Grade 9 Worksheet

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English Language


Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

1. He acted _________________ my advice

2. We should act ________ our conscience.
3. Hard work is the key _______success.
4. This road leads_______ Bombay.
5. The boy laughed _______ the beggar.
6. Think _______ the Devil and the Devil is there.
7. The child was run _______ by a car.
8. The book is lying ______ the table.
9. The cat jumped _________ the table.
10. Tomorrow he will come ________ age.
11. The book is replete _______ printing errors.
12. He was charged _______ murder.
13. Satnam was convicted ________ murder.
14. She takes ______ her mother; they look alike.
15. We should not run _______ wealth.
16. It is 5 o'clock_________ my watch.
17. The syce is breaking _________ the horse.
18. The chair gave way _________ the weight of the fat man.
ES01_English_Gr 8_English Language
19. This house is infested ___________ rats.
20. You are advised to commit your new lesson ____________ memory.

Rewrite the sentences given below using different degrees of comparison.

1. Shakespeare is the most famous of all writers in English.

2. Iron is more useful than any other metal.

3. I earn as much money as Ram.

4. China is larger than India.

5. Greenland is the largest island in the world.

6. Air is lighter than water.

7. I am taller than my brother.

8. Shyam is the strongest boy in the class.

9. Platinum is the most precious metal.

10. The giraffe is taller than any other animal.

11. This box is not as heavy as that box.

12. Mumbai is one of the richest cities in India.

13. Shyam is the most intelligent boy in the class.

14.  Tokyo is the most populous city in the world.

15. Mr. Yadav is the oldest member of the club.

ES01_English_Gr 8_English Language

Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets.

1. The writer’s intention (1) ___________ (be) to find a black box that would make him rich. He
walked silently to a deserted house. Without excitement, he (2)______________(focus) on his job. The
house looked shut for years. It was dusty, devoid of furniture. The room where the box (3)
___________ (keep) looked dark with frightening shadows. He lifted the loose board (4) _________
(touch) the black box. The lights (5) ________ (go) off. The handle (6) ________ (slide) from his hand.
When he tried again to lift it, there was no box. (7) __________ (Hear) a cough, he turned around in
fear. He saw a man at the far end of the room (8) ____________ (stare) at him. He (9) ___________
(scare) but (10)________ (hide) his fear under a show of bravado.

He (1) _______________(eat) nothing since morning. He (2) _______ (has) been too excited to eat. He
finished the sandwich and (3) ____________(take) a flask of coffee from his jacket, he took a swallow.
He paused for a moment, (4) __________(consider) whether he should light a fire. It (5) _______(be)
dangerous. The flash (6) ________ (may) be seen in the darkness and there were enemies (7)
_______________ (watch). He decided not to take the risk. (8) ___________ (place) the match box
into the bag, he waited and watched.

ES01_English_Gr 8_English Language

Answer Key
Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

1 upon
2 upon
3 to
4 To
5 at
6 of
7 down
8 on
9 over
10 Of
11 With
12 For
13 Of
14 After
15 After
16 By
17 In
18 Under
19 With
20 to

Rewrite the sentences given below using different degrees of comparison.

1. No other writer in English is as famous as Shakespeare. / Shakespeare is greater than any other
writer in English.

2. No other metal is as useful as iron. / Iron is the most useful of all metals.
ES01_English_Gr 8_English Language
3. Ram does not earn more money than I do.

4. India is not as large as China.

5. Greenland is larger than any other island in the world. / No other island in the world is as large
as Greenland.

6. Water is not as light as air.

7. My brother is not as tall as I am.

8. Shyam is stronger than any other boy in the class. / No other boy in the class is as strong as

9. Platinum is more precious than any other metal. (Comparative) / No other metal is as precious
as platinum. (Positive)

10. The giraffe is the tallest animal. (Superlative) / No other animal is as tall as giraffe. (Positive)

11. That box is heavier than this box. (Comparative)

12. Shyam is more intelligent than any other boy in the class. (Comparative) / No other boy in the
class is as intelligent as Shyam. (Positive)

13. Few cities in India are as rich as Mumbai. (Positive) / Mumbai is richer than most other cities in

14. Tokyo is more populous than any other city in the world. (Comparative) / No other city is as
populous as Tokyo. (Positive)

15. Mr. Yadav is older than any other member of the club. (Comparative) / No other member of the
club is as old as Mr. Yadav. (Positive)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets.

1. Was
2. Focused
ES01_English_Gr 8_English Language
3. Was kept
4. Touching
5. Went
6. Slid
7. Hearing
8. Staring
9. Was scared
10. Hid

1. Had eaten
2. Had
3. Taking
4. Considering
5. Was
6. Might
7. Watching
8. Placing

ES01_English_Gr 8_English Language

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