicators
Sub topic : Natural indicator
Results of Assessment
Indicators 4 3 2 1
1. Description observations
2. Interprets events will
3. conduct discussions
4. Present the results of the
Average Score Obtained

Assessment rubric.
Conditions scoring:
4 = if it meets indicator 1
3 = if it meets indicator 2
2 = if it meets indicator 3
1 = if it meets indicator 4
Assessment rubric
Numbe Indicators Rubric
1. Description 1. Obtain a description of observations are
observations complete (100%) in accordance with
established procedures.
2. Obtain a complete description of the results
of observation less (75%) in accordance with
established procedures.
3. Obtain a complete description of the results
of observation less (50%) in accordance with
established procedures.
4. Not obtain a description of the observations
is less complete in accordance with
established procedures.
2. Interprets events 1. Able to give the correct interpretation
will occur (100%) substantively.
2. Able to provide less correct interpretation
Numbe Indicators Rubric
(75%) substantively.
3. Able to provide less correct interpretation
(50%) substantively.
4. Not able to give the correct interpretation of
3. conduct 1. Able to practice using the entire procedure
experiment (100%) that exist.
2. Able to practice using some of the
procedures (75%) were there.
3. Able to practice using some of the
procedures (50%) were there.
4. Not able to practice with using the existing
4. Present the results 1. Able to present the results of the practice by
of the practice meeting 4 criteria: the correct substantively,
a language easy to understand, attractive
presentation, and deliver with confidence.
2. Able to present the results of the practice by
meeting 3 criteria: the correct substantively,
a language easy to understand, attractive
presentation, and deliver with confidence.
3. Able to present the results of the practice by
meeting 2criteria: the correct substantively, a
language easy to understand, attractive
presentation, and deliver with confidence.
4. Able to present the results of the practice by
meeting 1criteria: the correct substantively, a
language easy to understand, attractive
presentation, and deliver with confidence.

The formula to calculate the final value:

Total Score Obtained
Value = X4
Maximum score

4. Cognitive Assessment Instrument

Numbe Indicators Item Total Item
r Number
1. Explain the meaning of anindicator. 1 1
2. Example of acid 1
3. 1 3
4. 1 4
5. Example of indicators 1 5
Total 5
Test Item
Fill in the blank!
1. What is the meaning of indicator?
2. Many foods are acidic. List four examples.
3. Answer these questions about water:
a. Is water an acid, a base, neither, or both?
b. What is the pH of water?

4. Nadine tests an unknown solution and discovers that it turns blue litmus paper
red, and it has pH of 3.0. Which of the following could be the unknown solution?
a. sodium hydroxide
b. vinegar
c. ammonia
d. soap

5. Give two examples of a pH indicator
Answer key and scoring method
Answer key Score
An acid-base indicators area 2
compound that shows a color
change when reacted withacid or
 Vinegar 2
 Orange
 Lemon
 Apples
a. neither 2
b. 7
 vinegar 2
 litmus paper 2
 universal indicator
 pH meters
Total score 10
Value score x 10

Semarang, May 11, 2016

Head Master of SMP N 2 Kragan Teacher of Natural Science

Muhammad Ali, M.Pd. Tasmuri

NIP 19610202 198103 2 006 4001413024

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