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December 1, 1999 / Vol. 24, No.


High-energy pulse compression by use of negative phase shifts

produced by the cascade x (2):x (2) nonlinearity
Xiang Liu, Liejia Qian, and Frank Wise
Department of Applied Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853

Received July 16, 1999

We report a simple optical pulse-compression technique based on quadratic nonlinear media. Negative
nonlinear phase shifts are generated by phase-mismatched second-harmonic generation, and the phase-
modulated pulses are then compressed by propagation through materials with normal dispersion. Millijoule-
energy pulses from a Ti:sapphire amplif ier are compressed from 120 to 30 fs, and calculations indicate that
compression ratios of .10 are realistically achievable by use of this approach with optimal materials. The
insertion loss of the compressor can be less than 10% of the pulse energy, and scaling to higher pulse energies
will be straightforward.  1999 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 320.5520, 190.7110, 320.7110.

Pulse compression is an established technique for gen- was demonstrated, with energy efficiency of close to
erating optical pulses shorter than those produced by 50%. Dubietis and co-workers have also demonstrated
lasers or amplif iers. Most commonly, additional band- the phase-matched generation of second-harmonic
width is generated by self-phase modulation in an pulses shorter than the input fundamental pulse
optical fiber. The group-velocity dispersion (GVD) re- through pulse tilting.6
quired for compression of the pulse is typically provided Here we show that negative phase shifts produced in
by gratings or prisms. Compressors based on single- phase-mismatched type I second-harmonic generation
mode fibers are limited to nanojoule pulse energies by can be exploited for effective pulse compression. Our
higher-order nonlinear effects and ultimately by dam- research is conceptually similar to that employed in
age to the fiber. Thus, new approaches are needed traditional compressors: In a first stage the pulse
for compression of the high-energy pulses that are now accumulates a nonlinear phase shift, and the pulse is
available from chirped-pulse amplif iers,1 for example. then compressed by dispersive propagation in a second
Bulk materials can be used for pulse compression stage [Fig. 1(a), inset]. The use of a self-defocusing
based on third-order nonlinearity.2 Continuum gen- nonlinearity reduces or eliminates the problems that
eration arising from self-focusing can severely distort can arise from Kerr self-focusing. Positive GVD is
the beam and impede effective compression. These needed for compression, and this can be provided
effects limit the utility of compression in bulk third- by a suitably chosen piece of transparent material.
order media. 120-fs pulses are compressed by a factor of ⬃4, and
One solution to this problem was reported by Nisoli higher compression ratios should be possible. The
et al.3 They achieved large spectral broadening by compressor is eff icient, with the compressed pulse
propagating pulses through a high-pressure noble gas amounting to at least 85% of the input-pulse energy.
conf ined in a hollow-core waveguide of fused silica. It is well know that the cascading of x 共2兲 共v; 2v, 2v兲
Excellent results were obtained, including compres- and x 共2兲 共2v; v, v兲 processes leads to a nonlinear phase
sion from 140 to 10 fs. Pulse energies as high as shift DF NL in a pulse that traverses a quadratic
240 mJ were produced with 660-mJ input pulses. Al- medium under phase-mismatched conditions for
though the compressed pulse energy is a substantial second-harmonic generation (SHG). The phase shifts
improvement on that which is achievable with ordi- can be either positive or negative, depending on the
nary fibers, these results do point out a limitation of sign of the phase mismatch DkL 共Dk 苷 k2v 2 2kv 兲.
this approach: Because the pulse does not propagate Bakker and co-workers performed a theoretical study
as a guided mode, the waveguide is lossy. Additional of the phase shifts generated by three-wave interac-
drawbacks include the susceptibility of the waveguide tions,7 and cascade phase shifts were later measured
to optical damage, the complexity associated with han-
dling the high-pressure gas, and a lack of commercially
available components.
Recent research has shown that second-order non-
linearities can be exploited for pulse compression.
Following research by Wang and Luther-Davies,4
Dubietis et al. demonstrated that pulses can be com-
pressed in phase-matched type II second-harmonic
generation.5 This approach relies on group-velocity
mismatch (GVM) among the three interacting waves
and requires division of the input pulse into o and e
waves as well as on an appropriate predelay of one of Fig. 1. (a) Calculated spectrum and ( b) intensity prof ile of
the input pulses. Compression from 1.3 ps to 280 fs the compressed pulse. Dashed curves, the input pulse.

0146-9592/99/231777-03$15.00/0  1999 Optical Society of America

1778 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 24, No. 23 / December 1, 1999

in KTP (Ref. 8) and periodically poled LiNbO3 .9 We where E1 and E2 are in units of the initial value
recently employed cascade nonlinearities for Kerr-lens of the peak fundamental field E0 . The length that
mode locking with DF NL , 0 (Ref. 10) as well as for the characterizes the nonlinear interaction is LNL 苷
production of pulses that are simultaneously solitons nl兾关px 共2兲 E0 兴. Time is measured in units of the input-
in time and space.11 pulse duration t0 , and position is measured in units
We take the simplest approximate approach to ob- of LNL . We solved the wave equations numerically,
tain guidelines for compressor design and performance and the results are compared below with experimental
and then ref ine these through numerical solutions of results.
the appropriate wave equations; a systematic analy- Input pulses of duration 120 fs and energy 600 mJ
sis of the compressor will be presented elsewhere. In at 795 nm were produced by a Ti:sapphire regenera-
general the maximum compression ratio will be propor- tive amplifier. The 7-mm-diameter beam from the
tional to DF NL impressed upon the initial pulse. The amplif ier is compressed by a factor of 2 with a telescope
phase shift produced by the cascade process can be ap- to produce intensities of 20 60 GW兾cm2 on the BBO
proximated as8 crystal. In the second stage of the compressor, a prism
pair or a piece of bulk material provides the GVD
G 2 L2 , to compensate for the phase shift accumulated in the
DF NL 艐 2
DkL quadratic medium.
p With DkL 苷 200p, the spectrum is expected to
with G 艐 vdeff jE0 j兾c n2v nv . The cascade process broaden by a factor of ⬃3 and to develop a multi-
produces a nonlinear frequency chirp in the presence ply peaked structure [Fig. 1(a)]. The GVD required
of GVM. However, with large enough phase mis- for optimum pulse compression is ⬃1500 fs2 , and this
match, the cycles of conversion and backconversion should produce an ⬃30-fs compressed pulse [Fig. 1(b)].
that generate DF NL occur before the pulses move Since we neglect GVD in the SHG crystal, the GVD
away from each other because of GVM. Then DF NL that must be supplied is smaller than the calculated
follows the pulse intensity, so the frequency chirp value. However, the compressed pulse duration is not
is linear near the pulse peak. (Calculations that extremely sensitive to the GVD, so we provided the
illustrate this issue are presented in Ref. 10.) To approximate calculated value. The measured spec-
quantify this point, we introduce the characteristic trum [Fig. 2(a)] and pulse autocorrelation [Fig. 2(b)]
group-mismatch length LGVM 苷 ct0 兾共n1g 2 n2g 兲, produced with a prism pair controlling GVD agree
where n1g 共n2g 兲 is the group index of the fundamental reasonably with calculations. The zero-phase Fourier
(harmonic) frequency and t0 is the initial pulse dura- transform of the experimental spectrum [Fig. 2(c)]
tion. For a crystal of length L 苷 NLGVM we desire produces an autocorrelation [shown in Fig. 2(b)] that
at least 2N conversion –backconversion cycles, which
we arranged by setting DkL 苷 4Np. Crystals with
large values of deff and LGVM are naturally best for
this application. For the compression of 120-fs pulse
at 800 nm we chose to use barium metaborate (BBO),
which has deff 艐 2 pm兾V and LGVM 苷 0.6 mm. With
a 17-mm BBO crystal (provided by Casix, Inc.), this
implies that DkL $ 120p, and we chose DkL 苷 200p.
With intensities of ⬃50 GW兾cm2 , DkL 艐 200p yields a
net DF NL 艐 2p, which is necessary for a compression
ratio of roughly 4. Materials with small Kerr nonlin-
earities are desired for the generation of net negative
phase shifts. The nonlinear index of BBO is small,
n2 艐 5 3 10216 cm2 兾W. A final advantage of BBO is
its lack of two-photon absorption at 400 nm.
In the reference frame of the fundamental pulse, the
equations that govern the interaction between funda-
mental and harmonic fields E1 and E2 propagating in
the z direction, neglecting GVD, are

E1 苷 iE1 ⴱ E2 exp共iDkz兲 1 i2p共n2 I0 兲

LNL Fig. 2. (a) Measured spectrum and ( b) autocorrelation

3 共jE1 j2 1 2jE2 j2 兲E1 , (symbols) of the compressed pulse. The autocorrelation
l of the transform-limited pulse in (c) derived from the
√ ! measured spectrum is also shown (solid curve) in ( b) for
≠ LNL ≠ comparison. (a), ( b) Dashed curves, the input pulse. The
1 E2 苷 iE1 E1 exp共2iDkz兲 1 i4p共n2 I0 兲 temporal phases of the pulse before (dashed curve) and
≠z LGVM ≠t after (solid curve) the dispersive propagation stage are
shown in (d), with the compressed pulse intensity shown
LNL (dotted curve) for reference. Note that the pulse duration
3 共2jE1 j2 1 jE2 j2 兲E2 , is ⬃140 fs before GVD compensation.
December 1, 1999 / Vol. 24, No. 23 / OPTICS LETTERS 1779

the desired spectral broadening and precluded effective

compression. Compression with positive phase shifts
may be effective with longer or less-energetic pulses.
The pulses compressed with DF NL , 0 exhibit none
of the spatial distortions observed with DF NL . 0.
Given the complications involved in designing chirped-
pulse amplif iers that are capable of producing
sub-50-fs pulses with millijoule energies,12 a 100-fs
amplif ier plus a quadratic compressor seems to offer a
useful alternative approach.
Fig. 3. (a) Calculated spectra and ( b) intensity prof iles Inasmuch as the cascade nonlinearity saturates, in-
for compression of a 200-fs pulse at 1.55 mm. A 2-cm creasing the pulse energy does not increase the com-
periodically poled LiNbO3 crystal is assumed, with incident
pression ratio as effectively as does the use of longer
intensity 20 GW兾cm2 and DkL 苷 1800p. Dashed curves,
the input pulse. and (or) more nonlinear crystals. For example, cal-
culations show that 200-fs pulses at 1.55 mm may be
compressed by a factor of 10 by use of a 2-cm piece of
agrees with experiment near zero delay but deviates periodically poled LiNbO3 (Fig. 3). Owing to the limi-
from the pedestal measured at .75 fs from the peak. tations of GVM, compression by a factor of .10 appears
The calculated phase variation [Fig. 2(d)] indeed im- to be diff icult.
plies good compression of the majority of the pulse but In conclusion, we have demonstrated that pulse
some residual phase variation in the wings. Effective compression with negative phase shifts produced by
compression was realized with DkL from 150p to 300p. quadratic nonlinearities is effective and offers some
Smaller values of DkL in this range produce the nar- advantages over existing techniques. The simplic-
rowest pulses but increase the energy in the wings, ity of this compressor should be attractive for many
whereas larger values produce broader pulses of higher applications.
quality. SHG at such a large phase mismatch intro-
duces a loss of 5% or less. The remainder of the loss This research was supported by the National Insti-
could be eliminated by antiref lection coatings on the tutes of Health under award RR10075, the National
BBO crystal. Science Foundation under award ECS-9612255, and
The use of negative phase shifts permits the con- the Cornell Theory Center. The authors are indebted
struction of a compressor consisting of only the SHG to CASIX, Inc., for the generous loan of the high-quality
crystal and a piece of bulk material. It is important to BBO crystal used in this research. X. Liu’s e-mail ad-
avoid excessive nonlinear phase shift and two-photon dress is
absorption, so materials with small third-order non- Note added in proof. By minimizing spatial and
linearities (and large GVD) are naturally best for the temporal chirp on the input beam, we observe auto-
dispersive stage. A 2-cm piece of calcite was available correlations without excess energy in the wings of the
and presents ⬃1500 fs2 of dispersion. Although the pulse.
dispersion was not optimal, ⬃30-fs pulses were gener-
ated when the calcite replaced the prism pair. Simi-
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10. L. J. Qian, X. Liu, and F. W. Wise, Opt. Lett. 24, 166
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