AAC Summer 2019 Bulletin (July/August)

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5:00 - 7:00 P.M.








Alexandria, V•
A 2• 2302
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m.
Candlelighting.......................8:19 p.m.
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Mincha..........45 minutes after services The Rambam teaches that it is a positive mitzvah to give tzedakah to the poor.
Havdalah Time......................9:24 p.m. If your kinsman becomes impoverished and stumbles you shall hold him,
FRIDAY, JULY 12 strengthen him, and let him live by your side. “You shall strengthen him” - do not
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. leave him by himself so he deteriorates; don’t let him fall so that it will be too
Candlelighting.......................8:16 p.m. difficult to lift him up - support him now.
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Many of us are familiar with the Rambam’s ladder of tzedaka. At the top:
Mincha..........45 minutes after services helping someone become self-sufficient. But don’t forget, the other seven levels
Havdalah Time......................9:21 p.m. focus not on the ways tzedakah eliminates poverty but on the way in which it is
FRIDAY, JULY 19 given - aiming to build compassion, community, and love.
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m.
Candlelighting.......................8:12 p.m. Every year, this community fulfills this sacred task. Through my discretionary
fund, you provide with compassion and generosity for people in need. You also
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. help support organizations - both Jewish and secular - that align with the mission
Mincha..........45 minutes after services of our community.
Havdalah Time......................9:16 p.m.
This year, donations of over $13,000 have been disbursed to help members in
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. crisis, individuals facing eviction, and local citizens who have fallen on hard
Candlelighting.......................8:07 p.m. times. Your generosity has also made it possible to send our children to Jewish
summer camps and youth movement programs. Finally, as a community we were
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. able to generously support numerous organizations such as Hillel, Alive, JCRC,
Mincha..........45 minutes after services AIPAC, Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, Avodah, the Board of Lady
Havdalah Time......................9:09 p.m. Managers at INOVA Alexandria, and so much more.
AUGUST In the words of the Rambam, Israel - the Jewish people - will only find
redemption through tzedakah. May our collective generosity continue to bring
FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 goodness into the world, our community, and the sacred souls we seek to nurture.
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m.
Candlelighting.......................8:00 p.m.
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Mincha..........45 minutes after services SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 | 9:00 P.M.
Havdalah Time......................9:01 p.m. LOBBY
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. READING OF EICHA. PLEASE BRING A FLASHLIGHT.
Candlelighting.......................7:53 p.m.
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. MEN’S CLUB MENSCHENINGS
Mincha..........45 minutes after services ELLIOT PARKIN, MEN’S CLUB PRESIDENT
Tisha B’Av, Ma’ariv, and
Reading of Eicha...............9:00 p.m. Consider joining the Men’s Club Board. Men’s Club is looking for a few good
Havdalah Time......................8:52 p.m. men to fill vacancies on our current board so that we can continue our full range
of activities in 5780. You can also help us with ideas for programs and by
TISHA B’AV volunteering for our activities. Contact me at elliot.parkin@gmail.com or 703-
Tisha B’Av Service...............9:00 a.m. 575-7879 with your particular interests.
Tisha B’Av Minha followed by
Ma’ariv.............................7:30 p.m. The Men’s Club Israel Pilgrimage Scholarship Program has awarded five
Fast Ends...............................8:52 p.m. scholarships this year for a broad range of Israel teen experiences. A total of 105
FRIDAY, AUGUST 16 of our teens have been recipients since the inception of the program over 30 years
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. ago. If you have a teen who is interested in a peer trip to Israel, the Israel
Candlelighting.......................7:44 p.m. Pilgrimage Fact Sheet for 2019 can be found on the Men’s Club page of the AAC
(Continued on page 3.) web site. Contact Mike Scheinberg at mike@schuschein.com or me if you have
any specific questions.


Kenneth Labowitz
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
This is my final contribution to these pages. My term as president of the Mincha..........45 minutes after services
Havdalah Time......................8:43 p.m.
Congregation concluded on June 30, with Meredith Ludwig succeeding me. I am
certain that Meredith will be a strong force as leader of the Congregation. FRIDAY, AUGUST 23
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m.
It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve as President. I have to admit that Candlelighting.......................7:34 p.m.
some days have been more pleasurable and a greater honor than others. I have SATURDAY, AUGUST 24
been surprised at the number and diversity of issues arising for a congregation of Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Mincha..........45 minutes after services
this size, and the frequency of such issues. Just about the time that one issue Havdalah Time......................8:32 p.m.
subsides (lightning striking a transformer in the back parking lot on erev Yom
Kippur, to name one), another one comes out of nowhere to occupy my time and Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m.
attention for a day, a week, or much longer. Candlelighting.......................7:20 p.m.
We are blessed with congregants who care deeply about this community. SATURDAY, AUGUST 31
There is enormous effort put forth by a great many volunteers who keep the Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Mincha..........45 minutes after services
building and the incredibly varied programs going for the benefit of us all. There Havdalah Time......................8:21 p.m.
is no way to describe all of the things that our members do for the community, or
to count the hours spent for no personal benefit, just as part of the commitment we DAILY MINYAN SCHEDULE
make that goes beyond paying dues. (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ABOVE.)

And to be sure, there is a challenge for us as a community– paid staff and Monday through Friday
Mornings................................7:30 a.m.
members– in managing what it is that we are doing within our collective means.
Sundays and Federal Holiday
The proposed budget, which may be adopted by the time you read this, includes Mornings............................... 9:00 a.m.
the addition of a program director as a full time employee. This is a big step for
Sunday through Thursday
us, taking on the financial burden of another staff member to fill a significant Evenings................................7:50 p.m.
need. We are committing ourselves to having sufficient funds to maintain a
professional in a crucial role in the ongoing programming for the Congregation,
to benefit as wide a range of members as possible.
I am confident of the future of this Congregation, as I am proud of its past for SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE
more than the last 100 years. Our rabbi and hazzan bring us the spiritual comfort
and support we require, and they are second to none in training our b’nai mitzvah The Social Action Committee
students. We have a terrific professional staff, available and eager to help our (SAC) has had three exciting years
members. The preschool is a joy and a jewel in a strong program lineup. And our exploring Racial Justice, Safe Spaces, and
executive director is bringing our facility up to date and beyond – truly, the place Welcoming Guests, and we are gearing
looks great, inside and out, and the “refreshing” of the sanctuary and other parts up for a year of Song and Service in 5780.
of the building will be a dynamic step forward. We owe a big Yasher Koach to Samara for
My term has been coincident with a series of attacks on religious facilities all she has done reinvigorating social action
across communities of faith. We have incorporated security concepts into our at Agudas.
budget and planning to an extent never seen before in our century as a community. As we move forward, we are
We are thinking and acting differently, because we have to do so, a very sad planning a visioning session the evening
reality. We are committed to the safety of our members and our building while of August 1, at 7:00 p.m. in the
maintaining a welcoming attitude, a tricky endeavor going forward but one we Founder's Gallery. We will be thinking
believe can be made to work. big picture about what we are passionate
Thank you for your support of me in the past two years, and for your about and want to make a difference
continuing help in making this the best Congregation it can be. doing. The goal is to set our group vision
for action over the next couple years and
HIGH HOLIDAY REFLECTION BOOK 5780 how we organize to make it happen. We
“KULAM AGUDAH ECHAD – BOUND TOGETHER AS ONE” welcome any new faces with the passion
DEADLINE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 and energy to make a difference in our
Send your entry as a Word document to hhdreflections@gmail.com for communities to help shape a positive
consideration. Contact Barry Nove (bnove@agudasachim-va.org) for sponsorship path for SAC's purpose and direction,
information. whether in a big or small way. I look
forward to serving with you.


FALL 2019 Barry Nove

Sunday, September 1 Welcome to summer. First I would like to thank everyone who participated in
▪ AAC’s Annual Congregational the Spring Appeal, and for helping us not only meet the Security Capital
Barbecue Matching, but exceed it. Once we raised the $18,000 matching goal, another
anonymous additional match was offered, helping us to raise more than $40,000.
Monday, September 2
▪ Labor Day - Office Closed This past month was a busy one. By the time this article goes to press we will
have replaced the roof over the lobby, offices, and Siegel Education Wing. We
Tuesday, September 3
have also done a major repair, covered by insurance. There was a tornado warning
▪ First day of Preschool
right before Memorial Day Weekend. The wind was so powerful it tore off a forty
Sunday, September 8 foot section of the protective and decorative steel wall above the Robert I. and
▪ First Day Religious School - Kate C. Lainof Auditorium roof, facing the rear parking lot. We brought in a
Kindergarten Only company which needed a crane to remove the damaged wall and are in the process
▪ Seventh grade Life Cycle Class of replacing it.
Additionally, we have been preparing for the Dora and Jacob C. Cohen
Wednesday, September 11 Sanctuary “refresh,” which began in July and should conclude no later than
▪ First Wednesday Religious School - August 30. The Cohen Sanctuary pews have been removed and stored in the
Grades 3-6 Lainof Auditorium. Once that’s done, new LED lighting will be added across the
Sunday, September 15 high ceiling. (Other lighting is planned in the long term plan.) Scaffolding has
▪ First Sunday Religious School - been rented and two towers erected for the work. The scaffolding will also be used
Grades K thru 6 for painting the high ceilings. Once that work is done, a new hearing loop will be
installed before the new carpeting is laid. Our plan calls for staining the wood
Sunday, September 29 steps to the Bima as well. During the month of September, we will be replacing
▪ Erev Rosh Hashanah the Hufcor partition between the Cohen Sanctuary and the Lainof Auditorium
Monday, September 30 with a new partition with only central doors.
▪ Rosh Hashanah Day 1
The Cohen Sanctuary “refresh” would not have been possible without major
Tuesday, October 1 donations, covering the cost of the following items in their entirety: the carpeting,
▪ Rosh Hashanah Day 2 pew removal and return, the new partition (by an anonymous major gift, which
Monday, October 7 will also underwrite new carpeting next summer throughout the rest of the
▪ Columbus Day - Office Closed building), the new hearing loop (The Spiro Fund and Dene and Mel Garbow), and
the painting of the Cohen Sanctuary and Lainof Auditorium (Cydney and Iver
Tuesday, October 8
Kasenetz). We are currently seeking funds for lighting, which will be installed in
▪ Erev Yom Kippur - Kol Nidre
about a week, if the schedule holds. We have a matching grant offer of 1:1 match
Wednesday, October 9 for up to $25,000, which should help us raise the remaining funds we need for the
▪ Yom Kippur installation later this month of the new lighting in the Cohen Sanctuary.
Sunday, October 13 During this renovation period the Cohen Sanctuary and Lainof Auditorium
▪ Help Build the Sukkah will be closed. The plan is to have services in the Flax Chapel. We will be using
▪ Erev Sukkot folding chairs to maximize the seating to its official capacity and will be having a
Monday, October 14 very light Kiddush in the lobby. Should we deem the space insufficient for our
▪ Sukkot Day 1 Shabbat morning needs, we have a back-up plan of moving services off-site.
Please watch for news regarding any change in this plan in your eNews. We will
Tuesday, October 15 also post the news on our website, etc.
▪ Sukkot Day 2
We have leased the Valley Drive house to three police officers who will have
Sunday, October 20 off-duty responsibilities to our community. We look forward to introducing them
▪ Erev Shemini Atzeret to our community and inviting them to our community events. This is just one
Monday, October 21 aspect of our increasing security posture.
▪ Shemini Atzeret Now that the dues rates have been set at the Congregational Meeting several days
▪ Erev Simchat Torah ago, we will be sending out July sample statements to the membership in a couple
of weeks. As we are now using ShulCloud, members will have the ability to login
Tuesday, October 22
and set-up recurring payments. Should anyone have any questions about their
▪ Simchat Torah
(Continued on page 12.)


Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey We have completed another suc-
cessful year of five programs during
2018-2019. We could not have done it
without our volunteers:
Each spring, I have the great privilege of attending the annual Cantors Doris Parker Sharyn Tureck
Assembly Convention where I sing, study, and spend time with my cantor friends Lynne Rosenblum Gayle Weiss
from all over. It is truly a blessing to be able to take part in these gatherings, and this The amazing Diana Weil ensured
year was no exception. Every other year, the convention is usually held in the city our food supply and shared her expert
where our incoming CA president resides. Hazzan David Lipp, our now newly advice. The ever-present Elmer Reyes
elected CA president, lives in Louisville, KY, so off to the land of famous horse and KB Mawunya-Yawson helped set
races, baseball bats and bourbon we went. If you have never been to Louisville, you up with appropriate audio-visual equip-
should go. I was impressed not only with the horses, bats, and bourbon, but with the ment. Finally, we thank our AAC Sis-
art galleries, the delicious food, and my favorite part – the people. Everyone – terhood, which financially supports this
EVERYONE – is so nice! Louisville is definitely one of the friendliest cities I have program.
ever visited.
Have a great summer. We look
The convention itself was also wonderful. I was on the planning committee for forward to your joining us in Septem-
the convention, so I sort of knew what to expect, but once something like this ber. See details about our September
becomes reality (as opposed to a Google doc) it takes on a life of its own. There program below. Please note next year’s
were so many things that I came away with from this year’s convention, I decided meeting dates:
to write a series of Bulletin articles.
September 10, 2019
Part I: Three Tracks (and no, not the kind at Churchill Downs) November 12, 2019
Each day of convention there were three tracks offered: Education, Pastoral, and January 14, 2020
New Music. The hardest part was deciding which session to attend. Two of the March 17, 2020
Education tracks were led by Dr. Rob Amchin, a world expert on the Orff- May 19, 2020
Schulwerk teaching method. As cantors, we spend the majority of our time Jane Bergen and Nancy Siegal
teaching, so I like to have as many tools as possible. The Orff method involves the Seniors Lunch and Learn Co-chairs
whole body. It incorporates music, storytelling, imagination and cooperation. I am
looking forward to using everything from the stories of Chelm to the latest AAC ACTIVE SENIORS PROGRAM
niggunim to new dances from YouTube combined with the creativity of the Agudas Tuesday, September 10 | 12:00 noon
Achim learners as I put together my lesson plans for this coming year. Lainof Auditorium
The following day, I went to the New Music session that focused on popular Join us as we welcome author Nich-
music. I was pleased to hear music from composers I have known for several years olas Reynolds who will discuss his New
now like Yoel Sykes, Joey Weisenberg, and Josh Warshawsky and from composers York Times bestseller, Writer, Sailor,
I have just recently been introduced to through programs I have done like Soldier, Spy which is about Ernest
Songleader Boot Camp, like Beth Hanon and Chava Mirel. I can’t wait to Hemingway’s political adventures. Dr.
incorporate some of these songs into our Shabbat services, Religious School Kol Reynolds will unveil the untold story of
Zimra sing-a-longs, Sisterhood Ensemble repertoire, and Ein Lanu Z’man concerts. Nobel Prize-winning novelist Ernest
Hemingway’s secret life as a spy for
The third day, I was hoping to get some Pastoral guidance, but unfortunately,
both the Americans and the Soviets
Rabbi Diane Tracht who was scheduled to present on best practices for worst case
before and during World War II. Paper-
scenarios, was sick, so she was unable to join us. Instead, I took a class from
back copies of the book will be sold and
animation artist Yehuda Husband on how to use animation to teach Torah. For
autographed by the author.
someone who struggles just to draw a stick figure, I was not sure what I could glean
from the session, but I was surprised to find that the Mr. Husband inspired me to Reservations are required. Contact
think of other creative ways to teach torah – perhaps through stop-animation, which Jane Bergen (703-861-6419
really just involves taking pictures (I can do that). janebergen@verizon.net) or
Nancy Siegal (703-671-0957
In the coming months, I will continue to share the many other things I was able
nsiegal@comcast.net) no later than
to take away from this convention, not the least of which is a great sense of
Thursday, August 29 and indicate if
community and respect that was ever-present the entire time I was in Louisville. Lu
you have any food allergies.
Yehi B’Louisville – Let it Be in Louisville!
Suggested donation of $5/person is


Programming and community
focused on families with For the second year in a row,
children ages 0-5. Agudas Achim Congregation USY
ONGOING EVENTS (AAC-USY) was recognized at the
Seaboard Region Spring Convention.
Gan Shabbat AAC-USY received the following
Saturdays 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon recognitions:
Volunteer-led service for kids ages
0-5, accompanied by an adult. Looking ● Chapter of Excellence
for volunteers to lead – no experience ● Highest Donation per Capita - Our
necessary. Tikkun Olam donation of $625
raised through our Election Day
Oh Say Shalom Sing-a-Long and Bake Sale and hamentashen sales.
Playgroup ● Best Social Media; AAC-USY Instagram @agudasachimusy
Sunday, August 4 | 11:00 a.m.
Flax Family Chapel Lastly, I’d also like to recognize our Chapter President Avi Scheinberg, who
Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey leads ran for the office of Regional Religion/Education Vice President. Although he did
songs for the first half-hour with free not win, he gave a tremendous effort and a great speech and we are all super proud
play after. No Jewish knowledge or of him.
experience necessary. Each child requires Save the date for Seaboard USY Encampment/Kamp Kadima on August
an accompanying grown-up. 19-25 at Capital Camps. It's open to grades 6-12 and registration is now open at:
http://regpacks.com/seaboard1920 - hope to see you there!
Shababy Kabbalat Shabbat
Friday, August 16 | 5:30 p.m.
Flax Family Chapel AVODAH 2019
Friday night service for kids 0-5 and BY LEIB KAMINSKY
parents with songs, instruments, scarves, On May 22, 2019, Tobias Dienstfrey,
dancing, parachutes, challah and juice. If Nancy Siegal, Ira Goldberg, Joan Hartman
you are interested in volunteering to lead, Moore (whose cousin is in Avodah) and
sign up on the Young Families page of the Leib Kaminsky (who is on the Avodah
AAC website. Advisory Council) represented Agudas
CONNECT WITH YOUNG Achim at the Avodah DC 2019 Partners in
FAMILIES Justice celebration. The event celebrated
individuals who supported organizations
  Find  us  on  the  Facebook,  ‟Agudas
where Jewish values and social justice in-
Achim Young Families” Group, to keep
tersect. Honorees included Ed Lazere from
track of what is going on and receive the
the Fiscal Policy Institute, Rabbi Lauren
latest updates! For more information or to
Holzblatt and Rabbi Aaron Alexander of Adas Israel, and former Avodahnik
get involved contact
Jenna Gold who is now with GE Renewable Energies.
Since 1998, Avodah has provided young Jewish adults with the knowledge,
Hannah Kraushaar, Jennifer Munz,
community, and support they need to make the United States a more just place.
Mackenzie Silverman
Since 2002, The Avodah DC Service Corps members have strengthened more
than 52 local social justice organizations such as N Street Village, HIAS, So
Others May Eat, Pathways to Housing, and dozens more. Avodah DC Service
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Corps members are having an extraordinary impact on the most vulnerable people
A warm welcome to our newest by providing job readiness skills, ensuring that local immigrants have legal
members: representation, addressing food insecurity and more. This year alone Avodah
Corps Members will provide 16,000 clients with critical services.
Benjamin & Natalie Kraut
Aaron & Cynthia Arnfeld Twenty-four DC Avodah members (all recent college graduates) live in 2
Alyse Radenovic “bayits” in DC and work for a year with a local service program. Zach Tal, Joan’s
Halden Chairnoff & cousin, is currently working with Teens Run DC and appears with Agudas
Jessica Toplin-Chairnoff members in the photo. For more information about Avodah, feel free to contact
Leah Laifsky Leib Kaminsky, or to see a list of members and sites, please visit:



Cheesecake and Chat: About 35 women gathered at the home of Rachel Goldberg for an end of year Shavuot party. The
participants were treated to an interactive learning session with AAC Director of Education Chaya Silver. The women noshed
on cheesecake, chocolates, summer fruit, wine and other culinary delights. Many thanks to Rachel for opening up her
beautiful home to us, providing bowls and platters and rolling up her sleeves to help us prepare. Yasher koach to Chaya Silver
for an engaging and thought provoking discussion. Appreciation goes to Susan Auerhan, Lenore Garon and Lynne
Rosenblum for food purchase, set up and break down.
Mother’s Day Wildflower Hike: Torrential downpours pushed this day trip to later in the
week where hikers were finally greeted with brilliant sunshine and splendid spring temperatures.
The adventure began at a charming coffee shop at the foothills of Shenandoah National Park
before the group set out on a five hour trek. The troop negotiated a swollen creek crossing and
came to a stop at President Herbert Hoover’s mountain retreat. Before heading home, the hikers
watched the sunset over dinner from a high perch on the outdoor terrace of the rustic lodge.
Pamela Nadell: Sisterhood provided a taste of an upcoming program. We joined Women’s
League for a live video appearance of Dr. Pamela Nadell, who delivered a fascinating
presentation on Jewish women in America. Dr. Nadell is the author of the critically acclaimed
“America’s Jewish Women: A History from Colonial Times to Today." Sisterhood is pleased to
announce that Dr. Nadell will be a featured speaker at a 2019-20 Sunday brunch.
"There’s no business like show business”: April brought us a trip to Signature Theater in
Shirlington. Around 25 Sisterhood participants filled the orchestra seats for Grand Hotel, peeking into the lives of the rich
and famous in this lush and sweeping musical. Sisterhood will bring you another group theater outing in the coming year.
Thank you to Gloria Canter for coordinating the event.

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We are busy assembling an exciting roster of dynamic speakers, paid up membership gathering, and our signature event
of Sisterhood Shabbat, newly expanded to a weekend of programming beginning with Shabbat dinner and headlining
Women’s League international president Margie Miller.
Agudas Achim is entering into the twentieth year of Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey’s time with the congregation. Hazzan
Diesntfrey is also the musical director of the Sisterhood choir. Sisterhood is proud to host this ensemble and deeply honored
to have such incomparable talent lead the group. In honor of Elisheva’s twentieth anniversary, Sisterhood Ensemble will sing
at services and perform at multiple venues throughout the coming year.
Don’t miss any of Sisterhood’s exciting news and happenings! Send an email to Judith Fogel at
judith.fogel.007@gmail.com and you will be added to Sisterhood’s e-newsletter. And don’t miss Sisterhood’s Facebook
updates. Join the group! Agudas Achim Sisterhood of VA.
We are not raising rates! Sisterhood membership dues remains at $36.00. First-year members of Agudas Achim join for
free! Look for registration information in your High Holiday packet this summer. Most events require no additional charge
but donations are always welcome to enable us to continue providing you an amazing lineup of speakers and events.

We mourn the loss of our longtime member In Memory of Milton Tulkoff
Mary Stansbury
In appreciation for Meredith Ludwig's facilitating of Sulam for Purposeful Living
May the Almighty comfort the bereaved mourners.
Ira Forstater & Robin Fradkin
In memory of Sylvia Cohen, Marcia Lawson's Mom
SINCERE CONDOLENCES TO: Allan & Marcia Lazarus
Marci Greenberger and family ENDOWMENT FUND
on the death of her grandmother, Josephine Greenberger z”l. In appreciation of Meredith for hosting a share a Shabbat dinner
Erwin Bondareff and family Sam Ozeck
On the death of his sister Bette Marcus z”l. In honor of the Kasoff Twins high school graduation
Meryl and Joel Goldhammer ESFORMES FUND
On the birth of their granddaughter, Emma Bella Kreinbihl. In Memory of Albert Esformes
Valerie and Sam Kleinrock Jack Esformes
On the birth of their daughter, Abigail Galit Kleinrock. HAZZAN'S DISCRETIONARY FUND
Sarah Blumberg In Memory of Pearl Solomon
On the birth of her niece, Kaitlyn Rose Leffin. Joel Solomon
Sherri and Howard Kohr In Memory of Levia Kwerel
On the birth of their grandson, Charles Randall Kohr. Evan Kwerel & Linda Feldman
Arnold and Sharon Rosenblatt In Memory of Sol Myerson
On the birth of their granddaughter, Hinda Devorah Rosenblatt. Sandy & Larry Wiener
Barbara and Andy Effron In memory of Hannah Levine
On the birth of their granddaughter, Avery Maya Effron. Michael & Mina Jo Linver
BUILDING FUND In memory of George Axelred
In Memory of Karen Klestzick Michael & Mina Jo Linver
Barbara Klestzick In appreciation of Hazzan Dienstfrey's help preparing to read torah
In Memory of Nora Klestzick Arden Levy & Anthony Sanchez
Barbara Klestzick In memory of Hannah Levine
In Memory of Meyer Klestzick Michael & Mina Jo Linver
Barbara Klestzick In memory of George Axelred
CEMETERY FUND Michael & Mina Jo Linver
Sara Lee Siegel In Memory of Henry Krevor
In memory of Max Rothleder Carol Meiselman
Hilda Froelke Wishing for a speedy recovery to Rafael Lopez
In memory of Frances Barth Carol & Sam Backman
Hirsch Barth In Memory of Alice Quint
In memory of Milton Tulkoff Gloria Canter
Janet Barnett In Memory of Marcia Lawson's mom
Jerome & Bernice Chapman Carol & Sam Backman
In memory of Philip Bass In Honor of June Krevor's 90th Birthday
Mollie Abraham Juli Cooper
(Continued on page 9.)


(Continued from page 9.) RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND
In memory of Alice Quint
In Honor of Cydney and Iver Kasenetz's special anniversary In appreciation to the Rabbi for his kindness
Judy & Vic Tynes Patricia Franklin
In Honor of June Krevor's 90th Birthday In Memory of Morris A. Baker
Alan and Sharon Weinstein Paula and Frank Walter
In memory of my husband Henry Krevor on his Yartzeit In Memory of Sarah Pinhesik, my Grandmother
June Krevor Illa Brown
In memory of Dianne's grandfather, Hyment Blecher In Memory of Sylvia Zelda Sogin Cohen
Ronald & Dianne Spector Sherri and Howard Kohr
In honor of Anita Turk’s birthday In Memory of Benedicta Amege
Andrea Flax Sherri and Howard Kohr
Donald & Lynne Sandler In Memory of Lillian Raiten
George & Caryl Bernstein Sharyn and Jeff Tureck
Gloria Canter In Memory of Milton Tulkoff
John Chesley Iver & Sydney Kasenetz
Kenneth Labowitz & Patti Rounsevell In Memory of Dolly Helman
Lester & Joan Edelman Gerald Helman
Lester & Susan Ravitz In Honor of Edith Kaufman - Happy Mother's Day with love
Lisa Shimberg Ruth Kaufman, Judy Short & David & Nancy Kaufman
Rafael & Mirza Lopez In appreciation for Rabbi Rein's facilitating of Sulam for Purposeful Living
Rhoda and Jack Berson Ira Forstater & Robin Fradkin
Robert & Gayle Weiss With Gratitude to Rabbi Rein for Rachel's bat mitzvah
Ronnie Ginsberg James & Elizabeth Robbins
Roz & Izzy Shever In appreciation for Edison's conversion
Sherri and Howard Kohr Lauren Ward
Sonya Singer Livingston Praise God for mom's miraculous recovery
KIDDISH FUND Michael & Deborah Turk
In Memory of Kurt Kohr In memory of Milton Tulkoff
Sherri and Howard Kohr Andrew & Barbara Effron
MUSIC FUND In honor of Benedicta Ameegee, mother-in-law of KB (Lawrence Yawson)
In Memory of Marilyn Davis and mother of Kate Rushing
Irene Light Gloria Canter
In Honor of Don Melman Agudas Achim Sisterhood
Sonya Singer Livingston Allen Forman & Marion Wachtel
In Memory of Milton Tulkoff, beloved husband of Rosalie Ari & Melissa Siskind
Judy & Vic Tynes Bernard & Veda Engel
With gratitude to Hazzan Dienstfrey for Rachel's bat mitzvah Beth & Jim Robbins
James & Elizabeth Robbins David Milewich & Tamara Gelboin
In memory of Larry Shuman David Weingart & Katherine Allen
Edward & Rhonda Friedler Donald & Marilee Perkal
In memory of Alice Quint Doris Parker
Edward & Rhonda Friedler Harvey Stoler
In memory of Sylvia Cohen Janet Potash
Edward & Rhonda Friedler Lester & Jane Bergen
In memory of Max Rothleder Lester & Susan Ravitz
Hilda Froelke Lisa Shimberg
In memory of Pearle Rosenbloom Michael & Andrea Davis
Michael & Mina Jo Linver Miriam Perlberg
In Memory of Marilyn Davis Patricia Franklin
Gloria Canter Phillip & Margot Carter
In Honor of Dr. Iver Kasenetz's special birthday Rebecca & Jim Halloran
Judy & Vic Tynes Robert & Maureen Shapiro
PRESCHOOL FUND Shai & Allison Korman
Wishing Rafael Lopez a speedy recovery Marya & Ben Runkle
Maureen and Bob Shapiro Scott & Felicia Littky
In Honor of Emma Bella Kreinbihl, granddauther of Meryl and Joel Goldhammer Simon & Vicki Fishman
Judy & Vic Tynes Sonya Singer Livingston
In Honor of Charles Randall Kohr, grandson of Sherri and Howard Kohr Rae & Morris
Judy & Vic Tynes Stanley & Rhoda Sulak
PRESCHOOL FUND "You're in our thoughts and prayers" from Frank
With gratitude to Rabbi Moline for his wonderful sermon during Rachel's Victor & Judith Tynes
bat mitzvah Rachael Fried & Marc Wilson
James & Elizabeth Robbins
In memory of Larry Shuman
Amin Mourad & Ellen Whitten (Continued on page 10.)


IN THE FAMILY In Memory of Ruth Kraushaar
Gordon and Myra Gondos
(Continued from page 9.)
In Memory of Alice Quint
RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Jonathan & Ruth Ruskin
In Honor of Chaya Silver for her assistance Robert & Barbara Lavine
Janet Barnett In Condolences from Stacey, Julia and Howard
In memory of Marci Greenberger’s beloved Grandmother Howard Gobstein
Lester & Susan Ravitz In Memory of Milton Tulkoff
In Honor of Elizabeth Margosches and Donald Melman Mildred Gutterman
Nancy Siegal Hanna Gutterman
In Honor of Elizabeth Margosches Fort Ward Walkers
Sonya Singer Livingston In honor of beloved daughter Ilene Carson
In Memory of Rose Gerstein Helene Schrott
Linda, Dale and Michelle Otterness In honor of beloved father Elias Weinstein
In Honor of Phillip Schonberger's Birthday In honor of Larry Shuman
Farideh and Phillip Schonberger Melvin & Elaine Stokols
In Honor of Iver Kasenetz Special Birthday Robert & Barbara Lavine
Farideh and Phillip Schonberger Gordon and Myra Gondos
In Memory of my father, Abraham Hatami In honor of Sylvia Zelda Sogin Cohen, mother of Marcia Lawson
Farideh and Phillip Schonberger Robert & Barbara Lavine
In Memory of Beloved Father, Joseph Schonberger Andrew & Barbara Effron
Farideh and Phillip Schonberger Ronald & Dianne Spector
In Memory of Beloved Uncle, Alvin Schonberger Nancy Siegal
Farideh and Phillip Schonberger In honor of Seymour Katzer
In Memory of Alice Quint Robert Scher & Ellen Katzer
Farideh and Phillip Schonberger In honor of Pearl Chaikin’s yahizeit
Adam Hirschfeld Rose Grossman
In Memory of Dr. Larry Shuman In honor of Edward Finn
Farideh and Phillip Schonberger Russell & Carolyn Finn
In honor of the birth of our granddaughter Stanley & Rhoda Sulak
With gratitude to tutor Mike Scheinberg for Rachel's bat mitzvah In Honor of Pesah Aliyah
James & Elizabeth Robbins Neale Ainsfield
SPIRO ADULT EDUCATION FUND In honor of Abigail Altenburg’s Bat Mitzvah
In Memory of Lawrence Shuman Gwen Stokols
Joan and Lester Edelman In honor of Ken Labowitz's service as President of the congregation
Get Well to Anita Turk Gwen Stokols
Joan and Lester Edelman Happy birthday dear Anita
In Memory of Marilyn Davis Lester & Susan Ravitz
Joan and Lester Edelman In honor of Anita Turk - Happy birthday wishes on your very special
In memory of Marcia Lawson's Mother birthday. With all our love.
Lester & Joan Edelman Michael & Deborah Turk
SYNAGOGUE FUND In honor of Anita Turk's birthday
In Memory of Leo Helman Robert & Maureen Shapiro
Gerald Helman Sonya Singer Livingston
In Memory of David Schrott Wishing a speedy recovery to Anita Turk
Helene Schrott Victor & Judith Tynes
In Memory of Marilyn Davis In honor of Nathan L. Silberberg
Seaport Properties Howard & Lois Silberberg
With gratitude to Executive Director Barry Nove for Rachel's Bat mitzvah YOUTH ENRICHMENT SCHOLARSHIP
James & Elizabeth Robbins With gratitude to Education Director Chaya Silver for Rachel's bat mitzvah
In honor of Philip and Szeina Lurie James & Elizabeth Robbins
Joshua & Dara Greene
In honor of Anita Turk
In honor of our bar mitzvah anniversary Aliyah
Neale & Donna Ainsfield Funds generated from sales help underwrite all that
In honor of Jack Chesley Sisterhood does for our Congregation and the community.
Robert & Barbara Lavine
SYNAGOGUE FUND Open by appointment during the summer.
In Memory of Sarah Marcus Michelle Shwimer (202-288-9856)
Ellen Marcus mshwimer19@gmail.com;
In Honor of Jack Weil
Diana Weil
Susan Ravitz (703-489-5068)
In Memory of Joseph Mogel sravitz@comcast.net
Russell and Carolyn Finn
by Carol Backman

extent possible in every congregation we belonged to,”

Meredith notes.
Her father, Sol, taught Jewish history and organized
plays for the students in the religious school and was active
in the men’s club. Her mother, Muriel, learned Hebrew and
taught it to very young students. Muriel held many roles as
a member of Jewish congregations, which were
opportunities to demonstrate her knowledge, generosity and
passion. “I have two very strong models of being involved
in Jewish life,” Meredith adds.
Living in North Carolina, Meredith belonged to a very
small synagogue. To add to her Jewish experience, she
attended camps in North Carolina and in Barryville, New
York, the location of her favorite camp, Camp Tel Yehuda.
“Tel Yehuda had a full range of activities and opportunities
(arts, crafts, swimming, hiking, services) to learn about
Meredith Ludwig officially became the president of
Judaism and Israel. It was an exciting place to talk about
Agudas Achim Congregation on July 1, 2019. She has served
being Jewish and practice traditions and rituals without
two years as Senior Vice President and three years
being heavy-handed,” says Meredith.
previously as Vice President of the Preschool. Meredith says
her main goals for the congregation are related to the Meredith attended the University of North Carolina at
objectives identified in the Strategic Plan improving Greensboro (UNC-G) where she majored in French and
coherence across synagogue programs to meet the needs of minored in art history. She spent her junior year abroad in
all members, continuing the progress towards managing Paris taking classes at the Sorbonne and in other locations
congregation resources, supporting the work of committees, in a program hosted by Sweet Briar College in Virginia. Her
and growing opportunities for leadership. husband, Howard Siegel, was a friend of her sophomore
roommate at UNC-G, and they met when he came to visit
Meredith has a friendly and easy-going personality and
UNC-G. “Next year (2020) we will celebrate our fiftieth
is comfortable with synagogue process and organization,
wedding anniversary,” she proudly explains.
things she learned from volunteering at Temple Micah as a
building committee member, and from her parents’ example After graduating the same year (1970) Meredith and
while she was growing up. She is out-going, enjoys talking Howard moved to Richmond, Virginia and then Charlotte,
to people, and is eager to help. Meredith holds an Ed.D. in North Carolina. After serving in the Army reserves,
education analysis and her experience evaluating P-12 Howard started a job in a CPA firm and Meredith began
programs is helpful in planning, implementing and assessing taking courses for a master’s in education, later continuing
programs. her studies at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts.
In the late 1970’s, Howard and Meredith moved back to
As Vice President, Meredith served as part of a steering
Richmond, where Meredith finished work towards her
committee that worked with a facilitator from the United
doctorate and worked with a group of educators developing
Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ) to develop a
a public school program for gifted students.
vision for the future of Agudas Achim. “I want to see if we
can accomplish some of the objectives that our congregation Meredith and Howard settled in Alexandria in 1980.
indicated were important to them,” says Meredith. Howard worked at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
and then at the Navy League of the United States. Meredith
Meredith was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts and
continued to work on projects including teacher
later moved to Waterbury, Connecticut, as her father’s work
development, education evaluation, and arts integration,
in textile manufacturing changed. The family moved again
moving from a small consulting firm, to the American
to Statesville, North Carolina, a small town near Charlotte,
Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)
where she lived during middle and high school years and
and finally to the American Institutes for Research (AIR).
where her parents remained during her years in college.
Wherever they lived, her parents became involved with the Meredith and Howard joined Agudas Achim in the early
local synagogue. “My parents were involved to the greatest 1990’s. “We wanted to belong to a Conservative synagogue
(Continued on page 12.)


EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE (Continued from page 11.)
(Continued from page 4.) where we were comfortable and there was a fair amount of Hebrew in the service.
We liked what Rabbi Moline brought to the services, and we wanted our daughter,
statement, please contact me at the
Sasha, to have a Bat Mitzvah,” Meredith says.
synagogue office.
When our parents visited they felt very comfortable. “My mother, who is no
I would like to conclude by
longer with us, visited often and was here when the Flax Family Chapel was
thanking Marya Runkle, who will be
re-consecrated after the renovation. Her picture with congregants is in the Flax
leaving her position as Marketing and
Family Chapel now. That gives me a happy memory each time I am in there,”
Communication Coordinator, in
Meredith recalls. She also remembers Sasha’s Bat Mitzvah which was held
particular, on July 31 to pursue a Ph.D.
between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. “Both grandmothers were here and each
As editor of the Bulletin and editor of
participated in the great celebration,” adds Meredith.
the weekly eNews Marya worked long
and hard to keep the congregation Howard and Meredith like to travel, but they don’t travel overseas every year.
informed. She launched the current They love Italy and France, and in 2018 they celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of
synagogue website about two years ago, her junior year abroad by visiting France and Spain. “In December we went on the
which will be changing its look as we synagogue trip to Israel, the fiftieth anniversary of my first time, with our
conclude our transition to ShulCloud. daughter, Sasha, who has been on a Birthright trip. The highpoint was the visit to
our Shlicha Miri’s kibbutz where we felt awed by being in the kibbutz where she
Thank you and have a wonderful
lives,” notes Meredith.
Meredith’s free time activities include movies, watching mysteries on
PBS and BBC America, shopping and reading about fashion and crafts, reading
collections of short stories, and baking. She is trying to learn how to crochet.
During the next two years of her leadership, Meredith says she hopes to be a
good listener and help solve problems together with our talented membership. She
believes that Board members, as do leaders in schools or other organizations,
should be the “head learners.” “We have to model behaviors representing our
vision to encourage others to interact in that way,” comments Meredith.


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JULY 1, 2019 28 SIVAN 5779 JULY 11, 2019 8 TAMMUZ 5779 JULY 22, 2019 19 TAMMUZ 5779
* Hyman Goldfein * Max Katz * Philip Shalloway
* Harris Stone Irene Arsenault Marshall Effron
Nathan Landman JULY 12, 2019 9 TAMMUZ 5779 * Mary Mogel
Anne Kall Rosenblatt Hyman Schwartz Leiah Fogel
* Laura Kimmel Jennie Weinkrantz * Rose Kirschbaum
Shirley Dwass Harry Schneider * Marvin Gordon
Kevin Luebke Herbert Limmer Leon Siegelbaum
* Menachem Naphtali Samuel Servianski JULY 23, 2019 20 TAMMUZ 5779
JULY 2, 2019 29 SIVAN 5779 Dorothy Robin * Ann Blassberg
* Benjamin Shanker JULY 13, 2019 10 TAMMUZ 5779 * Geri Feinstein
* Mary Witkin Stephan Barber Rose Isaacs
Herbert Bashkin * Samuel Shulman Harry Gasson
* Linda Lowry Libby Chapman Max Mankofsky
Mildred Goldberg Edward Frank Margaret Marcus
* Arthur Lehrman * Rena Siegel Janice Spiro
Arnold Moore Morris Frank * Sam Goodfarb
Elaine Wigutow JULY 14, 2019 11 TAMMUZ 5779 JULY 25, 2019 22 TAMMUZ 5779
JULY 3, 2019 30 SIVAN 5779 * Edward Berkes * Hene Apple
* Louis Yuter * Bernard Richfield Samuel Gordon
* Jocelyn Pearl Elaine Berson Shirley Flax
* Joseph Flax Rubin Berson * Mollie Koffler
* Ann Alexander Semmie Jacobs Sheldon Gross
Marvin Greenberg Marion Klutch Bruce Zuckerman
* Edith Ziskind * Nancy Schifrin
JULY 26, 2019 23 TAMMUZ 5779
JULY 4, 2019 1 TAMMUZ 5779 Joseph Ruskin
* Paul Kafka
Joseph Goldberg JULY 15, 2019 12 TAMMUZ 5779 Ruth Brown
Gerald Brodsky Alfred Quint Herold Hofheimer
Lee Halpern Elizabeth Zucker Anne Kesner
Betty Graboyes Sarah Zucker
Michael Perlman JULY 16, 2019 13 TAMMUZ 5779 JULY 27, 2019 24 TAMMUZ 5779
Hyman Potts Yetta Forman * Regina Fagelson
JULY 5, 2019 2 TAMMUZ 5779 Erika Blumenstein * Brache Lieberman
* Rachel Cohen * Celia Goldberg * Samuel Sheinoff
* Dora Loeb JULY 17, 2019 14 TAMMUZ 5779
* Iris Zirinsky
* Max Rumshin Thomas Mulaney * Harvey Kroudvird
Walter Angethal Joseph Krochak JULY 28, 2019 25 TAMMUZ 5779
Nora Klestzick Shayna Myers * Elek Edelman
* May Zalkind * Mildred Sugarman Vera Lubotsky
* Pearl Weiner * Shari Weinberger Elsie Vavithes
* Dora Freeman Dorothy Kappel
JULY 18, 2019 15 TAMMUZ 5779
JULY 6, 2019 3 TAMMUZ 5779 Bernard Cohen JULY 29, 2019 26 TAMMUZ 5779
Fred Buns * Henrietta Frank * Sylvia Solotar
JULY 7, 2019 4 TAMMUZ 5779 * Sidney Kline Adele Salad
* Pearl Poretz * Ann Meyer JULY 30, 2019 27 TAMMUZ 5779
Oscar Novak * Solomon Cohen * Sonia Asnes
Pauline Schwartz Samuel Novak * Celia Elovitz
Nancy Horsefield * Miriam Schonberger * Jacob Siegel
JULY 8, 2019 5 TAMMUZ 5779 Jonathan Silber Nancy Appel
* Rudolph Kerbel Esther Eisenberg Ann Young
* Chave Weiner JULY 19, 2019 16 TAMMUZ 5779 JULY 31, 2019 28 TAMMUZ 5779
Doris White * Harry Schiff * Regina Swartz
Marcia Stein JULY 20, 2019 17 TAMMUZ 5779 Dudley Cooper
JULY 9, 2019 6 TAMMUZ 5779 * Barbara Borden * Rose Kasenetz
Rae Goldenberg * Marilyn Greenfeld Meyer Dwass
* Jacob Mendelson Seymour Perlman Karl Margosches
* Beatrice Weinberg Jay Cohen
JULY 10, 2019 7 TAMMUZ 5779 * Edward Palder
* Eva Levinson Barbara Scherr Trenk
* Jerome Salkin * Ethel Joseph
Irma Glass JULY 21, 2019 18 TAMMUZ 5779
* Leon Sherter * Maite Mendelson
Max Biss Ofelia Rubin
* A memorial light will be lit in the synagogue for those names marked with an asterisk.


AUGUST 1, 2019 29 TAMMUZ 5779 AUGUST 13, 2019 12 AV 5779 AUGUST 22, 2019 21 AV 5779
* Joseph Swartz Else Adler * Jess Wayne
* Morton Ruben Sarah Goldberg Charles Gross
Charles Levitin Mildred Elmer AUGUST 23, 2019 22 AV 5779
Joseph Tolces Celia Green * Albert Edelstein
AUGUST 2, 2019 1 AV 5779 Nancy Planchard * Minerva Homes
Sam Wolf AUGUST 14, 2019 13 AV 5779 * Sol Pollock
Milton Leekoff * Abraham Buns * Morris Wolf
* Reuben Newberger * William Greene * Susan Goldhammer
* Eva Turk Sam Kesner * Raymond Stokols
AUGUST 3, 2019 2 AV 5779 AUGUST 15, 2019 14 AV 5779 AUGUST 24, 2019 23 AV 5779
Natalie Labowitz * Erwin Schiff * Robert Shotts
AUGUST 4, 2019 3 AV 5779 Sophie Zwirn Adam Kreiger
* Charles Sklarewitz Etan Savir ernard Graboyes
Bobbye Goldstein Samuel Becker Carl LeVine
Ozzie Issner Max Meritz Zelda Scherb
Bessie Siegel AUGUST 16, 2019 15 AV 5779 Ronald Sher
AUGUST 5, 2019 4 AV 5779 * Louis Chester * Helene Goodfarb
* Hiram Levin Bernard Rotklein AUGUST 25, 2019 24 AV 5779
Marc Loble AUGUST 17, 2019 16 AV 5779 Susan Goldberg
Naum Neishtadt * Zelda Cohen Hermine Markovitz
Bobbie Fliflet * Morris Loeb AUGUST 26, 2019 25 AV 5779
Herbert Garon * Harold Bernanke * Michael Amorky
Isadore Lieberman Joan Millen Irvin Shapiro
Solomon Udeleff * Hyman Glass Sidney Gaffen
AUGUST 6, 2019 5 AV 5779 Hyman Glasser Barbara Margolius
* Sarah Chosch * Nancy Kamerow AUGUST 27, 2019 26 AV 5779
* Isidore Mintz Morris Robin * Yehuda Stein
Roswell Franklin Rhoda Shralow * Anna Fagelson
Jacob Moore Jacob Finkelstein
AUGUST 28, 2019 27 AV 5779
Usher Wengrovitz AUGUST 18, 2019 17 AV 5779 Julian Lazrus
AUGUST 7, 2019 6 AV 5779 Frieda Lukaczar Milton Finegold
* Fannie Cohen Maher Passamaneck Louis Singer
Milton Kodish
AUGUST 8, 2019 7 AV 5779 AUGUST 29, 2019 28 AV 5779
Harry Gilman
* Rebecca Rosen * Rebecca Glass
Jean Ruben
Sarah Page Bettie Switzer
* Richel Serody
Molly Mushkatel Alene Groll
* Bessie Rapoport
Tim Devine Esther Gumnit
Etta Garon AUGUST 19, 2019 18 AV 5779 * Herbert Wolff
Pauline Lewis * Philip Bernanke
AUGUST 30, 2019 29 AV 5779
Ray Etta Rosenbloom Norma Roth
* Frida Schiff
* Joni Finegold * Eileen Wayne
Gary Frank
Elissa Scheinberg AUGUST 20, 2019 19 AV 5779 * Elizabeth Ceisler
Ralph Herman * Bea Goldhirsch Max Kwaselow
AUGUST 9, 2019 8 AV 5779 Emily Hersson James Eicher
* Shirley Pollock * Bernard Korach Anna Levitan
* Tzipe Shapiro Robert Evans Gary Frank
* Bonnie Sidransky Leon Rosenberg
AUGUST 31, 2019 30 AV 5779
* Edward Woolf Bernard Chapnick
* George Kaslow
Gabriel Goldstein AUGUST 21, 2019 20 AV 5779 * Bessie Friedman
Eugene Perry * Ethel Berg Libbie Garbow
AUGUST 10, 2019 9 AV 5779 Berta Kranz Rose Herskovitz
Bernard Stier Eve Hartman June Levine
Herbert Elkin * Harry Schonberger Donald Miller
* Milton Siegel AUGUST 22, 2019 21 AV 5779 Saul Rosoff
AUGUST 11, 2019 10 AV 5779 * Bores Asnes Roselin Brindell
Stanley Kamerow * Bernard Sinberg
Al Brin
AUGUST 12, 2019 11 AV 5779
Judy Hailpern
* Samuel Berg
* Nathan Pitkin
* Isadore Roskin
* Ron Pitkin
Bernice Friedler

* A memorial light will be lit in the synagogue for those names marked with an asterisk.


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Agudas Achim Congregation WHAT’S INSIDE . . .
2908 Valley Drive
ANNUAL BARBECUE.........................page 1
Alexandria, VA 22302 GRAND SLAM SUNDAY.....................page 1
Phone: 703-998-6460 Fax: 703-998-5843 RABBI’S MESSAGE...........................page 2
The Bulletin is published monthly - ISSN1084-9858 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES..................page 2
MEN’S CLUB MENSCHENINGS...........page 2
Rabbi ...….................................................................….………Steven I. Rein PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE...................page 3
Hazzan..........................................................................Elisheva R. Dienstfrey SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE............page 3
Rabbi Emeritus...............................................................................Jack Moline EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE...page 4
Executive Director.....................................................................….Barry Nove MARK YOUR CALENDAR..................page 4
Youth/Education Director...........….……….................................Chaya Silver SENIOR LUNCH AND LEARN.............page 5
Preschool Director……............................................................….Jen Halpern DEAR HAZZAN.................................page 5
Shlicha.………………………………………………………Miri Bernovsky YOUNG FAMILIES.............................page 6
President……..……………………………………………Meredith Ludwig AVODAH..........................................page 6
Sisterhood Co-Presidents..............................Lenore Garon and Susan Auerhan USY AT AAC..................................page 6
Men’s Club President..........................…..………………………Elliot Parkin SISTERHOOD DOINGS.......................page 7
Communication Specialist.....………………….………………Marya Runkle IN THE FAMILY.................................page 8
Email: synagogue@agudasachim-va.org Twitter: @agudasachim PROFILES OF OUR LEADERS...........page 11
Web: www.agudasachim-va.org Facebook: facebook.com/agudasachim JUDAICA SHOP..............................page 12
IN MEMORIAM................................page 13

Fridays, 9:00 a.m...........................................................Talmud Study Class

Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. ....................................................Parashat Ha’Shavua
Saturdays, 11:00 a.m.................................................................Gan Shabbat


Thursday, August 1................................Social Action Envisioning Session
Sunday, August 4................................................Oh Say Shalom Playgroup
Saturday, August 10.......................................Tisha B’Av Reading of Eicha
Friday, August 16...............................................Shababy Kabbalat Shabbat
Sunday, September 1...............................Annual Congregational Barbecue

Time Value
Alexandria, VA
Permit No. 263 Address Service Requested
U.S. Postage Alexandria, VA 22302
Non-Profit Org. 2908 Valley Drive
Agudas Achim Congregation

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