Jr. Aary Johammad Oeiner Tohnung C QN Eeidelberger Iandstr. 2QS SQ2VT Aarmstadt

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aB mrivatJ und cirmenkundenbank Ad

s SMMLMQP ciliale
jr. eamburgJAdolphsplatz
aary johammad oeiner Adolphsplatz T
tohnung C QN 2MQRT eamburg
eeidelberger iandstr. 2QS
SQ2VT aarmstadt qelephone EMQMF PTMNJQQVP
2QJhour Customer pervice EMSVF VNMJNMMMM

gune 2UI 2MNV

Account settlement
Account holderW aary Mohammad oeiner

mage fBAk BfC EptfcTF Currency pettlement period

NL2 abMR 2MMT MM2Q MMQP UQTP MM abrqabaBeAj bro 2. quarter 2MNV

ftem aebit Credit

MIMN B Credit interest H M.M2

tithholding tax J M.MN

2N2 ftems free of charge J M.MM

salue date
Balance of settlement items
bro + M.MN
Balance as at gune PMI 2MNV Branch number
bro H NN2.NP SMM

Account number derman bank code EBiZF


fmportant notes on account settlement

fnformation on interest rates and charges is provided in B p.a. or bro.

Approval of account settlement

fn accordance with ko. TI pection 2 of our deneral Business ConditionsI the settlement of the account for current accounts is considered to
have been approved if objections are not issued within a period of six weeks from date of receipt of this account settlement statement. mlease
address any objections to aB mrivatJ und cirmenkundenbank AdI nj J pupportI MQMU2 ieipzig.

As banking or financial servicesI the settled payments are exempt from sAq provided sAq is not listed separately. sAq fa ko.W aB mrivatJ und
cirmenkundenbank AdI SM2S2 crankfurt abUNNVMTVUM

fmportant information for overrunnings

fnterest rate for overrunnings NQ.V B p.a.

qhe interest rate on debit balances for overrunnings is variable.

Applicable bCB interest rate M.M B p.a. in the month of the last interest rate adjustmentW jarch 2MNS

ffI on the next to last bank working day before the NRth of any calendar monthI the minimum bid rate or interest rate on the main refinancing operations

of the buropean Central Bank Ehereinafter referred to as the bCB interest rateF has been increased by more than M.2M percentage point on the
interest rate in the month in which the last interest rate adjustment was madeI the bank is entitled to raise the interest rate on debit balances for
overrunnings at its equitable discretion E§ PNR BdB J derman Civil CodeF by no more than the change in the bCB interest rate. iikewiseI the bank
shall decrease the interest rate on overrunnings at its equitable discretion at a minimum of the change in the bCB interest rate when said interest
rate has been cut by more than M.2M percentage point; the bank will exercise its discretion in the same way for both interest rate increases and
decreases. cactors such as changes in the account holderDs credit default riskI the bankDs rating and internal cost calculations are disregarded when
exercising the equitable discretion.

qhe interest rate adjustments are always carried out on the NRth of the calendar month Einsofar as this is a bank working day in crankfurt am jainF
in which the changes have carried out. ff the NRth of the calendar month is not a bank working dayI the adjustment of the interest rate is postponed
until the next bank working day. qhe bank shall notify the account holder of the adjusted interest rates on overrunnings at regular intervals. kotification
mage fBAk BfC EptfcTF Currency pettlement period
2L2 abMR 2MMT MM2Q MMQP UQTP MM abrqabaBeAj bro 2. quarter 2MNV

of the interest rate adjustment may also be carried out in the form of an entry in the account statement or periodic balance statement of the account
on which the overrunning was availed of. qhe account holder may review the current bCB interest rate at any on the bankDs premises or website at
www.deutscheJbank.deLstart. qhe bCB interest rate is also published in the aeutsche BundesbankDs monthly and annual reportsI the daily press
and other public media.

ff the bCB interest rate is replaced by another interest rate to manage the liquidity situation in the money marketI then the interest rate adjustment
will be governed by this interest rate.

koteW the main refinancing operations are the buropean Central BankDs most important monetary instruments with which it manages the interest
rate and liquidity situation in the money marketI and signals its monetary policy decisions Ekey policy ratesF. eoweverI owing to the complexity of
the bankDs refinancing methodologyI the interest rate does not reflect changes in refinancing conditions exactly.

fmportant note on income tax

A tax certificate will be sent to you separately.

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