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Call of Duty: Black 1ps ll,like

all other games in lhe Call of

Dufyseries, is a first-person

shooter (FPS). This means

you play most of the game

looking through the eyes of

the main character as he

fights his way through the

campaign's many scenari0s.

This section of the guide is

for users new to first-person

shooters, or those who

haven't played an FPS in a

few years.

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..; -'tt,

ln Campaign mode, you can choose from four difficulties:

> Recruit For players whd to fir'st-person shooter


> Regular: This is the default difiiculty. lt does not present

anything too difficult.

> Hardened: Enemies are tougher and more likely to throw

grenades. Taking cover to avoid damage is crucial.

> Veteran: This is extremely ditficult and challenging for even

the most experienced Call of Dulyvelerans.

You can lower this ai any time, by pausing and selecting a

lower diificulty. Remember, you cannot raise the difiiculty.

H EALTH Most weapon fire

penetrates softer
There is no health meter or number to represent how much health you have.
objects such as
Your well-being is represented by blood splatter 0n the screen. A red arc shows
wood, plaster walls,
up when you are hit. This arc represents the direction from which the attack
and cubicle walls.
originates. Take cover and the screen clears, showing that you are recovering.
Use this to your

advantage when

enemies employ

these as cover. But beware: their bullets penetrate these substances, too.

At the start of each campaign level, you are given a particular weapon loadout.

You are given two guns and two types of grenades. Press Y/Triangle to customize

your loadout. You can choose two weapons to carry with up to three Attachments

for each. Select the two types of grenades and up to three Perks. These weapons,
Attachments, and Perks need to be unlocked before selecting them. Refer to our

Arsenal chapter for more information.

ln Call 0f Duty: Black 0ps //, it's very important to take cover to avoid taking too

much damage. Crouch down and move behind a wall, a counter, some rubble, or

any object that can give some level of protection from incoming fire.

Enemies drop their weapons when they're killed, giving you the opportunity t0

swiich your guns often.

..' ;
Whenever your weapon s ready to fire, a crosshair appears in the middle of the screen, This represents In the lower-right corner of your Heads-Up Display (HUD),

the spread 0f your weapon when you fire it from the hip or fire without targeting. two numbers are separated by a slash. The first number
represents the ammo remaining in the'clip and the second

shows how much of that ammo you have in total. Below

these numbers, two sets of icons represent the type of

grenades y0u carry and how many. Your weapons can be

reloaded at ammo crates thr0ughout the levels.

Firing in this Tnanner s ess accurate than aiming down the sight (ADS), so it's better to limit hipfiring to

close-range weap0ns such as shotguns and machine pistols. This method is also a quicker way to fire,

Long-range weapons. such as the sniper rifle, are very inaccurate when fired this way.


A ming down the sight greatly improves the accuracy of your shots. lt's the preferred way to fire your

gun, lt gives you a vrew of your weapon as you line up the shot with its sight.

T0 reload your weapon, press the Use bulton. Depending

on which weapon is selected, the time required t0 reload

can vary. lt's always a good idea to duck behind cover

when you reload, and sometimes it's better t0 switch t0

your other weapon if it reloads faster.

Throughout the campaign, as long as you carry the Access

Kit Perk, the word Access will appear on locations that can

be opened with this kit. This nets y0u an extra weapon of

s0me sort, proiection, 0r tactical, improvemdnts. 0ften, this

is required in completing challenges.

lf a scope is attached t0 the weapon, then y0u

only see through those optics. lt may 0ffer y0u the

ab lity to zoorn in 0n your target, giving you even

better accuracy from onq distances.

lf your weapon has an alternate mode, such as a grenade launcher, or you have picked up a special weapon with the Access Kit, such as mortar rounds, a graphic

appears to the right of your ammo count. lt is separated into four sections, The left represents Left on the D-pad, the top is Up, and so on. To use these m0des or

weapons, press in that direciion. Around the outside of this graphic is your compass.


In ihe future, an 0ptical camo suit can be found in an Access crate. This is used to blend in to the background. lf this is available, an icon is shown above y0ur ammo

count. The words Camouflage Enabled are shown on ihe right side of your HUD when it is turned on.

lnside some Access locations, you gain the ability to target enem;es with supporting drones. This is also represented by an icon above the ammo count that represents

the type of drone. Press the direction shown and place the reticle on the desired target. Then press Fire to have the quad drone, CLAW, orASD fire at that location.
You always have a combat knife equipped. lf you can get close to an enemy, press in on the Right Analog Stick to knife the foe. To stay undetected, move behind a

hostile target and melee him. lnside Access locations, you find more melee weapons. After picking one up, you automatically use it when you melee attack.

Two grenades are carried with you at all times. Press Left Bumper/12 to toss the left one

and Right Bumper/82 to toss the other. Damage grenades, such as Frag grenades, cause an
expl0sion. Tactical grenades can stun, blind, or disable an enemy.

Grenade Danger lndicator

The Grenade Danger lndicator pops up when a grenade lands near your location.
A small arrow points to where it sits. Move away from it to avoid taking too much You employ the Use button (X/Square) when you perform many actions in

damage. lf you're quick, move over to it, pick it up, and toss it back at the sender the campaign. This includes using a turret and picking up lntel. Text appears
Be careful though, as it can go off in your hands. onscreen when an iiem can be used.

lf you're against a strong barfler, such as concrete, and the icon indicates that the
grenade is on the other side, duck behind cover to safely avoid the blast.
lf you knock down an

SPR I NT enemy and he doesn't die,

he may try to crawl away

Pushing in on the LeftAnalog Stick causes your character to run faster. Sprint
or pull out his handgun.
between pieces of cover to become a tougher target to hit.
Be sure enemies are

completely out before you

change targets.
Several times during the campaign, there are choices 0r actions that affect the story and even make one mission unavailable. For example, wounding or killing

someone changes what happens later in the campaign.

Sometimes, y0u may make a decision in the campaign that you regret and wish to try a different way. For example, maybe y0u killed Defalco in the Karma mission and

rescued Chloe. Later, perhaps you find out this has consequences that you may not like. In Replay Mission, when selecting a mission, you can press Right Bumper/R1

to reset the storyline to the mission that you're looking at. Now, when you continue the story, you pick up at this point in the campaign.


Up to five Strike Force missions open up at different times during the campaign. Your After completing a
gameplay in the campaign affects how many Strike Force missions become available. mission, you are scored

Completing them is optional and you have a limited number of attempts t0 do so. They based on kills, types

can be replayed outside of the story at any time by selecting Replay Mission. of skills, challenges

completed, and

difficulty. You can then

compare your score with others at the Leaderboard.
Each mission in the campaign has 1 0 challenges that can be accomplished to

unlock weaponry, These include eliminating enemy personnel in certain ways,

performing tasks, collecting intelligence, and finishing a level without dying. The
I 0 challenges are

listed at the beginning ln between missions in

of each level. We also Campaign mode, you can

show what is unlocked view which challenges

by completing two and you have completed,

five challenges in what has happened in the

each mission. story, and your best score by selecting Career Record from the loadout screen
Thls section lists all the weapons, theirAttachments, grenades, Equipment, and camo. ln these tables we detail all relevant stats and what is required to unlock
particular piece 0f Equipment. While most of these items are unlocked while just completing missions, some can only be accomplished by succeeding
at challenges. To

see all available challenges, refer to the Single Player Walkthrough where each challenge is listed and covered ihroughout each mission.

While every mission has a recommended loadout for your soldier, all missions

can be accomplished using any weapon you have unlocked. All weapons can be

tllBc-Slgd to either the primary or secondary weapon slots. Each weapon also

hai a"lisl of:Attachments, which can be applied to the weapons once they are

unloCked to further customize your choices

Submachine guns are great for mobility, have the highest rate of fire, and are extremely deadly at close to short range. These weapons become inaccurate at medium

to long range, but you can compensate for this with the right Attachments.

Reflex Sight, Suppressor, Long Barrel,

Extended Clip, Fast Mag, FMJ, Rapid Fire, None
#:flji ;][j#ll'' #.ry*1r'"8*:,Ff$x,%131,,. Fore Grip

iIilil ifi
:ifl#' fi 'Li'!Htlll',illl$iili',,,n,
fi_ffiili'ri''^ masazine.


32-288 Standard
Rellex Sight, Suppressor, Long Barrel, Complete
43-387 Ext. Attach. Fully automatic with high rate of
Extended Clip, Fast Mag, FMJ, Rapid Fire, Celerium
32-320 Ext, Perk fire. Effective at close range,
Fore Grip mission,
43-430 Both

30-27t) Slafldafd.:
,tS-360 Ext. AttaCh,
38-300:Fxt'Perk.r, ,

tll)-400 Both ,.,,,,::

- I :r::i'.:. r,

50-450 Standard :,:,r,'

67-503 Ext. Attiiih,
UO-5gg gt1 PeYk' : r,':
67-570 Bqth ,,:rrrr:,

. . .. : .., .:r...

30-270 Standard
Reflex Sight, Suppressor, Long Barrel,
40-360 Ext Attacn. Fully automatic with high power. Complete
Extended Clip, Fast Mag, FMJ; Rapid Fire,
'€ 30-300 Ext. Perk Effective at short to medium range.
Fore Grip
Karma mission.
40-400 Both

Heflex SiEht.1E0TierhrSi0h!;,Millimeter Scanner, .n^*^,^.^ :l:t 1rr:iltt:

Funy automatic submachine gun.

Highest rate of fire in class, '3ll'i1Tsi3'3li['f*'nl'iiiiliJ"vii,nn'r'
Finder, Select Fire ""oo''"'

tr#lffiPt #illu**ry
# 36-324$andard. :
Fully automatic submachine
48-432 Ext. Atta9h, gun. Contains recoil mitigation
36-360 Ext. Perk
48480 Both
Assauit rifles are the most versatile of all the weapons.

They are effective at all ranges, but are typically g00d

in close to medium range. While their rate of f ire

varies significantly between each different model, their

damage is consistent and the Attachments you choose

can easily tailor the assault rifle of your choice to handle

any s tuation.

Reflex Sight, AC0G Sight, Grenade Launcher,

Selecl Fire, Suppressor, Extended Clip, None
;i:ilfl $i$i#' ii41,,Eilfi11:ffi,ffxrrmtirr' Fast Mag

30-270 Standard
Reflex Sight, ACoG Sight, crenade Launcher,
40-360 Ext. Attach. Fully automatic with high power.
30-300 Ext. Perk Effective at medium range.
Select Fire, Suppressor, Extended Glip,
Fast Mag
40-400 Both

Beflex Sight, EOTech Sight, Target Finder,

30-270 Standard
40-360 Exi. Attach. Fully automatic assault rlfler.
Hybrid optic, Suprres-sqr, Fast lllag; Fore Grip, Complele-, i ,',i
30-300 Perk
Laser Sighli Millimoler Scanngr,-0renade' ' :
Pyrrllic Viclory
Higher mobility and reduced recoil.
Launcher,:Ac0ci'Sight, Extended Clip; , , :
misSiort :i ,,il

20-180 Standard Beflex'Sight,,I0Tech Sighi,rTarget Fihder, .: r'

27-243 Ext. Attach. Fully automatic assault ri{le. High Hybri{r03!iq; StlpB.ressori Fast Mag; Fore ,Grip, Gomplele.:. ',
20-200 Ext. Perk
damage wilh a low rale if:fire,, , r
LaserSight,:Miltimetel:Scanner, 0renado - Pyrrhic Uiclofy

27-27BAath LaunchelACOG Sight,,Extended, Clip; .mission. . .


35-315 Standard
Reflex Sight, ACOG Sight, Grenade Launcher, Complete
47-423 Ext. Attach. Fully automatic assault rifle.
Selecl_ Fire, Suppressor, Extended Clip, ,
35-350 Ext, Perk Effective at medium to long range,
Fast Mag
47-470 Both - mission,

30-270 Standard ReflexSighf,E0Tech$ight,Ta-rgelFinder,,,,',,,,, 1',

40-360 Ext. Attach.
Fully auldmatic assaUtl rille.
Versatile and strong overall.
Laser'Sightr Millimetet"Scanner,, Gfenadpr, - i ,: ,mission'-,r
Time.and :Fate
Ext. Perk
Both Launcher, Ae0G SighliExtended Clip, ,', ' .
Select Fire
30-270 standard
Fetbt Sighl, E0Teoh Sight; Tarqetr'fiildqrr
Hybrid optic, Suppressor, Fast Mag, Fore
'',.' . ,.,,'r :,' ,.

Fully automafi e a$Ceult rifle;,High, onmntcie Fallen

- Y
-G)-- 40-360 Exi. Attach.
3o-3oo Ext. Perk rale tl tllerwjtl'
.msderqte ryl,i iSiiHt"llJ['J'ffili:&1xlffil8ii;.,' ffi;ffiilffi:"
O 40-400 Both .,

Select Fire
li:jjil: lll:l::ilj.LLl:l : L-:1.

:,t t i't1
:llr..,.1 ..'.. ' I
li ' l' . '1.1-''1,1,,"1 1.1 .t t.11..'..,,'1:.:'

Feflex Sight, E0Tech Sight, Target Finder,

Futlf'aut;mari;,ieiauii iiiii,isio* Hybiid Opliq quipre$sorJ fast Mag,:,F6re Giipi'.1 ComBlete ' :

rate of fire with high damage Laiqisigtili$lillimotei$tanner,Grenade sufferwithME:

output. rLaqncheli AG0G SighlExtondod 6lip;:,::'.',..,r':,':""'mission;,-',,
Select Fire

30-270 Standard
40-360 Ext, Attach. Fully automatic assault rifle.
Reflex Sight, AGOG Sight, Grenade Launcher, .^-^,^+^
SelectFiri,$uppressdr,ExtendedClip, llilfjtlrti.rion.
l 3o-3ooExt.Perk Effective at medium to long range,
Fast Mag
O 40-400 Both

------@-- 3o-270 standard

Rdflex Sightt,EoTeqh Si0ht;'Tafqet,Finder; ,, , : i
Hybrid,oplic,SuBpie$sor;,fa8l,Mag; Foi€ Grip,
Efgr - -- 't 40-360 Ext. Attach. fully airtomatic a$sa0lt rille,:,, LaseiSigh't,Millirheler:9qanner;:,Gr d i,, '0ompl€td,:',':r'
Srltfef With,,Mq
F 3o-3oo Ext. Perk lncreased damaoe andi range.
Launcher, AC0G Sight, Extended Clip, mi$Si0n;], ,'. 'r
O 40-400 Both
Select Fire
......:... ...:...:.
...,,,,"'. ,'.,. '.. . ...,,,

-. , -€-
i,,, r,,'
30-270 standard
n*bx Sight; r0recn Sight; Tatgei Finds;;
Fuily autofiatic'Assaull,rille. The Hybrid 0ptic, Suppressor, Fasl Mag, Fore Grip, Completg.: ,:
:--- t'"
40-360 Ext. Attach. l

,LaserSigh[ Millimoterscanne1 Srenade',,,"'


first two rounds of each burst are Sufler,With,,l!tle

3o-3oo Ext. Perk
lired at a faster rate. Launcher, AC0G Sight, Extended Glip, itrission:l.: I "rii
Select Fire
. .. . ..

....= @ = 36-324staillafll Rettex Sighti E0'fech Sight;:Target finOei;,,',i. ,,

Hybrid 0ptic, Suppressor, Fast Maq, Fbre Grip, Cqmpleter' r.r "
-Y --: 30-360
48-432 Ext, Attach.
Ext. Perk
Fully aulOmatlc assault rifle;,High
rite of fire with mOderate recoil,- lasei Sight, Millimeter Scanngr, Grglade, ] i .: Achillesl'Veil
Launcher, AC0G Sight, Extended Glip, mistion.'
O 48-480 Both
Select Fire

------€>- 30-270 standard

Reflex Sight, EoTech Sight, Target Finder,
Hish Grip, lomnlete
--"-----t'- 40-360 Ext. Attach.
ii.t-Tiil'ii;ild,;#;;ffiffii |tlllid"0,tllt;s#Ptltllt"':l3llyt9:Fore
Fuily auromaric assauri rifle.
3o-3oo Ext. Perk
lffiif:?:lJ[t"ffli:r:.tll3lQ'1fnade,' ' :*!|i*'il',
O 40-400 Both
Shotguns are extremely deadly ai close t0 short range. They are usually very inaccurate and benefit greatly from Attachments that provide range and accuracy. Even

though their accuracy suffers, you can easily take out multiple enemies with one blast of your shotgun if they are grouped together. These weapons also have a very

limited ammo capaciiy, so be sure to make each shot count, as reloads take a significant amount of time.

=-*- 2-48 Standard

N/A Exi. Attach.
€@---: Pfi :31i,l:lTi.i1fi 'j',ttf,::3tlt$.LonsBarer,FastMas None
:: : 2-50 Ext. Perk
N/A Soth



:T +
10-S) Standard .,: : :::,', :.,,.,:'r:::'.,
13-1 1 7 Ext. Attach;:..'Sem!:aut0matis,sholguni'Deadly
10-100 Ext, Perk
13-138 Both
,at,Short.iang!;'rr, l'i:.,i:..''..,,,':,'::t.,:.: ,
'' ,r,, 'i:::i' :.i'
Rellex Sight, Suppressor, Long Barrel,
Extonded Glip;:Fist Mag;,ltgorgight ii
Millimeter Scanner
:rrus..aib ilr.,',it,:,],r:.'i'

ryb ::
8-56 Siandard
'l 1 -77 Ext. Attach.
8-64 Exi. Perk
Semi-automatic combat shotgun,
Effective at close range.
Suppressor, Long Barrel, Extended Clip,
Fast Mag
Old Wounds
11-88 Both mission.

========: ..1

% #-
11-99 Ext. Attaeh.
8-80 Exi.:Pei* ,
Pump action shotgun. Strong
damage and range.
Rellei.] iighi;:Snppie6soi;,,lons:Bariei;r',,r' :,
iEx,&nqer, eliB;,rfa$l Mag;ilaseiSight;.'.
:Millim'eterseannei: : r:.i':'il
i.r'l':':li l'
. .i. :,:oofiplete,f€llen

= .,'
{€r ==:
16-1lM Standard r,'
22-'198 Ext. Attach.
16-160Ext Perk:
22-220Bolh :
Fullv aummaiio.ifutstn.wjih
rechamber every four rounds,
i .:lr: 'Reftel$i0h!; Sttppie$sofi tong::,Bafiel;:t:',
.Millimeter.$eanndjii'r i r'j:i.'i irr "'

:,AchilldStr Vdilr



j Bet[ox,S-isht'Suppie$sor,lbn0,Biariel;
i,i ?i EiiT$#' igt,i'iiu ilriiJ,,'t%'i,r;[Hl Exl€ndedr,Qlip; F"st.Mag'Lesb- S'
19_1S0 Boitr ronger ranges. Millimeter Scanner
Light machine guns, or LMGs, are perfect for medium to long range. They deliver high damage and penetration and have the advantage of the largest amount of ammo
per reload. While ihey are highly inaccurate, the sheer amount of bullets you can throw down the field makes up for this inaccuracy. This devastating firepower is

balanced with the longest reload times 0f any weapon and a movement speed penalty. Due to the lengthy reload times, it is often bestlo switch'to yobr other weapon i1

you flnd yourself running low on bullets and in a bad situation.

,,1f*#" Rellex Sight, AC0G Sight, Suppressor,

Extended Clip, Bapid Fire, Fore Grip
I lillfr ir,{n##,#rsltn33$,i#r

?5'325 Stantlard: .,.j

101d)5 ExLAttacti:
7-5.450Ext Piik'r,r'
f01$6Boih: ,':'i",

100-500 Standard
125-675 Ext. Attach, Fully automatic wilh high power. Reflex Sight, AGOG Sight, Suppressor,
100-6fi) Ext. Perk Effective at medium lo long range. Extended Clip, Rapid Fire, Fore Grip
old Wounds
135-810 Both

. r,i_ i. ... i..ii. lii.

10{F500 Standaid .,,
135-675 Ext Attrch;
100-980 Ext, Perk r,:'

135-810 Both , ,,,.:,,.:].

100-5tX) Stirid;iid :,,,::'

135475 €xt, Attachi

135-810'Both.:, ,,

1 0l -505. Ex[ Attactr. fufly.a$puate
75-450 Ixt :Per*,., r,,::
&io over.tirirli;',1
101dl6,Both ,' ::' ::

Extreme y deadly at long range. sniper rifles are the choice of patient marksmen. lvlany scope Attachments are available, which can further enhance the rifle's

accuracy, as well as enable the marksman to see targets behind obstacles. Sniper rifles are great for taking out enemies in strong cover or elevated positions that you

normally can't reach with other weapons. When using a sniper rifle, be sure to periodically check your surroundings to confirm enemies aren't sneaking up 0n ygu

while you're focused on your target. Staying aware of your surroundings is often ihe difference between life and death for a sniper.

10-90 Standard
13-117 Ext. Attach.
Acloe,sig6i; y;itabrie zoo*;r,niiaii einu;, i,',r
Semi.a'utrimalic's0ipgr rifl e,,tligh
SallisticS ePU_, SupFresSo[,Exienddd,Glip;
10-1tH Ext^ Pe* fire rate with recoil.
Fast Mag, Laser Siqht
13-130 Both

10-90 Standard
13-117Ext.Attach. Semi-automatic sniper rifle. ACOG Sight, Uariable Zoom, Suppressor,
10-1fi) Ext, Perk Effective at long range. Extended Glip, Fast Mag Celerium
1 3-1 30 Both mtsston.

10-90 Standard
13-117 Ext. Attach. Semi-automatic, high caliber AC0G Sight, Variable Zoom, Suppressor,
10-100 Ext. Perk sniper rifle. Eftective at long range. Extended Clip, Fast Mag 0ld Wounds
13-130 Both mission.

*$.*r= 7-63
Ext. Attach.
Ext. Perk
Bolt-aclion sfiiper rifle. Deadly
lr0m ihe chest up, with laster
Ae00 Sigh!, Variable Zosm,rllual Bahd;
Ballistics Extefided CtiF;
CPU; SuBpfessort
': C0mplgle.rir .,
Timd eild,Fate

handlinq speeds. Fast Mag, Laser Sight, lron Sights miqliolr, .

:. l.:;.-: . a',,,,,,,,,,.a,.$ Both ,


_-._ ------€__
reF------s: 8-72 Sta*dard
10-99 Ext. Attach.
8-80 Ext. Perk
Semi-automatic snipdr rifle,
Deadly lrom the chest up, with
moderaterecoil, .. .. .
AC0G Sight, Varlablq Zoom;:oual band;, I ;: ,:.','

Fast Mag, Laser Sight

]' eornptite
Ballistici CPU; Supprdssoi, Eiiended Glip;, ,, ,,''r,"' Suffer,With'Me
',,.:.,r.-::={E 11-110 Both

5-45 Standard eompletq any",

ACoG Sight, Variable 200m, Dual Band, r',
7-63 Ext. Attacn. Bolt-action sniper rifle. Deadly two challengCs
5-50 Ext. Perk lrom the waist up, ,
GPU, Suppressor, Extended Clip,
Fast Mag, Laser Siqht On the Achillesf
7-78 Both Veil mission, ,
These weapons are typically emp oyed as a

secondary or backup weapon to whatever gun you

are carrying as y0ur primary weap0n. While pistols

can be deadly at short to medium range, they should

-sual y o^ V be LSed rvhe- you, o-inary weapon is

out of ammo or takes t00 long to reload, and when

you are stil surrounded by enemies. When using the pistol, you have greater mobility and, with Attachments, can silently take out unsuspecting enemies

7-63 Standard
Semi-automatic with medium
9-81 Ext. Attach.
-----a'- 7-ToExt.Perk
capacity and power. Eftective at Suppressor, Extended Clip
close range.
9-90 Both

-------@- 2o-1 80 standard I

Semi-automatic pistol. Ver$atile Compldte l

---------t/- 27-243 Ext, Attach.

2o-2oo Ext. Perk
and strong overall with a large
lactical Knife, Laser Sight, Suppressor, Reflex
Sight, Exlended Clip, Fast Mag; Lorig Barrel
Pyrrhic Victory
magazine. mtssron. . ..'

r € 8-T2 standard
Semi-automatic with medium Complete
1 1 -99 Ext. Attach.
---------ar-- capacity and power. Effective at Suppressor, Extended Clip Celerium
B-80 Ext. perk
close range. mission.
11-110 Both

% -.-r'-
5-45 Standard
N/A Ext. Attach.
5-so Ext. Perk
N/A Both
Double-aclion revolver pistol. Fires
28-gauge shotgun shells, Sight,Fast Mag, Long Balrel
Complete any
Taclical Knife,LaserSight;Suppressor,Reflex fivechallenges

re ta; -_-1-
10-30 Standard
1 3-39 Ext. Attach.
1o-Bo Ext. Perk
13-104 Both
Semi-automatic with medium
capacily and power" Effective
cldse range.
at Suppressor, Extentled Clip
Old Wounds

rc ;
10-90 Standard
13-117 Ext. Attach.
1o-1ffi Ext, perk
13-130 Both
Semi-aulomatic pislol. High
damage at close range. ffilt-?',fii"11ff il ?fJl'#Tt'ffi unl'. ffi r."


- 1-
15-135 Standard
20-180 Ext. Attach,
1 b-1 bo Ext, perk

20-200 Both
Fully automaiic pislol,
lncorporates recoil -mitigati0n
Tactical Knite, Laser Sight; Suppressor;
Sighi, Fxtended Clip, Fast Mag, Long Banel
Refl€x Complete Fallen
Anget mission.

15-13s standard
€* -@-
Ext. Attach.
Ext. Perk
Three round burst pistol, High rate
of fire with moderate recoil. fflti-$'ft-'11il ?:*i'*iT,,.'.1ili*1,1i* ffin rur,
Launchers are great for taking out heavily-armored targets like helicopters, tanks, and other armored vehicles

These powerful weapons only hold one projectile and must be reloaded after every shot. This makes them

impractical for eliminating enemy personnel, but perfect for taking out hard targets. Some launchers have an

alternate firing mode which allows them t0 automatically lock onto vehicles or helicopters.

1-9 Standard
N/A Ext. Attach.
Rocket Launcher, Gomplete Karma mission.
1-10 Ext^ Perk
N/A Both

1 -3 Standard
I'UA Ext. Attach. Guided shoulder-firtd rocketilauncher'that ean lock
1-4 Ext. Perk onto vehicles and turrets.
N/A Both

1-9 Standard
ll/A Ext Attach. eompletq SufierWith,Me
Free-fire shoulder-horihted iockit launcher.
0 Ext. Perk
1 -1 miSsion.
N/A Both

1 -19 Standard
NIA Ext. Attach.
Free fire rocket launcher that can be deionated mid-
Complete any five challenges
1 -20 Ext. Perk
flight by pressing the Right Trigger. Toggle lock-on
on the Suffer With Me mission.
mode by pressing Left on the D-pad.
NiA Both

1-3 Standard
NIA Exl. Attach. Free lire shouliler'fired rockel launcher. Can lock Complete Judgment bay
1-4 Ext. Perk onto vehicles and turrets. mission. ,.,. ...
N/A Both

This category c0ntains several unique weapons which usually have an extreme amount of firepower or special

features, setting them apart from ordrnary weapons. This diverse set of weapons includes everything from

modern crossbows to ultra-powerful Gatl ng guns. These weapons are so powerful they have n0 need for

Attachments. All 0f these weapons have special unlock requirements, which are detailed in the fOllowing table

1 0-45 Standard
N/A Ext. Attach. lntelligent airburst greriade launcherithat detonates Complete Pyrrhic Victory
10-45 Ext. Pe* atler detecting nearby enemies. ini$$ion. ,

N/A Both

Drum loaded semi-automalic grenade launcher, ir/^ Gomplete any five challenges
on 0ld Wounds mission.

Drum load€d,semi:auiomatiq gfenade, launchqr,

Spring-action knife launcher. lncreases melee speed Complete any five challenges
and can lire blade as a projectile. on Fallen Angel mission.

#+-l : -€- 1-1 standard

viiiit'nli,i'*. Spring:action:rknife laltnchefr:![ere.A$es melee'Speed,
N/A Ext Perk a.[d],a9.a..pr0Jectilei.:.rr,.,'rr':. ,' ,.,r'..:',':l'li,:'',,r'.i,.',.,,..

;.€jiii* NrA Both

'.v l--*
1-l5 Standard,
N/A Ext. Attach.
1-32 Ext. Perk
N/A Both
Bovr..acliol.boll launeher.rFires]expl0$ive',b6lts,
d8totiAto:arShOf.t,timg afte-riimpaCit:i:ir :..t,iit,:l'.,.r:.,..ri:'..ri
N/^ Complete any five challenges
on Karma mission.

ry ;.

N/A Ext. Attach.

Bow-iaction, bol!' Iautchef; Fiies, explo$ivel}o[s:
detonate a,$hortlime,aftgr impaCt;r , r, r', i: ,i ,,,ir,r,
:.., ir l

- --q 3o-slstandard
--l N/A Exl. Attach.
30-240 Ext. Perk
See enemies lhrough,wallsi:h0!d,:lhe
bull€ts'and release l0r edleme malerial penetretion;
lrigger to,.queue,
illA,,,'''., :i r
Coilplete missisn,
N/A Bolh


-j€ Ballislia:proot blunt shigtd wqapon C?nrbe deployed
-- - tt-
^ N/A Ext. Attach.
N/AExLPerk on.the ground ag C0ver. ' :',,.,, NIA
CQmBletG any live challenges
0n Sdysaeusriission. '
----O--- l,l/A Both

€Bl-ftfiifillffrn NlA Both
Six barreled Gatling gun. Possesses an extremely
high rate of fire at the cost ol mobility. N/A Complete any live challenges
on Ju0gment uay mtsst0n,

\ ------+- 999-0 Standard

f,l/A Ext. Attach. Six baffeled Galling gun.rPosse$Ses ?n eitemelt
ll/A Ext. Perk high rate 0f lire at the co$t of mobllilF 'r .r t ,, ,:, .

-i----3- N/A Both

: i..=-'.

= =. := :

The Grenades & Equipment secti0n lists all the Tactical items that can be equipped

during a mission. You are allowed to take two of these items while setting up your

current loadout, These items are very limited and you stad each mission with
three to use. Even though you only carry a small amount of these items, you can

replenish your supply by visiting ammo boxes throughout each mission.

Produces lethal radius damage upon detonation. None

Directional anti-personnel mine that triggers a proximity-based

Complete Karma mission,
explosion. Can be picked back up.

Retrievable axe that causes instant dealh on impact. Complete any flve challenges on Pyrrhic Victory mission.

Electrocutes and stuns nearby enemies. Gomplete Suffer With Me mission.

A plastic explosive device that is detonated remotely with the

Complete Celerium mission.
clacker or by double-tapping the X button.

Grenade that sticks to sudaces betore detonating. Complete Time and Fate mission,

llVrist-fired grenade that will detorate on target, Complete Pyrrhic Victory mission.

Slows movement, disorients targets, and temporarily disables enemy

Complete Fallen Angel mission,
equipment and tuffets.

Disables nearby enemy electronic systems. Complete Pyrrhic Victory mission.

BIinds targets, impairs hearing, and lemporarily disables enemy

equipment and turrets. Can be picked back up,

Produces a smoke screen immediately upon impact. Complete 0ld Wounds mission,
Atlachments are speclal enhancements available for your weapons. You can only

have three Attachments per primary and secondary weapon. When choosing

Attachments, take into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of your

weapon to compensate for any lack and t0 enhance its strengths. When you equip

certain Attachments, it immediately locks out others 0f that type and displays

a warning overAttachments that interfere with the one you chose. This means

you cannot have more than one 0f that particular type. Choosing 0ne of the

Attachment types displaying the warning replaces your previous choice. There
is never a reason t0 not choose as many Attachments as possible on a weapon.

Select the three Attachments ior each weapon which will be most useful to your

current missron.

Increases Bange and Accuracy Enhanced zoom sight. None

lncreases Range and Accuracy Reduced weapon sway when aiming. Complete Pyrrhic Victory mission,

lncreases Range and Accuracy Nightvision scope with interlaced thermal

Complete Time and Fate mission.

Holographic sight. Provides a clearer view

lncreases Range and Accuracy of the target than a red dot, but with less Complete Pyrrhic Victory mission.
peripheral vision,

More ammo in each clip. Complete Time and Fate mission.

Reload faster. None

lncreases Damage lncreased material penetration, Complele Old Wounds mission.

Increases Accuracy Reduced recoil when aiming down the sights. Complete Pyirhic Victory mission.

lncreases Damage (only applies to launched Switch to an under-barrel grenade launcher

grenade) by pressing Left on the D-pad, Complete Celerium mission.

AC0G Sight with Reflex Sight attached on

lncreases Bange and Accuracy top, Press lhe Left Stick while aiming down Complete Time and Fate mission.
the sight to switch between optics.

Rail-mounted lritium iron sights. Complete Time and Fate mission.

lncreases Mobility and Accuracy lncreases hipfire accuracy. Complete Suffer With Me mission.

lncreases 0amage and Range lncreases range, Compleie Karma mission.

Detects lingering heat signatures ltom

lncreases Mobility and Lowers AccuraGy stationary enemies through malerials at up Gomplete Pyrrhic Victory mission.
to 25 meters.

lncreases Damage and Lowers Accuracy lncreased rate ol tire, Comllete Karma mission.

lncreases Range and Accuracy Precision red dot sight, Gomplete Celerium mission.

Switch to burst or automatic lire by pressing

lncreases Range and Accuracy left on the D-pad. Automatic fire will always N0ne
have more lecoil,

lnvisible from radar when firing, reduced

Lowers Damage and Range Complete Fallen Angel mission.
muzzle flash, but less range.

Carry a lactical knife in your off hand lor

lncreases Mobili8 Gomplete Time and Fate mission.
fasler melee attacks,

ldentifies enemies and notifies when an

lncreases Range and Accuracy Complete Suffer With Me mission.
enemy is in the crosshair.

While scoped in, press the Left Stick l0

lncreases Range and Accuracy Complete Old Wounds mission.
edjust between truo dilferent zoom levels.
=-= == =<==
ln addition t0 your weapons, you should always select Perks io round out your

loadout or fit your particular playstyle. Perks typically improve your character or

your weapons. You unlock them by completing missions or challenges.

Complete two
challenges in Flinch less when damaged.

Compleie two
Better accuracy when firing
challenge$ in
from lhe hip.
Old Wounds.

ilold breath longer when using
challenges in
sniper rifles.
Fallen Angel.

Gomplete live
challenge$ in Sprint tor a longer duration.
Time and Fate,

Gomplete two
ohallenges in Airn down the sight faster.
Time and Fate.

Complete two
Rssetths timer $,hen throwing
challenges in
Cordis Die.
back a gienade,
When you complete missions. you can customize the look of your weapons. As the following table illustrates, there are many different looks. These camos have no

effect on gameplay and are purely an aesthetic choice, so have fun customizing your favorite weap0n with your favoriie camo.

.,..1. .:
! "l' *il
0ld Wounds
& I'

'-.:r:sfihara Gelerium

FOB Spectre

w"# Second Chance



Judgment Day

ln additi0n to the weapons available in your l0ad0ut,

you often find useful items in the fjeld. These items

are critical for completing many mission challenges.

Powerful explosive that can be thrown or set in animal traps,

Can be set as a trap to lock down enemies.
Deadly melee weapon.
Melee weapon that you start with.
Deadly one-handed curved sword.
Deployable mine that takes out armored units.
Melee taser.
Smqll AoE flame-improvised grenade.
Throwab:e axe,
Distracls enemies.
Marks an area lor an air strike.
Powerful machine gun lhat shoots lots of bullets at the cost of accufacy.
Used in Sfike Force missions and can be picked up and redeployed, Also can be used against you in single player campaign.
locks on to aerial targets and once launched kacks its targets until they're desboyed.
M_iniature remote-controlled quad rotor hover units that have lightweight machine guns mounted on them.
Highly maneuverable but easily destroyed.
Exbemely tough and heavily equipped walking tank. Gan lire a minigun or launch grenades.
Small robots with treads that have burst-fire machine guns and rockets.
Satellite that launches kinetic strikes on painted targets,
Agents David l,{ason and Mike Harper are 0n the hunt for Raul lVlenendez, who.was rumgrecl to have

vistted Frank V/oods. ihey just mrss N4enendez, but Frank shares the story of how he and Alex lVlason go1

acquainted w th lvlenendez.

Soendlng s0me quality time with hrs son in Alaska, Alex gets a visit from Lt. C0l. Oliver North and Jason

Hudson. They lnform hirn that Frank is siranded in Angola. where he was sent t0 uncover an arms-smuggling

rjng. Alex can't let his partner down, s0 he and Hudson go in 0n the covert mission to recover Frank.
Jonas Savimbi, leader of UNITA in Angola and ally t0 the United States, can help pinpoint the exact locati0n of Woods and his team. However, Mason has to

help him counter the inc0ming attack fr0m their rivals, the lVlPLA. With Huds0n supp0rting from the arr, you pick up the story as Alex, riding into b;ttle \Uth the

supercharged Savirnbi.

As soon as your feet touch the ground, run f0r the IVIPLA soldiers heading your way. Take down as many as you can with your automatic weapon and machete. Use

the advancing UNITA vehicles as cover.


,,r {fLt,:.,:;

Y0! Tj.r,st stay re ai vely c ose to the convoy. or you risk leaving the area and
rest?.ri ng from the ast checkp0int. Weave through the c0nvoy t0 the right side t0

f nC ar Access cio0r 0n the back r; a tnrck.

Four enemies mannin0 modars are further down the field. Pull out your gun and take

0ut the right one first. Careiuliy advance toward the other three. who are protectecl

by a b0ul0er. T0ss a mortar round or grenade their way t0

Throughout the eliminate ihe threat.

campaign, as long as
you carry the Access Kit
Perk. the word Access

will appear on locations

that can be opened
with this kit. This nets
you an extra weapon of

S0me S0d, protecti0n, Or tactical imprOVements Often, this is required in

compleiing the challenges.
Once you get the abilily to call for air support, press Up on the D-pad. This gives

you a view from the helicopter as it flies over four tanks. Take them out with

some well-placed rockets.

Wnen you are in conlrol

of the choppeq press
Right TriggeriR2 to fire
the machine gun and
press LeftTrigger/12
to fire rockets. You can
use the machine gun to

make aiming the rockets

easier. Use the analog sticks to aim the reticle.


0nce you take care of the first wave of tanks, two trucks drive in with mounted
machine guns. 0uickly take oui the left one, and then dive behind cover. lvlake At this point, a

your way around to the right and duck behind the big second wave of

rock. Peek out and eliminate the second gunner to tanks impedes any
allow Savimbi's men to advance. progress, Press Up

again to resume

control of the air

support. Take out the

four tanks as you

sweep from the right

to left, As you swing

around to the left, five

mofe ianks come into

view. 0uickly take

them out, as you do

not have much tlme.
Continue fighting the enemy until Savimbi tells y0u to
join h m. Flght your way to the Buffel, and Mason

climbs aboard. Continue to fight the l\4PLA as you

hang off the APC. Be sure to take out the MG on

the back of the truck.

%gt*s1'***S 2

After the APC comes

to a stop, Mason

climbs onto Hudson's

helicopier, They take

off for the Cubango

River, where

Savimbi's men have

pinpointed Woods on

a barge. As the helicopter approaches its destination. it is shot down, but Hudson

and lvlason both manage to get aboard the ship.

0nce you re 0n the barge, take cover behlnd the c0ntainer. Pick off the MPLA

soldiers 0n the uppet level and those who hide on the other side of the cargo.

Sneak around the left side and take out any remaining

enemies. An Access crate sits on the far side

of the main deck.

Enemy vessels start to ;;;l!!::;;!y;.i,..

'iliiii :ii;;:i
approach from behind. ''li:r!4
They come up on either

side of the barge. 0nce you take care of the enemy vessels, j0in Hudson on the back side of the big

Some drop off men if container to find Woods inside,

they make it in time.

Man the starboard-

side machine gun

and sink the ship that

approaches. lViove back

and forth between this

gun and a port-side MG

that sits on the upper

deck-destroy any
boats within reach.

As y0u head llack out, a Hind hel copter bent 0n taking down ihe tlarge waits for you. Look to the left to find a Valkyrie launcher sitting on the ground. Grab it and

f nd the chopper in the sky.

The Valkyrie rockets are guided. Aim the weapon, put the chopper in the middle

0f the screen, and fire. Use the Right Stick to steer the explosive into the aircraft.

A vedical bar on the right shows how long until it explodes-when the bar fully
depletes, lf you are lined up with your target, hold Left Bumper/Ll t0 boost,
which geis the rocket there before your target has a chance to dodge. lf you are
close but a little off target, press Right Triggeri R2 to detonate the rocket nearby.
T&* T€{
Cubans are just ahead, so slep up t0 the log and take cover. Step 0ut from behind

the log and crouch behind Hudson until the coast is clear. When he gets up to

move, siand up and

stick as close to him as

you can. When he stops

in the building. again

crouch right behind him

to stay out of sight.

When Hudson moves again, stand up, quickly move up behind him in the grass,

and crouch down, F0llow him until he stops t0 let s0me enemy patrols move

past. 0nce again, wait for him to move and follow him out of the grass to s0me
The barge runs aground
rocks ahead, where you set Frank down.
and Hudson loses

Woods in the water,

After Alex grabs him,

move backward until

you reach the shore.

Follow Hudson into the

jungle until he stops.

You can see a radio

tower in the distance,

which means there

must be a radio. You

can use this radio to

call for an extraction.

Hudson stays behind with Frank, so move toward.the next.objective. Grab the

animal traps inside the shack, and pick up the Dragunov sniper rifle that leans

against it. An Ammo crate sits just to the right, so take advantage and refill your
weapons. Continue toward the radio, ignoring the soldiers wh0 stand to the left.

-':t:...,:{:': !

Jump thr0!gh the open window and approach the guy at the radio ahead. He isn't exactly the pushover that lvlason was hoping for. A struggle ensues and you are

knocked back outside-wlthout radio ng for any help.

i.l:1,;'l: !j riIll.:
.,. :.-..1,::, :ij ':.-...-".
':. :...:
i :
:']ir! i1i i* i{.:',*::
:i.,.! I ::l ,r-} !,.: I ii aa* !.._i r,.L.
Continue to defend Hudson's position here until he tosses

a smoke grenade. Jump down and follow him into the next
,: ;-'.r. ii ii: i: ,ri : ri'! :i''- in i ,.": ,:,; a*:i t'?* t l:
,'.: a.,Ji.+i?: :a ::i,:.:,.: ; iij: :_:t,* i : area. As y0u pass through the narrow path, lay down a few

animal traps to slow down the enemy.

Now you have an army hot on your tail.

Hustle into the jungle. Lay down a few animal

traps along the path, and then climb up one

of the poachers' platforms. From here, pull

out the Dragunov and snipe any enemies who

enter the area.

" *ii * 5{-! :bt il

**{-} li'r' I"il:*t$.
Llilnf", F;il*i} :l1illt'i
, , . ::

?ress Up on lhe D-pad to select&e animal trap.

Use them in narrow spaces or obvious trails.

This can take"out an enemy here and there,

increasing your chances of survival. lf you have

mortar rounds, press VSquare once a trap is set
to add an explosive to the mix. This causes a big

explosion when someone gets stuck in the trap,

taking out anyone nearby.

Cl mb onio one of ihe sniper posts to get a position against

the f0e. The enemy tosses a grenade from time to time.

f you are on the ground when one is tossed your way.

return it in their d rection or run to escape the blast radius.

Follow Hudson to the final defensive position, and keep taking out
Continue picking off the C!bans from afar unti Mason says
the enemies. A couple IVIG trucks need your attentron first, one 0n the
to make a run for it,
waterfall and another to the left. Eliminate them with your sniper rifle,

and then continue the assaull on the Other soldrers. An Ammo dump sits

next to Woods if you're running low.

When Hudson mentions falling back t0 the beach where a boat sits, follow him. Place traps to slow

':,: down the pursuers. Approach Woods t0 help Hudson get him to the b0at when a helicopter approaches

j; No need to worry-it's Savimbi, who

!. has come to your rescue.

.:_r!:. :trxinlijj+::
Woods continues to give iis thoughts on Raul
Menendez and the Chinese, who own alriosi all

of the world's supply of Rare Earth Elements-an

extremely valuable resource in 2025. A revolutionary

new microchip has been created with one 0f these

elements, Celerium, in a facility linked t0 Raul

Menendez. Alex Mason's son David leads a counter

terrorist force to the Hkakabo Razi Mountains in

Myanmar where the facility resides.

I .: I i:..,r i I ltl rr.,

Section and Mike Harper are on their way to

meet up with Salazar and Crosby, using special

gloves and bungee cord to scale the side of

the mountain. Press the buttons that appear

on screen to signal Harper and then swing him

from your fulcrum point. Press the next button

that appears to swing from Harper and then the

two given buttons to attach to the rock.

Continue this routine until you reach a platform.

A fallen tree attempts t0 take you two with

it until Salazar steps in and saves the day.

Follow the guys to the edge and press the two

Shoulder buttons to deploy your wingsuit. They

have all kinds of cool gadgets in 2025"

Jump off the cliff

and use the Right

Analog Stick to

control your flight.

Steer through the

objective markers,
staying in the middle

of the cliffs. You

take damage if you The enemies that you face in 2025 have optical camouflage suits that allow
brush against the them to blend in to their surroundings. Their outlines can still be seen, but
tenain, and you start you will have to be more watchful to spot them.
over if you crash,

so be careful as Move around ihe

you descend. left side of the tree

and fight your way

to the elevator.

Use the panel and

ride it to the level

above. Spot the

Continue through the narrow pass and press the given button to deploy your enemies outside

chute. Aim toward ihe landing zone, indicated by the objective marker. and take them down. Peek out to the righi and

take out more. Then turn around and eliminate

another enemy on an upper level.

Run up the

ramp to find

a chopper

attempting to
take off. Blow it up before it gets

airborne and then look to the left. Wait

for a soldier to duck behind the cover

ahead. Fire a bullet at the nearby red

barrel to take him down.

After surveying
what lies ahead and
getting the order to

engage, take out the

nearby enemies and

drop down to

their location.
Cut through the building on the left and refill y0ur amm0. Run through the arch ahead and take cover

behind the ruins on the left. T0ssing an EMP grenade at the sentry turrets disables them for a short

while. Take that opportunity t0 destroy it.

Eliminate the two turrets on the right and

then head up the ramp. Ease your way out

of cover as you shoot down the soldiers t0

the left. J0in y0ur crew behind the crates

ahead and fire on more troops to the right.


Fir st

Fight your way to ihe northeast, taking cover every once

in awhile to scan for enemies with your Millimeter Scanner

When you reach the locked door, launch a flechette at

it to blow it open. lf you wait long enough, Harper does

it for you.

re ;

Follow the corridor to a more modern-l0oking door and wait for Salazar to get it

open, Step into ihe entryway and reload your weapon at the ammo crate.
Toss an EMP grenade at the ASDS who show up in the lab Follow Harper to the second floor and take cover behind the wall. Kill anyone you can target from

ahead and f inish them otf with some gunf ire. Eliminate the there, and then fight your way through the lab. 0nce the floor is cleared, run down the southwest steps

remaining soldiers before moving too far inside. and take down the enemies inside the elevator.

?r1fi i: rT ;:"i:: i*iT iq,**i_1,,i l{\l -,,,

Join the rest 0f the team on the elevator and use the panel to proceed to the lower labs. Just as the

doors open, an ASD attacks from the next room. lmmediately shoot at the nitrogen tanks that sit a little

left of center. This will freeze any nearby enemies, including this drone.

With the Millimeter ScannerAttachment on your

assault rifle, Iingering heat signatures from stati0nary
enemies can be detected through materials at up
t0 25 meters. This is greai for this office building.
Aim down the rifle and enemies hiding behind a wall
show up as an outline. The penetration of the M27
allows you to take out a guy on the other side of an
office wall.
F ght your way t0 the doorway on the left. us ng

y0u" sca-ne'to see w*ere rhe enen es are

h ding. Watch out as you turn the next corner,

as an armored turret is rn0!nted to the

ceil ng. Toss an Ei\4P grenade to knock it

out, and then finlsh it off with some gunfire.

0nce you get the "We're c ear," move into the

next lab.

Take the oppodunity whi e the guys marvel over Menendez's wealth to reload your weapons in the small room

to the south. A noise is heard from sornewhere in this room. Approach the panel on the side 0f the container and

open it up to f nd Erik, who claims he wlll give up everything he knows if JSOC gets him out safely.

Enemies bust through the far wall and drop in

from the ceiling, along with another ASD. Wait

for the ASD to get ciose t0 the nitrogen tanks

and blow them up t0 take it down, along with

any nearby soldiers.

Two turrets are also lowered from the ceiling, Toss an

EIMP grenade their way and destroy them. Elimlnate any

remaining enem es n the lab.

:.::g;+ ''

Return t0 the south side of the room and step up to the left

panel. With Erik's help, the door opens to reveal where the

Celerium ls being kept. Before entering the ro0m. place the

Assau t Shie d at the doorway, Wait for the scientist t0 grab

the drive and hand it over to Section,

After learning about a powerful weapon

called Karma, m0re guards show up in the

previous room. Grab the shield and bash

your way through the ranks of enemies.

G0 up the stairs and c0ntinue to fight your

way t0 the lab where you first entered

the facility. Here Admiral Briggs and the

extraction team wait for your arrival.
Section cannot understand how

someone can have so much

hatred toward the U.S., so he

elicits the oprnion of Javier

Salazar, who is familiar with

the Nicaraguan area in which

Menendez began his rise to

power. A series of misfortunes

put Raul in command of his

father's cartel and he cultivated

a distaste for America.

Menendez started running guns

in Afghanistan and the CIA

cauqht wind of it. This is where

Woods picks up the story-

when he and AIex Mason meet

up urith the Mulahideen, a

group of guerrilla rebels who were fighting against the pro-Soviet g0vernmenl

The CIA is here to exchange weapons for information on Menendez.

Frank and Alex travel to the desert t0 meet up with Hudson's contact, Tian Zhao. After Zhao's qrand entrance

and exchanging pleasantries, mount your horse.

Follow Woods and

Zhao through ihe

i a,l.$
pass and to the
.h s. lv'lujahideen base

camp. A Russian

d l-lead for ihe exit. and jump on your horse. Head straight 0ut 0f the base along
..: I '' attack is rmminent.
with Zha0 and Frank. Continue i0 f0ilow behind them as you take down any
s0 y0u mrrst hurry.
Fuss an so Ciers along ihe way
Pressing in on the

Left Stick makes the

horse sprint jusi as

it does when you are

0n f00t.

Drsmount ihe horse b;.

wh."n vot reach voirr
deslrnation and jorN

Zrao and Woods You are led into the map rcom where Rahmaan, the leader 0f the

ML:jahideen. and Hudson \ilait. The meeting is broken up by an attack outside.


s; .K,
As you make your way to the south, two Soviet BTRs show up. Fight your way to

a platform 0n the far side where a Stinger launcher weapon rests on a weapons

cache. Look for the word "Weapons" to direct

y0u there. Climb the steps carefully, as two

Russians may be waiting if you didn't

Atter dismounting your horse, you find a group 0f Russians held up amongst already take care of them.

some rubble. Take cover behind the rubble and start picking them off with well-
Pick up the Stinger and use it on the
aimed shots.
far BTR. Move to the right and hit the
near one with another rocket. This takes

care of the current objective. Finish off any

remaining enemies in the area.

: i r :"': ll, : :"
" '*-l.i:'f-,^^
It's time to block this way in and head back to the base.

Place a demolition charge under the archway and then

take cover straight ahead behind the short wall. Wait for
your comrades t0 get close t0 you before pressing the Fire

button and detonating the explosives.

Jump on your horse and Pull out y0ur Stinger and take out the two tanks that head your way. A couple

follow the path ahead, ammo crates sit just to the north of the base. Visit one if you run low on rockets.

trampling any enemy

j, .:,:,

soldiers that get in your

c,.. *Y**. way. Tanks roll in from
* the north; get in front of

them and head toward


the base to the south.

Press Left on the D-pad to switch to aircraft lock-on

rn0de and aim at the jncoming chopper. Keep it in y0ur

slghts. isten for a high-pitched sound, and let a rocket fly

Eliminate two aircraft, and tanks roll in again.

Use the amm0 crate northeast 0f the base to refill your weapons, Then continue to the pass in the east

When you reach the first bridge, run up the right side.

Switch off the aircraft lock-on and gall0p right at the

incoming tanks.0nce you can see them in the distance,

stop and take them out with some wel -placed rockets.
0nce you are on the other side, carefully approach the weapons cache as
Russians are dropped just in front of it from a helicopter. Take them out as they

descend and then pick off any remaining enemies inside the shelter.

0nce the area is cleared, you radi0 in to Hudson to let him know the weapons

are secure. The Mujahideen base is in trouble; jump back on your horse and

head that way with Zhao and Woods.

The weapons cache is on the opposite side of the canyon, but the bridges can

be shot down. Quickly cross the nearby bridge if available or cross the ravine to

a ladder on the other side. Be careful as soldiers surr0und this area. Siay on the

move and continually scan the area-each side of the pass and up on the bridges

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A major assault is

headed toward the

base. including a

tough-looking tank.

Sprint toward the

tank along with

your comrades. As

you get close. the

horse gets shot in

the chaos, knocking

you off and landing

on top of you. Press

and hold the two

displayed Shoulder There are several times duringthe Black 0ps //campaign where you

buttons to escape, are faced with a tough decision, such as killing Kravchenko 0r getting
valuable information. These decisions will affect the story later on or
Woods helps you even change the game.
get onto the tank, where a fight is played out between Mason and a Russian ?acTtc*
who emerges from inside. After successfully taking out the tank, Alex Mason's

nemesis is captured.



Afier completing 0lcl Wounds, the tirst Strike Force miss:on becomes
During the interrogation of Kravchenko, you are faced with a decision. You can
available. lt stads out with a tutorial and then goes into FoB Spectre.
resist the need to kill him and gather important information or allow lvlason to
Wheiher you succeed or fail in that mission, the fourth campaign mission,
shoot hirn. For the best result, rapidly tap the given button to put the gun down. Time and Fate, becomes available,
Each time you do this. more information is learned. TAETICS
Frank Woods has given Section

a lot of information about

Menendez's past. Now they just

have to piece it toqether to try

and make sense of it all. One such

piece is a mission in Nicaragua,

where Manuel Noriega is willing

to help the CIA capture Menendez.

PDF armed forces kidnap Menendez right from his sister's side, When they bring him back to their leader,

the trustworthy Noriega kills his own men and sets Raul free. Menendez is irate about the treatment of his

sister and takes it out 0n the man who saved his life.

Now you control lvlenendez, who is hell bent on

rescuing Josefina. Armed with a shotgun and

machete, charge down the hill, taking out any

PDF soldiers that get in your way. Raul is pretty

tough in this state of rage. but you can still be

killed. Pause and let your health c0me back if
you take a lot of damage.

Sprint between the buildings and up the steps to

the left. Grab the combat axe t0 ihrow it at one

of the soldiers ahead. Fight your way through the

rest of the enemies and run up the hill,

Fight your way through the

village until you see the

mission gate at the top
of a hill. A truck crashes

through the gate and

comes to a stop inside

ihe compound.

Fight your way through the courtyard and into the house. Run up the stairs and

bust through the door to reach your destination.

Keep laying waste to any bad guys who

get in Raul's way and approach the

barn. 0pen ihe door and dodge side

to side to avoid being trampled by

the horses. Eliminate the two soldiers

who harass the civilians before exiting

the building,
Run down the hill and join up with some of Noriega's PDF

troops. Look 0ut for the enemies to appear in windows

and on rooftops and take them

out-especially the lvlG

in the window in the

right building.

Cross the river and ,,,1

fight your way up the
embankment, keeping an

eye out for civilians who f lee

the village. Take cover inside the

right buildinq and take 0ut the'cartel on the roof ahead and

those who hide below.

l\4eanwhile, agent Hudson and operators lVason and Woods observe Menendez being kidnappecl from

the other side 0f the village. Now it is time to clear out the village.
Run up the steps through the wooden structure and into
t:i i#il::
the next house. Watch out, as more enemies hide behind

nearly every wall. The penetration of the Galil assault rifle

ii.,.i I *:'L,- {iN-li-iir*r*!
easily goes through the wooden walls 01 the house, so let
: rri.J; l *'**t*i{Jl*?"
them have it before they get a chance to fire.
Across the street, cartel members fire from the

roof and balcony. Target the red barrel on the left

to blow them to smithereens. Continue to fight

your way down ihe street.

Take out the enemies in the l0cal area and then dash to the left side 0f the cart at the corner. Look t0

the right to spot many loyal men of Menendez. Snipers occupy the three second-story windows and
the balcony. More guys hide behind everything down the street. Take out the snipers first and then
Lob a Molotov cocktail toward
eliminate anyone who peeks out from behind cover.
the next house and then
pull out your sniper rifle

and eliminate another

MG in the window.

Continue up the steps

to the right and fight

through another building.

Fight your way up the hill and quickly

take out the cartel member on the truck-

mounted MG. Proceed into the house on the

Ieft and run up the stairs. Wait for Woods

and Hudson to exit to the balcony, where

you spot Menendez going into the barn.

Hudson figures Menendez is heading to the house, so that is your next stop. Take cover behind the fountain and pull out your sniper rifle. Take out the RPGS on the

house balcony in the distance.

After cutting their numbers down a bit, run up the right side and climb the bell

tower, Go to the top and use this advantageous position to snipe the cartel in the
courtyard and on the balconies.
The cartel's cocaine bunker is below the house. Wait for your comrades to open

the Access door and follow them down the ladder.

Toss an explosive into the middle of the men in the next r00m to start things

off. lf you haven't completed the M0l0t0v cocktail or mortar challenges, use this
opportunity to do so.

Make your way around the perimeter of the room, taking cover behind walls and

crates. Use your whole arsenal to take them all down as you join Woods on the
west side.
ln the next room, you

find cartel loyalists

destroying documents

in the furnace. lf

available, toss a

couple mortar rounds

into the room to thin

out ihe numbers.

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Take cover behind the desks on the west side of the room and eliminate the few remaining enemies at the doorway. Exit out the door and follow Woods up the ladder.

Despite Hudson's plea for Woods to stay away, follow Frank

through a few more cartel men and up the steps. Enter the
house to complete the mission.
*@uffi 'qffi
e_{#qii:q3 ffiF uW$
W:W ff",iW

,', WWiifi
i{,1q.l$..ry #,;t::f

'i:il sw
Defa co, l\4enendez's #2, has been spotted at an abandoned prison in Lah0re. Pakistan. There is worcl that

Menendez is meeting him there, giving Mason a good opportunity to spy on him.

:::::t:n::: Sl

Sect on. Harper. Salazar. and

Crosfry break into a storage room

at the end of a floocjed street. The\i

are joined by two CLAWS, Maximus

dfld B',rLUS.0'ce Harper's magiL

touch gets lVlaximus gorng agarn.

the CLAW clears out the area just
outside the room.
lSl soldiers roam the flooded street and keep watch from

the balconies above. Scan the area and use the CLAWs'
firepower to eliminate them. Take cover on the sides of the

street and fight your way to a small tunnel on the right.

: blue aiminU reticlejPla6g.'g,so,16e lscation'i6u,
want the CI.AWS t0 attack and press fte Fire
button to confirm. lt takes a short while for the
C|AW to get ready after firing. When the icon
appears above your ammo count, you know it
is.ready aqain.

Let the CLAWs lead the way as you pick off

enemies from afar. Follow them through the

market as you target enemies with your data

glove. Allow them to take out the security drone

that shows up outside. Wait for the bus to crash

into the outer wall and then head out to the street.

"THf CL&Ws &nn ffiai#ffi*&$ffi *L$T

:r1: g*€* *r=r w&Ygm."
You are now out of the CLAWs' line of sight, s0 you cannot

rely on them anymore. Eliminate the soldiers at the street

corner and quickly proceed. Up ahead you notice a bus

being whisked down the street by the rushing water.

Run up t0 the gate and help Harper break through by

rapidly tapping the button that appears on screen-just in

time, too, as the bus pushes some debris into the entrance.

*S K ffi ffi * Fi ilS &ffi r,&#T* ru # &S m L&T-* Sffi *-Je##-ffiXffi #tFT* ru # L# *?ffi rq*. "
Follow the path t0 some sandbags and observe the patrolling drone. Be careful

not to be spotted by the drones, as they will shoot on sight. Avoid entering their

spotlight and do
not make too
much noise.

Hop over the

barricade and

kneel behind

Harper to avoid

the drone. When

it turns away,

follow your
partner to the

wall ahead and

duck behind him.

Continue ihis

pattern through

the building and

past the trucks, stopping when he stops and crouching behind him. Finally, you

reach a fallen building at the end of the street.

if.r ; I f".l={* i!.il sj *ji il

Follow Harper through a couple small openings on the right and duck behind a

small piece of debris. lsl is posted outside the sewer entrance. Quickly take out
the one on the right or else Harper will make a sarcastic remark.

Cross the boards and stop

behind Harper while he

cuts through the gate.

Follow the sewer to the left

and up the stairs.

elimb another
set of stairs and

Briggs briefs you

on where you I

can get the best

vantage point.

Use your rope ,

to grapple to
the rooftop. Hold the shown button to l0ck onto the edge; release the button to

ascend to the roof.

Approach the soldier on the right and use a melee attack to take him down and

move him out of sight. Harper eliminates the left guard. Be careful as you move

across the rooftops, as more drones patrol the area.

Keep the scanner on

them until they move

out of range. Follow

Harper to the next

rooftop, being sure

to stay oui of sight of

the drone. 0nce it is
gone, continue down

to a walkway below.

lmmediately face the

right corner and hold
the crouch button to
go prone and avoid

another drone. Bring

up the scanner and

contlnue t0 record the conversation as the pair walks in from the right. Keep
'aL^ 46+a:-^ :::: the scanner on them as they pass, moving along with them to complete the first
the first time l5:;:;ll:
autornafi celly.come fl p- A mission critical info.

small screen appears in

the middle of your view. "ffimffiil *#rdffis tu4ffiruffiruffiffix" \'ffi&ro.
Hold Left Trigger/12 to
zoom in and get a better L##K$ t*ffiffi $49',$ tu4#ffiY$ruffi W*TF*
view if desired. Place the scanner on someone and keep it on him until the
scanner identifies the person. S*nnr#l*il ilL$F '
TACTICS When they again move out of range, follow Harper into a small room and wait
Look around for Menendez's white suit as he walks with the lsl ieader. Place for him to take out the operator inside. Pull up the scanner and spot Menendez
the scanner on the man in the white outfit and let it recognize him as Raul as he enters from the right. Keep Menendez in the screen as you move the
Menendez. Stay on him to record their conversation. scanner to the left

person and identify

him as Defalco. Keep

recording as they talk

about their plans.

Once again, follow Harper out of the control room and duck Follow Harper under water and into another room, where you end up right under Menendez. When a

behind him when he stops. 0nce it is clear, quickly move grenade is dr0pped right next to you and Harper, you both dive back into the water and then emerge to

s0uth. Unfortunately, it's too late, as lvlenendez is lost. see what kind of damage was done.

Follow Harper along more rooftops until he pauses at a

railing. Hop over and dr0p to ihe ground right behind an

lsl guard. Hit the guard with a melee attack while Harper
secures the driver-

0uickly get back under water or you will burn to death. Follow
Harper back under water and up a set 0f steps. Take out the two

enemies in the next hall along with more enemies in the garage

ahead. The iwo CLAWS are now in position to aid your escape.

Continue to clear out any enemies you can in the rail yard until

you gain control of the drones.

Enter the next building when Harper opens the door and

Iook out the far window. Use the scanner again to pick

up Menendez's conversation to record the third mission

critical info. It is interrupted as a train passes in front

While Section and Harper are held up in the
of the target. lf all of the key conversati0ns have been
garage, press Left on the D-pad to switch
recorded, unlimited units are available for the Dispatch
to Brutus. Fry the curious soldlers with the
Strike Force mission.
flamethrower and then turn to the right.

Eliminate more lSl troops and the truck in

which they arrived.


0nce you c ear out the area, press Right t0 take control
of Max mus. Ftrst. el minate the RPGs 0n the roof to the
right. 0nce they are cleared. send s0me grenades at the
turo trucks and helicopter. Then overpower the RPGs 0n

l|u 5ile-!L

Follow Harper out into the open and jump into the right

S0C-T. You musi clear a path with the drone. Use the 40mm

cann0n to eliminate the soldiers along the sides and launch

a missile at the qate.

Control srvitches back to Brutus, s0 take this opp0rtunity

to fry more foes with the flamethrower. Once.Lhe area is

clear. Salazar and Crosby show up with the S0C-Ts.

The drone moves on its own; you just need to worry about aiming and

firing, Use the Right Analog Stick tc aim the reticle. Press Right Trigger/
R2 to fire the 40mm cannon. Waich oui as it will overheat-indicated by

the bar on the top of the screen. Press Left Trigger/12 {or homing missiles.
Keep an enemy vehicle in your view and the display will show when you
are locked on,
1 i:,

With a c ear r0ute. you return to the S0C-T. Fol ot'v Salazar through the streets,

p owing over any enem es that get n your way. At the caf6, you can follow him

to the right, storn through the building. or take the left route.

*r,,t c' # #m a. u s & fr te., ,4@

Use Right Trigger/R2 to

accelerate the S0C-T

and Left Trigger/12 to
brake or reverse. Press
A to boost, Use this

acceleration to find
aiternate routes and take
out enemy vehicles,

After passlng through a couple arches, you gain the ability to boost in the S0C-T.
Use thjs t0 take 0ut the enemy S0C-Ts ahead. At this point, y0u can decide t0

c0ntro the S0C-T or dr0ne. They both have challenges associated with them.
After you gain control of the vehicle, follow the enemy S0C-TS through the building, ramming them wlth your boost whenever possibte. Turn onto the left road and

look for the sign ramp on the right. Use it to jump over to the right highway and then back to the flooded street.

Contjnue through an office building and then into a hotel. Boost into the two vehicles that block the path and out the window on the other side
\{henHarperadvrsesv0ut0go eftandthenright,doittoavoidtakrngextradamage.Avoidthefallingwatert0werbysteeringleft.FollowSalazarasheweaves
through twc \,,'areh0uses. At that p0 ii. the drone rams into a helic0pter taking out your support.

As the drone. you fly just above Sect on's and Salazar's vehicles. Use the 40mm cannon and guide missiles t0 take out any enemy S0C-Ts and aircraft you see. When

0ne becOrnes 0cked on, et a m ss le flv.


, When Section and Salazar enter the building, concentrate on the two aircraft

, in front of you. Target the vehicles hot 0n their tail when they emerge on the

: other srde.
Keep up ihe gunfire on the enemy vehicles as you pass through a few buildings

before slamming into a helicopter.

After the friendly drone is taken out, steer left to avoid a

falling water tower and then right to avoid a big flame.

Continue forward to complete the mission.

" r-'i' !i:, r"l
* I ii * * ii * " :.{c 3+t ii 1.f€
i-.& il i"3 a* *
Lil* il 1':L{-:giii*{! i:;!':'Y."
JS0C uses the recordings from Pakistan to decipher that the Karma weapon is on the floating city of

Colossus. That makes the resort the next destination

As the lcarus I lands at the colossus Resort, section, Harper, and Salazar step out and head fgr the

checkpoint. With Farid's help, they are disguised as union inspectors. Walk through the left door and stop in

front of the security guard. After some confusion in the other security lane, you are allowed t0 pass.
Central Records Computing is JSOC's best

shot at locating Karma in the vast resort.

The trick is finding a way in. Move past ihe

lD check and step inside the elevator at the

back of the room. After dropping Harper off

on a separaie floor, ride the elevator down

to a floor still under construction.

As Salazar takes out the right guard, shoot

the left. F0llow the blue path to the far room

and approach the table wiih the blueprints.

Section removes Ziggy from the briefcase

and places it in the open vent.

Ziggy is a high-tech, remote-controlled spider that can climb most walls. Just move into the side ol the vent and the
camera will rotate as the robot clings to the new sudace. Right Trigger/R2 fires his zapper. Press A,/X t0 make him jump.
This also gives him a little boost. Be careful not to iump when you are scaling a wall, as gravity will cause Ziggy to drop
to the iloor.

Now you control

Ziggy with the tablet.

Move through the

vent, up the incline,

and jump over the

gap. lf you don't

make it, simply climb

up the other side.

Use the zapper t0 open the vent and jump onto an unsuspecting guy below.
Turn Ieft at the pipes
Quickly zap the man a couple times to take him down, and Ziggy performs a
and continue to
retina scan.
follow the path until
you reach a panel on

the wall. Approach

ii and fry it with the
zapper. Now turn

left and keep

moving through the

small hole.

Rotate between the

vent covers and

then climb up the

left wall. Squeeze

through the small

opening. Then move

to the right surface, so that you can go through another hole.

Follow the pipes in the next room up to the right, jump over to more pipes on the

left, and then climb up t0 another vent 0n the wall. Jump into the hole and follow

rt to a red button.
After gaining access t0 the next area, immediately take out the two enemies

ahead and take cover in the entryway. lVlore enemies surround the room.

Eliminate them from there, or from behind the desk, until you hear "clear."

'"", * i i i''-* r7'.t{i

t *{}1h-rk\x1,,
,M. "
Section attempts

three searches while

on the computer, with

each one requiring

you to press the

Analog Stjcks in

different directions.
For most difficulties,

the directions are given, s0 just do as it says. For Veteran difficulty, they are not
shown. Here are the four commands you need to enter:

Search automated security systems lor Karma press Left Stick Right and Right Stick Left

0nce Karma is identified, confirm Press both sticks Up

The security cameras find Karma and it's actually a person, identified as Chloe

Lynch, a former employee ofTacitus. She is located upstairs in Club Solar.

Follow Salazar to the

CRC room entrance

where Farid opens

Join Salazar in the small room 0n the north side. Step up to the computer t0
the door. This puts
establish an uplink to the central database.
you back out in the

remodeling area

from before. Take

out the PIVIC guards

hiding behind the construction equipment. Proceed ahead where enemies break

through the previously locked door.

Rernain at the doorway and pick off the guards who enter

frorn the hallway on the right. When that room is clear,

move up and take cover behind the wall. Climb into the

right offlce and carefully make your way down the hall.

Use your VIP siatus to make your way

through the club. Weave in and around the

people until you lind Chloe and Harper on

the dance floor. After mayhem ensues, you

Stop at the balcony and take cover as a smoke grenade is and Harper end up behind the bar.

deployed 0n the fl00r below. Four guards emerge. so take

them out before moving down the steps and entering the
0pen elevator. Salazar splits off and heads upstairs, while

Secti0n heads for Club SoLar where he will meet u0 with

Harper and Ch oe.

As the civilians scatter off the dance fl00r, several PMC guards remain. Time is

slowed down as you circle around the floor, stopping at four locations until you
reach the DJ stand. At each stop, take out as many enemies as y0u can.

Defalco has Karma and is escaping through

the mall, but before you pursue him, stop off

at the armory once it is open.

iEri* m, il}#.ilj':"\L.ili] !$
*i_{}inf iru# Ti"{il sliif "
Enter the mall and duck beh nd cover. Beiore rnaking y0ur way downstairs, take

0!r severa guards 0n the I'va kway ahead.

Use tne many p iars

and advenisements as

cover as yoLj fight vo!r

\'/ay thro!gh the nall. Up

ahsad ltstj f nd Sa azar

trying to open the ma I

door next to an nfo booth.

Reload at the ammo crate. Then help Salazar get the door open. Exit down the steps and'out to the

sundeck. Be careful as the securityASDs will target anyone who is armed-including friendlies. Use
EMP grenades to stun them and quickly move past.


Frorn Mall

Many more PMC soldiers rappel in to the outdoor area, s0 take cover whenever

possible. Fight your way across the bridge ahead and up to the balcony.

Use grenades to thin out the groups of enemies.

i::*,i. '-=**

0nce Farid tracks down Defalco, you need to siep it up

or he wilL escape. Head toward the objective rnarker,

descencl to the lower levei. and run to the righi side

of the mall.

Quickly make your way along the right

side of the sundeck and up the steps.
lf you move too slow, Defalco escapes

with Karma. But if you reach him before

he exits, he looks back and fires at you.
:;:,.':,r:llt" ' -'
Take cover and eliminate him and his

two guards.

l il1
',..,t, :iiir'.,]]:,

Killing Defalco and rescuing Karma causes the Strike Force mission Second Chance to not be available during the campaign, since you already have Karma.
Otherwise, you can still save her by completing that mission.

-?4r *il'qm **hi'l- ,*tjrrilil.
?li$i'S ldryltY Y*ti &ru* * &ffiil l;r; Ftilffi*""
David Mason demands to know what happened t0 his father, so Frank obliges him with the siory. Menendez was

spotted meeting up with Noriega, so Alex Mason and Woods joined US Navy SEALs in the invasion of Panama.

After pulling up to lVlcKnight's house, walk up the driveway and then follow Alex to the backyard.

After meeting up with McKnight, go to the

shed to grab the duffel bag. Approach the picnic

table to discuss mission details with McKnight

and Mason.
Take cover behind

the sandbags and

eliminate the threats

Afterward, follow them back to the front of the house to find a kid vandalizing who enier from all
lvlason's vehicle. sides. Use grenades
to blow up the
surrounding vehicles,
taking out

anyone nearby.

Move up the left and

kill any soldiers who

remain. Head down

the steps and then

toward the building

on the right.

-;1,.', .,'3 fui&t{}}i"'Eh{S
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, .-,t- *" -

After dropping out of the zodiac boat, head up the beach and climb the ladder. At
the top, let Mason take out the first guard. Then throw a knife at the next guy.

"L:f4ililK ?*LirE iliffit"

.F-, \ \+, ff&.r'.
'*1 ,1 '-"'j::, -a".i^1.-" 1."urr_. ,-.\rr

l"Hil sKY{_$*roE "
Follow Mason up the steps to the roof of

the hangar" Take down any PDF soldiers

there and then follow Mason ihrough the

skylight. Take down a few enemies below

before dropping down to the walkway.

0nce downstairs, take cover as you take down the enemies outside, including

the guy manning the machine gun. Sprint out to that truck and take control

of the weapon to eliminate several more enemies in the far corner, including

someone inside the window and on the roof.

Follow Nlason into the ollice and turn t0 the right to spot an RPG in the opposite

c0rner. Take out the soldiers who enter the hall. lf you do not have an RPG, switch

your secondary weapon for the one on the floor and follow Mason t0 the stairs.
Follow Mason through the building and pause

at the next door. Take down a couple soldiers

near the Adelina Motel. Next, meet Mason 0n the

second floor walkway just outside r00m 225.

"wg HAVil ** r$ffi w&Ylffi g.d


*ru Th€il L**er**ru *tr

r&Lsr rffi*r*{ilT" "

";i'E g :Jgt# -?"te'* ,-1 ftB*1 8 ilr* shl

!r t#&r$ffiFqkL !gu f-LJd:da!,/ r.
c LL €c L-,fl"xf L",fn".
The mission has been changed. Now you and Mason must escort Noriega to a prisoner swap checkpoint. Three

officers abuse civilians just ahead. Take them down and then join Mason and Noriega in the hallway to the left.

Breach the door and then move outside. Take out any enemies you see before moving down the street to

the left and into the alley. Be careful as civilians also populate the streets. Meet up with Mason and take
cover behind the refrigerator.

1st Floor
Elnd Flocrn
Watch out for incoming grenades as you fight your way

down the street t0 ihe right. Pause at the second opening

and wait for your helicopter to destroy the gazebo.

Refill your ammo and take cover at the north

exit. Toss an lR strobe into the courtyard and

wait for the gunfire to stop. Carefully move

Duck behind the rubble and look up to the roof on the down the street, keeping an eye peeled for

right. Eliminate the two RPGs and the soldier manning the machine guns and enemies above.

anti-aircraft gun.

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Move to the Centro Medico building

Meet back up.wiih Mason to the north and clear out the to the west where Noriega and

nearby street. Climb up the left steps and take down more Mason wait for you. Breach the door

soldiers in the next area. and follow the hall around to the left
Continue through the building and approach the nurse who An lR strobe is tossed into the room, so
is huft in the next r00m. At this time, you are ambushed. immediately turn around and hightail it
Mason takes 0ne guy out, but more rush in from ahead. Kill out of there. Follow Noriega down the hall
them all before following after Noriega. and jump.into the window ahead. Drop

into the next hole and out t0 the street.

This leads directly to the checkpoint.

"*'r* e s*L*$ffiru. *-}-&Kil #ffi*ffiffiffi

&r*43 ; #ffiT *#pdil."

Follow Mason up the stairs to the second floor and wait

at the doorway. 0nce Noriega falls into the next room,

As you exit the elevator, follow behind Noriega as he moves through the door. At the balcony, you are given
approach and help him up.
a sniper rifle to take out Menendez, who is brought out by a couple soldiers on the road below. You have a

choice here to either kill Menendez by shooting him in the head or wound him with a shot to the leg.
CIA operative Farid has worked his way into Menendez's inner circle, and JSOC plans an immediate assault

on Yemen to capture him. Menendez always seems to be one step ahead. Are they just falling into his trap?

Despite any doubts you may have, follow Menendez d0wn the hallway and onto the stage outside, where a

crowd of his supporters have gathered, Shortly, the JSOC assault begins, but lVenendez is ready for it.
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Menendez informs Farid to meet him at the Citadel. lmmediately start gunning

down the American quad drones that swarm the courtyard as you make your way

down the right side,

Jump out of the second story window to some scaffolding outside, continuing io

fjght off the MQ-27 Dragonfires. Follow this to the left and hop off.
Fight your way through the market, keeping these

challenges in mind as you do so. Watch out for grenades

and cars on fire. Cut through buildings for extra protection.

And take cover behind a wall, when heavily damaged.



An aircraft comes crashing down at your next objective marker. Cut through

the nearby door and help Menendez's followers destroy more drones.

0uickly run through the tunnel, across the next balcony, and refill your
weapons at the ammo crate. Move through the doorways ahead to find

another courtyard. Run around the perimeter t0 the right, using the crates

and debris as cover. ASDs join the American assault.

Take cover at the archway in the southwest corner as

you eliminate the Aflerican soldiers and ASDS. Fight your

way along the right side through a couple doorways to a

locked gate.

"&ru4ilru$*&ru ffit*## #tu$ V#ti$E ffirqruffi#, fr&ffi$ffi""

0nce the area is clear, head i0 ihe right and down the stairs. Fight your way to the south and move
through the doorway. Open the next door to find Menendez. He ultimately gives you a choice: shoot at

your comrade or Menendez.

.'lq;ffir4Ki:rU -il*
i ild##ffi e$ffitiru4* *ry*ffifd.
*F TFg# *re*ruil FLffiilT Aru ffiilpr*reT *r
f;&p?Liffi il *r rdilruilrdffi rix. "

Section on the WOL. lf you shot at your comrade,

then you move on t0 the next 0bjective.

Scan the area for RPGs on the rooftops and the street

below. Blow up the vehicles t0 eliminate any nearby men.

Now you are teamed up with

Salazar and gain control

of the American M0-27

Dragonfires. Follow him

through the alley until you

get to an open area. Kill the

guy in the left window and

enter that room.

When ihe quad drone
icon appears in lhe
bottom-right corner of
the HUD, press Up on
the D-pad to pair it with
your data glove. As you
move around, a blue
circle signifies where
you can aim the drone's attack. Press Fire once you're Iined up with
your intended target.

Take down the man who descends the stairs and continue to the rooftop. Direct

the quad drones to take out l\4enendez's men as y0u make your way to the east.
E iminate the MG if it hasn't already been disposed 0f, and take cover at the exit

Keep the MQ-27 Dragonfires busy with the enemies on the building ahead as

you move outside, taking down the enemies to the left. Move through the right

house, cleailng it out as you go.

Take cover at the upstairs window and continue to exploit the quad drones'

firepower, using Menendez's men as targets. Help out the drones with your own

target practice, as his men will attempt to eliminate the drones.

Keep us ng th." t\,10-27 Dragoii re.r as supp0ri as y0u follori Salazar down the path. Once

l0u reach the :ext bu d ng. the drones are rerouted elseni here. F0rtunate y, a containment

team rs dropped n to help

your advance

Turn r ght toward the

structure and run up the

steps Look to the eft to flnd

an ammo crate. Refill your

weapons before proceeding.

Elirn nate any bad guys

that yo! can spot frorn the

roof before regrouping with

Salazar ahead. You now

have enemy quad drones to

contend lvith, though they

may be kept busy with your

olvn dr0nes.

Enle'the br ld fg ahead and rncve t0 ihe balcony 0n the right. Eliminaie the RPGS on top 0f the structure on ihe other sicle 0f the valley. Then take ihe statrs down t0
gr'r!naj e,i e a.nd fighi y0u'r,'i ay ariOss the br dge.

PLrsh !p the eft path. takirg cove'lvhenever p0ss ble. Severai of lVlenenciez's men are aheacl, so keep your weapon lOaded and resi if damage gets tOo high. Jump

arcard the'ylQl ir,,'lspg lv'lenenciez conven ently,r,raits for his capture.


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**4&Y YfT *il il,i"]fuil,='

With the successful capture of Menendez in Yemen, he has been brought 0n board the USS Barack Obama

for interrogatlon. He has no interest in talking with Admiral Briggs, s0 David Mason is sent in.

Step up t0 the retina scanner to gain access to the interrogation room. After some back and forth with

Menendez, the USS Obama is attacked. ln the confusion, Menendez takes Salazar hostage and Section

surrenders his gun.

"[ #till"f *,ruN} **Lil i"}f*il**,ql tit?if*

*fdT{: & SiaV,*,{}il niEilil."
David comes to.

and lVenendez is

gone Step into

the armory, where

you have many

\Jeap0ns i0 se ect

from. Choose a

couple of your

favorites. The XPR-50 rnay become useful as your secondary weapon when

range is important.

Eliminaie enemies as you move down the hall and to the stairs ahead. Section

sends Salazar to protect the server r00m as you head up to the top. Take cover

behind the crate as y0u work your way t0 the other side of the ship.

Approach the door next to Salazar. and get ready for a showdown. Toss an EIVIP

grenade d0\,rn the ha I to disable the security turret and start taking down the

enemy assault.

Enter the next door and take cover next to the wall. Use an EIVIP grenade to stop

the turret, and destroy it. Duck into the r0om on the right and take control of

another security turret in the nexi room.

0nce that room is clear, run through the north or south door and move into the bridge. Clear it out
before using the computer, only to find out it is fully locked down. Your next destination must be

the security room.

Head down the steps and exit the bridge. Grab the XPR-50 that leans against

the wall, if you do not already have one. Fire at the enemies on the far side

of the deck, looking for any RPGs first, 0nce you have taken enough out, the

objective is updated and you need to proceed to the security room.

Enter the next door and descend the stairs to find more enemies. Kill them before running down another set of steps. ln the hallway, a turret and more enemies make

your journey a little tougher.

0nce eased, weave through the rooms on the

right, using anything as cover. After the next

stairs, take cover at the doorway and clear out

the office ahead.
ri_i irri*{j*:'

Your first target with the turret should be the other turret in the same room.

Then eliminate the rest of the enemy presence. Let go of the turret and follow

the walkway ihrough the engine room. Be careful, as enemies wait around every

corner-at least you have a turret on your side now.

Head downstairs and run to the northeast corner. Climb another set of steps, reload your weapons, and enier the door

to iind the security room. Approach the soldier 0n the computer to find Menendez's location in the server room.
As Menendez, approach Admiral Briggs to take him hostage and move him into

the next r00m. Here you are faced with another decision: kill or wound Admiral

Briggs. At this poini. Menendez uploads a vrrus that spreads to command center

and on to the American drones.

Nilenendez has

escaped the ship in

Your decision t0 wound or kill Briggs and who is still alive have

story consequences. a fighter, so your

=*----*** "iA t ?; a: $ next destination is

the hangar bay.

Exit out the other side

of the server room

and descend into a

room that has been decimated Proceed into the hangar bay, where Salazar

has been captured.

Refill your weapons

at the ammo crate as

you exit the hangar

bay to the right.

Look up and behind

After resumtng as
you to find more of
Section, duck into
Menendez's men
the opening created
landing on the flight
by your troops and
deck. Take them down as you ride up to the main deck
fol ow the path all

the way to a vent

cover. This gets you

directly to the server

r00m-but a m0ment too late. Appr0ach the central computer to find out the

destructi0n that Menendez has created.

Take cover behind the aircraft and debris, while siccing the

CLAW 0n the enemy troops. Fight ihrough the enemy

assault as you head for the VTOL to the northeast.

Los Angeles is under attack by the United States' own drones, which are currentiy under Menendez's

control. lVlarine 0ne is one of the casualties as it attempts to carry President Bosworth t0 safety. Now David
Mason must get her t0 the safe z0ne, the "Prom Night" bunker.

Afterthe vehicle crashes, you emerge from the wreckage along with ihe Presicient. Sieeper cells arounci L.A. have

been activated. Combine that with our own drones attacking, and this will be a tough fight to get her to safety.

lf Harper is unavailable, he is missing from this mission.

'i ::,i ,1 "t- I a::

Sprint ahead to the

precariously sitting truck and

man the Stinger mounted

on top. Once enough drones

have been taken out, Mason

abandons the gun as it falls

off the road.

Select Sniper, pull out the Storm PSR, and take 0ut the

enemy in ihe parking lot to the right. Zoom in on the

targets on the street below and start taking them out. lf

Use the Left Analog Stick to turn you selected Rappel, this Sniper section must be played

around in the seat-360 degrees. from the street below.

The Right Analog Stick aims. As you
track the drones, the gun locks onto
them. The more drones locked on, the
more missiles fired-up to six. Press
the Fire button when you are ready to
take them down, 0n the bottom of the
screen is radar that shows where your
targets are in relation to your view. Spin around until icons appear on the radar and then line
them up with your reticle.

The Storm PSR is an extremely powerful sniper rifle.

As you aim through the scopeJ targets are highlighted

for easy recognition. Pressing the Fire button fires

one bullet at your target, but this gun is capable of
much more. lf you hold the Fire button down, the five
blue boxes on the right fill up. These represent the
power of the shot and how much ammo is used*up
to five bullets.

lf you are shooting at some0ne through a barrier, a

grid pattern shows up on the surfaces. lt appears in
red if the shot will not penetrate, and it appears in
green if it will. Wait for the grid pattern to turn green
before releasing your shot t0 take advantage 0f this
gun's extreme material penetrati0n.

As you make your

way down the right

side of the road, take

out another l\4G that

Watch for the two trucks, one appears in the distance
on each srde of the highway, Continue in that
to pul up. Charge up a shot direction until you meel
and hit each ofe to destroy up with the others.
them. Continue to scan the

street and prck off anyone who

appears until you hear the order to

tarqer rhe re- o- rhe ove'pass.

Look straight across for the cross street and charge up a shot. Use it on the truck

that dr ves !p to destroy it. Scan to the right for more incoming enemies. 0nce
you get the all c ear, lvlason rappels t0 the street below.
Climb into the cab of the truck and take off. Plow through the enemies, veering

into the left lane and back when blocked. Continue to follow the street until you

are struck by a semi.

"w*'$_*_ rrrd* & i&r&v Til*ffi#uffiffi

Th4ffi $'rffitilTs, wffi'L t_ #ffi#ru#uF
f*"'i l*rf\$ i-t'i'rj:
Il E\ !":i."':" ; i l: i
After the truck crashes, grab the RPG that lies on the ground and take out the
CLAW to the right.

Press Right Trigger/R2 to accelerate the truck and Left Trigger/l2 to brake
or reverse. Steer with the Left Stick.
There are three CLAWs in total on this street that must be

taken down in order to reach P0TLS.

lf Harper is still alive, he takes out the first CLAW

leaving only two for you to destroy.

A second CLAW shows up on the other side 0f the blown- Move to the other side of the lobby and look for the incoming reinforcements. Use the Storm PSR and

out bus. Get a good view of it and destroy it with a few the drones to eliminate them. Exit out the nearby door and look left to find the final CLAW. Send ihe

rockets. Reflll your weapons at the ammo crate if needed. drones its way and launch a rocket to finish it off.

Take advantage of the drone help and fight your way int0

the hotel on the left.

Eliminate the group

of enemies who
appear at the Plaza

Downtown ahead.

Move up to their old

position and take

cover. Use the Storm

PSR's penetration

ability to take out

enemies who hide

around the plaza.

Use the open skylight t0 rarn fire down 0n the enemy combatants. Move down the openings to the left

until you have eliminaied everyone y0u can. Drop down onto one of the advertisements to limit damage
taken 0r just return down the stairs.

Enter the rnall on the Left and f ght to the escalator.

Ascend to the second 1lo0r. being s!re to d0dge the fjower

pot throvJn your way.

You hear from Anderson that the French President is under heavy fire and she can't hold them off for

t00 much l0nger. You need to immediately head that way in order to save
the next street, Iook for an RPG or two on
the far roof and take them oui. Continue to

take out the enemy combatants who hide

between the cars, including two who are

on truck-mounted guns, until the objective

is complete.
$/hen llason comes t0 rLrn over t0 Anderson's FA-38 and

tat" o/e" fr.'e - T-e co'k0 t.

Look for the three G20 vehicles

(outl ned in white) below. Stay

c ose to them and protect them

from any approachrng dangers.

After following them around a few

turns. enemy trucks and drones

approach from all sides. Keep the

€F i €6t
cannon fii-ing and hit enemies with

heat-seeking missiles.

Semis block the road ahead, so follow the c0nvoy to the right. L0ck onto the two gunships at the

next rntersection.

Use the Left Analog Stick to move and strafe and

the Right Stick to aim the weapons. Right Trigger/
R2 fires the cannon and Left Trigger/12 fires

missrles. The Sprint button uses your afterburners,

which is very usef ul in catching up with the drones.
Eventually, the Sky Buster will come online as
indicated in the lower-right corner of the HUD. Press
Left Bumper/11 t0 fire multiple missiles.
A group of drones z p past. a ong with a couple ally fighters. Hit the afterburners and lock onto the enemy aircraft. 0nce they are eliminated, another gr0up flies

th.ough tne sky ine ro tne east.

Pull back to clear the buildings or carefully navigate between them as you shoot down the resi of the drones. After a while, Mason ejects from the cockpit and lands

hard on the street below.

The drones are still under Menendez's control, but the signal has been the west coast of Haiti

JSoC is presently in route to shut it down,

Along wlth a few 0ther American soldiers, Section is set to jump out of an airplane. As the aircraft loses

control, you are forced to abandon a little early.

Steer yourself t0 avo d the debr s and eremy missile explosions as y0Lt descend

to the ground There are on y so many h ts yor..r can take from the explosions

before you are taken out. s0 be careful. Steer well clear of the missiles. as they


0nce you are on the ground sprint to the north t0 reach the action
Continue up the road until

you reach building 26. Take

cover at the doorway and clear

out the room. Toss an EIVIP

grenade to disable the turret,

step inside, and finish it off.

Press Right to bring up a red aiming reticle and place it 0n the iniended
target. Press Fire to take out anything at that location. This is good for
taking out the anti-air gun vehicles that litter the map.
Take cover at an eastern window and send a Kinetic shot at the enemies who

take cover at the top of the steps ahead. Move east and step into the small room

on the right to reload your weapons if needed. Pause before descending the next

steps and use ihe Kinetic Strike Weapon to take out the two CLAWS who patrol

the area. 0nce the coast is clear, move up to the military facility entrance.

Snipers show up

on the far righi side

of the destroyed

walkway. Use this

opportunity to
increase your sniper

kills from more

than 40m.

Head south up the

sieps to building 27.

Carefully fight your

way through to an

ammo crate in the

garage area.

ryeea 3

Since you are entering a building,

the Kinetic Strike Weapon is

no longer available. Pick

off as many combatants

insjde the building thai j
you can lrom this position. l
Be careful, as friendlies

assault the second floor


Push into the building,

down the stairs, and

through a couple

rooms. At the walkway

that overlooks the

lower floor, fire on the

lower level.
Head do'rinsra rs. take cover. and fin sh Off the enemy

ASDs and c0nbatants \,Jho occr.rpy ire next area

Fight your !,,/ay thr0ugh the ha lr'riay .rnti you reach ihe

broadcast rcom Hunker do\"i n at the doorurray and p ck off

the soldrers and quad drones thai enter from the r ght s de

Run thr0ugh 0ne 0f the upper d00rs and up the steps to reach the control room. Eliminate the guys

inside and then step up t0 the c0mputer.

t #,ql f:j AruY* I'i il AT-T-il F' il?i l + .';
Tli*#il tru *hi*r*i .{i,"t:"
Enter the open door

and take cover as you

kill Menendez's men

who are converging

on your location. When

the ceiling caves in

ahead, run up the left

steps and move to the

second opening. Take

Climb to the upper floor and fight your way south through the hallway. Approach
out those inside and
the partially open gate and Section slides underneath.After grabbing the pistol, the
take cover at the
scene goes into slow motion. Take out the two soldiers on the right as you pass
next doorway.
them t0 complete the final mission. You can now decide how to handle Menendez.

Pick off the

combatants who

litter the hallway and

opposite room. Move south until you reach another set of stairs. From above,

fire down on the men 0n the lower level. Descend the steps and finish off any
remaining foes. Enter the Celerium core room to the south.
ln Str ke Force. you p ay as multiple squads of soldiers and drones on one side

of a batt e. You can directly control a unit in first-person or control the units in
an overhead, Tact cal mode. In either mode, you can issue commands, such as

attack a specific enemy or g0 to a locat on, lf the unit you are controlling dies,

the game doesn't end. Y0u gain c0ntrol of another unit and c0ntinue playing.

When y0u begin your first Strike Force mission, a tutorial is playable, You can

pause the game and skrp the tutorial or you can play thr0ugh it t0 learn how to

control your troops.

:.::!'i-a::=:.t' :. :..

The Active Unit panel at the bottom of the screen shows what squad types are available. Use the D-pad t0 select and switch between the squads. Tapping a direction on

the D-pad will select a squad, so that you can command them . Holding down a direction on the D-pad will switch you to thal squad, so that you can control one of them,

Each Squad icon shovtrs you what type 0f squad is available and how many members are in the squad. When selected, the Squad icon glows orange.
T0 send a squad to a specLf c locat 0n. {lrst tap the correspondrng direction on the D-pad t0 select the squad type. Then. point the cursor at a desired l0cation in the
,lorld and press LB t0 place the rvaypotnt.

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Target ng 0bjectives and enemies are both d0ne jn the same way. Position the cursor over an objective or enemy and tap Left Bumper/12 to
send the selected squacl
l0 the 0biect ve or engage the enemy. H0ld Left Bumper/12 to have everyone go to the objective or engage the enemy.
ln Stflke Force, y0u play as multlple squads of soldiers and dr0nes on one side

0f a battLe. You can directly control a unit in frrst-person or control the units in

an overhead, Tactica mode. ln either mode, you can issue commands, such as

attack a specific enemy or g0 t0 a location. lf the unit you are controlling dies,

the game doesn't end. Y0u gain c0ntrol of another untt and c0ntinue playing.

When y0u begin your first Strike Force mission, a tutorial is playable. You can

pause the game and skip the tutorial or you can play through it to learn how io

control your troops.

The Active Unit pane at the bottom 0f the screen shows what squad types are available. Use ihe D-pad to select and switch between the squads. Tapping a directi0n on

the D-pad will select a squad, so that you can command them. Holding down a direction on the D-pad will switch you to that squad, so that you can control one of them.

Each Squad icon shows you what type of squad is available and how many members are in the squad. When selected, the Squad icon glows orange


:::i:'l=r:-=.:::: : ::i:-::::
T0 send a squad i0 a spec f c ocat 0n. first tap the corresponding direct on 0n the D-pad to select the squad type. Then, pornt the cursor at a desired location in the

uror d and press LB to place the waypotnt.

,. ,::i::a;l':. ;j
ii@i :' 1.*-




Targeting obiectlves and en"m es are both done in the same way. Position the curs0r over an objective or enemy and tap Left Bumper/12 to send the selected squad

t0 the 0biectlve or engage the enemy. Hold Left Bumper/12 to have everyone go to the 0bjective 0r engage the enemy.
The Tactical View gives a strategic view of the battlefield where you can see your squad, enemy troops, and objectives. Commanding squads from the Tactical View is

identical to commanding squads 0n the ground. Press the Bacldselect button to access the Tactical View.

To exit the Tactical View and swltch back to a squad 0n the ground, hold ihe D-pad directional 0r position the cursor over a squad member and press the Back/Select button.

When the first Strike Force mission, FOB Spectre, becomes available, you get three Strike Force teams 0r three attempts at the mission. Each campaign mission you

complete gives you another team. lf you attempt a Strike Force mission and fail, you lose a team.

Each Strike Force mission becomes available at a certain time during the campaign.You then only have a certain amount of time to complete it.0nce the campaign
level listed in the left column of the table is complete, the Strike Force missions Iisted as available can be played if n0t already completed.

Chance b available ifkma was captured by DeFalc1 and still alive. otherwise, this mission is not playable during the story.
is available if you have prevented SDC from occupying three countries by c1mpleting F1B Spectre, Shipwreck, and lED.
Chairman T an Zhao. the leader oJ China's military and the SDC coaiition's armed forces, nearLy has

R-ss'a i- SDC. wnich world na<e it the largest military in the world. lvlenendez is c0unting on thls so the

superpowers can take each other out.

SDC's cui'rent target is a dr0ne fact0ry in

Northern India at the f0rward operatinq base

"Spectre." Thrs is ail irnp0rtant post for secur ng

Inciia's border. An attack nearly wiped 0ut therr

defenses and they cann0t withstand anOther.

That ls where JS0C comes in. They must drop

in and fight off any subsequent attacks.

i.. i:'
Since the SDC must take out two of your points to lower

the defense shield, one point can be mostly ignored. The

Power Transformer and Communications Satellite are close

together making them the ideal positions to concentrate 0n.

"**+{"= ALL rl=ffiilh:T$ &ffiil *r* yil{ffi *ilE*#hiffi"

3;T*Uil T* il*?e*LES* e *ilF*fd$lV* $}ilffi$ffiil?mm"'*
Your first objective is to defend points A, B, and C from the attacking SDC troops. lf any two of these

poinis fall, the factory will be vulnerable and the enemy then attempts to hack into the mainframe.

One SEALs team immediately heads for the Cooling Tower.

This will slow down any assaults from the northwest.

You can let them do their own thing for the most part,

but occasionally check in on them to make sure they are

targeting who they should be.

Detenu icons ioiiii*:ifi €:iiiiiE*:reinrs fii*=:-GF:r.

signifyingwlich one it represents.Ajwlite.heafih bar': The CLAW staris near the Power Transformer. Move it to

encircles the icon. This shows how much damage that the area between there and the Communications Satellite
point has taken. lt will flash red when its health is platform. This is a good spot for taking out two drop zones
dangerously low. Once depleted, that point is gone and
and anyone coming through the tunnel.
any enemies will proceed to their next target.

Enemy troops are

one minute out

when you gain

control of your
units. This is your

opportunity to set
up your troops for

an ideal defense.

You begin the

mission with two

squads of four
soldiers, two sentry turrets, and a CLAW. 0nce enemy troops arrive, you have t0 defend the facility

for 1i minutes.
The second tearn of SEALS sticks to the satellite platform. Be careful. as SDC

troops can fire from all four sides. They will reach the platform by the stairs t0

the north and east.

0ne sentry turret sits next to the Power Transf0rmer. You can pull it out a little t0
the west t0 get a better angle on any0ne entering from the n0rth, but y0u want t0

make sure it has a shot at the nearby door.

Helicopters drop the enemy units at several spots on the map. These units

include soldiers, ASDs, CLAWs, and quad drones. lf y0u can get a jump on them

as they are dropping, you can whittle their health down before they can attack.
The other turret

sits on the satellite

platform. lMove it

back a little so it has

a good view of the

balcony to the south,

the road to the west,

and the doorway to
the north. l\4an this gun wrth one of the soldiers for a good view 0f m0st 0l the

attacking SDC troops.

You vril want to rnix up which units y0u control if you want to max out the
number of challenges y0u earn, but the centra turret anii the CLAW are the two

most effective units. gxr*?ryfts;$tw liF*c

Pay aftention to what your units are saying. They will warn you

when new enemies appear and what location is under attack.

The quad drones

are difficult to take

out quickly as they

are extremely quick,

s0 snap y0ur gun's

reticle to its position

to keep up with it.

The enemy CLAW

requrres a constani barrage 0f gunfire and grenades. Some of your soldiers

carry EIVIP grenades, Use some againsi the dr0nes to stun them and make

the k ll easier.

Look out for enemy

The eas est way to c0mplete this mission is to take a soldier and man the turret
drop-offs outside the
near the sate iite or jump into the CLAW From these two locations you can reach
east fence. Take them
rnost anyone who can attack points A and B.
out as they climb over
the barrier. Keep your

troops fighting off any

SDC units who gei

near the Transformer

and Satellite. When the timer hits zer0, you must defeat any remaining enemies

to complete the mission.

lf the SDC manage t0 take oui two 0f the three points. the fact0ry becomes
vulnerable. Redirect all units t0 the factory interior and prOtect ts

mainframe computer.

Watch the radar to see where the next enemies are being dropped off and

move into position so you can target them. lf they drop in the n0rthwest.

s!'vrtch t0 the turret so y0! can e tmtnate any who c0me down the roaci.

0therw se, stick t0 the CLAW. Do not f0rget about its grenades, as these
make quick lvork of most of the foes.
rr,:::ii,::i-j.:.r,,"44t1-:::r:+*.,1yr,1::a:tf ii.:ri+r jstSf1i:tg+fi : :at:i:-:!r' ! :s.tryrra:i:r.i 1:tliirryjaiiffi:' :l!:{lir{.t:i*F:5r':;!ssry?11{qfljM1il

ma nframe room Keep 0le eve or the radar s0 you can react t0 anyone who comes Lrp behind you. and the other eye 0n the c0mputer area. lt is possible t0 take the
CLA'rtV ns de but t ls mo:e dlff c! i to move around

fJhen a s0 d er gers nside and near the computer. he attempts t0 plant a hack ng moduLe. When y0u see this happening, quickly take him 0ut. Otherwlse. a Destroy

D con appears cn the Cev ce \,/ t" a pr0gress car enc rc ng it. This bar counts down the time unill a successful hack. 0nce the white bar is completely g0ne. the
m ssi0r s cver. Deslrov the deri c: before the hack is com0lete.

'"c haali f g :rroirL

ex st',,/hen the t mer h ts zero, el minate any remain ng enemies to cornplete the mission
"{.u?i.,11 X l i-i1{* il,e'il-j l&i{il *ijT r&f*?' *F::
11 * ii,*-l **l*us1*l- il;S.ffi ru+ il**. "
A freighter is delivering hypersonic cruise missiles, which the SDC plan to launch against lran, to the Port of

Singapore. This plan must be thwarted or the SDC just grows stronger.

There are five steps to destroy the freighter

along with these missiles: take out the single

cruise missile, use explosives t0 scramble its

guidance system, disable the two electron lasers,

hack the lasers, and then call in the Kraken. lt is

up to JS0C to accomplish this.

:,'"-.:.:.. :..

Three points, A, B, and C, must be captured and then defended. Point B is the Defense System that gets

scrambled. Points A and C are the two FEL beams that need to be disabled.

Both tasks are accomplished by placing a network intruder next to the equipment. lt takes some time fgr it

to work, so you need to stick around and defend it from enemy attacks. lf the hacking module is destroyed,

another must be replaced-

It doesn t matter in wh ch order you capiure the points.
Once a I three are captured and defended, you can call tn

the Kraken and t wil destroy the fre ghter.

0nce the team's feet are on the ground, a missi0n timer

starts counting down from I 0 mrnutes. 0nce this hits zero, The cruise missile-look for the Capture B icon-is found in the central hub of Keppel terminal. This

the m ss on s failed. locatjon is wide open making you an easy target from all sides, especially from above if the quad

drones have arrived.

These flying pests can be avoided in this $:;*1

area by going after point B first. Storage

boxes and the small barrier around the

missile can be used as cover as you

eliminate ihe enemies who proteci it.


As you progress thr0Lrgh this m ssi0n, reinforcements are

dr0pped in as f0ll0ws: first an ASD. then a team of SEALs

and ASD, and fina ly a CLAW. Watch out, as the enemy will

gain quad drones, ASDs. and a CLAW during this time.

Pornts A and B are the free electron

lasers. Target A to the northwest has the

best pr0tection. Enter through the narrow

doorway from the south, clear out the

enemies around the laser. and then move

in to defeat more enemies who take cover

to the east.
Brlng al of ycur tr0ops i| t0 defenC lhe
netl,,roi-k rntruder as r nacks nt0 the
laser With proiect oil f icir the v,ral s to
the nofih and v;est. this is ihe eas cst
po ni to captrre.

FOr point B i0 the sOutheasi, yolr are a

liit e more in tlie 0pen. especially with

16"" quad dr0nes f y ng around. Frght

/Lrr,r'rra\,' n frorir the i";est and c,.1 the are? out. i you have the CLAV/ availao e , take conircl of it t0
rak: t" s task a b i eas et and nr re fln.

rriieci ng Ii s pos t 0r car 0e ci i'' cuii lrr th the drones flying all arounct anC groufd tiOOps erterifg
rro.n t,lo pornts tc ihe n0rth. Spreacl your quys o!t and ccnrmand the CLAW if av:ir altle.

0rice al ihree p0ints are c0mpletely liacked. press the

buit0r as indicated 0n sci-een tc iet the Kraken know it is

iirne io take out the freighter.

The Russjan foreign minister is set t0 sign a peace treaty with the Afghan president, but an assassination

0rder from l\4enendez has been intercepted by the ClA. Therefore, the location has been changed.

JS0C is sent in to pr0tect the convoy-four

vehicles of Afghan and Russian dignitaries.

They follow a winding route to the extractlon

point, but tanks, helicopters, RPGs, soldiers 0n

horseback, and lEDs litter the route.

There are no SEALs on the ground forthis mission, butyou do gettwo squads of QR drones and a group of
ASDs. The Kraken patrols the skies, ready wjth a High Altitude Munitions platform (HAMp).

Scan just ahead of the convoy lor RPGS 0n the mountains and tanks in the valleys. Direct {he quad drones to
attack the soldiers and have the ASDs and HAMP eliminate the heavy armor.
Men 0n horseback attack about mid-way through the missron: send quad

dr0nes thejr way to fend them off. Keep an eye on your units' locati0ns, as they

occasiona ly need to be corralled in if they stray t00 far from the action.

As the convoy moves closer

to its destination, more

enemies of various types

join in on the assault, All

units should have a target

at all times. The convoy is long at four armored vehicles, so be sure to scan the
entire area around them.

It is ideal to get all four vehicles to the extraction point, but the mission is a success

wiih only one making it. Don't think this means you can let up, because the action
gets quite intense around the final destinati0n.

The health 0f the vehicles-A, B, C, and D-can be seen as white bars

ar0und the defend icons. When the white is completely drained, that vehicle is

destroyed, Watch the radar and send units at any nearby enemies.
*'la* a "*rs-,
" *'*;.. *
Pay attention to what is being said on the radio. You are warned when new enemies appear and

who is under afrack.

The ASDs and HAIMP are most effecttve against the

stronger enemres. At the n0rthern point of the route, two

tanks present a danger to the convoy. Send the ASDs at
the f rst cne and direct the HAMP t0 hit the second
Enemy soid r:rs plani iEDs across the path at var ous potnts along the way. You will hear 0 w?l.flrnQ

trihen they ar"" being p1antec1. mmediate y send a squad of drones to take them out befor-e they can lre

sei. Otf err',r se il-ey,// I a so need :o destroy the EDs.



-,ir :!:frti, *
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AS yotr m?.ke !/0ul' \ri ay throlqh tni' f air!\1] paSS !1i ih the
brlo-ces. t can gei Nect c. BPGs rtr !01rr s des. heirc0piers

attack'roin ab0!e afd EDs ar8 j:r ,,fted 0n the gr0und.

3e s!"e elie.,icire -as alr ass cnri rt arC take controi of

rne 0i tne qlad cltnes. Use tt0 l]strOy the brdges and

e rm rale th," RPG soLd ers. As ea. he c0pter enters. have

the F]AfulP iake iare 0f i 0r if t is ech?.rgrng. sic quad

Crc res al thex-

As yoLr reach the extract 0n point il qr'0up 0f RPG sOld ers

gets n :fre \iia.v Sef d a uni:s at ti em. A final srrge c0mes

irom enemv hor-seback cornNatarls. bLt a couple CLA\l/s
are there io f nlsh them off
:). .:.a.:.t,:.::::,): .. .: .::..a.,:::aa_a.a.:

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LJ ffiN
lf Defaico escaped the Colossus Besort with Karma and she is still alive, the Second Chance S,trike Force

mission becomes available. This is your chance to correct your mistake of losing Defalco in the Cayman

lslands. lf you saved Karma from Defalco, or wait too long, this mrssion is unavailable in the campaign.

The High Value lndivrdual is being held by

Yemeni terrorists on Socotra lsland, Two squads

of SEALS are sent in to rescue her along with

support from the Kraken.

Surveillance has narrowed the possible locations to five buildings around the island. Two are located on the

west side of the island and the other three are directly north of the start and extraction.
..,.:;i ,

kd ?',':.,;,i..-.*s

r c? moae ic serii yo!. ti oops tc the

Spe !d. rrcir tan spl t treri- iip lelrr'ieen tii".
i.:lre sane lrui ajin!.


'cl t 0rr'0;l rf s poiri. l::acf i ne 0ile tr

',e)1i liriil {
iteais afij a!peats l]ei0vll Ine ,r3p

aarrleai successf!l !.

I'rex1 serC lijf l.arir!! lc |:r r':ci'ileast L-rLr lci nE tc seai-!r iaiI ihe tlvl.0n0e thrse
Lilr;?t 0"s l-A,,,i: ilrf l :t:j:iri-iii:1, i'..aima cal be fc!nd :il 0re 0f the iasi tul0 spOts.

ii : ;l r,;avsr il13 a::i,r: iiai s't is |'r 1]ne ol ihi] :r;i liilo seatched.
0nce,.tol sec:jfe iiafra. she bec! les one of your ava ab e units and the Ki.aken riea0s to the extraction
pa'1.!ri:escrlh.Tak:c0ntrci!.i erandfightyolri!\raythaidrrectr0n.0nceyoueiinlnar""0ne0fihe
te'r0r sis p ik rp the itettef rliea!rri

U-!: r-e i-l\r r.eac-es ihe riT0L r e m sstor is corrl,r

anc Kai ma !s ava lanie tc heip 1re ,;3i)[


In order t0 play the flnal Strike F0rce mission in Pakistan. y0u must have prevented SDC from

occupying three c0untries by c0mpleting F0B Spectre, Shipwreck, and lED.

JS0C troops are n Peshawar, Pakistan as Tian Zhao flies over in a fleet of VTOLs. The aircraft are brought

down by JS0C rocket launchers and Zha0's VTOL goes down at the end 0f the,street. Your mispion here is t0

fight yout'way through his protection team, hack into the VTOL, and assassinate SDC Chairman Tian Zhao,


You start in the far norih with four teams of SEAls-each with their own weaponry. Some have the IMBAI

assault rifle, and others carry the [Ik 4B light machine gun. They all carry the SIV]AW launcher as their
secondary. Half of them carry EMP grenades and the rest have frags.

' ,.,{!, .i,jl:f:::
once the teams are on the ground, the mission timer starts The southern route givesyou the best

to count down from'eight minutes. There are three routes coverage from qunfire, but the north

to the downed WOL: the alley to the right, up the street in alley will get you there the fastest. Going

the middle, and the long way around the south side. straight up the middle leaves you the most
vulnerable, but it gives the best view 0f the

final area.

Each route has a sentry turret guarding the

path, s0 be careful as y0u fight your way

toward the goal. Make your first priority to get rid of this obstacle. Use a SMAW 0r Mk 48 to destroy it
quickly. Using an EMP grenade on a turret or ASD disables ii, making it an easier target.
Just before reaching the overturned car, Protect the device until the VToL is openeil and Zhao is

take cover inside the restaurant 0n the right taken care of.

and place some soldiers on the other side

of the street. Destroy the ASDs and two

sentry turrets that guard Zhao's aircraft.

Run outside and clean up any remaining enemies and plant the network intruder next to the VToL.

Place everyone you have available behind the car and hunker down.
3s! .s 0f th."se acti-t-s ard cho ce s
't : :t ,-. - f

Fo'the besi erd ng rhe f0 lori iri: nust happen Ihis vvay, China beccmes an aily becarJSe Vou c0mplete the Strike Force

missr0ns. Farid and Defalco'rake out each other in 0dysseus. Because 0f this.

Chloe survives af d ci-acks ihe Celei'ium w0rm. Alex l\/lason is reunited wlth his

s0n, Davir'l. 3fcr the USS Barack 0bama surv ves.

get all cf ife A.nreveinents/Tropir es. y0u will have t0 ptay through Achilles'

Veii agairr and shcot at lvenendez. That earns you the Ultimate Sacflfice awarci
ll Call of Duty: Black 1ps ll could be

summed up in any single sentence,

it would be: " PIay it ylur way."With
unprecedented levels 0f customization

for your classes (and even your

weapons!), you can choose to face the

battlefield ihe way you prefer.

Dig in to this multiplayer material

to learn about all of the weapons,

Attachments, Equipment, streaks,

maps, and modes that make up

the Call of Duty: Black 1ps Il

multiplayer experience.

l\ilovement is simple and fundamental to your success in multiplayer. Remember, The Perk Lightweightand the Attachment Stockaflecl your movement speed

in Call of Duty, movement is life.You should always be strafing while hipfiring or as well. Lightweight gives you about a 7% bump to your movement speed.
even ADSing if you are fighting at short to medium range. At greater distances, The Adjustable Stock lets you move at full (walking) speed while in ADS.
you may need to remain still for a momentto take a shot. But once you do, get The difference between the "normal" and "slower" class speeds is only about
moving again. Stationary targets are easy targets. 10% (with ARs in the middle at 5% slower). So Lightweight can bump you up
quite a bit. The Combat Knife is a special case, allowing you to sprint about 50%
Move quickly and decisively toward key overwatch points, objectives, and
further than a "normal" speed item.
hotspots. Use terrain to your advantage. Move behind hard cover, conceal your

advance from enemy eyes, and flank the enemy team.


Your speed in multiplayer is determined by he ifun you are carrying.Inis
means the weapon, secondary weapon, Scorestreak, or even turretihat you are

lugging around sets your base movement speed.

Sprinting allows you to move around more quickly, but at the cost 0f lowering
your weapon and making l0uder movement sounils" Thjs is very dangerous in

enemy terrjtory. Sprinting around a blind corner can lead to a quick death for

new Black ops i/ players.

Alter sprinting, you automatically recover your breath for another sprint as You can sprint out 0f a crouch or prone position. Doing so is faster than

long as you are walking around normally. This allows you to reach full sprint standing up first.
disiance again after several seconds 0f walking. The Extreme Conditioning

Perk doubles the distance you can sprint, Dexterity brings your weapon up

more quickly after sprinting.

Use sprints to move quickly in areas without cover, to reach objectives, or to

evade enemies. Be very cautious about sprinting in known enemy territory.

Jumping is typically used to mantle onto objects 0r get some height before
climbing a ladder. Several maps also have areas where you can jump over short
gaps. You can make only one full-strength jump without resting for a short

time. lf you try to jump again immediately, you can only make a short h0p, The

MANTLING AND trLIMBING Lightweight Perk prevents all falling damage. This can be useful on some levels,

especially if you prefer a high vantage point.

You can mantle or climb over many objects in the world, including short

walls, rocks, windows, and other bits of terrain. Nlantling gives you increased
battlefield maneuverability. lt is even possible to use mantling to "grab" an item

after a jump. Naturally, you can also climb ladders.

Note that both mantling and climbing lowers your weapon, This makes either

action very dangerous with hostiles nearby. Dexterity doubles the speed at which

you can mantle or climb objects, reducing your vulnerability.


You can crouch or go prone to lower your silhouette and move more quietly.
Crouching in particular is extremely important lor making use of short cover.

Crouching to duck behind cover while reloading is a key skill in any mid-range

firefight. Cro.uching and standing from a crouch are both much faster than
going prone.

Going prone lowers your silhouette compietely. This allows you to take cover Eombat Dive
behind very low cover. Take note that going prone also restricts your movement,
lf you are sprinting, holding the Crouch button causes you to perform a combat
only allows a slow crawl for moving, and presents your head toward the enemy.
dive to prone. This propels you forward, similar t0 a jump, while at the same time
Crouching or (especially) going prone increases weapon stability. Given the
laying out your body and landing prone. The combat dive allows you t0 instantly
opportunity, Iining up a burst of suppressive fire while prone can easily down
reach a prone position from a sprint, and r0und a corner or even jump out 0f a
multiple enemies if they come into your line 0f sight unaware of your position.
window. You can't fire while in the dive. As soon as you recover from the landing

while prone, you can open fire from your new position.
Any tirne you are rnoving, you are making noise. Normal walking makes moderate noise, which differs depending on the surface you are walking over. Sprinting

makes your movernent sounds louder, Jumping, mantling, and climbing all make noise as well. Reloading and throwing grenades also make noise.

The Dead Sllence Perk eliminates your movement norses. The Awareness Perk allows you to hear enemy movement at twice the normal distance (or at the normal

distance f they have Dead Silence).

[\i]oving makes you highly visible, What
feels like a "sma I adjustment" to you, &
whi e standlng framed in a window or

behrnd cover, can instantly give away

yOur posrtion. f you happen to get kllled

whi e moving siightly behind cover,
watch the killcam. t should be instantly

0bv ous h0w and why you were spotted,

Staying stati0nary for long periods is

a good way to eat a g'enade or geI

shot th-o-gh a wal . Wrrh rhat Deing

sa d. you also need to know when

stillness is necessary.

Movement is the f0undation that supports you while fighting Combat is where you put your skills to the test.


ADS is simply tlle act of bringing up your sights with your weapon. You should Hipfiring is simply shooting without ADS. Hipfiring is inaccurate, and typically
be in ADS during any medium-range or longer engagement. lt's often a good only worth using at short ranges with weapons that have better hipfire spreads.

idea to begin hipfiring and then pull up ADS as you engage, even at shorter The Laser Sight Attachment significantly reduces hipfire spreads.

distances. Fntering ADS lowers your movement speed. Be aware that holding
> pi$tel$, $hst*ain$, €nd $&{&$ fNavs lhe bsst tripfir* :iprsad$.
ADS while a fasf moving SMG or shotgun user strafes you with hipfire may not
> A$i$ hsve average hip{ke.
be the best idea.
> Lffl{is **S s*ip*r* **ve poor hipiire a**uraey.

Weapons ADS at different speeds, and some Attachments can affect ADS

time slightly.

> $X{*s, shotguns, a.rS pi$tol$ h6ve f*st ASS tifi'!e$,

> ARs have nafr*al AllS tiffec.

F !-F,{es and $iliper rif:*$ have sl€lq &S$ tiri*$. The Ealli*la i}a$ fr s9rgr,flffyiast*r
ASS tlian *?her snip*rs.

> The 0uickdraw Perk **b A&5 times in half, or by a quarier f*r Li\{&s.
> The Adjustabie $t**k Attachn':ent alf*ws {cr f*ft speed ffG$er$efit while ir} A$$.

> *en€ritrJ bdngs up ysur weap0* r**re quiekly atier sprie*ing, allowlng yeu to
A0S rncre qulckly.

> Toughness reduces flinehing while y*u are in ABS.

Knowing what affects your accuracy in combat is criiical for survival.

> Standing still, or0{.{s$iing, S*i$S pr*ns, ucinE a trorsg*p *r i-s$sr $igh{
Att*shnient, *r hGldi*g yriur hr*a$ with * *nlper rif!* ue*pe irnprove a*e*r***y.
> il{oving, firing, jffmpiitg, a*d taking dffffi*ge tr,| r*duee $csuri}clr"

> Ti':e Hapid Firc &lia*&m*n!. *igni{ieentNy reduce* a*ea:raey, and * {ew ***pe*
i3*u* a $li$hi rccsil r*c$irs!"y peslafty.

With a full-auto weap0n, make use of ADS at medium range, a Laser Sight

when hipfiring at close-medium, or hipfire at close range. At longer distances,

use ADS and short bursts of two io three bullets to land hits.

When in ADS, all weapons have some amount of sway. This is the gentle motion

of the gun moving while y0u try to hold it steady. Sway is minimal when using

lron Sights on most weapons. lt is more visible when you use a zooming or

sniper sight. The AC0G Sight, Target Finder, and Ballistics CPU all reduce your
weap0n's sway.

Sway doesn't have any impact on the recoil of your weapon. lt can affect your

accuracy with your first few shots when you're trying to line up a shot on a

distant target. A few optical attachments affect sway.

Reloading is a dangerous action in combat. Always try to duck behind cover By pressing the Melee button, you take a swing with your offhand knife, main-

while reloading if you know 0r suspect enemies are nearby. There are actually hand combat knife, or pistol tactical knife, ln all cases, if you are at point-blank

two stages to reloading any weapon: range with an enemy, you instantly kill him or her. '

> Tlle tin:* it tak*s {$r the ami}}c t$ *ntsr th* ffi*ga;;.}s.
ln Call of Duty: Black 0ps ll, you only ever lunge at someone if you are moving
> The tiae it t*ks$ t* r*lsad tr*rfi ;i Fart:atly erlrpg *xagaaix* {i**ter}, es * {n{ly toward them. You cannot lunge toward them while standing still, moving
sr*ni magazi** {s!*wer}.
sideways, or moving backward. The lunge range is actually only slightly reduced
The first stage (ammo entering the magazine) can be reload cancelled. lt you
trom Black 0ps. However, this new mechanic makes it much more difficultto
sprint or switch weapons, the remaining animation is cancelled. Whenever
knife in many of the situations where it used to excel. You should go for a melee
possible, you should cancel your reload animation as soon as the magazine
kill only it you are attacking a stationary enemy from behind, 0r if you literally
enters the weap0n-even a split-second sprint or double-weapon switch
run into someone rounding a corner or going through a doorway. Otherwise,
instantly reloads the weapon. Just don't try this while in direct combat.
whiffing with a knife can easily get you killed by anyone who has the reaction of

simply pulling the trigger.

Keep in mind that reloading on an empty magazine is slower than a partial reload

for most weapons. You have an additional animation of pulling the charging
The Assault Shield can also perform a melee shield bash, but it takes two
handle or racking the slide, The Fast Mag Attachment reduces reload times.
hits to down a target, unlike the knife. Melee kills do have the advantage of

being silent.

Switching weapons takes time, but it is faster ihan reloading for certain types
of weapons. As a result, switching weapons when your magazine runs dry in Vehicles of all sorts and explosive barrels can be detonated to cause a fatal

combat can save your life if you switch and begin firing immediately instead explosion to anyone nearby. Use your own explosive weapons to detonate

of attempiing to reload. Weapons switch at speeds corresponding to how vehicles on a map to take down any hostiles nearby.

cumbersome they are.

Be careful around burning vehicies. 0nce on fire, they automatically burn down

= =ist$ls srvit*f! th* m*sl qui*kly" foil*rv*# by $id$s, S**tq*na, A*s, {-S{*$. **d until they detonate. Keep your distance or finish the explosion with a few rounds
sl:i**r iiiles.

Because of pistols fast swapping, they are ideal 3*

backup weapons for when you run dry in CQC.

At greater distances, you're better off simply

,iitr'i ,

ducking behind cover and reloadtng. := *. ,rl;ii

s i,l|ti

The Fast Hands Perk doubles weapon switch

speeds. This is very useful for Bursvsemi-auto

ARs, LMGs, and sniper rifles that need a backup

weapon for CoC. Even Sl\4Gs can be a useful

backup weapon wiih the Fast Hands Perk.

Equipment and Scorestreaks are both critical tools for supporting your battlefield role. When covering or assaulting an objective, or guarding your back in Deathmatch,

you can use boih Equipment and Scorestreaks to tip the odds in your favor.

Choose Equipment and streaks that best fit your expected role. lf you know you're going to be sprinting across the map and assaulting a fixed position, grenades

and EMPs can come in handy. lf you're defending an objective, C4 and Shock Charges may fit the bill. For dismantling enemy defenses, use the Engineer Perk, EMP

grenades, and the Black Hat PDA. When you plan to make extensive use of Equipment, bring the Scavenger Perk.


All players in multiplayer matches have 00 health each. All weapons deal a flat amount of damage. For most weapons (and weapons other than sniper rifles), this

decreases at a distance. Some Attachments can affect how quickly this damage falloff occurs, notably the Suppressor, Rapid Fire, and Long Banel.

Most guns can kill in two to five shots. Shotguns fire multiple "pellets" per shot, and can potentially kill in one shot. Sniper rifles can kill in one shgt to certain areas

of the body. Burst-Fire weapons shoot three t0 four rounds per burst, so they too can kill in one "shot" if all the bullets in the burst hit their mark.

Explosives typically deal a flat amount 0f damage at the epicenter of the blast, decreasing in a linear manner to the outer edge of the explosion. Most are lethal near

the explosion, and heavily damaging even at the outer edge.

A handful 0f attacks are instant kiils, regardless of the situation-notably melee attacks, but a few Scorestreaks as well. Headshgts grant a damage boost for most

weapons, but only for the KSG among the shotguns. Sniper rifles get a damage boost for hitting higher on the body. Headshots are lethal. Shots to the chest or waist

may 0r may not be lethal depending on the particular sniper rifle.

Damage Falloff
For pistols, SMGs, ARs, and L|VIGs, hitting targets at longer ranges causes reduced damage. Each different weapon starts with a certain damage per bullet, typically

enough damage to kill in three shots at short range. Then the damage falls to a minimum amount at the maximum range for that weapon, usually one or two shots

more to kill.

Shotguns and sniper rifles are special cases. Shotguns deal no damage past their maximum range whatsoever. Sniper rifles deal a flat damage amount at any

distance. Sniper rifles also have multipliers from the waist up, depending on the particular rifle, which can result in a one-shot kill at very long range.

Several Attachments affect damage falloff. The Suppressor and Rapid Fire Attachments increase falloff. The Long Barrel reduces it. This means that a weapon

equipped with a Suppressor may take an extra shot to kill at a shorter distance than normal. But remember, no Attachment affects maximum or minimum damage.
At short range, a weapon with a Suppressor is just as lethal as one without. Remember: No player has perfect accuracy, so the general effectiveness 0f

Even with a Long Barrel, y0ur weapon will still dr0p t0 its minimum damage at weapons is defined as much by recoil and range as it is by damaqe and rate of fire.

long range. lt simply maintains its damage for a greater distance than usual.

Again, shotguns and sniper rifles are special. Changing the range 0n a shotgun

does impact how far you can shoot with it, A Suppressor-equipped shotgun has

a shorter distance before its bullets simply vanish. One with a Long Barrel can

inflict damage at a greater distance.

Sniper rifles on the other hand, actually do sutfer reduced damage from a

Suppressor, Typically, the way it works is that a Suppressor-equipped sniper

rifle has to hit higher up 0n the body to score a killshot, or it takes two shots if
you hit low on the body. This makes semi-automatic rifles easier to use with a

Suppressor than bolt-action rifles.

All weapons in Call of Duty: Black Ops //can penetrate surfaces and strike

players on the other side. ln order from best to worst penetration:

:" $niper rifi*s *nd lil!ht ffi**l]!*€ gr.rx$

r Assa$it rifles

F $t1fiS$

5 Pist*i*

The FMJ Attachment maximizes penetration values. lt does notdirectly increase

damage, only the ability for a bullet to penetrate a wall. When you penetrate a

wall, the bullet loses damage as it goes through the surface. You can expect t0
Time to Kill
need quite a few more builets on target to down a player through any hard cover.
Time to kill is simply a measurement of how quickly a given weapon cal? kill

another in ideal circumstances. ln theory, the simplest way to look at this is how Bullets lose more damage the sharper the angle of penetration is. ldeally, you
many shots in how much time, or damage multiplied by rate of fire. want t0 fire at a target behind hard cover or a wall directly perpendicular to the
wall. This isn't always possible, just be aware that you'll need to pump more
ln practice, however, this can be a very misleading way to look at the weapons.
lead into the target if you're firing at a sharp angle.
0utside of extremely short-range combat (as in, so short you could be knifing your

target), not every shot lands on target. 0n top of that, headshots act as another LMGS are particularly well suited for taking out targets behind cover. They have

variable. Scoring a headshot typically takes one shot off the number needed to both great penetration and the large magazines t0 sustain fire through cover

down a target (or is instantly lethal with sniper rifles). (ARs with FMJ are passable as well).

lf you're evaluate what weapons are good at a given range, one-shot kills

and high fire rates are useful for CQC. Just don'i fall into the trap 0f assuming that

a good time t0 kill makes any given weapon the best in every situation; it does not.

> 3i1?**r rif!*s fi*d $h*tg!.,*$ ce* iciil in cn* shot. Eili *r:i*er {if}$6 hav* tcn'iirl*
higfire spr*ad, *skirls them a p$or choiee far *8*"
> Assa$lt Riil*s asd SMGs with hur*t fife *an s*metiffies kiii ** sn* b!.!r$t at Bl*s*
range. Th*y ofter: take m*re lha* **e bur$t at a di$ian*61.

> The fiapid iire Aiiaclirn*nt r***css tim* {r kili *i el*** range, g:arii*l;iariy f*r
Sll*s iet the rest $t ieduced ra*ge arid aea$rsily!.
> *ual-nrielded pisicls c*n have *urprisingly i*w t:ni* ts k;ll, but *Saim, **ly at
*irse aange.

> €!'n*,rg ailtcmalie r-J€*prns, t*e *rder usil&ily gi**s: rapid-fire $$,{&, a*t* tr}$tsi/
9il4*. &* or railid-flre LM$, LI1i6 at *:*ss raix&e.
> At !**g*r *istrn**s, snip*r rifles and burs?-fire ARs
{sr secasiorrfflly $f,{Gs} are
ry*::aily msre *snger*xs, wilh semi-aut*:::ati* ARs and LiJl&a clse fari*g well.
-E=K -
A massive overhaul to Create a Class, the Pick 1 0 system allows you to literally pick 1 0 items. You can pick from the full selection of weapons, Attachments, perks,
and Equipment, with very few restrictions (and even a few picks that break ffiose rules).

You can run a build with six Perks, one gun with no Attachments, and nothing elsel You can even run a build that doesn't have a primary weapon. Those are extreme

exam ples. ln general, most com mon builds tend Io resenble builds from previous Call of Duty lilles, but they aren't identical. Here are the specifics:

> Ya* liav*":C pisks t0 ereate y*ur buiid"

> g*y:l€ffi takes up a pick, inci$ding e$ Attach*ts*t"

$r Ldhai [q*i$m*elt"
> Y$u c*n iaks trsstfian t** lu:i tS pi*ks, hut n*ver rncr€, end l$;!**erd$ d$ t*ke * p!*i{"
E= & ilLeffiffi
==1eJ =*EL=
While ihe freedom can initially be a bit overwhelming, it's important to understand that a bog standard "normal" build still takes up (surprise!) 10 picks exactly. That's

one primary weapon (1) with two Attachments (3), a secondary weapon with an Attachment (5), three Perks (B), and one Lethal and Tactical selection {10).

Say you wanted an extra Perk. You can take a Wildcard called Perk Greed that lets y0u take one extra Perk in any 0f the normal Perk 1 -2-3 slots. Because both the
Perk and the Wildcard take a pick, you need to drop two items.

You could drop both your Lethal and **-*i3:l::::rr-.

Tactical Equipment.0r drop your

secondary weapon entirely. 0r drop one

Attachmeni and one Tactical. 0r drop

an Attachment and a Perk. It doesn't

matter where you pull the picks from,

only that you free up two slots.

We have prepared example classes later

in the guide that showcase a variety

0f builds for various r0les in different

objective modes. You'll find that most

builds we consider strong don't deviate

heavily from a "standard" build. They

simply use the added flexibility to

enhance a chosen role.

ffi ilffire ffitud

==€+== =€=K
The Pick 1 =
0 system has two major strengths. First, it allows you to build the class that you enjoy playing. And second, it allows you to heavily specialize your classes

for very specific roles. The first point is just plain fun. lf you really enjoy ultra-customized weapons, you can use the Primary Gunfighter Wildcard and bling out your

main weapon. Want to run a ton of Perks? Go for itl

The second point allows you to build some extreme classes. Enjoy explosives? Take an assault rifle with a Grenade LauncherAttachment (two explosives), a

secondary RPG (four explosives), and two Frag grenades (six expl0sives)" Now cap that entire pile off with the Scavenger Perk and you are a one-man walking arsenal

that can refill on the battlefield.

We recommend using your first prestige to experiment heavily with the Pick 10

system, before you settle down into a mix of classes specialized for more

specific battlefield roles. It can definitely feel a bit strange choosing between

a Reflex Sight or Extreme Conditioning, or wondering if a Shoek Charge is

somehow equal to the Ghost Perk. But remember, nothing forces you to create

"unbalanced" classes.

You can create very functional and effectlve all-around classes mixed in with

builds that emphasize weapons, Perks, or Equipment as you see fit.

TheclassicKillstreaksystemin Call of DutyhasbeenrevampedtorCatt of Duty: Btack]psltKillstreaksarcnowsc)restreaks.Thebasicsarestill thesame,Racking
up consecutive kills without dying builds your score, which earns you Scorestreaks

The key d fference is that now performing almost anlaction that is beneficial to your team builds your score toward your Scorestreaks, Also, playing the objective

in obiective garne modes rewards far more points than simply hunting alone for kills. This provides a direct positive feedback loop for good teamplay. put up

UAVs. guard the objective, defeat attackers, and you will score far more than someone running six Perks behind enemy lines who never touches the objective-
even if they outkill youl
-: s&*€e
We provlde a set of damage charts f0r each weap0n class. They sh0w y0u Ihe nunber of shots to kill a target at a given distance, you can use these ranges in

combination with the maps to determine just how effective your chosen weapon will be in any engagement area. Generaily, weap6ns in Black 1ps // require anywhere
from one to six shots to kill. 0ne-shot kills are reserved for pointblank sholgun blasts and accurate sniper killshots.

Two-shot krlls are possible on only a handf!l of weapons: a few pisiols at very

c ose range, near misses with shotguns, and the semi-automatic assault rifies.

Three to four shots is the "average" for most 0f the guns. Five-shot kills typically

show up onLy at long range on a few weapons. SMGs and pistols all bottom out ai
six shots to k ll.

Sniper rifles present a special case, We do not inclucle a damage-over-range

chart for them. The reason for this ls the way sniper rifles deal damage. Rather

than having a damage amount that drops off over distance, ihey instead inflict a flat amount 0f damage per bullet. The more accurate your shot to a lethal part 0f the

target is. the more damage you inflict-aim highl

To read a damage chad. simply look at the color key. lt is graded from high damage (fewer shots to kill) at short range to lower damage (more shots to kill) at long range.

With the except on of shotguns, every other gun in the game does nothave a maximum disiance. The "end" of the range on these charts simply shows you the

distance at which the weapons stop osing damage. ln other words, if you have an assault rifle that drops to a maximum of four shots to kill, that is the most shots
the weapon will need to do the j0b no matter how far away the target is (assuming, of course, that your shots are on target). Keep this in mind when you examine the
maps and choose your weapons.

:, ,y,i.u ,'.''
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!1;)l!')t, J!;1t::!ittJ) "):r:t iffi:r.,;;1','lXi1
'j':" " - ,,. -.,]1 ,,,, l

Shotguns are unusual in that they d0naue a maximum range past which they don't inflict any damage at al!. Don't use shotguns outside CQC engagements! They

make up for their range defictency with the ability to score one-shot kills at close range, often even when fired on the move from the hjp,
Several Attachments affect shotto-kill ranges: the Long Barrel, Suppressor,
and Rapid Fire Attachments all have an impact on your damage profile.


Look up your preferred weapon, check its ranges for different shots to kill, and

then flip to the maps section and examine the gridded maps. You can use the map
grids in conjuncti0n with the objective map, the Hotspot markings, and even the

Routes maps to determine the distances involved in all sorts of engagements.

reilil==L FLreT=
A very special new addiiion to our guide is the inclusion of weapon recoil Weapons thai bounce left and right (or around) center can be difficult to conirol,

plots. These scatter charts are built by simulating thousands of rounds of fire, because they may bounce off target. This is especially true if you are aiming

incorporating all the complex recoil forces that act on the weapon every time you for a headshot or are shooting at a distance. 0n the upside, they can also
squeeze the trigger. bounce onlo a target if you are slightly off center. Weapons that recoil mostly

vertically-or vertically with a slight angle-are more predictable in their recoil

The red dots indicate where the first ten rounds of your shots are likely to hit.
pattern. This lets you compensate automatically when you aim. These "climbing"
The blue dots indicate where your shots are likely to scatter if you keep the
weapons can also go from an upper chesi shot to a headshot if you let the recoil
trigger pressed while you continue emptying the magazine.One obvious and
go unchecked.
important takeaway here is the oft-repeated and always true mantra: short,

controlled bursts. If you want to hit anything at a distance, aim down the sights Some weapons have very intense recoil that is strong both vertically and

and use burst fire-don't spray and pray. bounces around the center. These weapons are extremely difficult to aim on

full auto. They require skilled trigger control to get the most of them at longer
Use the recoil plots to get a rough idea oI the recoil for a given weapon. A host of
ranges. They sometimes compensate for this harsh recoil with greater damage,
variables can influence your actual battlefield accuracy, including: the distance
higher rates of fire, better hipfire spreads, or other benefits.
t0 y0ur target; whether it is above or below you, or behind cover; where you are
standing; if you are moving; what sort of scope you have equipped; and a host of Finally, some weapons are blessed with relatively low recoil even on full auto.As

other faciors.,Neveftheless, all other things being equal, these recoil plots should with high-recoil weapons and their balancing factors, these weapons sometimes
help you identify roughly how intense the recoil is 0n any given weapon and pay for their comparative stability in other areas: raw damage, rate of fire,

whal direction its recoil favors. magazine size, eic.

sight$, lhe $rppre$sar, Fapid Fire, and using burst {ire wit& the Select Fir* Att*ehmsnt all h*vs aft imsacq $fi your a{s{$ra*y.

your larget.

> Remember that crruching sr gsing prcne also aids ysur a**$racy. $*verai etl:er faelors *an *tfeet a*c*:raey in *e*lbmt, hurn S€*tie$ hit wit}} th* ?$ushnes* Ferk
equipped to recovering from a jump" Cle*k &e *ameplay *hapt*r {sr m$i* i*formfrtisr! sn gen*ral a*eura*} &sdifiers.
-ry ilErcil -NAreTffi
The Rate of Fire tables in this chapter simply illustrate the rounds per minute (RPM) of any given weapon. We sh0w both the base rate and the rate with the Rapid
Attachment for the weapon classes that can use it. This is important for a few reasons.

> A woaFsn witli a higtu rate of firc reasils$ it$ r$axirl?*m reruil very qxickly. That i*, it yu* hoid the trrigg*r, y*u,!l
send &$llot$ off t*rget g*ry qelickly"

> A $reapon with a high raie ci fir* eftn kili m{:rs q:liskly *t c{&s* !'elrge" *{*wev*4 it requir** m*re *ar*fxi i*$$sr c$ntrol is use
*ff*ctiv*ly at s distanee.

Reload speed is very important, as it often means the difference between life and death if a second enemy comes for you. Hint: a second enemy always comes for you.

The Reload charts on the following pages consist of stacked bars that show the time it takes to reload in three chunks. These chunks correspond to three different

reloading situations. There is an extra bar for weapons that can use the Fast Mag Attachment, which significantly speeds reload times.

r*ri:aind€r of th* anirnati*n *g':* th* gun sNuys reloaeled, lh*$ S{vin$ y*$ the fa*tc*? {imc.

beeause you h*ye t* p*!l * r:hargir:g ha**!* ar ra*k th* slide to pu* a re!.!nd in th* chfimh*r.

arnrnc belt fcr the ft'lk48 and i-SAT i-fi{fr$. The$e lack a 1'nT*g*zi** em:pS" r*f*ad ti$&e fer *fuvi*u$ rs*$*n$.

&ref=€= t=et=*T
The ammo tables in this chapter simply show you the magazine size wiih or without the Extended CIip Attachment. Most weapons
within a class tend t0 have similar
magazine sizes. However, there are a few outliers. Weapons with smaller or larger magazines can be more or less dangerous when
engaging multiple enemies on one
mag. Weapons that already have a large magazine can get away with firing on full auto for longer, and can more easily engage multipie

Conversely, weapons with a smaller magazine need more careful trigger control. They may need the Extended Clip Attachment to operate at
combat parity with
"standard-magazine" weapons when you engage multiple foes.

F=.t* ffiAMtffi ilrug

Finally, the following pages include images of the iron sights for each weapon. Dig in, see what we have prepared, and play with the new range tools and the
This is simply a convenience we have included so you can glance over the rangefinder map grids. Use these to help narrow down your favorite weapons
various iron sights for all of the weapons in one place. and evaluate different maps in different game modes.

lf you're unsure of what weapon to ASSAULT RIFLE TYPES

take, use an assault rifle.
Assault Rifles come in three varieties:

Assault rifles are the workhorse

weapon of ihe Call of Dutyseties.

They are flexible, powerful, and

effective in almost any situaiion.

Fully automatic rifles are the easiestto use all-around weapons.They are comfortable at medium range, and usable at

With the right Attachments, assault close range on full-auto, or at longer ranges when burst fired.

rifles can function as room sweepers

Burst{ire weapons are inherently easier to use at medium to long range, where their improved accuracy helps with hitting
or long-range suppression weapons.
distant targets. Burst-fire weapons can instantly kill targets in CQC, but the delay between shots makes them a poor match

lf any weapon is ihe standard weapon for weapons fired on full auto.

oI Cail of Duty, it's an automatic

Semi-automatic rifles have the best overall damage profiles of any of the ARs, but they require a fast trigger finger and a
assault rifle with a Reflex sight.
steady hand to deal their damage. They are the weakest of the three types in CQC.



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--E -r --




ASSAULT ffilFtE mEtu&&ffi; T6MS tru $6&SA'€&$
lR0H SIGHTS {coHrs,}


;# :

ii:. :
5i rfi;,-,:

!:.: .:5d*=-...
.ii.1ffi;i. k
SMGs are fast-moving CQC beasts. They are built for short- SMGs work best on maps that have more short-range SME TYPES
range firefights and high mobility. encounters than medium- to long-range ones. They are also
With the exception of the Chicom
very useful in objective modes that demand high mobility.
SMGs have good base movement speed, fastADS times, good CQB (a 3-round bursi SMG), the other

hipfire spreads, and high rates of fire. This makes them ideal for As with shotguns, SMGs benefii from stealthy setups utilizing SMGs differ in more subtle ways.

engaging and eliminating targeb at short range while on fie move. Ghost, Suppressor, Dead Silence, etc. You need an edge to
The other SMGs have differing rates
force an engagement at your preferred distance, raiher than
SMGs trade off long-range damage potential for tfrese benefib, and 0f fire, recoil patterns, damage falloff,
being stuck out in the open engaging ARs at long range.
have significanfly more damage falloff than ARs or LMGs. You can arid magazine sizes.
definitely still hke down targeb at medium range witrADS and SMGs are extremely flexible weapons. You can take
Experiment with the SMGS to find
careful trigger control, but longer-range engagements become dicey Attachments like 0uickdraw, sights, or a grip t0 skew them
which you prefer. They each trade
due to the number of shob you need to land on the target. towards medium-range viability, or take a Laser Sight or Rapid
off close-range lethality with more
Fire to emphasize hipfire or close-range bullet spraying.
efficiency at close-medium to
SMG DAMAGE: SH0TS T0 KlLt 0VER DISTANCE medium-range combat. lt is likely
you will find that you prefer several
This chart illustrates the number of shots needed to kill a target from a given distance.
different SMGs for different map and

mode combinations.



Shotguns are powerful CQC weapons, capable of downing targets in a single shot Another viable setup is using Quickdraw and ADS almost every shot (if you can

from the hip while siaying highly mobile. ensure a m0re accurate delivery of buckshot to the face). Adjustabie Stock and a

Millimeter Scanner also work well, giving you quick ADS movement and automatic
Shotguns have some overlap with SMGs in a COC role, but they trade off distance
target sweeps while in ADS.
for close-range power. Unlike other weapons, shotguns cannot damage targets

outside their maximum range. Much of the challenge of using a shotgun is simply getting into close range to

begin with. They do work if you can get there, so consider stealthy Perk setups and
Note that the Suppressor and Long Barrel Attachments have special meaning for
aggressive flanking play to get into range.
shotguns. They either reduce or increase the range at which you can actually ,lf
targets. This is unlike most other weapons, where they simply change damage Alternatively, a shotgun makes a nasty backup weapon for room clearing or

falloff distances, defending at shoft range.

The Laser Sight is also important for shotguns, as it allowS for a tighter pellet

spread for each shot when hipfired. Although you should note that the KSG only

fires a single slug, so it is still better to ADS with it.

There are two pump-action shotguns, the R-870 and the KSG, a semi-automatic

(the Saiga l 2), and a fully-auto, the l\41 21 6.

The R-870 is an all-around shotgun, lt has a solid rate of fire, good damage, and

good accuracy.

The KSG is a slug shotgun, firing a single high-damage round. lt demands high

accuracy in exchange for much greater range than the other shotguns.

The Saiga is a semj-auto shotgun. li is better for engaging multiple targets, but
drains arnmunition rapidly to score krlls. Bring Extended or Fast l\4agsl

Finally, the lVll 21 6 is fully-auto. lt has a very unusual 1 6-shell magazine that
fires four shells before you must rotate rt to load the next four. This "gap" in
firing can be lethaL if your shots aren't on target.

SH0TGUttiEel SIGH*,,.

This chart illustrates the number of shots needed to kill a target from a given distance




Ll\4Gs are powerhouse ranged weapons, with high damage, good range, and Quickdraw, the Fore Grip, and an optical Attachment are all good choices for an
good penetration. ln exchange, however, they are cumbersome, slow to move L[4G. They help minimize the slowADS penalty and let you easily identify and

and bring to bear, with poor hipfire and slow reloads. eliminate targets at long range, where you should be fighting.

As SMGs are to close-range highly-mobile combat, so are LMGs to slower Remember that when using an LMG, if you are close enough that an AR would

defensive play. They are ideal for locking down an objective area or chokepoint work just as well, you're probably loo close. Take advantage of your superior
with their deep magazines. range and whenever possible engage targets at long range.

While an AR needs t0 reload after downing a target 0r two, an entrenched gunner This nullifies shotgun users and considerably weakens SMGs. 0nly some AR
with an LMG can easily mow down the entire enemy team (if they're foolish builds are well suited to fight y0u on even terms, leaving you up against other
enough to charge into an 0pen area in line of sight). LMGs or sniper rifles as serious threats.

Despite the magazine sizes of LMGs, trigger discipline is still important. Much LMGs are the only other type of weapon besides SMGs that can take Rapid

like ARs, short controlled bursts are much more effective at taking down targets Fire. But be aware that taking it can make long range combat more difficult, in
at a distance. exchange for raising your lethality in close-medium combat, where LMGs are

typically weaker than CoC specialists.

Remember to abuse your deep magazine sizes by shooting targets through hard

cover. With their strong penetration, LMGs have the ammo and the penetration to With the slowest movement speed of the basic weapon classes, remember to
take out targets through cover at any distance. switch to a secondary pistol or combat knife to move more quickly.


This chart illustrates the number of shots needed to kill a target from a given distance,


Sniper rifles are supreme long-range weapons, capable of scoring kills in a single sh0t at any distance, They are ideal for

covering long lines of fire and can take down many enemies at distances that are impossible to reialiate from.

Sniper rifles have very p0or hipfire spread and lack the high rate of flre to compete effectively at close range. Although you

can get lucky with a hjpfire shot and take down an enemy in one sh0t.

ln Call of Duty: Black 0ps //, sniper rifles have good mobility. Take advantage of their speed to reposition yourself constantly.

Because of killcams, it's easy for a target to pinpoint your location and track you down if you stay immobile for too long.

Sniper rifles come with a sniper scope by default, which requires steadying your breath. You can equip an ACOG Sight (or

lr0n Sights on the Ballista) if you want t0 try m0bile sniping at shorter distances. Note that snipers do still sway while using

an AC0G Sight, which can cause missed shots at range.

The Ballistlcs CPU is a speclal sniper-only Attachment that reduces sway while equipped, This can make the initial

acquisition of your target a bit faster, particularly at very long distances.

Be careful about getting myopic while sniping. lf you spend too much time zoomed in with your scope, it's easy to lose

awareness 0f the situation around you, which can get you stabbed in the back.

Sniper rifles benefrt from a reliable secondary weapon. A pistol, SMG, or shotgun can be very helpful when you need to

defend yourself at close range. Dual Pistols, the B23R, 0r the Kap 40 all work quite well as close-range defense. Because

pistols switch more quickly than other weap0n types, they're ideal if you aren't using Fast Hands.

llyou are camping in 0ne area, Claymores, Bouncing Betties, and Shock Charges can all be used to coveryour back,


The Balljsta and DSR-50 are bolt-action rifles, with relatively low rates 0f fire. The SVU-AS and XPR-50 are semi-automatic.

The SVU-AS in particular has a high rate of fire in exchange f0r its weaker damage profile.




Specials are special Equipment that can be taken as a primary "weapon."


*' =:::.,.=

The Assault Shield is a protective shield that can be carried in front of you or on You can deploy the Assault Shield as a piece of waist-high cover. You can't shoot

your back t0 block shots. lt can also be deployed on the battlefield as a mobile through it, but you can shoot over it. Crouching down gives you complete frontal
piece of cover. When carried as a "weapon," you can only attack with shield cover. This is particularly useful at long range in any situation where you have no

bashes, which require two hits to kill. However, the primary use of the Assault other available cover.
Shield is not directly attacking; it is blocking incoming f ire.
The Assault Shield also pairs well with the Flak Jacket and Tactical Mask Perks

While you are moving, only your feet are exposed. You can minimize even this when you must secure an objective at all costs.
weakness by crouching as you move forward, keeping the Assault Shield aimed
Because the Assault Shield takes up your primary slot, you must either take a
at any hostiles in front of you.
pistol secondary, use the overkill Wildcard to bring another primary weapon, or

Remember that due to internet latency, if you are at very close range with an scavenge a weapon 0n the battlefield.
enemy strafing around you firing, aiming the shield perfectly t0 block all incoming

attacks is very difficult. lt is much easier to block incoming fire straight on from a

distance, or if you are tucked in a corner with the shield guarding your front.

You do not "Qhoose" a Combat Knife. lnstead you are given one in place of a primary or secondary slot if you leave it blank. The Combat Knife functions as a,,normal,,
knife in most respects. lt is a one-hit silent kill at close range, and swings at a regular speed.

However, the Combat Knife has one very useful special benefit. You can run almost 1.5x as far with a Combat Knife as you can with the fastest main,hand gear:

SMGs, shotguns, and pistols. Combined with Extreme Conditioning, this allows you to run farther than any other player that isn't holding a Combat Knife.

The downside to that speed boost is the fact that you're running around the map with a knife in your hand instead 0f your gun. Sprinting into an armed enemy

typically ends poorly.

Fast Hands can help, but otherwise, use the speed to travel long distances only when you are relatively certain your path is clear (or you have friendlies ahead 0f you).

Be sure to swap back to a ranged weapon before you reach areas of likely enemy contactl
Secondary weapons increase your flexibility, giving you backup explosive firepower, or a quick swapping secondary pistol.

Launchers are explosive weapons useful for taking down enemy air support or The Crossbow has a three-round arrow "clip," allowing you to take three shots in

ground-based Scorestreaks and Equipment. The SMAW and RPG can also be quick succession before reloading.

direct fired on the ground to flush out campers or blast groups of enemies near
The Crossbow makes a good backup weapon for a short-ranged primary
an objective. The FHJ-18 is an anti-air lock-on missile launcher onl/, while the
(typically a shotgun or SMG) if you don't wantlo take a pistol and would rather
SMAW can lock onto Scorestreaks or fire unguided.
have some longer range ability. A Crossbow with a precision sight attached can

The RPG is completely unguided. lt is posslbleto hit aerial streaks with it, take down enemies at a surprisingly long range (if your aim is true).
but difficult. The Crossbow is a unique weapon. lt fires explosive-iipped bolts that

stick and instantly kill any enemy with a direct hit. Although they can also intlict
damage (or kill, with the Tri-BoltAttachment) if you land a shot near your target.

The Ballistic Knife is a "secondary weapon" version of the Combat Axe. This knife gives you an

instantly lethal, stealthy projectile that you can fire and pick up from the ground (or your target's
face) by simply stepping over it.

You only get a few shots with the Ballistic Knife. However, you can pick the knives back up (or get

more with Scavenger), allowing you t0 rack up quite a few kills with limited amm0.

The Ballistic Knife d0es have a slight arc to its trajectory, so learning to use the Ballistic Knife (alongside the Combat Axe) is a bit of an art.

The Ballistic Knife also allows you to make very quick melee stabs while wielded. Although, as with other melee attacks, there is next to no lunge, and you need to be

nearly point blhnk to down a hostile with a melee strike.

Pistols are fast-switching accurate backup weapons. Thgy are ideal for finishing off a damaged opponent when your
primary weapon runs dry.

Pistols don't make for great prlmary weapons due to therr severe damage falloff and relatively shallow magazines. Up

close, they work quite well, and can even outperform some primary weapons in C0C.

Pistols are the only weap0n in the game that can be dual wielded, trading off any ranged ability for increased lethality in

CQC. lf you only care about protecting y0urself in CQC, the Dual Wield Attachment is quite useful.

Because pistols switch more qulckly than any other weapon type, training yourself to fast swap to your pistol exactly as you

run out of amrno on y0ur primary weapon is an important skill to master. lf you switch and start firing immediately, you will

almost a ways come out on top against an opponent who runs dry and chooses to reload instead.

The Tac-45 and Five-Seven are serni-automatic pistols, 0f the two, the Tac-45 can reliably kill in two shots at a greater

range, whrle the Five-Seven is remarkably accurate at a distance and has a larger magazine.

The B23R is a three-round burst pistol, while the KAP-40 is fully automatic. Both are very effective at close range.

Finally, the Executioner is a very unusual weapon; lt is a shotgun in pistol lorm! The Executioner is very,uery short range,

but at that range, it can potentially kill in one sh0t,


This chart rllustrates the number of shots needed to kill a target from a given distance.






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Attachrnents m0d fy y0Lrr weapons. Among the many types of modificati0ns, you can give your weapons

soph sticated opt cal scopes. underslung grenade launchers, fire rate adjustments, and ergonomic grips.

Custom z ng y0ur weapons to fit your preferred playstyle is one of the best parts oI Catl of Duty.Inis

section is oaded with information to help yo! make the best choices.

Because custom weapons are so personal, we strongly recommend you spend time with erzery

Attachrnent on every c ass 0f weapon. Thls is also good for earning expenence from c0mpleilng

cha lenges. You can earn rewards while you learnl


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Basic red dot optic; clean, clear view

The Reflex Sight is a simple, clean optic Attachment that gives a clear view 0f y0ur target with a simple red dot as a

crosshair. The Reflex Sight has very clear visibility, with a small frame that does not 0bscure your view. F0r guns that you

are not comfortable with lron Sights, the Reflex SightAttachment is a great choice,

It is also slightly easrer to use than even good lron Sights at medium t0 long range, While the Reflex Sight is not a zooming

optic scope, the clear visibility and tiny dot can allow you t0 land shots on targets with careful trigger discipline. The Reflex

Sightin Cal/of Duty: Black Opsli isoneof thecleanestinCall of Dutyhistory. lf thereisastandard Call of Dutyweapon,an
assault rifle with a Ref lex Siqht is it.


Basic holographic optic with slightly greater zoom than the

Reflex Sight
The EOTech Sight is very similar to the Reflex Sight, w'th a holographic crosshair suspended in a slightly larger housing.

The only gameplay difference between the two is a very slight zoom factor increase with the E0Tech Sight over the Reflex

Sighi. Also, the Hol0graphic frame is slightly more obscuring.

With the slightly higher zoom, an EOTech Sight is also slightly better for semi-auto or burst fire ARs or SMGs, or LlVlGs

at rnedium t0 medrum-long range. Otherwise, the choice of a basic optic comes down entirely to personal preference.

Experiment with each and see what you preferl

Basic zoom optic; high zoom, reduced sway

The AC0G Sight (Advanced Combat 0ptical Gunsight) is the last of the basic scopes. lt acts as the
long-range option of the three basic types, providing a greater zoom factor than either the Reflex or

E0Tech Sights. The ACOG Sight works well 0n ARs and LMGs when you want to focus on medium-

to long-range combat, or in reverse on sniper rifles, when you don'twanI to focus solely on long-
range combat.

The ACOG Sight has reduced sway when you are in ADS. You have both the benefit of greater zoom and slightly more stable target acquisition. However, it has only a

. negligible effect on weapon recoil. lt simply makes lining up the shot a bit easier. The ACOG Sight does not have an ADS speed penalty. 0ther than the slight loss of

situaiional awareness and peripheral vision when zoomed, the AC0G Sight is a viable scope for mid-range combat.

The AC0G Sight works best with semi-auto or burst ARs, or LMGs, which have the long-range punch needed to down targets at greater distances. Sniper rifles

benef it f rom it as well, but be aware that SRs do lake a slig ht recoil penalty from using an AC0G Sig ht. Th is barely affects you, even when rapid ly f iring shots with
the semi-automatic rifles. You're unlikely to see a difference with the bolt-action variety. An ACOG Sight equipped SR is slightly less stable than a fully-scoped
sniper scope with your breath held. Bui it is faster if you're simply scoping and firing immediately.

Remember that when you're using an AC0G Sight, you need to keep your engagement distances at a range band farther out than normal to really maximize
the potential of the ACOG Sight. lf you're fighting at the same distances you n0rmally do with a Reflex or E0Tech Sight, you're not iaking full advantage of
the scope. lf anything, anyone using those scopes or lron Sights has a slight edge over you. Check your positioning and try to step back one line of cover
when using an AC0G Sightl

Reduces hipfire spread

The Laser Sight is a powerful Attachment that modifies the hipfire spread of your weapon. When equipped, the Laser Sight reduces hipfire spread-this is similar to
the effect from Steady Aim in previous Cail of DutyIiIles.

A Laser Sight equipped SMG is a serious threat at close to close-medium range. An SMG user can reliably down targets that would be more easily killed
with ADS on
an SMG orAR without a Laser Sight. The only slight downside to using the full-range advantage granted by the Laser Sight is the extra amm0 you can
burn to score
kills at a greaier distance.

Laser Sights also have a dramatic impact 0n the performance of shotguns. Unless you are using ADS with your shotguns (which takes time,
losing some of their speed
advantage in CoC), hipfiring is the way to go. Because three of the four shotguns fire a spread of pellets, the Laser Sight can help you to more reliably
land one-shot kills
at close range. However, this also requires that you arrn more accurately. The tighter spread means less chance of glancing hits on highly
evasive targets. Experimeni with
the Laser Sight on the shotguns. You may find you prefer using Quickdraw Handle and ADS with some, and regular or Laser Sight hipfire with

Laser Sights on ARs give them roughly the hipfire profile of a regular SMG, which can make the full-auto ARs quite effective in CQC. LMGs
do benefit from a Laser
Sight, but they're still not amazing CoC weapons (although a Laser Sight, Rapid Fire LMG with Lightweight equipped isn't badl). pist;ls benefit
sighificanily from the
Laser Sight Although, if you're going to be regularly hipfiring your pistol, you should seriously consider taking the Dual Wield Attachment.
Whethei you prefer to keep
the option of ADS targeting is a personal choice!

The Laser Sight doesn't have exactly the same percentage reduction in hipfire spread on every weapon class: SMGs get ihe least reduction.from it (though
it still
makes them exceedingly lethal); ARs, LMGs, and pistols get an average amount. lf you regularly take no-scope shots instead of weapon switching, consider

taking a Laser Sight!

Advanced zoom opticl paints targets with a red diamond

The Target Finder is the first of the "advanced" optics. Advanced optics means sights with more
sophisticated electronics or zoomlng capabilities than the "basic" optics (the Reflex Sight, EOTech,

and ACOG Sight).

When you enter ADS, the Target Finder paints all hostile targets in view with a red diamond. This makes

picking out targets at a distance extremely easy.0nly foes with Cold Blooded can avoid the target

acquisition in your scope, and you can still spot them normally. The Target Finder is ideal for covering a
static area at medium to l0ng range. lt makes picking targets out 0f busy cover extremely easy.

A good long-range AR or LMG with a Target Finder can be a real terror when covering an objective area.

The Target Finder is a very obscuring optic, essentially taking up your entire view like a sniper scope while in ADS. This makes the Target Finder a slightly worse

choice than a basic optic or lron Sights if you are concerned about situational awareness when fighting with a mobile build. The target highlighting makes the Target

Finder better for camping out and covering a static objective area.

lf you are a new player, the Target Finder can also help you with locating players hiding behind hard cover on any map. But be careful about relying too much on the
Target Finder; it can hamper training your ability to spot threats without the targeting assistance. Use it to learn common camping spots. Then remember to keep an

eye on those areas when you round corners or sweep an area in ADS.

-?=#€= ==T:=
Dual scope; combines Reflex and AGOE Sight functionality

The Hybrid 0ptic is exactly what the name implies: a combinati0n optical sight that has both a Reflex Sight-style red dot and an ACOG Sight-style zooming sight.

Swiich between the scopes by pressing Sprint while in ADS. The transition between scopes ls nearly instantaneous, so the Hybrid is very flexlble and easy to use at
medium to medium-long range.

The Hybrid doesn't have the same sway reduction as the AC0G Sight. ln exchange, it gives you the benefits of both a medium- and a longer-range optic for the price

of one Altachment slot; not a bad deal.

The MMS actually has a touch /essz0om than the Reflex Sight, so it is a poor
=:L:::===== ==€-==== choice for long distance combat. However, it does have a remarkably clear
Range: 1 000
frame, giving easy target acquisition at short ranges. lt's easy to get myopia with
Wall penetrating millimeter
wave scanning optic the MMS equipped. Don't fall into the bad habit of looking for targets behind

walls, instead of targets out in the open that can shoot you! Use t'ne MUS to
The Millimeter Scanner (l\4MS) resembles the Reflex Sight as a general optical
augmentyout situational awareness; don't let it distract you.
Attachmeni, but it also has the powerful ability to quite literally see through
walls, While in ADS, periodic scanning waves project from the scope into the
FF3.ffiT fu,$deffi
world, giving you a glimpse at hostile targets through any nearby surfaces.
Dual taped magazines for most weapons,
faster reload for others
The further a target is, the more unclear the scan is. A target with Cold Blooded

is all but impossible to spot unless they are completely stationary when they are
0n most assault rifles and SMGs, Fast Mag provides an equal speed increase
hit by a scanner sweep. The MIMS is a powerful tool for room clearing in urban on reloads and when exchanging the mag {or a fresh one. While the reload
areas, and is equally effective when defending an area. lt allows you to detect
animations look different, they take the same amount of time. 0n weapons that
incoming threats before they come into view.
have the Fast Mag Attachment but don't actually use taped iwin magazines, Fast

Mags simply speeds up the reload time. For weapons like the Executioner, this is

a speed-loader, while the R-870 and KSG shotguns reload two shells at a time;

on other weapons the animation is quicker.

Fast Mags are extremely important for any build expecting to engage in a lot of

mid- and close-range combat, where a slow reload can get you killed. For builds

where you expect to engage at long range, or where you are completely stealthy,

fast reloads are less critical.

3r#ffiffi ffirugFfr
Very slightly reduces recoil
The [/lVlS pairs especially well with the Adjustable Stock Attachment and a shotgun
The Fore Grip is a simple Attachment that reduces recoil while in ADS. This can
0r SMG. You can then move at full speed while still sweeping for hostile targets.
be very useful for stabilizing long-range fire, and increases your overall accuracy
You can also use it with Smoke grenades and Scavenger. Smoke an area, use the
slightly. The Fore Grip tends to be most useful on weapons that have significant
MMS to down targets through the smoke, then restock from the packs they drop,
recoil. Already stable weapons don't receive much benefii. The HAMR LMG
and do it again.
receives a larger recoil reduction than other weapons.

The Suppressor is a powerful stealth Attachment that
I fiTffin:::ff::.
The Adjustable Stock Attachment allows you to move at your full movem.ent speed.w]lile in ADS.

eliminates your red dot 0n the minimap when you fire your Normally, entering ADS slows your movement, but the Stock lets you continue t0 strafe at high

weapon. lt also reduces muzzle flash and dampens the sound speed while firing precision shots. The Adjustable Stock is very effective at close-medium to

of your weapon firing, providing additional stealth benefits. medium range, where your increased mobility can help evade incoming fire. This is especially true

with the Lightweight and Toughness Perks equipped.

The Suppressor is esseniial for stealthy COC builds running

Ghost and an SMG orAR. lt allows you to operate in enemy However, be aware that moving at a faster speed while in ADS can impact your aim. This is true if

-territory more effectively. The tradeoff for the stealth power of you are used to moving at a certain speed while in ADS with a given weapon class, particularly for

the Suppressor is slight loss of effective range. The Suppressor targets at long range.

increases damage falloff, meaning you will need an extra shot

or two to down your target at a shorter distance than usual.

Because the Suppressor has no effect on your shots to kill
Halves ADS time
at close range, it is especially well suited to SMGs and CQC

combat in general. You can certainly take down targets at a The Quickdraw Handle Attachment has a simple and powerful effect. lt allows you to enter ADS
distance, just be aware you may need a few extra bullets. more quickly. For LMGs, it shaves about a quarter of the time off, while all other weapon types lose

about half the normal ADS time. This is a very powerful Attachment for mid-range combat where
The Suppressor has slightly less of an impact on damage
you expect to ADS often. lt can save your life at shorter ranges when up against weapons that
falloff for shotquns, due to their already short range. Be aware
have accurate hipfire.
that losing range 0n a shotgun means losing actual range.

Unlike other weapons, once shotguns reach their maximum Quickdraw Handle is also surprisingly strong on shotguns. All of them benefit from the increased
distance, the pellets no longer deal any damage. A Suppressor accuracy while in ADS. However, using ADS regularly in CQC is usually a bad idea-Ouickdraw
reduces the range at which you can hit your target period. Handle can mitigate that weakness.

Sniper rifles also have a significant penalty to damage when

using a Suppressor that is different from the way other EREN,ADE LAUNAHER
weapons are handled. SRs typically kill in one shot when you Provides an under-barrel grenade launcher
score a hit on a certain part of the body. with two grenades

The Suppressor bumps that target area "up." This means that The Grenade Launcher Attachment gives you an under-barrel launcher with two grenades that you

where a waist shot would be fatal without a Suppressor, you can use to flush out campers, bombard objective areas, or nail targets behind cover. The grenade

need to score a neck or head shot t0 kill with a Suppressor. fired from the launcher must reach a minimum distance before they are armed. Don't waste your

This usually makes the Suppressor a poor choice for the bolt- time trying to "hipfire" a grenade at a nearby target.

action rifles. However, it is usable on the semi-automatics,

At a distance, aiming for the ground near your target is the best way to score a kill. For targets at
where you can fire two quick shots and down a target reliably.
longer ranges, you need to practice with the flight arc of the grenade to hit targets inside windows

The SVU-AS sniper rifle also suffers a slightly greater recoil or doorways. lf you manage to hit someone directly with the grenade while it is in flight, it is an

recovery penalty than other suppressed weapons. Although, this instantkill(eVenatcl0serange).However,thisisn,tacommonoccurrence.

is still easily manageable given its semi-automaiic fire type.

Note that the Fast Mag.Attachment has no effect on the reload speed. The Grenade Launcher does

The Suppressor has a very slight penalty to recoil recovery, not reload quickly. Be careful about using it if you suspect enemies are nearby.

though the penalty is small. Also, because the Suppressor

dampens muzzle flash, it can actually improve perceived recoil

while aiming-that is, you have a clearer view of your target

while firing.
E ;--* ;i=-r",-een burst,/semi and ruryauto

Select Fire is a new Attachment to the Call of Duty series. lt allows you to switch an SMG or AR between semi-auto or burst-fire and fully-automatic fire modes. In

the case of SMGs, this gives them an unusual degree of medium-range flexibility, though it does ,ol improve their damage profiles. Hitting targets at medium range
gets a bit easier, but you still need to land more shots than ARs on average. For ARs, semi-auto and burst-fire variants get more close-range punch,
while fully-auto
types can use burst-fire mode for better mid- to long-range accuracy. When using Select Fire 0n what is normally an automatic weapon, the burst mode has a greater

recenter speed per shot. This actually reduces recoil in a way that you can't gei when burst-firing on full auto.

Select Fire is a useful Attachment, but keep a couple things in mind. First, you must use Select Fire for it to have a significant impact on your performance. This

sounds obvious, but if you take Select Fire and don't swiich fire modes as you shift around the battlefield, you're wasting an Attachment choice. Second, for some

weapons, Select Fire takes up an Attachmeni slot to do something that you can arguably do yourself-control your fire-rate with automatic weapons to burst at a

distance. ln the case of the semi-auto and burst-fire SMG and ARs, however, it does give you a fully auto option that can be quite helpful for CoC engagements.

Experiment with the Select Fire Attachment. ln some ways iI doublesthe number of SMGs and ARs in the game. lt changes up the accuracy profile and combat
behavior of the weapons significantly. While equipped, Select Fire conveniently remembers the last fire mode it was set to if you die, so you don't have to constanfly

switch. Changing fire modes is also quick. Shifting as you move in and out 0f CQC to medium-range engagement areas rs fairly safe.

,.:9j..,.- :!E

Maximizes penetration, boosts bullet damage against Scorestreaks

FMJ is a simple and useful Attachment. lt maximizes the penetration value of your weapon, letting you penetrate surfaces more easily. tt
atso greaity jncreases bullel
damage againsi Scorestreaks. This includes all aerial streaks such as the UAV or VT0L Warship, as well as ground-based streaks like the AGR and Guardian

Ll\4Gs are noticeably poweful against streaks with this Attachment. They already infljct good damage at range, and the FMJ multiplier lets them down streaks easily
with their deep magazines. However, even SMGs and ARs benefit. SMGs in particular get a big boost in their penetration, which is normally quite weak.

Experiment with the FMJ Attachment and the Engineer Perk. lt lets you "see through walls," giving you a very powerful battlefjeld advantage. you can spot and

eliminate enemies, Equipment, and Scorestreaks safely and easily.

You lose the very precise hipfire benefits of the Laser Sight while using
Rapid Fire.
Boosts magazine capacity by roughly 30%
0f course, if you want absolutely supreme hipfire at close range only, Laser Sight
The Extended Clip Attachment simply boosts your magazine size. These deeper
and Rapid Fire do work welll ln the case of LMGs, ihis'can simply hrake them
magazines can be very useful with the high fire rate SMGs, 0r for ARs to
more lethal due to their high damage lfyou can handle the increased recoil.
keep enough amm0 for downing multiple targets. Note that the Extended Clip
Experiment with each LMG, as well as using a Fore Grip to moderate the recoil.
increases reload time by 100/0.

The Skorpion EVO, which already has an extremely high rate offire, gains slightly
It's.very important t0 get used to using ihe deeper magazines by forcing
less rate of fire than other weapons, and suffers a bit more damage falloff and
yourself to notreload after downing a single target. You frequently have enough
hipfire spread. That said, it also makes the Skorpion even more lethal than it
.ammunition after taking out one enemy that you can easily down a second (and
already is in CQC (just be sure to bring Fast Mags or Extended Clip!).
sometimes a third). Avoiding that reload can save your life if another enemy

investigates the death of a teammate. Because of this ability, the Extended Clip

has a very similar function to that of the Fast Mags Attachment. lt strengthens ilUAL BANtr
you in CoC to close-medium range, by cutting down on the danger of reloading Advanced Optic; moderate zoom,
with enemies nearby. provides thermal and night vision
The Dual Band is an advanced optical scope that provides botfthermal and nighl
The Extended Clip is also helpful for any weapon with the Rapid Fire Attachment.
vision in one sight. This gives you a clear view of targets in almost any situation.
You burn through ammo at a ferocious rate when using it. Most snipers and
The Dual Band is especially useful for spotting targets in low light areas, heavy
shotguns don't need this Attachment, though the Saiga-1 2 and M1 21 6 d0 gain
cover, or through smoke.
some benefit from it.

Because the Dual Band is a full screen sniper style scope, it is somewhat

obscuring. You can easily lose situational awareness if you spend t00 long

I ::T: ::ff*"ff range s,igh,y

staring down the scope and not enough time checking your surroundings.

The Dual Band gives a slight penalty to recoil recovery while in ADS. The penalty
The Long Barrel is a specialized Attachment that improvesdamage'fallotl,
is a bit large for LMGs-a tradeoff for the ease of target acquisition. Cold
extending the range ai which you can take down a target in fewer bullets.
Blooded targets are completely grey while looking through the Dual Band, which

For SMGs, this effect is minor, but it can be helpful on builds using a Laser Sight makes them a bit harder to spot.

to hipfire targets at a distance. The Long Barrel has a similarly small impact on
Because the Dual Band can pierce smoke, Smoke grenades combined with
pistol performance. Remember that the Executioner is a "shotgun" in pistol form,
Scavenger can let you obscure an objective or key chokepoint and easily cover
so it benefits in the same manner as other shotguns with increased range. ln the
any targets that enter the area.
case 0f shotguns, this Attachment is important, lt actually extends the range at

which you can hit targets peilod. ll is a valuable Attachment once unlocked.

lncreases rate of fire but weakens
aecuracy and range
n i,'-'l**ii"o#0"'
The Variable Zoom scope is simply a modified "basic" sniperscope that allows

you to adjust the level of zoom while sighted in. This makes ihe Variable Zoom
Rapid Fire is an unusual Attachment that greatly strengthens a weapon in COC
perfect for a mobile sniper that engages targets at a variety of distances. lt can
at the cost of long-range performance. Equipping Rapid Fire boosts your rate of
also be used on LMGs if you plan on engaging at primarily long ranges. Note
fire, worsens hipfire spread, and worsens your weapons ability to recover from
that LMGs take a slight penalty to recoil recovery while using the Variable Zoom
recoil while in ADS. ln essence, you are trading increased rate of fire for close-
scope. Exercise trigger discipline while firing at great distances.
range time t0 kill, at the cost of long-range accuracy and some damage falloff.

This makes SMGs into absolute powerhouses in CQC, but weakens their ability
to fight effectively at medium range. lf you plan on using an SMG to hipfire at

close-medium range, you may want to keep the Laser Sight and skip Rapid Fire.
Reduces sway signifi cantly
The Ballistics CPU has a simple and useful effect. lt reduces visible sway while in ADS with a sniper rifle. Note that this doesn't change how you stabilize a sniper rifle

by holding your breath. It just makes getting your crosshair centered in on a target or area a bit easier.

ror Barrista; arows ror medium-ranse uns'oped snipins

===, ==ff=,
The lron Sights "attachment" is a special case for the Ballista sniper rifle only. lt allows you to use the Ballista with lron Sights instead of a sniper scope. This means

you can take quicker ADS shots than would be possible with a sniper scope, but at the cost of having no long-range zoom.

Note that Ballista retains its normal sniper damage profile with this Attachment. You need to score upper body shots to reliably down targets. Accuracy is still critical

for success if you're going to get into heads-up firefights with ARs and LMGs or SMGs while on the move.

Speeial Attachment for pistols; allows twin pistol usage
Dual wield allows you to put a pistol in both hands for double the firepowerl 0f course, this comes at the cost of any ability to fight at a distance. You can no longer

ADS, and your hipfire spread is significant. With that in mind, Dual Wield gives you superb close-range firepower. A pair of dual wielded Kap-40s, B23Rs, or Tac-45s

makes a very strong fast-swapping backup weapon for an AR, LMG, or sniper rifle.

Fe==€=eE:, :{r*:=ffi
Special Attachment for pistols; wields an offhand knife with pistol

The Tactical Knife Attachment allows you to use your combat knife at the same time as your pistol, giving you a much speedier stabbing animatidn and recovery time.

You don't suffer any penalties t0 the use of your pistol while using the Tactical Knife. lt gives you a stealthy edge in very tight CQC encounters. The Tactical Knife does

slightly increase your lunge range, as long as you are moving toward the enemy when you melee.

Fires all three crossbow bolts simultaneously

The Tri-Bolt is a special Attachment for the crossbow that fires all three of the loaded explosive bolts simultaneously. This depletes your ammo more quickly,

but ensures that near-misses are fatal when the bolts explode. Because it does not provide any benefit for direct hits, you need to decide if the increased ammo

consumption is offset by the ability to kill with indirect shots (or bring Scavenger!).
Equipment gives you more options in combat, featuring tools to help you either clear a room or defend one. Because 0f the Pick 10 system, it is now possible to run

builds that have no Lethal or Tactical Equipment. You now have t0 weigh the value of a single grenade against that of a Perk or a weapon.

Remember that the Scavenger Perk allows you to resupply all Equipment. This makes any build that plans to utilize Equipment heavily much more viable and efiective.

The Fast Hands Perk is also extremely useful for any build planning t0 use Equipment regularly. lt allows for double-speed Equipment usage, which can save your life

It also makes Equipment usage in combat effective instead of risky.

Range: Kill 2OO, Hitmarker 240
Basic thrown grenade
The Frag grenade is a timed hand grenade that can be "cooked" by holding ihe Grenade button before tossing it. The grenade has a 3.S-second fuse. Each second

that you hold it, your crosshair pulses, allowing for easy timing of your throw. You can use the timer pulses to airburst the grenade, precisely taking down targets just
inside windows or over key objectives.

Grenades roll or bounce after landing, which can make precise targeting a bit tricky if you don't airburst them. However, they do have the best blast radius of the

basic explosives, so landing anywhere near your target is good enough!

Frag grenades are typically better at slightly longer ranges than Semtex.

This is simply because you need time to cook a grenade t0 properly airburst it

(something you cannot safely do in CQC situations). Even Fast Hands doesn't

help with the timerl

Range: Kill 130, Hitmarker 230
Sticky grenade with a short fuse
Semtex is a special type of grenade that sticks wherever it lands-to walls, floors, ceilings, and even other players! Semtex has a shorter effective explosion radius

for a kill than the other explosive Lethal Equipmeni. lt makes up for this with ease of delivery.

Semtex can be thrown and instantly sticks and detonates quickly thereafter. Also, while its fatal blast radius is short, it still inflicts serious damage to about the same

distance as the other explosives. When deciding between Semtex and Frags, Semtex is generally a better choice if your explosive delivery is time sensitive.
For instance, if you're playing a highly-mobile class or you need an explosive t0 threaten an objective quickly.
=- *LAYM # ffi il
Range: Kill 22tJ, Hitmarker 280 Range: Kill 195, Hitmarker 230
Remotely detonated high-power explosive Motion-sensitive proximity mine with a
frontal blast arc
The most powerful of the Lethal explosives, C4 is a remotely detonated explosive
Claymores launch a frontal explosion that is almost always lethal to any
that can stick to any surface (but notto other players like Semtex). C4 is ideal

for covering objectives or key ch0kepoints. lt's especially useful if y0u are in a unfortunate hostile that trips them.

situation where you can monitor the route the C4 is guarding while also covering
However, scoring kills with Claymores requires that you place them carefully.
another approach with your gun.
Poorly placed Claymores can simply be outrun by a sprinting player. To score

kills with your Claymores, place them just around corners 0r inside doorways
You can detonate C4 very quickly by double-tapping the Reload button. This
lacing awayt(om the doorway or corner. You want your targets to walk past the
works even while it's in midair as you throw it! This allows you to use C4 as an
jnstant "grenade" of sorts. But be aware that its throwing distance is worse than Claymore and trip it so the explosion hits them as they move away from it.

the other ihrown explosives.

lf you place a Claymore right in a doorway facing forward, not only can enemies

easily see and shoot it from a distance, they can also potentially sprint at it from
Because C4 has a large effective blast radius, consider sticking it to ceilings
the side and slip through the entrance before the explosion can hit ihem.
inside small rooms or hallways. Players tend to notice C4 packs sitiing out in the

open, especially on objectives. That said, you can abuse C4's remote detonation

in objective modes (especially Domination) by listening for sounds trom the

objective or via announcer updates. Hear a flag changing hands? Trip your C4

and score a killl

ilt=Mffir&T &tsn*"
Stealthy, instantly lethal throwing weapon
The Combat Axe gives you a throwing weapon that is

instantly lethal if it makes contact with a target. The Combat Axe can be picked

back up to be reused. The Combat Axe flies very quickly, with a slight arc to its
flight path. It bounces off of hard surfaces, making bank shots possible. Unlike
the other Lethal Equipment options, the Combat Axe doesn't give you much

indirect fire ability, nor can it guard your back. However, it does give you a quick

==*==+ru* *=?TY
weapon that can kill in one shot, almost silently.

Range: Kill Z1O, Hitmarker 22tr Remember thai you can throw a Combat Axe at any time, ev6n while climbing a
Motion-sensitive 36O-degree proximity mine ladder or reloading. You can also use Equipment while mantling, which can allow

The Bouncing Betty is a proximity mine that triggers when any hostile walks you to throw a CombatAxe when traversing through a window or up a cliff. This

within range. Triggering the Betty causes it to jump into the air and explode, can save your life in some situations if a target comes into view at close range.

showering the area immediately around it with lethal chest-high shrapnel. You

can duck or go prone to avoid half or all of the explosion, lf you are standing,

odds aren't in your favor for surviving. The Bouncing Betty is easier to use than

the Claymore, but skilled players can also avoid it more easily.
Greates an obscuring cloud of smoke for instant cover
Smoke grenades are invaluable for creating cover. They detonate as soon as they hit the ground, and instantly fill the area with smoke. This instant

effect really enhances their utility. Smoke grenades are useful over objectives, in open areas where enemies have a clear line of sight to you (or your team), or when

crossing an open area. Use Smoke grenades io generate cover to secure an objective or to cross a dangerous area. Remember that the MMS and (particularly) Dual Band

Attachments can both see through smoke.You can only carry one Smoke grenade.Although they can be replenished with Scavenger.

Stuns and staggers targets
Concussion grenades stagger enemies that are even grazed by the blast, stopping their sprint, slowing their movement, causing their aim t0

sway wildly, and making them turn extremely slowly. This makes Concussion grenades very lethal when used on a highly-mobile COC build. You can tag enemies with

Concussion grenades and finish them with ease while they are nearly immobilized.

Unlike Flashbangs, which can blind targets to varying degrees, Concussion grenades always haue an impact 0n your target if you get a hitmarker. Concussion grenades

can also be used to temporarily disable Equipment. Bouncing Betties, Claymores, Shock Charges, and C4 can all be shut down briefly if you hit them with a Concussion.

Concussion grenades do not detonate until they hit the ground, so they cannot be airbursted. However, you can throw them a good distance.

Blinds and disorients hostiles
Flashbang grenades blind your enemies. Flashbangs completely blind enemies if they are looking at the grenade when it detonates, and partially

if they are looking away. A perfect hit from a Flashbang can conpletely disable multiple enemies for several seconds. The tricky part about using Flashbangs is that
you never know horyblind your targets are.

You do get a hitmarker when the Flashbang goes off and it affects someone, but there is no indication if the blinding effect was total or partial. As a result, be careful

about using Flashbangs t0 attempt a room clearing. A target behind cover may be barely affected by the blinding flare. Also, if ihey are pointing towards the door you

threw the grenade in, you can expect a hail of bullets to meet you when you run in, blind or not.

Flashbangs cqn be airburst. They have a short timer and detonate once it expires, whether in the air or on the ground. This makes Flashbangs useful for throwing at

0r airbursting over obiective areas. Timed right, you can guarantee that several enemies will be at least partially impaired, because any defenders camping around an

objective are very likely to be looking althat objective.

Electrie shock temporarily paralyzes hostiles
The Shock Charge is a new supporl tool, a Tactical Voximity mine. When thrown, the Shock Charge sticks to any surface (if it contacts a player

it simply detonates instantly). 0nce in place, the Shock Charge trips if a hostile moves anywhere near it.

Any enemy hii by the Shock Charge is temporarily paralyzed. The blast from the Shock Charge is verydisorienting and powerful-more debilitating than a Concussion

and about as bad as eating a Flashbang right in the face. The duration on the paralysis is very short. However, it all but guarantees a free kill if you, or a ieammate,

are watching an area with Shock Charges guarding any avenues of approach. Shock Charges can guard your back as an early warning tool. When you hear the charge
go off and get the hitmarker, you can swing around to iniercept the hostile coming from your flank or rear.
Disables and destroys hostile Equipment
The EMP grenade is a powerful t00l for shutting down enemy Equipment and ground-based Scorestreaks.All regular Equipment is instantly

destroyed by the EMB as well as the Sentry and Guardian turrets. Even the AGR can be destroyed in two EMP hits, and a single hit shuts it'down'for several seconds.

EMP grenades d0 have a slighi impact on players. The grenades can disable their radar, shut down any advanced optics they are using, and disable their ability to call

in Scorestreaks. EMP grenades are very useful in combination with Engineer and Scavenger. This combination allows you to single-handedly dismantle the enemy

team's defenses around an objective or area.

Provides localized positional information on hostiles
The Sensor grenade is a new type of grenade that creates a temporary scanning field. This field gives you precise locational and directional information

on any enemy tagged by the grenade. The radar info provided by the Sensor grenade is identical to that of an 0rbital VSAT, but the area covered is much smaller.

When a Sensor grenade hits the ground, it projects sensor beams lo any hostile within line of sight.Ihis means that il can be blocked by terrain, so don't trust the
Sensor grenade to catch absolutely every enemy in an area with heavy cover. The Sensor grenade is particularly g00d at caiching targets in open, high-traffic areas.

Lobbing a few grenades ahead of your team as you move towards an expected conflict zone can give you an edge, especially if you report enemy positions to your

flanking or long-range teammates.

The Sensor pulses four times after landing, and then explodes. This gives you a brief overview of any enemies in the area. The final explosion paints enemy targets

on the mini map tor an additional five seconds. lf it detonates in a small room, you can keep several hostiles painted for a breach or wall penetration shots. Be wary

of advancing if you are tagged by the blast! This is good to know if you're the one using it, or if an enemy Sensor grenade explodes near you. The explosion doesn't

inflict any meaningful damage, bul it can stop someone from sprinting if they happen to get tagged by it.

Hack and disable hostile Equipment or Scorestreaks
An unusual new tool, the Black Hat PDA is a hacking device that can be used to disable hostile Equipment or damage enemy Scorestreaks. When

used against Scorestreaks, the Black Hat counts as a "missile hit." lf you use it on an aerial Scorestreak that has flares, it uses up one of the flares just as though you

had fired a locking missile at it. Against ground-based Equipment or Scorestreaks, a single hack is sutficient to disable the device. You can also use the Black Hat io

recover friendly and enemy Care Packages. 0n an enemy Care Package, you steal the conients and booby trap it. This works through walls out to a distance of 750.

Beyond that, it needs line of sight.

The Black Hat gives you extra flexibility. You can take it iristead of a launcher to help deal with enemy streaks or Equipment. But be aware that using the Black Hat takes time.

You have to hold the Black Hat 0n target while you hack, just as though you were locking on with a missile. And because it does take time, you risk exposing yourself

to danger while you are defenseless. 0n the upshot, the Black Hat is a lot less visible and has a decent range (unlike standing out in the open trying to target a UAV

with a launcher). So in some situations (particularly when paired with Engineer), you can disable enemy defenses safely.

Allows you to place your own spawn location
The Tactical lnsertion drops a piece of Equipment on the ground that fixes your next respawn point. This is near vital Equipment when on offense

in certain obiective modes, and less critical in other game modes. Use Tactical lnsertions to cut down travel time to an objective point by tucking your insert away

behind cover about halfway to the objective on "your" side of the map. Any explosion can destroy a Tactical lnsertion. A hostile can destroy it, or even worse, camp it

and wait to kill you as soon as you respawn.

lntercepts and destroys any hostile projectiles
The Trophy System provides perfect proiectile defense. It destroys anytype of incoming projectile, including grenades, launcher shots, Scorestreak

rockets, and even throwing axes! Each Trophy System can only destroy two incoming projectiles. You can carry a maximum of two, but this is typically enough to protect

you against incoming explosives when securing an objective. With Scavenger, you can use Trophy Systems liberally, dropping them near any point of conflict as you see fit.
W ldcards al ow you to "break the rules" of the Pick 1 0 system slightly, Each Wildcard does take up a pick, so you need t0 decide if the added cost is made up for by
the benef t offered by the W ldcard. You can take up to three Wildcards.

Allows a third Attachment on your primary weapon

Prirnary Gunfighter lets you lake a third Allachment 0n your primary weapon. Want a Suppressed, Extended Clip, Laser Sight SMG? Rapid

Fire, F0re Grlp, Hybrid Ll\4G? Go for iil Primary Gunfighter works well with Scavenger. If you're going to heavily customize your weap0n, ygu

want to be able to use it indefinitely.

Allows a second Attachment on your secondary weapon

Less crucia than Primary Gunfighter, Secondary Gunfighter lets you put a second Attachment on your secondary weapon, Because

secondaries tend to be backup weapons anyway, it's rarely a good idea to burn two picks on an extra Atthchment for a pibtol.

Allows a second primary weapon

Overklll lets y0u take a second primary class weapon in your secondary weapon slot. This is most useful for mixing range bands. That is,

taking a medium- to long-range weapon along with a COC powerhouse. An AR, LlVlG, 0r sniper rifle pairecl with a Shotgun or SIVIG is the

typlcal Overkill setup,

NotethatllkecertanAttachments.Overkillisonlyworthitifyouuself,Youhavetomakeapointofswitchingweapons lJeforeyougetintoafirefight,sothatyou
have the right weapon in hand, lf you don't, yo!'re n0t fully exploitlng Overkili's potential, and it's n0t worth consuming the pickl
WWM ;#j::;;ffi: .::;---:. :: :
it is expensive in terms of picks, as you are paying two points for'each seconcl

Perk rn a category. Perk Greed is one 0f the most useful Wildcards for customizing builds for specific purposes, Whether building a short-range stealth class or a

med um-range braw er, Perk Greed allows you to double up on crucial Perks in each Perk categ0ry.


' ' 't''

Allows you to take a second Lethal equipment of the same type
. .. :
Danger Close allows you to take a second Lethal item, giving you the option of taking two explosives (or axes) into battle. When you take ',;i,ii=,

Danger Close, you can only double up 0n the same Lethal item you have selected. So, two Frags or two Claymores is okay, but you can't .,i;:;.::,;;
take two different items. Consider bringing Fast Hands and Scavenger if you want to take full advantage of an explosive loadout. -:

Replaces your Lethal slot with a second Tactical slot

Tactician lets you exchange your Lethal slots for a second bank of Tactical Equipment. You can take two Shock Charges and two EIMP

grenades, but not four Flashbangs. And like Danger Close, bringing Scavenger is advisable if you intdnd to get the most mileage out of

your extra Tactjcal Equipment. This is very useful for defensive 0r support builds with Scavenger.

,: €i

" ,u"
.r t, j

*r g
Perks are special abilities that grant you advantages on the battlefield. Some Perks are very situational and only useful in certain objective modes, or if your

opponents are using certain types of loadouts. others are much more general and simply enhance your performance at all times.

Choosing how to customize your build with the possibility of equipping six Perks can be daunting, so here are a few words 0f advice.

Because Perks grant abilities that no Attachment, gun, or piece of Equipment can, they are often central to any build. Choosing your Perks should be one of the first

things you do when putting together a new class.

LiGH"WgIGF4T ffiHffiST"
lncreases movement speed by 7o/o Conceals you from UAVs while moving
Eliminates falling damage Also conceals you while planting or
defusing, or controlling Scorestreaks
Lightweight gives a slight boosi to your movement speed.
Note the difference betlveen the fastest movement classes (pistol, SMG, shotgun, Ghost is an extremely powerful stealth Perk because so many players rely heavily

and sniper rifle) and the slowest (LMG and launchers) is 10%, with ARs right in on UAV sweeps for positional information on enemy movement.

the middle at 5% slower.

Ghost pairs especially well with a Suppressor for a stealthy build. Without

While the speed boost is slight, it is very meaningful on SMG or shotgun builds, Suppressor, firing your weapon gives away your position, which is especially

particularly when combined with Extreme Conditioning. The extra speed can get you dangerous if you are fighting away from your team.

into position to seize an objective or flank the enemy team. at the start of the round.
Because you are concealed from UAVs while moving, Ghost favors aggressive,

Consider keeping a class around with a speedy build specifically for this mobile, and stealthy builds.Taking an SMG orAR with a Suppressor and

purpose. This is especially noticeable for flag running in CTF, and reaching the constantly flanking the enemy team can make you a serious threat. Stay alert to

bomb plant site in Demolition or Search & Destroy, but it can also be meaningful the position 0f your teammates relative to the position of the enemy if a hostile

t0 get into a key overwatch or flanking position. UAV goes up. You can expect the enemy to move toward the blips it can see,
often moving right past you if you are staying concealed.
Lightweight's etfects in actual combat are subfle. lt can give an advantage to
hipfiring builds with SMGs or shotguns, or ARs using the Adjustable Stock for full Staying mobile hides you from UAVs, you cannot simpiy stand in ptace anO

speedADS movement. However, the benefits are slight in a heads-up firefight. wiggle to remain concealed. Watch your mini map arrow to leirn how much
movement you need to stay invisible. lt fades out while Ghost is actively
The positional benefits are more difficult to quantify. Getting into position and concealing you from enemy UAV cover. Ghost does remain effective if you are
sweeping half the enemy team is certainly a go0d way to start a round, but planting or defusing a bomb, or using a controlled Scorestreak.
Lightweight is always a solid Perk in objective modes where speed makes a
difference. Lightweight also eliminates falling damage, making some jumps lf you value stealth, but other blue Perks are important to your build, consider

safer to perform, and making it (marginally) safer to drop out 0f windows or running? CUAV-it's not a complete replacement, but it serves a similar role.

from high ledges. Ghost does not conceal you from an enemy VSAT, but a CUAV can conceal you.
Seorestreaks in cost, they are comparatively more rare-meaning Blind Eye isn't
always pulling its weight, making it a situational Perk.
Heavily reduces explosive damage
Flak Jacket has a very simple and very powerful effect-it However, if you need to take down a stealth chopper, drone, or Warthog that is

reduces a// incoming explosive damage. With Flak Jacket threatening your team, a build that has Blind Eye,-an.FHJ-18, an{one or two

active, no single basic explosive, from grenade launchers to Semtex can kill you Black Hats with Scavenger can be effective. 0therwise, consider Blind Eye to

unless they score a dead-on direct hit. You can run clean over a Claymore or
primarily be protection against the streak-breaking and rage-inducing random

Bouncing Betty without fear, and you may even survive some air support strikes. Hunter Killer from the sky.

Flak Jacket is a generalist "nice to have" Perk, but it is near vital for any build HARNLINH
ihat is serious about tackling objectives. objective hotspots tend t0 be constantly Earn Scorestreaks roughly ZEo/o tasler
bombarded with explosive weapons, so using Flak Jacket to secure such
Hardline is a very useful utility Perk that speeds up your
positions is very important.
acquisition of Scorestreaks. Hardline's power is unusual in
that it is directly related t0 yourpersonal skill as a player. lf you can consistently
rack up mid-level Scorestreaks, Hardline can give you the boost needed to hit
high-cost Scorestreaks more consistently. However, Hardline is still extremely
helpful with low-end streaks. lf you run one common support build consisting of

UAV and Counter-UAv, and one of Guardian, Lightning Strike, Hellstorm, or Sentry,
Hardline can allow you to secure your UAV and CUAV more consistently and
ELIND EYE potentially loop your entire Scorestreak repeatedly during a match.
Automated air support cannot target you
Hardline is a worthwhile choice on many builds. The only knock against it is consuming
Blind Eye grants total immunity to the targeting of unmanned
a pick and the sloi for another blue Perk that can be more useful for a specialized build.
aerial Scorestreaks, including the Hunter Killer, Stealth
However, if you don't have need for the other blue Perks (or you're willing to burn a
Chopper, Escori Drone, Warthog, and Swarm. However, you can still be killed by
Wildcard on Perk 1 Greed), Hardline is a worthy choice for many builds.
such streaks if a teammaie withoutBlind Eye happens to be standing near you
when enemy air support opens fire. Mind your positioning! ln general, taking Hardline on builds that you intend to play in a defensive or
supporting manner is more effective than on builds you expect to use in a very
Blind Eye's protection against Hunter Killers is actually one ofthe stronger aspects
aggressive or obiective-oriented manner. This is simply due to the risk involved;
of a Perk that is otheMise somewhat weak in comparison to Cold Blooded. Cold
such builds tend to die more often, breaking their Scorestreak. one last thing to
Blooded provides targeting protection against all player-controlled Scorestreaks
consider is that Hardline acts as a multiplier on the cost of your Scorestreaks;
(and protection against ADS targeting with advanced scopes on top of that).
it does /lof increase the actual match score you earn at the end of a game.

Protection against the Stealth Chopper and above is important and useful. Bui Hardline speeds up Scorestreak acquisition, not leveling!

because all of the streaks past the Hunter Killer are on the high end of the

trtrLD ELCstrDED
Eonceals you from Dual Band, Target Findet Sensor grenade, MMS, and player:controlled Sporestreaks
Removes your red name when targeted

Cold Blooded is another powerful stealth Perk. lt gives you protection from all Scorestreak targei highlighting, all advanced optic scopes, andcompletely removes
your red name when an enemy aims in your direction. The removal of the red name sounds minor but is remarkably powerful. lt pairs extremely well with Ghost and a
Suppressor to create a stealthy, lethal class.

Cold Blooded is also very useful for medium- to long-range builds that expect to spend a lot 0J time engaging in ADS battles. The extra time it takes for someone to notice

you can give you the edge you need to down your prey. Note that Cold Blooded isn't great for "hiding" from enemies that are aware you're already guarding an area. lt's

more useful for stealth when you are playing offensively and rapidly shifting your position. Cold Blooded is more powerful when you're near enemy players, as they may
mistake you for a friendly for a split second too long. The protection from advanced optics is a nice added Perk, but not a defining reason to use Cold Blooded. Enemies

may 0r may not be using those sights, but they'll definitely be targeting you! Cold Blooded also provides some protection against the controlledScorestreaks by hiding
ihe highlighting reticle. This can often save your life against aerial Scorestreaks, and may give you enough time to get into cover against the Sentry Gun, AGR, etc.
lmmune to the effects of EMP grenades, Douhles weapon swap speed and
EMP Systems, and the Eounter-UAV Equipment usage
Hard Wired grants immunity to CUAV and EMP disruption,
Resets fuse when throwing back
including EMP grenades. Hard Wired is a very specialized Perk. lt can be
Frag grenades
extremely useful for catching complacent enemies off guard. However, the Fast Hands doubles your weapon switch times and cuts the use time on a//types

protection against EMPS is less useful in most matches, and even the CUAV of Lethal and Tactical Equipment. This makes Fast Hands extremely useful when
immunity is only useful if the enemyteam is making use of CUAVs heavily. carrying a weapon that switches slowly in your secondary slot (anything other
than a pistol!). Fast Hands can also save your life if you are engaged in a close-
lf you do run into a situation where the enemy is outright spamming EMP
range battle and need to quickly switch to your secondary if your weapon runs dry
grenades and CUAVS, Hard Wired can protect you. otherwise, several other green
(0r is simply ill-suited to CQC, in the case of LMGs or sniper rifles).
Perks are much more versatile and powerful in a wider range of builds. Like Flak

Jacket, Blind Eye, and Tactical Mask, Hard Wired is a situational Perk. The Equipment speed boost is also extremely handy. This opens up grenade

usage in CQc-something that is normally a very bad idea. lt pairs extremely

SCAVENGER well with any build utilizing Scavenger alongside Tactical and Lethal Equipment.

Refill ammunition and equipment from Fast Hands is also very useful with the Overkill Wildcard. Though because of the
packs dropped by enemies killed with cost in picks, you may simply wish to use Fast Hands with a second weapon
non-explosives acquired 0n the battlefield. That said, pairing Fast Hands with an 0verkill build
Scavenger refills ammunition, including Lethal and Tactical using a sniper/AR/LMG mainhand and a shotgun/SMG offhand gives you the best
Equipment. Scavenger packs are only dropped by enemies who are killed with of medium-to-long and close-range combat all in one class.
bullets, nol explosives.
Curiously, Fast Hands can be handy for battlefield mobility. Because switching
Because Scavenger grants you nearly infinite ammunition, it is extremely t0 a lightweight weapon allows you to sprint further, Fast Hands reduces some
powerful when making heavy use of Lethal and Tactical Equipment, as well as of the risk of weapon switching before and after sprinting. This effect is minor
launchers or the Grenade Launcher Attachment. Scavenger is also very uselul overall, but it can and will save your Iife now and again.
when using heavily modified weapons-the extra ammo allows you to maximize
your use of your customized weapons. lf you love your Gunfighter blinged-out Finally, Fast Hands resets the timer on Frag grenades if you pick them up to toss

weapons, Scavenger is a must. them back. This is a very minor benefit, as it requires a specific grenade in a
specific situation, but hey, it's a free perk for your Perk!
Scavenger is a near automatic pick if you plan on using equipment heavily.
Being able to constantly resupply your Tactical and Lethal grenades massively
increases their battlefield impact. N0te that Scavenger is somewhat less valuable
if you're planning on deliberately getting yourself into dangerous situations
around objectives. You need t0 stay alive t0 maximize Scavenger's powerl
T'trUGHNEgS Eliminates movement sounds
Dead silence all but eliminates your normal movement
Heavily reduces flinch when shot
sounds, and severely reduces your sprinting sounds. lt is
Toughness heavily reduces flinch when you are hit by
extremely useful in Search & Destroy, and any stealthy build where you expect
bullets. This can give you a decisive edge in a heads-up
t0 spend a great deal of time in enemy territory or near hostiles. Dead Silence
firefight with another player. Toughness is at its best on AR and LMG builds
does nothelp with other sounds that you make while jumping; plinting, using
where you plan to engage at medium range or further using ADS. lt can also
Equipment, defusing a bomb, or firing your weapons.
be very helpful for customized SMGs built for close-medium to medium-range
ADS combat. Toughness is still helpful on pistols, shotguns, and sniper rifles. One strange quirk worth mentioning: Dead Silence is more useful if your

Although it's somewhat less consistent than it is on the other weapon classes. opponents have decent audio setups and are alert to movement sounds-
something you cannot control 0r guarantee. This makes evaluating how effective
Toughness is a very simple, very effective Perk. lt is aimed toward a specific
Dead Silence is for you in any given situation difficultl
playstyle,ratherthanaspecificsituationorenemybehavior.You're alwaysgoing
t0 be taking bullet fire, so Toughness is active and useful during any match in A bog standard stealthy build is a Suppressor-equipped weapon with Ghost, Cold

any mode. Blooded, and Dead Silence. You can often get away with removing Dead Silence

or Cold Blooded, but if you're playing in organized League play (0r in S&DI), we
do recommend using Dead Silence, as you often run into more alert players in
those matches.
Highlights enemy Equipment and ground
Scorestreaks through walls
Delays triggered explosives
Reroll and booby trap Eare Packages
Engineer is a powerful Perk that highlights a// placed Equipment and ground-

based Scorestreaks in bright red, and makes them visible through walls! 0n top
of that already powerful effect, Engineer also allows you to reroll lriendly Care
Packages, booby trap enemy Care Packages, or defuse a friendly package.
Doubles range at which you can hear
Engineer is extremely useful when assaulting a defended objective, as it allows players moving
you to spot all Shock Charges, Claymores, Betties, C4, Sentry Guns, Guardians, Hear players with Dead Silence at
and so on well before they are a threat. You can also provide information 0n the normal range
location 0f any dangerous equipment 0r streaks to your entire team, magnifying Awareness is the inverse 0f Dead Silence. lnstead 0f dampening your movement
the impact of Engineer on a match. Engineer can also be handy to locate sounds, it amplifies the audio of enemy players' footsteps, doubling the distance at
campers-players often place Claymores, Betties, or Shock Charges near their which you can hear walking or sprinting. Awareness nul/if,es Dead Silence, putting
camp grounds. lf you spot a Claymore at the top of a staircase leading to a room,
the range you can hear anyone running that Perk backto normal distance.
tossing a grenade into the room is usually a safe bet.
This does create an unusual problem, however. The range at which you can hear
A single player running Engineer can reroll an entire team's Care Packages and players with or without Dead Silence is different, which can make pinpointing
spot hostile equipment for the whole team if they communicate well! And if
locations very tricky without a lot of practice. Similarly, switching between builds
all that isn't enough, Engineer also delays the detonation of Bouncing Betties,
that d0 or do not run Awareness can also cause you problems as you get used to
Claymores, or Shock Charges if you dotrip them.
detecting players at a certain distance and then that distance changes when you
swap out Awareness.
Reduces effect of Flashbangs, Also like Dead Silence, Awareness is more useful il youhaue a good audio
Eoncussion grenades, and Shock setup. Wiih headphones and in-game music turned otf, you can more easily
Eharges hear incoming threats. But if you're playing on quiet speakers in a noisy room,

Tactical Mask is a powerful defensive Perk that renders you Awareness won't do much for you!

nearly immune to the effects of Concussion, Flash, and Shock Charge grenades.
We recommend either running Awareness 0n a /of of your builds, with your audio
This is very useful when attacking or defending a static objective area where
you expect to be bombarded with grenades. Although its overall power depends
settings iuned for it, or avoiding its use most of the iime. lt's important that you
become accustomed t0 the battlefield audio and detection 0f other players on
entirely on the loadout of the opposing team-if they don't use those Tacticals,
every map in a consistent manner. Awareness is a Perk that rewards you for
Tactical Mask is a wasted pick.
dedication to using it!
Pairing Taciical Mask with Flak Jacket works well, as it guarantees that no
matter draf type of grenade is thrown in your direction (or explosive that you DEXTERITY
stumble across), you are likely to walk away unscathed. Regain use of weapon more quickly
after sprinting
EXTREME ENNDITIgNING Mantle and climb at d.ouble speed
Sprint for twice as long Dexterity doubles the speed you climb o{ mantle over objects,

Extreme Conditioning has a simple and useful effect: lt and reduces the delay before your weapon comes up after sprinting or mantling an

€ doubles the distance you can sprint. This is both powerful object. This makes Dexterity a very useful all-around mobility Perk, and improves

and dangerous. lt is vital and useful in any mode where you your chances of survival if you are sprinting often-very useful for mobile SMG

need to cover a great deal of ground, or on larger maps simply to reach critical or shotgun builds. lt can also help for mid-range AR builds that make use of the

locations. However, it also encourages constant sprinting, which is a very bad Quickdraw Attachment t0 bring up your sights as quickly as possible.

habit to get into. Sprinting around a corner with someone waiting for you is near
Dexterity pairs well with builds using Lightweight and Extreme Conditioning thai
the top of lethal tactical mistakes you can make.
expect to sprint a lot. lt also pairs well with builds utilizing Fast Hands and the

Use Extreme Conditioning to reach objective areas or the "front lines," so to ouickdraw Attachment for the absolute fastest possible response times from

speak, but try to avoid blindly sprinting into enemy territory. lf you're out in front sprinting, switching weapons, or going into ADS.

of your entire team, odds are there's an enemy lying in wait nearby.
Because you can only equip three Scorestreaks at a time, choosing them carefully is important.

The Scorestreak system encourages "rolling" from Scorestreak to Scorestreak, by taking a few easy-to-earn lower Scorestreaks that generate more points, and using

those points to slingshot yourself into a medium- or high-end Scorestreak. Naturally, the lower Scorestreaks (everything from the RC-XD up to about the Lightning

Strike) are fairly easy to acquire in a match if you play smart. For less experienced players, picking the three low-cost Scorestreaks is a good way to maximize your
potential rewards.

The midline Scorestreaks, from Death Machine up to 0rbital VSAT, take a bit more effort. You need to play conservatively, not take any suicidal risks, and ideally, rack

up bonus points near an objective.

The high-end Scorestreaks, from Escort Drone all the way up to Swarm, require dedication. Skilled play, heavy objective play with a bit 0f luck, the Hardline perk,

teammate support, a good build, and rolling Scorestreaks all help you reach these powerful Scorestreaks.

Choose the right Scorestreak for the job:

> Team support UAV counter-uAV Guardian, sentry Gun, AGR, stealth chopper, oftital vsAI EMp systems.

> Clearing an area: RC-XD, Hunter Kille[ Hellstorm Missile, Lightning Strike, Warthog, Lodestar, WOL Warship, Kg, Swarm,

> Suppressing the enemy team: Dragonfire, Stealth Ghopper, Warthog, Lodestar, WoL Warship, Kg, Swarm.

> Defending an area: Guardian, Sentry Gun, Death/liVar Machine, AGR, Stealth Ghopper, Escort Drone, WOL Warship, Swarm,

> Eliminating enemy Scorestreaks: RC-XD, Hunter Killer, Gounter-UAV, War Machine, Hellstorm Missile, Lightning Strike, Dragonfire, EMp Systems, Lodestar, WoL Warship.

Also remember that you don't have to take all three Scorestreaks; run UAV-CUAV and loop them all game long!

Keep in mind that the power of some lower Scorestreaks is magnified when your entire team uses them. UAVs and CUAVs can keep your team perfecfly informed

while denying the enemy intel. A mass of Hunter Killers can take down any air support. A maze of Guardians is extremely difficult to break through, and so on.
**-HG lf the UAV's poweful utility weren't enough to convince

you, you also earn Scorestreak assist points every time a

Ground, Directly Gontrolled
teammate downs an enemy while you have a UAV activel
The RC-XD is a remote-controlled car strapped with a C4 charge. You can
Remember that UAVs do not detect moving enemies using
detonate the car at any time, killing any enemies in the vicinity.
the Ghost Perk, and enemy Counter-UAVs or (more rarely)
EMPs can shut down your radar completely.
The RC-XD has the ability to perform a speed boost. The speed boost

facilitates better ramp-jumping and helps you propel the car into an

enemy-packed area.
HilNTgre KiLLgru
Aerial, Unmanned
The RC-XD does have a limited timer, so
The Hunter Killer
you can't simply roam the map (or camp)
is an advanced
endlessly. However, you can use it to cross
automated seeking
a lot of terrain, or protect an objective
drone, packed with
area (or route to an objective).
explosives. When released, the Hunter Killer immediately

Because the RC-XD requires your personal flies towards the nearest hostile enemy target and

control, the l0nger you are driving it, the detonates, killing the target and anyone unfortunate enough

longer your team is missing your body to be standing nearby.

on the frontlines, which can be vital in many objective modes. Use the RC-XD when you are in a safe
lf the Hunter Killer cannot find a target immediately (and
position and can afford the time out of the fight to use the explosion t0 maximum effect.
you didn't throw it inside an enclosed area), it then takes

You can destroy the RC-XD with anygunfire or a nearby explosion. However, it's usually fast enough t0 flight and begins orbiting the battlefield. While orbiting, it
sneak in and detonate, as long as you don't drive it out in the open 0n a main pathway. constantly scans for a target in the open. When the Hunter
Killer locates one, it swiftly dives and explodes.
Note that Flak Jacket does not protect from a direct hit by the RC-XD explosion, though it can save you

if you are only hit by the periphery of the blast. The Hunter Killer is also effective as an anti-air "missile"

of sorts. lt will automatically seek out other aerial

*ev Scorestreaks and ram them, dealing one missile's worth 0f

Missiles to destroy: 1 damage (or triggering a flare).

Aerial, Unmanned
The Hunter Killer can also be used to destroy the Sentry
The UAV is an unmanned aerial drone that performs periodic reconnaissance
Gun, Guardian, or AGR. Note that it prioriti2es nearby
sweeps of the map, revealing all enemy locations to your team.
enemy players over ground-based Scorestreaks, and air-

based Scorestreaks over ground targets (if you throw it

lf you aren't near the front lines or have some hard cover to duck
into the air that is).
behind, d0 a quick check of your main map when a UAV comes online. ll

gives y0u an overview of the position of all enemy forces on the map.
Because the Hunter Killer is automated, it is not always

going to strike the exact target that y0u might want, but it
Despite being one of the cheapest Scorestreaks in the game, the UAV
is a quick way to take down hostile UAVs or CUAVS. lt can
is absolutely rlfal and should be a key Scorestreak in many of your builds in almost any game mode. lf
occasionally be very useful for quickly and safely destroying
the assault rifle is the workhorse of the guns, the UAV is the all-around champion of the Scorestreaks.
a well-placed enemy Sentry or Guardian on an objective.
Missiles to destroy: I
Aerial, Airdropped
The Care Package Scorestreak reward calls in a supporl

helicopter that drops a package containing a random

Scorestreak reward.

Keep in mind that the chopper does drop the package

directly where you place the drop zone marker, so be

careful not t0 place it on the roof of a buildingl Also be aware that the package can

crush you (or anyone else) who happens to be nearby when it lands. Furthermore, you
:: ::::::r ': liffi
can use Engineer or the Black Hat PDA to steal and booby trap enemy packages. ::'i8r:
* **w,q.'-'

The Care Package can be riskier than more focused options because it takes time -; .-dl
,:l$i! 1T HS
for the package to drop, requires a safe open drop z0ne, and you never know what
you're going to get from it.

That said, Care Package ls a good choice if you simply want to gamble on

occasionally picking up a high-end reward (they do drop rarely). There's also one

other decent reason to use Care Package: the Engineer Perk.

lf you're running Engineer, you can rer0ll Care Package contents. This greatly improves the odds of getting at least a midline Scorestreak. lt's also extra useful if

multiple players on your team are running Care Package.

It is possible to destroy the Care Package chopper, causing it to drop the package early, but this is rarely worth the effort. The chopper is fast and difficult to hit,

and you are usually better off usjng the drop placement to identify the location of an enemy.

f,=li=q*tTf i€-ijs:fu
Missiles to destroy: 1

Aerial, Unmanned
While active, the Counter-UAV scrambles enemy radar, shutting down notjust other UAV scans, but also the enemy minimap entirely.

This is functionally similar to granting your entire team Suppressors and Ghost. The enemy team can no longer pinpoint friendly

Iocations via gunfire, and that's ignoring the loss of tactical information because they can n0 longer locate friendly players at a glance

The CUAV is a very powerful support Scorestreak. lt can be difficult to gauge its impact because it is not as immediately satisfying as a Scorestreak that can kill

enemy players. Bui keeping the enemy blanketed with CUAV coverage for an entire match can be a decisive advantage for your team.

The CUAV is also the only way to counier an enemy VSAI short of calling in an EMP blast. Just like the UAV, while the CUAV is in the air, you earn b0nus support

Scorestreak points every time a teammate kills an enemy. The Hard Wired Perk protects you completely from the effects of a Counter-UAV
The Guardian beam has very significant width and height t0 its effect. lt works just fine when placed

up on a ledge, and can c0ver a surprising amount of area if placed out in the open. The Guardian earns

Scorestreak p0ints every time it damages or kills any player with the microwave beam.

Destroying a Guardjan is best done by shooting it while out of range. EveR an SIVIG'orAR without FIVIJ

can destroy a Guardian fairly quickly and safely while out of range. This is distinct from a Sentry, because

the Guardian has a lot less effective range, making it easier to destroy from the front. otherwlse, y0u can
destroy the Guardian with an EMP or use a launcher or explosives to eliminate it quickly.


Ground, Placed, Movable
,t: The Guardjan p aces a microwave
r dish that can stagger. stun,

disorieni, and eventua ly kill any

hostile tafget that comes nto

range of the microwave bearn.

The Guardian does not affect you

or friendly pla,vers, makjng lt an ideal

Sc0restreak for covering oblectives and

narro\/ passages 0n any map.

VJhen an enemy steps into the lleam, they are stunned and

s or/ed, an0 constani y take damage. This a so blurs their

v sion anC rirakes effective combat next to impossitl e.

The Guardiar beam is essenttally an impenetrable barrier

Lf p aced r,niel

Guardian can ki I it a target stands in the beam for too

ong. s! atiemptjng ro run ihrough a host le Guard an beam

toattack t sabadidea.

The key io Lrt I zing the Guardian rve I is placing it n such a

\4iay thar lt completely b ocks any attempt at destroying it

from the froni r,,rh e you cover its f anks and rear. A Guardian

fac ng down a narrovr path that lias a 90 degree turn at the

end s next to impossible to elii-ninate from the front.

:E=iil i==. i'='i i= : : 1=
Aerial, Birectly Eontrolled
The Hellstorm Missile is a remotely launched guided MIRV precision missile

You can control the Hellstorm directly while in flight and give it a speed boost, or

split it into multiple missiles that strike a wide area. Using boost grants the

Hellstorm a large burst of speed towards your target, but at the cost of

some fine control. lf you're trying t0 get the missile on target againsl

an enemy or group of enemies in the open, line it up swiftly and use

boost. lf you're trying t0 strike an enemy that is just inside cover (in some

cases even inside a door or window), d0n't use boost. lt is possible to steer the missile directly into an

opening and kill the target within with the large blast radius!

However, the Hellstorm has another trick up its sleeve. While it is in the air over targets, it c0nstantly

acquires and locks onto multiple enemies within range. lf you press the Deploy Button, the Hellstorm

deploys a massive barrage of submunitions, saturating the area with miniature guided rockets that seek

out any locked target. The area that the cluster bomb will hit is represented in the missile's HUD with a circle shape. Targets that will be hit by the cluster bomb are

also highlighted with square box corners. This gives the Hellstorm devastating area denial against targets in the open. lt can easily eliminate half (or morel) of a team

if they are out in the open, even if they are spread out over a decent distance.

The Hellstorm is a very powerful weapon in objective modes. lt can easily clear an objective of any targets, or at the very least, force them all indoors as soon as they

hear the incoming Hellstorm warning. Even if they immediately take cover, you can still often guide the Hellstorm into a building if you don't split it!

To defend yourself against the Hellstorm, seek cover immediately when you hear it inbound, or deploy a Trophy System. Cold Blooded can hide you from the automatic

target spotting, and Flak Jackel nightptotect you from a submunition strike if you are moving fast, but don't rely on itl

- . E-

Aerial, Diiected
The Lightning Strike calls in a lethal triple bombing run on three target areas of your choosing.

The Lightning strike is a deadly Scorestreak for two reasons. First, it hits almost instantly after you pick the locati0ns, giving

very little time for hostiles to react to the warning of an incoming barrage. And second, the blast radius from the strike is huge

Lightning Strike is amazing for clearing outdoor objective areas, or clearing a palh towardsan objective.

Note that the strikes are staggered. But because they occur so swiftly, it is rarely worthwhile to place them all on the same target, unless you are dealing with a

situation so time-sensitive you can't even afford to move the targeting crosshair!

Lightning Strike contains a very nice bonus. When you call in a Lightning Strike, you are given a "free" UAV sweep of the map when you bring up the targeting control
to choose the three locations for the strike.
1=!€**l*f Unlike the Guardian, the Sentry Gun has no effective range limit, which makes

it a more lethal defensive tool for locking down an area. And remember, you can
Special, Equipped Weapon
always take bothl
Jlel. The Death Machine Scorestreak grants you control of

.:!. iSF*u your own personat minigun. A 200 round, fulty The Sentry also has one other trick up its sleeve.You can take direct.control of
: -

aur'mar,c mrn,qun w,rn rmpress,ve accuracy an. the Sentry Gun by holding the Reload button while it is active,
$e4i$G a

This allows you to

The Death Machine lives up to rts name. lt can easily mow down an prioritize targets and

entire enemy team if they are in the open and in your line of sight. call enemies behind
hard cover, as the Sentry
You cannot ADS with the Death Machine. Holding the ADS button causes the
Gun view has automatic
Death Machine to spin up and slightly tightens the targeting reticle. This means
target marking" 0nly Cold
there is no delay when y0u pull the trigger, and slightly more accurate fire.
Blooded can stop this

effect, and neither Cold Blooded nor Blind Eye protects from the Sentry when it is
The Death l\4achine is an unusual Scorestreak in that it replaces your carried
in automatic mode.
weapon, and it does not grant you any special durability. You're still just as

vulnerable to enemy fire, even if you leel invincible with this weapon in your hands. xfd"+.fl€ Fe,&il: t""t ll{ fil
The best use for the Death lvlachine is typically covering an area, as it slows your Special, Equipped Weapon
movement speed to LMG speeds. l\4ove into position, then bring out the big gun.
The War Machine Scorestreak equips you with a

six-round semi-automatic grenade launcher, giving

The Death Machine occupies its own inventory slot and can be equipped or
you the ability to saturate an area with high explosives.
de-equipped at will. Until you run out of ammunition, the Death l\/lachine sticks
around, even if you diel
Like the Death Machine, the War Machine occupies its

own inventory slot, and remains through deaths as long

as you have ammo remaining.

Unlike the Death Machine, the War Machine does require reloading. Reloading

the War Machine is quite slow. Make sure you are safe and behind cover before

attempting to reload. lnstead of reloading manually, simply switch back to a regular

weapon and then re-equip the War Machine; doing so fully reloads the War Machine.

The War Machine is harder to use effectively compared t0 the Death Machine

because you have comparatively less ammunition. Thus, it is much easier to run

dry quickly. ln addition, the War lVlachine is slightly more expensive to acquire,

==-====1'=-= but the amount of rapid damage that it can detiver justifies the added difficulty
Ground, Placed, Movable of acquiring it.

The Sentry Gun is an automated turret that

Just like the regular Grenade Launcher Attachment, the War Machine grenades
tracks and quickly eliminates any hostile
have a minimum distance they musttravel before armjng. Be sure to use the
targets within lts line of sight. With an impressive
War l\4achine from at least medium range. Resist the urge to spam an area with
range and a good arc of fire, you can use the Sentry
grenades; you can inflici a lot more damage by selectively pulling out the War
Gun to lock down an area of the map.
l\/lachine and lobbing a grenade or two at a key objective area or a room that you

know (or suspect) someone is camping within.

Much like the Guardian turret, the Sentry Gun is an area denial tool. But with

a greater range and much fasier lethality, it is significantly more deadly. The War Machine is also a good counter to other ground-based Scorestreaks or

placed Equipment. You can simply lob as many grenades as necessary at the
Everything that applies to the Guardian in terms of placement also applies to
"problem" until it goes away.
ihe Sentry Gun. Use it to lock down avenues of approach to objectives while you

cover other directions. Note that the War Machine is heavily affected by the Flak Jacket Perk. lt takes

around three direct or near direct hits t0 down a target equipped with it.
==e,= = = =E==
Missiles to destroy: 1
Aerial, Directly Gontrolled
The Dragonfire is a remoie-controlled quadrotor armed with

a machine gun.

Small and nimble, the Dragonfire can hover over difficult terrain and

pick off targets with ease. While it is not especially sturdy (having the

equivalent of roughly two players'worth of health), it can make use of altitude, speed, and

cover to avoid incoming fire.

The Dragonfire is most effective when used with your team. Hovering over 0r near your teammates keeps enemies on the ground distracted, giving you easy targets,

and keeping their guns trained on the ground-based threats.

With infinite ammunition and automated target highlighting, acquiring and eliminating targets in the open is quite easy. Don't expose yourself to excessive risk while
piloting the Dragonfire. It lasts a full minute, and you can inflict serious casualties on the enemy team if you pil0t it carefully.

Cold Blooded screens you from the Dragonfire's target highlighting. But because the Dragonfire is typically close to the ground and has clear vision from a height, this

does nof mean that Cold Blooded is perfect protection. An operator can still spot you moving and iake you out.

You can exit the Dragonflre early by holding the Reload button if you are in an objective mode and an urgent situation calls for your presence. You can't hold 0r

interact with objectives while in the Dragonfire!

Eround, Airdropped, Unmanned, Directly Eontrolled

The Autonomous Ground Robot is an automated or remote-controlled armored combat robot that enters the battlefield via airdrop.

You can choose the dropzone for the AGR the same way you call in a Care Package, by tossing a smoke grenade t0 mark the DZ. Like the

Care Package, be careful n0tto throw it in an area where theAGR cannot land! When theAGR lands, it immediately breaks out 0f iis

container and enters automatic mode. While automated, it patrols the map, engaging any hostile targets in range.

ln addition to automatic mode, you can also directly take control of the AGR by holding the Reload button. This gives you direct control

of movement, machine guns, and rockets!

Even better, you can switch between automatic and directly controlled whenever you wish. Because the AGR lasts a long time on the battlefield, lt is very possible to
move the AGR from one hotspot to another as the match progresses.

ln automatic mode, the AGR will seek enemy players, but has a short targeting delay before firing. lt lacks the instincts of a player, and the altitude of a Stealth

Chopper, but it does function very effectively as a guardian for a small area. .
This makes ihe AGR the perfect tool for denying a key area of the map, typically around an objective. Drop the AGR directly onto the objective you want to lock down,

or drop it nearby and pilot it in manually. Then leave it on automatic mode.

lf you suspect the AGR is at risk of being overrun, you can take control of it manually to down hostile enemy targets.

Cold Blooded protects you from the target highlighting of the AGR if it is manually controlled, but neither Cold Blooded nor Blind Eye protects you if it is 0n automatic!

The AGR is remarkably sturdy, taking two EMP grenades, multiple explosive hits, or a lot of gunfire to destroy. Don't get overconfident with it if you're controtting it
manually, but don't be hesitant against players trying to hide. You can easily withstand a few shots.

The AGR cat be destroyed with a single Black Hat hack, but it is extremely difficult to keep the AGR targeted if it is mobile.
-"-*: **€#lTr&1. U=FqT
Missiles to destroy: 2 Unmanned
Aerial, Unmanned, Direeted The 0rbital VSAT activates

The Stealth Chopper Scorestreak calls in a friendly perfect surverllance of the '

gunship with stealth technology. lt is completely hidden entire enemy team for a

from the enemy's minimap. limited time.While active,

your team has a "super
The Stealth Chopper flies onto the battlefield to the area you select. lt then proceeds to open fire on UAV" effect, giving you the exact location and facing of
any hostile enemies within its line of sight. every member of the enemy team.

The Stealth Chopper is very aggressive and dangerous. Any nearby enemies out in the open aren't This is a massively powerful advantage, and tends t0 turn
likely to last long. the match into a lopsided contest while the VSAT is active. lt

can easily shift the balance of a match in your team's favor.

l\4ake use of the Stealth Chopper to lock down an area of ihe map. Between its quick kills and the
difficulty of Iocating it immediately, you can often clear an area of the map before your enemies are lf you really want to shut down the enemy team, combine
aware of its position. a CUAV with the VSAT to deny the enemy radar coverage

while your own team has perfect battle intel.

Even once the enemy ls aware of the presence of the chopper, it is reasonably resilient, taking two

missiles or quite a few bullets to destroy. Plus, the enemy usually has to risk exposure to take The only way to counter the effects of ihe VSAT is an
a clean shot, active Counter-UAV Unlike the UAV or CUAV, the VSAT

is nofvisible in the sky, nor can you attack it, for

lf an objective you are trying to control is indoors where the chopper would have no line of sight, try to
obvious reasons.
place it over a major hotspot with a lot of open terrain. Doing so turns the entire area into a no man's

land for the enemy team until they deal with the chopper. i:n xE # i-3 1€"."E- += Er+"
g* hl tr
Blind Eye provides total protection from the Stealth Chopper. lt won't target you while you have
Missiles to destroy: 2
that Perk active. Aerial, Unmanned
Escort Drone calls in a

miniature drone helicopter as

a personal escort. While active,

the drone hovers near you,

automatically gunning

down any enemies that

get in range. The drone
provides excellent protection

while it is in the air and is extremely dangerous to the

other team while active.

Because the drone hovers-overhead, it cangive away your

general location. Naturally, since it protects you, this usually

isn't an jssue, but it's something to be aware of. Also note

that an opponent with Blind Eye can close in safely.

lf you wish to use the Escort Drone offensively. you have

to close in on the enemy positions so that it moves into

range. This also means that using it defensively is easier

(and safe0, so locking down an objective location wlth an

Escort Drone overhead is quite effective. only one Escort

Drone can be active on the map at a time.

€e3€T* * * ilf4F S=i'=F€hdS
Missiles to destroy: 3 Unmanned
Aerial, Unmanned Deploying the EMP Systems Scorestreak unleashes a massive EIVIP

' The Warthog blast that shuts down the entire enemy team's electronics systems.

Scorestreak calls This disables their radar, destroys a//of their Scorestreaks, shuts

in an A-10F Warthog down their equipment, and even disables their powered advanced optic

to make multiple Attachments like the Dual Band or MMS!

sirafing runs across the

Deploying the EMP is the counter-intelligence equivalent of the VSAT. lt gives your team a very
battlefield, mowing down enemy opposition
powerful advantage while active, and 0nly enemies with Hard Wired can continue to function at
with cannon and missile fire.
anything approaching full combat readiness.

The Warthog flies quickly across the map, then out t0 the
When you acquire the EMP, time its usage to destroy a powerful enemy Scoresireak. 0r if you are
edges of the battlefield's airspace, before returning for
in a round-based objective mode, deploy it at the start of a new round to give your team a crushing
another pass.
advantage right out of the gate.

Because the Warthog travels so quickly, it is remarkably

difficult to destroy with anti-air. This means that often the L*[]ffiETe.ffi
only safe way to handle a Warthog strike is to stay indoors Missiles to destroy: 3
or use Blind Eye.
Aerial, Directly Controlled
Because the Warthog makes a straight pass across the Activating the Lodestar gives you control of an orbiting aircraft

map, it ls possible to survive in the open if you keep a armed with unlimited guided missiles.

large piece of hard cover between you and the Warthog.

These missiles are both easy to aim and
Jusi be aware that if a teammate is nearby in the open,
extremely powerful. Landing a missile
you might be the unlucky recipient 0f some splash damage
anywhere near a target in the open is
from Warthog missiles.
guaranteed to take them down.

The Warthog is a devastating Scorestreak. lt often allows

You can also guide the missiles with
a free lockdown of any objectives out in the open while it
enough precision to land them inside
is active, and at the very Ieast, pins enemy players inside
doorways or windows with care. Holding
buildings or behind hard cover while it is active.
down the ADS button zooms in slightly to aid in gulding the missiles to your target.

Because players tend t0 flee indoors while the Warthog is

Because the Lodestar is on an orbiting flight path around the map, you may have your view of some
in the air, this is a perfect time to take control 0f outdoor
maps obscured by terrain. When you can't reach targets with missiles, be sure to call out their
objectives or to sweep buildings for kills.
positions to your teammates. One of the strengths 0f a controlled aerial Scorestreak with targeting

systems is superior battlefield awareness. As with the Warthog, enemies tend to flee indoors once the

Lodestar is active. This frees up outdoor objectives to be taken and gives your teammates obvious

areas to sweep for hostiles.

You can rack up a /0fof kills with the Lodestar, so be sure that you pick a safe and hidden location to
take control 0f it. You don't want to waste all those potential Scorestreak points by dying while you are
in the Lodestar.

Enemies with Cold Blooded are concealed from the automatic targeting highlights. Because you are s0

far up in the sky, they can be.quite difficult to spot.

The Lodestar is rather vulnerable to anti-air. lt flies on a very predictable path at a distance that makes it

easy to target with launchers, and it can be hard to spot enemies targeting you. Fortunately (or unfortunately,

if you're on the receiving end), with two flares, it still takes a concentrated eifort to shoot it down.
===-1:=e===:= KS *r*.iilT
Missiles to destroy: 3 Unmanned
Aerial, Directly Gontrolled Activating the Kg Unit Scorestreak calls
The mighty VT0L Warship is an extremely powerful Scorestreak, in a vicious pack of combat-trained
granting you control of a hovering gunship armed with both rapid-fire dogs to assault the entire enemy team.

machine guns and quad rockets. While active, a constant flood of hounds

sweep the battlefield, tackljng and instantly killing any

In addition, you can force the VT0L Warship to relocate. 0nce one area of the battlefield is clear of player they come into contact with.
hostiles, you can switch to another positi0n t0 gain line of sight on your unfortunate prey below.

Unlike the Warthog, Lodestar, VT0L Warship, or Swarm, and

As with the Warthog and
the other high-end hard-hitting Scorestreaks, the K9 Unit
Lodestar, enemies are very
is special because the dogs can and will attack players
likely to flee indoors while you
absolutely anywhere on ihe map, including inside buildings.
have the VToL Warship active.
This makes the K9 Unit potentially one of the most lethal
Be sure to call out enemy
Scorestreaks. Because it is autonomous, you can continue
locations if you spot someone
to fight while your dogs do work for you.
running into a building.
There is one weakness t0 the Kg pack, however. Enemies
The VT0L Warship is somewhal
can shoot them, and each kill earns 50 points towards a
exposed to anti-aircraft
Scorestreak, which is a considerable amount. lf a Kg Unit
missiles. lt is relatively easy to target, so it is very important that you exterminate enemies in the open
is called in on you, it is possible to find a dead-end t0 hide
quickly, especially if you notice the telltale silhouette of a player aiming a launcher at you.
out in and simply gun down any that try to reach you. This
gives you the potential to rack up a lot of free points.
The WOL Warship can completely lock the map down for your team while it is active. Like the Lodestar,

you can earn a /olof points while using it, so be sure to take control of it from a safe location.

To take down a hostile WOL Warship, use Cold Blooded to conceal yourself from its sensors and an FHJ-I8 M
along with two Black Hats to destroy it in one life. Although, hitting it with all three and staying alive is difiicult.

Alternatively, an Ll\4G with the FIVIJ Attachment can take the VT0L Warship down remarkably quickly.
0n several maps, the VT0L Warship flies in from off of the map. This gives you a precious few seconds
to line up and open fire before it can effectively retaliate.

:;:,i i:,
= = =. =

The final lethal Scorestreak, the Drone Swarm calls in a huge flight of Hunter Killer Drones that begin orbiting the
battlefield, constantly deploying and bombarding every enemy player on the map. While active, the entire map becomes

a no man's land for the enemy team. 0nly players with Blind Eye are spared the bombardment, and even they

aren't safe if a player without Blind Eye happens to be standing nearby. Calling in the Drone Swarm gives your

team almost total freedom to roam the map and take objectives or hunt the enemy team while they cower inside
buildings or under hard cover.

lf a Swarm is called in on you, there are a few things y0u can do to protect yourself and your team. The first is to run the Blind Eye perk.
This completely shields you from the Swarm's targeting systems. The second is to,make use of the Trophy System. lLwon't save you indefinitely, but each Trophy can

absorb tlvo drone strikes. This is potentially enough time to secure an objective or cross an open area.



ln addition to the detailed ranges in the Arsenal chapter, each map also has a "cheat sheet" ruler with four average

effective ranges for the primary weapon classes: shotguns, SMGs, assault rifles, and LMGs. Sniper rifles do not have an

average range, as they are effective at any distance!

These ranges are roug, esiimates. They are useful for quickly examining the distance from an overwatch point to an

obiective or checking the line of sight range on a key route. When you want to check the specific range of your preferred
weapon, hit up the Arsenal and check your weapon. Then flip back to ihe map and check the ranges,

The 0bjective map has all of lhe objective locations for each game mode marked on it. Use this map to check objective

locations for any game mode you are interested in.


The Hotspot map marks key tactical locations on every level. Each icon refers to a different engagement type, warning, or pointer for a useful position to hold.

These locations are areas that, because of simple geography or level flow, tend to have high traffic. As a result, they are dangerous areas to traverse. you should

always be alert for enemy contacts unless you know for certain that your team has the area locked down.

Hotspots are good locations to go hunting for kills. They are bad locations if you are trying to avoid contact while traveling t0 an obiective or to flank the
enemy ieam.
Beware of explosives and Scorestreaks when traversing hotspot areasl

Close quarters combat (CQC) areas tend to force close-range engagements. They are ideal for close-range weaponry because these areas are indoors or because the

ierrain has lots of cover and sharp corners. Bring your shotguns, SMGs, dual pistols, or fully automatic ARs here. Beware of entering these areas with a long-range

assault rifle, LMG, or sniper rifle in hand.

COC engagements tend to be short and lethal. You can take advantage of CQC areas to force a 0lose-range engagement if your primary weapon is short ranged. They are

also particularly good areas to make use of proximity mines and Shock Charges. You can use the Millimeter Scanner Attachment and the Engineer Perk to locate enemies.
0verwatch areas are simply locations that have some combination of good hard cover and clear lines of sight. A good overwatch position with a strong-medium to

long-range weapon can clean up enemies who move into your line of sight.

Be sure io have your back guarded, either by teammates, Equipment, or Scorestreaks! overwatch areas vary in importance (and safetyl) depending on the game

mode you are playing. Make a point of examining them with different weapons and scopes attached so you can check out the sightlines and make use of the cover.

Sniper locations are overwatch areas that also have very long lines of sight for the map they are on. These locations are ideal for sniper rifles, LMGs, and ARs

configured for long-range combat.

These ic0ns denote an area 0f the map where you can make a useful jump or a useful mantle to cover terrain. Most maps have multiple areas where you can use a

bit of agility and speed to cut travel times, flank an enemy position, or stay out of sight by jumping or climbing over gaps, in through windows, or over walls or rocks.
lf a map has a high number of useful jump or mantle locations, or your favored route has many of them, the Dexterity Perk can speed your movement considerably.

The four Route maps show different routes through the level for four specific

objective modes: Domination, Demolition, CTF, and Search & Destroy. These
modes were chosen because they frequenily have both teams running for the

objective to and from fixed positions. As a result, the routes players take ihrough

the levels are much more predictable than, say, Hardpoint or Headquarters
(which randomly changes the objective location), or Deathmatch (where ihe

combat flows all around the map).

Use these routes to get a feel for how you can move through the level. The

routes obviously aren't the only way lo move through the level. They're just

common, quick paths that will take you from your spawn to any of the objectives

Finally, we hdve prepared a few additional useful ranges for you, 0n top 0f Note that for throwing distances "grenade" means any Frag, Semtex, Flashbang,

weap0n ranges. Concussion, Sensor, EMP, Smoke, or Shock Charge. Remember that the Frag and

The following charts cover: Sensor can roll a bit, possibly giving them a bit of extra distance.

ln the case of the running distances, the same speeds noted in the Gameplay

intro chapter also apply to those distances. So, a War Machine can run the same

distance as an LMG, and holding a Care Package marker grenade lets you move

the same distance as an SMG.

Finally, the last special case is the Combat Knife. You can move S0% further with

a Combat Knife in hand (no primary or secondary weapon equipped) than an

SMG sprint distance. Carryinglhe Sentry or Guardian also lets you move this far.












1 000 6000 550n

Aftermath takes place in the blasted-out ruins of downtown 1.A., after it is smashed by a massive Drone attack. Ruined buildings,

destroyed vehicles, and craters in the street all make for an unusually devastated urban landscape.

The focus of the map is a large, fallen skyscraper in the middle 0f the level. lt creates a (literally) broken-up mix of terrain in

level's central area. 0n the far east and west, a parking garage and a small shopping center provide'base' areas with upper
levels. They have line of sight over the outer parts of the center ruins.

The central hotspot is very hot. Bypass it by traveling north or south, unless you want to get into combatl Be wary of campers in

ihe east and west structures if you're fighting out on the streets. Familiarize yourself with their lines of sight s0 you can avoid
them when necessary.
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1 00! | 5[0 20!! 3000 4[UI 4suE

A loading dock in Singapore makes for an unusual battlefield, as automated systems move shipping containers around the center

of the map. This dynamically opens and closes line of sight throughout the match. Combat in Cargo flows in and out of the center

of the level. Large stacks of shipping containers break up the east, west, and south 0f the map. A small office building on the north

side of the level provides one of the few indoor areas.

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As cranes move the shipping containers around in the middle of the map, lines of sight between ihe northern office and east

and west overwatch points are constantly shifting. Exploit the newly created cover when you are moving through the center, and

expect enemies to do the same.

Br ng a C0C weapon or

some Equipment to guard

your back if you plan on

fighting at a distance. Much

of the combat around the

edges of the level occurs at

short ranges.

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I n!0 t 5Du 25Uu 3!00 350u 45!0

The i ight deck 01 a Chtnese super-carr er
makes an mpressive- 00king backdr0p
to the c0rnbat on th s map The smokrng
r: ns of advancet 1 ghter jets c ltter !p
the center of the map. P les of debr s and
low obstruc: cns severe y break Lrp ine

0f siltht from p0 nt to point A handful of

t nli s de Tolries r!n a Ong the east, vJest

and south of the carr er. These a lor\i you

to avc d the ilTa n Ceck ent re y if you re

try rg:o keeD a lor,r profr e.

Ta.gei acq! s i on rs a rea issue 0n th s

eve . The arount of v sua folse can

make t a ittle n ore diff cu t for vou

to f'd rargets. Cons der br ng ng an

ad,Janced 0pt ca scope to iocate enemies

m0re qu ck y
I n00 4n00 450[ 6000 6500

Drone features a top-secret and high-tech Drone construction facility located somewhere deep in the Myanmar jungles. This level

hosts intense combat over mixed building interiors and a long central street. The Drone facility itself sprawls over the level, with a

large multi-level portion on the south center of the map. Several multi-level buildings also occupy the north center.

The central street that divides the structures stretches straight and clear from east to west-be very careful about exposing
yourself io this clear sightline.

You can choose your engagement type by fighting inside the building or outside in the northwest, southeast, or central street. This

map provides a mix of long-range combat in the street and verytight CQC combat inside the buildings.



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5!! 1000 r 50! 2n00 35!! 45!! 5U[[ 55n0

This rai term na for the high-speed California train forces engagements down narrow lanes of fire. Slight curves, obstructions,

and a few parked train cars break up lines of sight. Because 0f the way the routes through this level are very divided, it can take a

surprisingly ongtimetotravelfromplacet0place.Youareoftenforcedtotravelaroutethatyoukno14/willhaveenemiespointing

in your d rection at the end.

Bring loadouts that help you speed your movement, disrupt enemy positions, or shield your approach. You often have no choice

but to face an entrenched enemy at the end of one 0f the lanes.

Periodically an alarm s0unds, barrjers retract on the train tracks, and a high-speed train whips through the level! Don't be on the

tracks when thls happens, 0r you'il end up squished. You can climb in, out, and onto the train cars at the south end 0f the level.
You can also traverse the overhead walkways that cross the tracks.




5!D 1!!D tiDD Z!0[ 25DD 500

*T# kEl
lHr ..- r ll -


;8 3* ^.*,

A super-luxury yacht creates an intense

battle arena, Very narr0w paths through the

ievel and an extremely short distance from

east t0 west make this a brutal head-on

engagement in most modes. You can use

interior areas on the north and south of the

yacht to take cover from the madness out on

the deck, Below deck is a passage that you

can use to traverse the north-south route

and avoid the action above.

The center of this level is a killing field.

Avoid it by gorng below or using the side

path on the west of the deck, 0r cover it

yourself from a side path or the interior

areas. High-powered aerial Scorestreaks

are especially devastating on this map. Use

the limited canopies on the yacht's north

and south tips to take cover if you can't get

inside quickly enough,




1 5!! 2500 45!u 5EEN 5580

A Pakistani nuclear plant is the site of an intense battle over a central dividing line. Despite a relatively simple-looking east-west

layout, you can use quite a few r0utes to pass through the center of the map: north out by the ocean, up over the center, or s0uth

inside one of the plants towers. Each route features choices that yield different types of cover.

It's important to use the alternate routes, either climbing inside the rooms beside the center, or going far north or south if the

center is heavily locked down. Both sides have buildings that can perfectly cover the middle area (and each other).

The "base" areas 0n each side are similar, but not symmetrical. Spend some time expl0ring them t0 get used to the Iines 0f sight.

Familiarize yourself with the available cover for pushing an objective 0r flanking the enemy team.

ru=E=- I

The raised central platform is an extremely dangerous area. Don't travel over it unless you are forced to because of an objective,
or if speed is your sole concern. Expect campers inside the buildings on the east and west of the map. Avoid them or flush them l

out, whichever you prefer.

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A complex map, Overf ow takes place after

a mass ve f ood n a Pakrstani city. Riverside

debr s clutters the streets. A mix of long, 0pen

s ght nes and many interior areas generates

nteresting tact ca engagements. The map is

broken up into three areas: a northern wa kway

takes you behrnd several bui dings that players

can enter: a central street has sightlines br0ken

up by debris: and a s0utheastern area lLtst

ofl the r ver hosts more intefor areas and a

muddy. open fie d behind the bu ld ngs,

Thls evei cha enges you to adapt t0 changtng

engagements n mob le game modes. lt forces

you to use every area when you compete for

static 0bject ve areas. Exp ore the map and learn

the many alternate routes that sh ft between the

n01' .( e1ter. dnd so-i- easter- reg ons

. ':.=,.

The central street has a ton of cover, making it

safer than most centra map areas, However,

it s covered by a lot of buildings from the

nodh\,vest and southeast. Thus. you should still

avo d mov ng through t more than necessary

Expect campers in the various small buiidings

ofl th"o central street. F gure out which d rection

they are cover ng and etther flank them or

avord them c0mpletely. There are plenty of

routes that avoid the r ne of sight.

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A f oating iour st parad se on the lndian
0cean Resort s br0ken up into t\,ro maJ0!'

areas Storefront bui 0 ngs take up the

nortf,,,/esi and scltheast ri,h e a c ub
o-ruo :s'to co'ler of
-'e rd.l.

There aie four drscrete r0!tes thr0ugh the

center T\i/o 0f them c0nnect t0 the argest

center pathuay, a raised p atform that -q

r ro'.t:': olSoot. c")s5'J T'e Taos

cenief teirCs to be the most dangerous f

v0! go di'ect y tnr0!gh. Over the stairs ir

the m dd e A s0 approach the north\,!est
and southeasr areas u/ th cautLon.

Tlere are rooftops on each slde and

rnrr t ple cover areas that can eas ly sh ed

,rc0.r ng p ayers.

Tlere aren t a lor of ong sightl nes on th s

eve . l','lany of the more obv ous ones are

broken !p cy 0bstrLrct 0ns lt's poss b e

to p ay r,,rith CQC setu!s f you are caref u

ab0!t av0rCing the m0re 0pen areas.



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r 5Dt 2!00 25!n

A rich, ultra-m0dern mansi0n, Raid is

broken up inr0 multiple discrete mini-

battlefields, They include the central

garden area to the pool, and the small

rooms inside the mansion, Stay alert to

the entrances int0 and out of each area.

You need t0 know where y0ur teammates

are and where enemies can approach at

all times. As long as you know your flanks

are secure, you can focus on any threats

within or entering the area you're covering

or traversing.

Because the areas are divided, if you're

berng stymied in one part of the level, take

an alternate route and come in from an

unexpected direction.

The center is a proper hotspot, wlth four

entrances that lead to all parts 0f the level.

Travel through it quickly or avoid it entirely.

Each part of the map has different types

of cover and I nes of slght, Explore all 0f

them and familiarize yourself with comm0n

carnping spots s0 you know where to look

when you enter a new zone.





500 3 000 4000 45[[ 5000

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The rundown backstreets of Panama City feature iniense close-range combat. All paths flow through a central plaza area, which

results in brutal conflict in the center of the map. This map is much more asymmetrical than almost any other map in the game.

Be aware of the differences between the east and west sides.

ln objective modes with static objectives, you may find one side significantly more difficult to fight in. So, be sure to explore both

thoroughly and learn their ins and outs. Failing that, bring a Tactical lnsertion and break out yourself!

Beware 0f proximity mines and turrets on this level. The narrow lanes and sharp corners are ideal for traps. Bring traps of your

own, or use Engineer and Equipment to dismantle those of the enemy.



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1t[0 1 500 25U0 3tu0 35!u

A b0rder tor,^/n r Kyrgyzstan s the site

foi c0ff ict 0n this sinal urban map This

eve s rnany bu 1d ngs and the c0nnections

betiJeen the different areas enco!rage a

lci 0f -asty. sho(-range fights. lvlean\/h le.

the open streets provide ideal ki I ng

grounCs for 0ng-range specialists.

Th s eve has a l0t cf sharp n nety-degree

corners. t imposes repeated iurns no

matter ui hat d reci on y0u take or u/hat

side of the map you begin on. Be aware of

corner traps and campers at a t mes.

The streets are extreTne y dangerous. Try t0

e ther be n a b.r lorng covering the streets.

oi avo d them by Lrs ng the back a leys. lf you

nr!st cross them, move qu ckly. use what

mver ex sis ani m nimize y0ur expos!re.













1 0DD 1 500 208! 250U 3000 350! 4D![ 4500 5000 550! 6!U0 6500 70u0 75!! B0!!

A wind farm high in the steppes of Yemen provides challenging, rocky terrain over which to battle. A fallen turbine creates cover

and obstructions in the center 0f the valley. This is one of the largest maps in the game, with a /ong path from east to west. The

rocks break up movement paths and sightlines. Travel can be very linear along narrow lanes of engagement. Stay extremely alert

when you travel along these lanes. A camper set up at the end can make any path lethal.

This map dips into a valley in the center, with higher altitude on the north and south edges. Use these elevations to shoot down at

enemies below. However, don't become so focused on the center of the map that you miss threats on the opposite sidel
troCES tne.t fcrce mcvement to specif c ai.eas. St 11. keep your head down i{ you're in the 0pen with a short-range weapon.

Youcanc mbontheremainsoftheituaft.rrbneinthevalley'scenter.Doings0exposesyout0firefromallsidesofthemap,s0don'tsticky0urheaclupthereunlessyou
kno."f irhai !ot ie !ett nq nto



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The streets 0f a srnal isLand clty in Yemeir are the site of an intense urban conflict. The most mazelike and twisting of the urban-

styled maps. Yemen also has sign f cant elevaii0n changes. A dip leads down rnto the center of the map from the higher points

around the level s outer ''r m.'Wlth bu ld ngs 0n ali s des and elevaiion changes common, situationai awareness is absolutely vital

onthsmap.Sta5talert,c0mTnuncatewthyourtearnrnates andbringclassesthatgiveyouaninformationaleclge.
.:: ,

Don't forget about the very outermost routes around the level, They are definitely slower, but they also tend to see a lot less traffic than the middle of the map. You can often

use them to flank an entrenched team, There are quite a few good sightlines from buildings, so be aware of campers on overwatch. Either flank them or use alternate routes

to avojd them entirely,

Provided by our friends at Treyarch, we present the following overview oI Zombies, a,game_unto itself that

fans of the series look forward to playing with great anticipation. Enjoyl

Z7nbies relurns lo Cail of Duty I0r its third insiallment, following Call of Duty: World at

Warand Call of Duty: Black 0ps.The game mode has grown wildly popularsince its
-\ \
- debut in 2008, spawning an additional seven DLC entries and two i0S versions

of the game.

Now with Black }ps ll, Zlmbiesis bigger than ever, both Iiterally and

figuratively, transp0rting players to an entire county overrun with

the undead, Darker secrets. deeper quests. new weapons. and

more zombies than you've ever seen onscreen before; the latest

chapter o{ lne Zombies epic takes the game to a whole new level.
This year's entry offers a variety 0f game modes to sate every appetite

of zombie killer.

We highly recommend playing a few rounds ot Zanbies wilh

, some friends before digging ioo deep into this part 0f the guide.

Get a feel for the game. Learn the tendencies of the undead

and devise some personal strategies to surv,ve. Try to pick up

* the trail 0f s0me of the game's many, many mysteries

0nce you get chewed up a few times (and you will), review the material here.
We ll set you down a path and help you survive. We may even drop a lew hints
toward the numerous secrets in the game,

Zombies is not just another game mode. lt thrives 0n the thrill of discovery.

the fanning of conspiracy theorres, and community cooperation outside of the

game. Feel free to search oul Zlmbieslan communities. Become a part 0f the

team effort to unravel Z}mbies'secre\s. lt's this spirit of community off which
Zonbies Inrives.

Surviving Zombies as long as you can is one thing; being good enough t0 unravel

ali of its secrets is another matter entirely, This is nol a direct walkthroughl S0.
this chapter avoids story spoilers and focuses stricfly on Zombies gameplay.

Following the events oI Black }ps Zonbies M00N,EarIh is a shadow of its former self. zombies

run rampant. smoke and ash cover much 0f the landscape, concealing both unkn0wn horrors

and rich secrets.

Four survivors rally within the remains of a bus depot on the edge of a desolate post-apocalyptic

county. 0utside, a strange robotic creature sits behind the wheel of a dilapidated bus, waiting t0

board new passengers and iake them 0n the ride of their lives,





Call of Duty:-Black 1ps ll Zombieslakes place in one enormous map the size of a

county, which is divided into live major areas. These include:

Each ol the five areas has its own identity rife with secrets to discover, weapons

and equipment to acquire, and many, many zombies. The map here is big enough

to provide you with some serious options.And, by options, we mean multiple

Zonbies game modes. Here's the breakdown:

Survival and Griefare,.espectively. c00perative and competitive c0-0p game

modes in Zombies.

Survival is purely cooperative with up to 4 players,

Grief.onlhe oiher hand, involves up to I players split into two teams (CDC and

CIA) competing in a "last team standing" scenario. The teams are noldirecily
pitted against each other. You're not playing Zombies Deathnatchherc.Ralher,

the idea is to interfere (or "grief") the opposing team and let the zombies do your

dirty work. 0nly one team can survive. Here's the twist: you can work together
fot early rounds or the entire game, but ultimately only one team walks out alive.
There are opportunities t0 be cooperative, sure, but there are features where

competition plays
a heavy role,

It may be a benefit
io work together
across ieams, but

eventually you'll

have to make

a classic moral

apocalyptlc decision: which team is walking out alive? Both teams cannot, and
you're not here to kill the other team. You just have to determine who leaves the

arena breathing.

Tranzit is the primary game mode oI Zonbies. Here is the continuation of a

legend that began back in Call of Duty: W1ild at War and continued through

Black 1ps.franZit puts you in the shoes of one 0f four new survivors, each
struggling to make their way through the smoldering ruins of the Earth. This is
Zlmbiesvelerans already realize how important electricity is. not only t0 survive,
n01a reboot. Connectjons to the past are there.
but also to explore and discover. Thus the significance 0f power in Tranzit cannot
Who are these new survivors? Where did they come from? How will their stories be overstated. tf you feel so inclined,tindthe means of returning power to the
weave into the greaier mythos? Listen t0 them. Follow them. They have mind- county. What can you do with Power?
boggling insight into the Iegend oI Zlnbies.

TranZit features all of the classic Zombiesmechanics fans have come to know:
rebuilding barricades, killing zombies, eaning points, buying weapons, 0pening
passageways, and deep side-quests that illumjnate the game,s mythology.

Bui two major additio:rs will help you navigate and survive TranZit's challenges:

"Buildables" and the Bus. More on these later.

Need a little support in your fight against the undead? Guess what-you,ll have

tofindthepartsand buildit.Needt0getaroundtown(relatively) safely?you,ll

have to take lhe Bus. The Bus Iets you travel around to the map's five major This game offers a host of strategic choices, even so far as choosing whether or
areas quicker and safer than traversing af0ot, Be advised-the bus driver is on a not you even tllantt0 activate the power, There just may be instances where nof
schedule and he m// leave you behind. turning on the power could be beneficial to your health.
Hemember the Power Stati0n? Take a good look around the area, and see if you 0nce you construct a Buildable, any player can then pick it up and equip it from
can find a filthy means ot getting down into its basement. 0nce inside, you can the location it was constructed. But you can carry only one Buildable at a time.
eventually llip the switch on the real powet lot lne entire map, assumlng you've Choose wisely.

taken the necessary steps to d0 so. However, don't expect to find that swiich
Here's a look at the different lypes 0f Buildables that may be available t0 you:
hanging oul on a wall somewhere, as in previous Zombies installments. You have

to do some snooping and use a little elbow grease to get the county's p0wer grid
back up and running.

0nce the power is active, a//Perk-a-Cola machines are powered up and

functional. This lets you stock up on Perks, which is viial for surviving into the

later rounds.
lf you find a location where you can build something, start scavenging the
You may discover that the main power has not necessarily reached every corner innediate areafor objects in the world that look useful. However, some extra-
of the county. That means you have to find some workarounds. They're there- special Buildables will require serious scavenging around lhe entire cluntylo
again, snoopi:tg is key. locate. Did you think they were going to make this easy for you?

While turning on the power has many benefits in Tranzit, you may also find
A Shroud of Smoke & Ash...
that leaving it oif can be equally beneficial. Flipping that switch may have an
A menacing haze of smoke and ash covers the map's five maj0r areas. lt is
u n i ntended eleclrical side eff ect...
every bit as dangerous as it looks. Should you make the command decision to

Buildables! venture into the murk, be advised that therein reside all sorts of new evils. your

We've mentioned that you should be 0n the lookout for various parts t0 doom may start with an ear-piercing screech. lf you hear it, cover your face,

beneficial accoutermentslhat will aid your survival. Welcome t0 the wonderful keep your knife handy, and be ready to sprint to a clearing-the dense smoke

world of Buildablesl is simply no joke.

Buildables are very useful items thai you, well, you can find the right Those who have the guts t0 stray frOm the path and make their way through it

parts in the right pari of the county, you'll eventually find a quiet little place will find a much more dangerous world than exploring the county's fjve main

where you can perform some craftsmanship. D0 your bestt0 survive and find the locations. Zombies wrl/ continue their onslaught, and there's nothing worse than

perfect place to make your masterpiecel being surrounded by zombies obscured by the smoke.

There are some rules when ii comes to Buildabtes. First, you can carry only one Getting lost in the smoke with zombies nipping at your heels is generally fatal.

part to a Buildable at a time. And you can have only one active part of any given However, the rewards and Easter eggs for braving these no-inan's lands are

Buildable activeintheworldatanygiventime. lf it'sdestroyed0rtaken,feel free equal t0 the danger. Nevertheless, be warned: if you're not yet up t0 snuff, sfay

t0 g0 back to where you originally found it and get another 0n subsequent play- away lron the smlke!lt y0u decide t0 go in there, we recommend bringing a

tl':roughs, those parts may not be in the same place you originally found them. friend or two.

Second, any player can assemble the parts. Do you have Part A and your Traveling as quickly as possible in a co0rdinated unit is the best way t0 manage

ieammate has Part B? You can both add them t0 the assembly. Sirategy wise, this madness. Communication and teamwork can be crucial. lf at all possible,

each player can cary one part and assemble it quickly; or one player can do avoid entering unless you've purchased multiple Perk-a-Colas and doubled-up

the itern-running while the other players play defense. The best strategy for on Mystery Box weaponry. Seriously c0nsider boosting up before venturing into

3uildables is rp to you and your teammates. the depths of the smoke.

Mystery Boxes
It r'vouldn't be Zombies without the Mystery Box, and this

weapon dlspensary returns t0 the franchise in a big way.

Featuring a selection of near-future weapons ttam Black

)ps ll, as well as some tried and true Wonder Weapons

from previous installments (Ray Gun anyone?), the Mystery

Box is, more than anything else. critical to your survival.

The most powerful weapons and special equipment come

strictly from this fickle box. You may not always get what
you wanti but generally. you'll get what you need.

Be careful how many times you dip nto ihat well. however.
After you use the l\4ystery Box a random number 0f times, a

teddy bear appears and a strange. demonic giggle sels the

box a-shaking and teleporls it t0 another, unknown location.

The Zsmbies
Zombies attack in a// paits 0f the town, both out in the haze and in the main areas. They get

progressively str0nger as you complete each wave. There is no safe haven.

To survive, you must earn points and then spend points to acquire better weapons, purchase Perk-a-

Colas, and pack some punch t0 your existing weapons. D1n't die richl\ou can't take it with you. Spend

your dough because it'll keep you alive.

The l\4ystery B0x is lnitially located at the Diner area. the
Zombies also. on occasion, drop instant-gratification Power-Ups when killed. They provide a temporary
first stop 0n the bus's circuit after the Bus Depot. But there
bonus t0 everyone on your team. Power-Ups do not sit on the map indefinitely. lf you don't grab it, it
are many other Mystery Box locations scattered about ail
will disappear after a while.
five major areas. You'll likely notice a stack 0f very obviols
amm0 boxes here and there around the map. These mark

the potential locati0ns of a Mystery Box appearance.

Mystery Box weapons can be reloaded only via the lVlax

Amn'r0 p0wer-up dr0p. This drop comes from killtng

zombies or via the Pack-a-Punch rnachtne the first time

you put the weapon tn.

Perk-a-Eola Machines
Perk-a-C0la machtnes are scattered around the map.

They dispense Perk-a-C0las. which enhance your abrlities

just iike perks jn multlplayer. Perk-a-Colas are highly

rec0mmended drinkjng t0 reach the later r0unds. Saving

your points and purchasing these bufflng beverages should

be a pri0rity for your team, Dep0sit some p0ints, crack

your knuckles, and pop open a bOttle 0f one of these:

When fighting zombies. aiming for headshots

whenever possibie is advisable. However, some

weapons are strong enough that even a bo€ly shot will

suffice in the early rounds.

As far as general tactics 90. keep y0urself in a positi0n

where you always, always, alwayshave an escape

route. Never corner yourself into a dead end; you'll

Jind yourself overwhelmed in the blink of an eye.

As the i'ounds pr0gress, you'll notice that zombies

can be dismembered. They lose iheir arms, their

heads, and their legs. Legless z0mbies can be fatally

irritating, bui they can also work to your benefit.

Give it a try.
Ln TranZit. the bus links all five areas. You can explore the whole 0f the county

and ail its surroundings,


lranZtI altvays begins inside the terminal in the Bus Depot area.

Elear the Room

shhhhh. .

Upon stad of Round 1,

a handfu of inefi

zombies stand n

place around the

room. seemrngly
Find Your Power!
as eep or uiter y
The first concern of every real w0rld z0mbie-fearing survivor is gettinq (0r
zoned-out. I1 you
keeping) the lights 0n. The same holds true Ior Zombies-lightning banishes
attack them. they absolutely will wake up and attack anyone inside the depot, as
darkness, as they say, and it's imperative that y0u eventually{ind ancl activate
more zombies start rippjng at the barricades.
the power in any Zonbies map if you want to experience all it has t0 offer.
Dispatch them all. ln the first couple 0f rounds, your knile can down them
Speaking of power, as soon as you load in to your first game of TranZit, you'll
quickly linstantly in the first round). This is a good way to rack up some points
notice something in the corner that will help you hone the craftsmanship skills
while saving your amm0 for when things get significantly more hairy after lhe
we talked about earlier. Trust us, this is not a non sequitur.
third wave.
Now you need to find what looks like junk, scrap, and throwaway items.You may
You may have to clear the first wave of zombies to earn en0ugh t0 open the
be just clever enough to build something useful and applicable to this section.
door out of the Depot-may. You see, Zambies is all about personal strategy. But
We won't tell you what, and we ceriainly won't tell you where-what's the fun in
choose your strategy wjsely.
that? Just know that everything you need for your first attempt at fashioning is
il/e// within reach.
}rce fashianeci. any player in the garne can pick up the fjnlsheci procluct. N0w go
Stop by the Earage
have some fun with it. ts usefulness isn't all that far lrom where y0u're standing
750 p0ints gains you access t0 the Garage, where you find the first location o{
rght now.
the l\4ystery Box! When starting the game, the lvlystery Box is always here in
the Garage,

Als0. you may have noticerj 0n your way here the glant blue column of light in

ihe sky.,,

Ride the Bus

0nce you're outsrde, you may hear the bus horn treeping, lf you hear it while
you re ins de a ocation, get outside quickly or y0u may miss the bus. H0p on the

bus for a free ride to the Diner.

Hungry for flesh? You know they are! The rematns 0f a Diner and a Garage. along

with a one power-locked storage shed, rnake !p the second area on the bus's tour

Visit the Diner

The Diner is no longer serving breakfast. but for 750 points you can gain access.

At the Diner, you can find a Perk-a-Cola and a wall-lluy weap0n.

The Zombie Shield The Barn
We ve been pretty elusive about the whats and there wheres of the Buildables to this point. lf you've A two-story barn contains yet anotl]er Perk-a-Cola. Als0,

made it this far, you deserve a little something, and naming a Buildable is just what you need. there is a very useful zombie-clearing wall-weapon tucked

behind a stack of crates. Two staircasgs provide access to

An extremely useful Buildable, the Zombie Shield is lhe Zombiesuersion of the Campaign and
the second floor. But il you keep your eyes peeled, y0u'll
Multiplayer Assault Shield. lt blocks frontal attacks and can be planted to provide a bit of a roadblock
find another means 0f escape beyond the stairs.
for zombies. Most importantly, it can be used to bash the unliving daylights out of the undead.

However, the Zombie Shield is useful for only a limited number of bashes, so bash wisely. You can run around inside the barn a bit while evading

zombies, but be careful. lt s easy to get trapped if y0ur

This is a very useful Buildable, but you have to balance Zombie Shield users with carriers of other
escape routes are bl0cked by a swarm of zombies.
Buildables. This is all part and parcel wrth team strategy, and it's up to you to decide what works best

for your zombie-slaying unit.

A relaxing countryside farmhouse is the third st0p on the bus's circuit. 0kay, there are horrific swarms

o{ zombies roaming the land, s0 maybe it's not all that relaxing. The Farm consists of a two-story barn

a smaller two-story house. and a single shed with a powered door.

The FarmhEuse
While the farmhouse is also two stories tall, it is much

smaller and potentially easier for zombies to overwhelm

you within the narrow rooms and passageways.

The Farmhouse also contains a potential location for the

Mystery Box on the second floor-note the stack of boxes

sitting out on the balcony. You can drop down from this

balcony to reach the ground outside. This is useful if you

have zombies in hot pursuit.

Random story for you: an old vet' used t0 live'round these

here parts, retired to the farm after his tour, before things

went to hell. The farmer would work the fields, all day,

every day, gnawing on his chaw, happy as a clam. His

daughter, always looking out for him, got 0nt0 him about

his tobacco habit and eventually convinced him to give it

up. But the farmer found a pretty cool hiding place where

he could always sneak a dip.

The fourth stop on ihe bus's tour of terror is the

Power Station, where a dormani Reactor is the key

to reactivating the county's power grid. Activating

the Reacior instanily turns 0n all 0f the Perk-a-Cola

machines around town.

0nce you arrive at the Power Stati0n, you may need

to run around a bit t0 l0ok for the secret entrance into

the station's underground facility. 0n the surface, you'll

see an 0ld. broken-down power building as well. But

your first order of business is locating the entrance t0

the underground Reactor Core.

The Gore
The access door costs 750 points to open. It's hidden somewhere around ihe

ground smell something?You can pick up anotherwall-weapon

around here. so keep your eyes peeled. 0nce inside, you'll drop down to the

underground level.

This is a good time t0 point out that the deeper you get into TranZit, the harder

the wall-weapons are to find.

Down inside the Reactor r00m, you need to start building. Here's another

Tonbies uels
reading this, you'll know the parts and their function the second you see them

0nce assembled, feel free to flip the switch, and the power-shutters blocking the stairs will open once the Reactor's power-up sequence completes, allowing you
to escape. Why exit without turning on the power? Well, you'll learn the answer t0 that question shockingly quickly. You may just want to use this strategy 0n a

subsequent play session.


6.A22 'l 14Xx1823
Turning on the power is beneficial for reaching the later waves and gives you

cansistentaccess to Perk-a-Cola Machines. However, turning on the power may

also have a shocking side etIecL

Once the power is actrvated, you may notice tnat some 0f the reactor's juice has

made its way up into the atmosphere. lt's a pretty light show, sure. You think maybe

the Mystery Box has a solution forthis one? Seems t0 solve a lot of oiherproblems.

The Destroyed Building

The remains 0f the upper damaged building can onlybe reachedfrom the
lower Core. So, if you want to see what's inside here, you have to find your

way underground. There are two possible locations for the Mystery Box here. One location is

upstairs in the bar. The other is in a small alley off the main street. This means
Now don't rush through here, guns blazing; and watch out for zombies popping
there s a slighily greater chance for the box to teleport here after it has been
up from below. Get crafty on these catwalks. You'tl be thankful later, but only if
exhausted elsewhere on the map,
you've found a source of power. 0nce you leave the destroyed building {thai's

have to run arr the wav throush the rower core to set back to The last locked door leads into the Bank, which has its own bevy of secrets.

il:::::ii:: The Bank Vault

The bank contains several interesting features, the Vault being target number

one. After you case the joint, it's time to get your Bonnie and Clyde on.

Behind the first vault d00r is a safety deposit box that can be used to deposit

or withdraw points in increments of 1 000. There is, howevel a fee. ln life and

un-life, someone always gels their cut. You

can deposit points; you can withdraw points.

Should you g0 down without being revived,

and you haven't taken a swig of Tombstone,

this is a good place to fill your wallet.


The fifth stop on ihe bus tour is the ruins of a small downtown main streei.

Disembark here for a pair 0l important Perk-a-Colas. There's quite a bit going on

in this area. so have some fun.

Eity Streets
The Town is the largest of the five main areas in Tranzit. This could be a

greai place for the ever-popular "Zombie Trains"-vets, you know what

we're talking about.

While it is larger and does have more room t0 escape pursuit, it also has

no wall-buy weapons. Yes, the Mystery Box may appear, but don't think for a

second that's the only means of weaponry available in this area. A little patience

and a l7t ot scavenging may bring light to some other possibi:ities...

You can access three buildings from the streets, a bar with a second fl00r, and

the second fl00r apartments. Both have blasted-out ceilings and multiple non-
barricaded areas for zombies to enter So, don't assume you're safe off the

sireets. But with some clever choreography, you can dance with the undead from
this position for quite some time.
Just pasi the safety deposit box, there's a second Vault

d00r iha: can be opened in much the same way as the

first. Doing s0 grants access to the innermost Vault. Here You can't "win" Tranzit. It's more a question of how long you can survive-and how many secrets you
you'll iind another wall of deposit boxes marked with can unlock.
a certain symbol. Hmm. Does this symbol look vaguely
With that in mind, you should have certain goals for your team in every round:
familiart0 you? We'll Ieave this 0ne up t0 you to crack.

No Gear, Here i
As with many of the accessible features in TranZit, the I
deeper you get, the more difficult they become t0 achieve.
Zlmbies is a game with layers upon layers of challenges. Killing zombies and surviving as long as
Consider that when looking for parts to Buildables within "l
humanly possible is just the surface 0f the experience. How you strategize your survival will vary from
the boundaries o{ the Town Center.
game t0 game. You have to be ready for anything, be fluid enough to make snap decisions, and have
0h look: another powered d00r, Behind it is a stash 0f
a keen eye for scavenging and completing side-quests. Those who discover all of Zombles'secrets.
Semtex and maybe even a part to a Buildable. Wait a
unlock every Easter egg. and complete all of the side-quests are a very exclusive club. Do you have
second... You've thrown the Power Switch and still the
what it takes?
door won't budge? Look around. Did you happen to notice
You have to deal with variables: ii's the nature of the game. TranZit is filled with relatively obvious
that the power line is severed?
operational procedures, but they may also have hidden allernaliue methods. So keep your eyes open
Round and Round We Go and look for other ways to accomplish objectives.

The bus makes an endless loop around each of the five

check out the parts to the Buildables. From game to game, you have to check several hrding spots
stops, but there is much more lurking in the smoky haze t0
within each area to construct its relevant Buildable.
be discovered. All you have to do is buff up, put your head
And because 0f the unpublished bus departure times, planning how long t0 stay at a given area (say. to
down, and doubletime it into the smoke and ash. Sure,
exhaust the Mystery Box) borders on impossible. The bus may leave before you re ready. or it may wait
maybe you can make il i0 one of the uncharted clearings
longer than you want, letting the zombie wave number creep a litile too high for comfort.
hidden in there. Bui can you make il back?
lf you've played Zombies, you know there are 0ther means 0f moving about the map. But digging into
Truly adventurous explorers may even find other methods
this process can be dangerous. You may end up separated from your team. Even worse, some 0f those
of travel around town. , .

final destinations are deep in the smoke and ash haze and rerl unsafe.

You should also consider how to organize your team. Structure your team in terms of specialization.

who's on revive duty? who's the barricade builder? who's carrying the Zombie shield or any other
pafticular Buildable? There are also times when you may have t0 split up and accomplish iwo goals at

once. Teamwork and communicati0n are absolutely essential. These are all imporiant considerati0ns to

get t0 the top of the leaderboards for Highest Round Reached.

The various Deathmatch modes all have the same basic rule: Reach the target kill score and win. How you get there is a bit different in each mode. ln Team

Deathmatch and Mulii-Team Deathmatch, your team's kill score counts. ln Free For All, only your kill score counts. ln Kill Confirmed, you. must collect dog tags from

downed targets io earn points.


Eliminate hostile targets at all costs.

FFA is a race to the finish line, with every player in the match competing to reach ihe target score first.

Kill/Deaih ratio is less critical in FFA than other

Deathmatch modes (it is possible to win with higher

deaths than in the team modes). Although playing

recklessly is still a bad idea.

Aggressive or defensive play can win a match in FFA,

though aggressive play is more difficult. lf you plan to play

aggressively, take stealthy Perks and Attachments, and be

wary of campers.

Conversely, if you wani to play defensively, pick an area 0f

the map t0 lock down and use Equipment and Attachments

that can guard your back and give you early warning 0f
incoming enemies.


Work with your team, take down the oppssiticn.

Team Deathmatch demands more careful play than FFA. A negative ldd ratio here ln Multi-Team, you have less friendlies and more enemy targets, so working
is very damaging t0 your team, though ihis is more true in "regular" two-team together is even more critical. Similar to FFA, picking out an area of the map to

Deathmatch than in Multi-Team. lock down is viable if you work closely with your smaller team.

Stick together with your team and communicate. Constantly updating your team

0n enemy positions is vital in TDM. You need to know both where enemies are

and where they are respawning.

Team Oeathmatch with dcgtags; ealleet en*my tags to sc*r*, enc{ de*y lrills [:y sav{ng friendly tags"

Kill Confirmed plays out very close to TDM. The dogtags mix things up by

creating hotspots and giving a chance for teammates to save tags from downed
friend ies.

You can use enemy tags as bait to down more enemies as ihey move t0 recover

them. Don't try to pull this stunt without team support, or you can end up giving

up points unnecessarily.

Kill Confirmed demands more mobility than vanilla TDM. you musl move out of

cover to recover tags, s0 simply camping and locking down the enemy team at

their spawn isn't enough to win.

Secure a control point for your team to earn points toward victory.
Reach the score limit to win the round.

Dominaiion puts teams into conilict over three key flags, designated A, B, and C.

Controlling a flag earns your team polnts. 0wning at least two of the three flags

for the majority of the match is required to win.

To succeed in Domination, you have t0 work with your team to capture (or

recapture) points. The goal should be to pin the enemy team at the third flag,

preventing them from moving oui of their spawn location or securing any flags.

The central B flag is typically the most hotly coniested and exposed. lf your team

is locked down and you cannot quickly recapture B, you may need to perform a

sneaky rear capture to flip your team out of your spawn area.


Two bomb sites with the oflensive team all equipped wiih bombs.
Detonate both bomb sites or defend until the time limit expires.

Demolition is a high-action version 0f Search & Destroy, with respawns, and all

players on ofiense armed with a bomb. A defender defusing does nofend ihe round.

To secure a victory on offense, it's critical to target lhe nore difficult of the two
bomb sites first. That way the final plant and cover is easier. 0nce one bomb

site goes up, the entire defensive team will be concentrated at the remaining
Iocation. Which site is more dilficult varies from map to map. Experiment with

tackling each point with all of the offensive team to see which goes more easily
for your team.

It is possible to plant at both bomb sites, using the second plant as "cover'' for the real plant. But be careful about splitting your team to do this. lt can pay off if

defense is simply too intense on your primary target. Like CTF, Tactical lnsertions are very important on offense, and sometimes for defense on any map with a

lengthy run to the bomb sites.


Headquarters is a returning star. Hardpoint is a new game mode for Call of Duty: Black jps ll.

Lock down one of lhree Hardpoints to score points. The llardpcint
cbanges during the match.

Hardpoint is a "king of the hill" game type, where you compete with the enemy

team to score points by holding one of three control areas located on the map.
These control areas move around the level as the match progresses until one

team hits the score Iimit or the time expires.

There is typically a Hardpoint near each spawn, and then a more centrally-

located point, This varies depending on the map. T0 hold a Hardpoint, you simply

need a friendly inside the Hardpoint area. lf an enemy moves into the Hardpoint,

it becomes contested, and neither team scores points until the Hardpoint is Because a single player can hold the Hardpoint, a well-organizej team can
occupied by only one team. have one player hold the Hardpoint while the remainder of the team secures

the immediate area. This prevents enemy players from even approaching the
The active Hardpoint can significantly change your approach to securing it.
Hardpoint itself.
Central Hardpoints out in the open are very exposed to bombardment from enemy

explosives and air support. lnterior Hardpoints are best iackled with C0C weaponry.

Secure and control random Headquafters lncations lo seore points,

Headquarters plays out over a wider range of areas than Hardpoint. lt also

operates under a different set of rules for holding the points. To secure a

Headquarters location, you have to move friendly players into the HQ area and

hold it until the point is captured.

0nce secure, the ieam owning the H0 does nof respawn. This gives the attacking
team a chance to pick off the defending players one by one until they can lock

down the Headquarters. Each time the Headquarters moves t0 a new position,

there is a delay before it becomes active and can be captured. Use this time to
get into position and eliminate hostiles.

Because Headquarters covers all areas on the map, highly mobile builds are crucial for covering ground quickly and reaching key overwatch positions before the

opposing team.


Caplure the enemy flag. Belend your o$in.

Capiure the Flag is played out over two rounds and one overtime round if the teams are tied. To

score, grab the enemy flag and bring it to your own while it's still in your base. Victory in CTF relies

on good teamwork. You need a few players covering your flag on defense, with the rest of your

team on offense either running the flag or intercepting enemy players.

CTF has a respawn delay, which gives the offense a chance to break through defenders. You need

to watch yourself on offense and defense. You can deprive your team of coverage if you are taken out while protecting a key route.

Flag runners should be using fast stealthy builds. Also, Tactical lnsertions are very important on any sizable map. Defenders can get away with less mobile builds.

However, they may not be able to chase an enemy who does get away with the flag. LMGs and sniper rifles both shine on defense on many maps, as d0 proximiiy

mines (Lethal and Tactical).


A single bomb with two targets. Teams swap oflense and defense.
Eliminate the appcsing team, and detonate or defuse the bomb to win.

Search & Destroy is an intense Tactical mode. Two teams compete to either eliminate

the opposing team, or detonate or defuse a bomb.

The offensive team is given a single bomb. To win, they can either plant the bomb and

detonate it or eliminate the enemy team. For the defensive team to win, they can either

eliminate the offensive team 0r defuse the bomb after it has been planted. Whether

you chooseto goforthe enemyteam or plantthe bomb can be ateam decision oran

individual one. You can react t0 the changing situation as the round develops.

lf the bomb carrier is downed, the bomb remains on the map. Be aware that the enemy team may watch the bomb if it sits for too long.

Stealth and detection Perks and Equipment are extremely important on both offense and defense in Search & Destroy. With no respawns, you have t0 make the most of every

round. 0nce downed, you can n0 longer communicate with your teammates. Keep them updated while you're alive! Unlike Demolition, you have to defuse the bomb where it was

planted.This can be important on both offense and defense. Mind the placement ofthe bomb.


Ernest Le has his roots on YouTube, posting commentaries over Black )ps gameplays in early 201 1, His content primarily focused on using quirky
setups to achieve t0p sc0res and kills in online matches.

Later that year he moved his fanbase and was one of the first YouTubers to begin streaming Catt of Duty onTwitch. His most notable achievement was

his road to max Prestige, where he became the firsi player worldwide to reach the top level in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

Becauseof hisstreamingandYouTubeaccomplishmenisinthe Call of Dutycommunity,ErnestwasabletoobtainajobatTwitchshorflyafterhis

Modern Wartare 3 run, where he currently works as a member of the strategic partnerships team,

> :!.=r:**='l*-====l-:-?+-?L:1*: MrErneslLe


Play the Objective
What's the purpose of your game mode? Well play iIl Cail 0f Duty: Black Ops /ls Scorestreak system rewards players for playing the objective more than those that
just go for kills.

Kill values are much lower for players who play away from flags, domination points, and bomb spots. To maximize your scores, optimize your position around the

objective while using Scorestreaks that support your team (UAV, CUAV, VSAT, EMP).

Pick Your Flavor

WiththenewPickl0andWildcardsystems, Call of Duty: BlackOpsl/allowsplayerstotrulychoosewhattheywanttouseintheirclasssetups.Takethetimetotest
out different weapons, Attachments, Equipment, and Perk combinations that work best for you.

Not everyone can quickscope, jump shot, or tomahawk, so make it a point of emphasis to figure out what you are most comfortable with using. Always keep in mind

the game mode that you're playing when choosing a specific loadout. For example:
Then, Pick Your Poison
Don't forget that by using what you're comfortable w th. y0u may overlook what you may need. Call of Duty: Black 0ps ll has many counters in place for Perks,

Scorestreaks. and p aysty es. Here are some helpful c0nsiderations when choosing your classes and Scorestreaks:

0ptimizing Your Leveling

Run low Scorestreaks and play the objective. The best way to optimize your experience flow is to present yourself some "guarantees." Guarantee is a term I c0ined to

explain how easy it is to earn a grven Scorestreak. For example, the UAV is a safer guarantee than the K9 unit, since score wise it is easier to obtain,

You are at better odds obtaining three or four UAVs before you would earn one Kg unit. Also, keep in mind that kills from your Scorestreaks in Call of Duty: Black 0ps ll
typical y generate far less points than gun kills, especially around objectives, lt is not practical to rely on your Stealth Chopper to net you points into your Swarm.

Ernestts Favored Slasses

I highiy recommend this class for the objective game modes such as Domination, This is the ideal class for kill farming in Team Deathmaich when you play alone,

Headquarters. and Hardpoint, Your purpose is to capture the objective, then play or when you play Free For All. Your purpose is t0 constantly flank and d0 so

around it to rack up points. Flak Jacket, Trophy system, and Tactical Mask will quietly. You'll want Dead Silence t0 mask your footsteps and the Suppressor to

save you frorn explosives and Tactical Equipment. Low Scorestreaks not only will hide your position on the minimap.

be practica (you w ll probably die. a lot). they wrll also help your team locate the
Any silenced AR or SMG works here, but I prefer the l\427 for the fire rate (and
enemy, jam their radar, and sl0w them down at the objecttve point.
style, of coursel). Your Scorestreaks lead into each other: obtain your UAV and

then strategically pick off the enemies into your Chopper, then into your K9 Unit.
Have Fun
Call of Duty: Black Ops // presents a new change t0 the
franchise, allowing players to play the game how they want 0pTic NaDeSHoT has been playing Call of Duty al a professional level since 2008. With
to play. I challenge you to figure out what drives you to play many major tournament wins under his belt, the Call of Duty XP.1 Million.Dpllar Event

the game. Whether you're a competitive guy who will play in in 2011 was probably his most notable achievement. Nadeshot spends most of his

League matches or a pubstomper who wants to get a high kill days livestreaming, practicing, and uploading Call of Dutyuideos with the intent to help

count, I urge you to figure out what your niche is and stick to it. other gamers become better players.

Not everyone has my mindset of using wacky setups and

playing to win, but everyone should know what fuels them to

enjoy the game.

ERNEST'S It's All in the Hips!
AtrKNtrWLEDGMENTS The 0ne thing that I believe separates Call ol Duty: Black 1ps lltrom all the past Cail of Dutylilles

I wouldn't have had this opportunity if it weren't for YouTube, is definitely movement! Treyarch has decided to slow down the movement speed of your character

streaming, and Call of Duty. I want to thank the fans for all the as well as change up a few audio files, which can offer a big change compared lo Modern

support and for making me who I am today. Without you guys Wartare s.fhaI is why, in my opinion, your Perk selections will make the biggest impact on your
"Ernest Le" the commentator wouldn't exist! I was simply a ability t0 play at the highest level.
guy who wanted to play the living heck out oI Modern
Since the new Pick 10 class system is completely new, I'm going to try and explain why the new
Wartare 3. Who'd have thought that a graduate school
Wildcards will have the biggest impact on your classes. EVERY SINGLE ITEM in your class can
dropout's love for a game would score him a chance like this?
now be swapped out for something else. Don't use your secondary? Get rid of it. Hate Tacticals?

Secondly, I want to thank Phillip Marcus and Jason Fox WHO NEEDS 'EM ANYWAYS!? The two most important Wildcards wiil be Perk 1 and perk 3 Greed.

for mentoring throughout this trip. Never have I seen (nor Both of these allow you to double up on Perks. This will enable you to use several different

appreciated) the absurd amount 0f work it takes to write a combinations which will be crucial for M0VEMENT!
complex strategy guide. You two are tremendously hard-
Matt's Favored Blasses
working individuals who deserve all the credit in the world for
these projects. Now that you're up to speed, here are two of my favorite classes thai you can try out yourself!

TmarTn and Nadeshot, thank you two for joining me on this

trip. l'm glad we could butt heads and put our talents together
to write something for the fans. Y0u guys are great and you will
go places with your personalities and passion tor Call of Duty.

Bradycames! Thank you! This opportunity wouldn't have been

possible if you guys didn't recognize my past accomplishments

and potential. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you (Chris,

Tim, Leigh), for this has been a dream come true. Also, thank you

Chris and Yale from Activision for helping us make our job easier.

You guys are great!

Lastly, I want to thank Twitch TV for supporting me and

allowing me to work on this project. Without Twitch, I wouldn't

have had the opportunity to stream Call of Duty tot all the fans

t0 enjoy. Shoutout to the NetDev team (Synwyn, Fuzzy, Eleine,

Gunrun, Fishstix, Vinlin, Marksman, ATK, djWheat). lf you want

to be a streamer, you should be on Twitch! As you can see with these classes, movement and power is keyl
With the release oI Call of Duty: Black 0ps //comes the beginning 0f a new era in the Call of Dutyfranchise, LEAGUE PLAY! You will now be able to team up with your

friends and fight your way to the top. Treyarch will be offering us a Champions League and World League, which will offer meaningful competition in Call of Duty:
Black 1ps //matchmaking. Now, I can't go as in depth as l'd like to, but I can fill you in on everything I know so far!

World League
A mix of Team Deathmatch and objective game modes that uses standard rules for scoring and how you respawn after dying.

Ehampions League
A mix of objective games that uses professlonal scoring and how you respawn after dying.

I'm super passionate about

competitive Call ol Duty and really

think league play will give you a
taste of how fun competition in Cal/

of Duty can bel Please try it out!


After helping with this guide, I truly saw how much work and time these guides actually takel I want to give infinite thanks to Phillip lVlarcirs and Jason Fox who

basically held my hand throughout this entire project. l'm very new to the corporate side of the gaming industry and their help really sent me in ttre rignt direction.

Secondly, l'd Iike to thank Ernest Le and TmarTn for working with me throughout the entirety of this guide. They made my experience so much more enjoyable and

they truly are insanely hard-w0rking and great friends.

Bradycames, you guys are awesomel This opportunity wouldn't have been possible without you. This has been a dream come true; thank you so much!

Lastly, l'd like to thank each and every one of you for supporting me throughout my entire gaming career. Without you guys, none 0f this would be possible and l'm so

truly humbled by the opportunities that l've gotten through just playing video games.
Trevor"TmarTn"Martinisanavidgamerand Call of Dutyplayer.HookedontheseriessinceC0D4,hehasloggedoverl,000in-gamehoursdoing
everything from pub-stomping to competing to his current passion, YouTube. Trevor started posting videos in late 201 0 and rapidly grew t0 become
one of the largest gaming channels. Known for his in-depth Tips and Tricks videos, the premise behind his channel is to improve his viewers at the
game in fun, entertaining, and informative ways.

> Tw:ltq.,rf ac$b!$klY0t:T***: TmarTn


Seeing that Scorestreaks build on each other, as well as reset when you earn your highest reward, they will play a very prominent rolein Call of DUU: Black Ops lls
multiplayer. Here are some tips to maximize your killing potential:

Don't Be Scared-Experiment!
Call of Duty: Btack0psl/iseasilythedeepest Catl of Dutygametodate.Withmillionsofdifferentclasscombinations,thereareaninfinitenumberofwaysforyouto
play the game. Get creative and have fun with it!

Always be switching up your class combinations; you should never have a dull moment in the game. Set up Claymore-Shock Charge death traps. Run around with six

Perks and just.a knife. Snipe enemies with a Dual Band Crossbow that shoots a cluster of three explosive arrows. All of these things can be done in Cal of Duty: Black

1ps II, so get creative and have fun with the game!

Trevorts Favored Elasses

The highlight of this class is its primary weapon, the Chicom CQB. This burst-

fire SMG is brand new in Call of Duty: Black 0ps //and unlike any other SMG

we've seen before. The fire rate is insanely fast, allowing a good trigger finger to

essentially fire full-auto at close range.

Additiorially, the fact that it's a burst-fire weapon allows one to be extremely

accurate at longer ranges, picking off enemies at a distance. These features

combine to make a very unique and fun-to-use weapon that excels in many

situations, maps, and game modes.

The maps in Call of Duty: Black ]ps //tend t0 be on the larger end of the
scale, 0ffering many long lines of sight with head-high cover. This class takes

advantage of that.

Stick to the outsides of the map, constantly flanking and pickirig'off enemies.

The goal is to stay alive in order to earn your Warth0g streak. This will lead to

your Swarm, which can potentially put you in a never-ending Scorestreak loop,

resulting in a very high-scoring game.


My b ggest thank you has to g0 t0 my fans: with0ut them, I would not have been blessed with the opportunity to w0rk on this guide. You guys, through your l0yalty

and support, have put me in a positi0n in life ihat I never could have dreamed of. I truly appreciate it and will continue to strive to produce bigger and better content

every single day.

Secondly. I would like to extend a big thank you t0 Phillip l\4arcus and Jason Fox. Being new to a project like this, I didn't know what to expect. Y0u two made it

extremely easy (and fun) to tackle such a daunting task as writing a multiplayer guide. I can't think of two other guys I would rather spend 10 hours a day in a
smal room with.

Ernest Le and Nadeshot, I had a great time working on the guide with you guys; thanks for making it such an enjoyable experience. Even more so, thanks for being

there for me to play against in private l0bbies. I needed some noobs to whoop up on. ;)

Next, I w0uld like to thank BradyGames for giving rne an opportunity like this! This has truly been a dream come true. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and look

lorward to the future, Also, thank you to Activision for providing us a space to work and the resources we needed to make the best guide possible.

F na ly, I would like to thank my friends and family. especially my mom, for supporting this crazy hobby/career that I have. I travel a lot and have an extremely

unpredictable schedule, resulting in me not being able to be available as much as I would like. Thanks for understanding and supporting me in my endeavors.
EoTech Sight 2 100 Holographic sight. Provides a clearer view 0lthe target than a red dot, blt with less peripheral vi9lofll
Fore Grip 3 200 Reduced recoil when aiming down the sights.

FMJ 4 300 lncreased materia! penetratio.! and damage against enemy Scorestreaks.
Reflex Sight 5 400 Precision red dot sight.
0uickdraw 6 5m Ergonomic handle for faster aiming.
Target Finder 7 600 ldentifies enemies and notifies when an enemy is in the crosshair.
Adjustable Stock I 700 Move faster when aiming.

ACOG Sight I 800 Enhanced zoom sight.

Laser Sight 10 900 lncreases hipf ire accuracy.

Suppressor 11 1ofi) lnvisible from radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but less range.
Variable Zoom 12 1 100 While scoped in, press the Right Contrcl Stick to adjust between two different zoom levels.
Extended Clip 13 1 200 More ammo in each clip.

Hybrid 0ptic
ACOG Sight with Reflex Sight attached 0n top. Press Left Control Stick while aiming down the sight to switch
14 1300
between optics.
Rapid Fire 15 1400 lncreased rate of fire.
Dual Band 16 1500 Nightvision scope with interlaced thermal overlay.
t!:t:'.,' ::-.'. :''. :''' ".,.::ql*ii :ai
ISBN-1 3: 978074401 4204

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