Dermatome Chart / Dermatome Map: Previous Page

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Dermatome Chart / Dermatome Map

Use of the following dermatome chart/map is free for personal use in reports and educational
presentations on condition the copyright on the poster is kept intact and no alterations are made to
the chart. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the following dermatome chart, but if
inaccuracies are found in the poster, please contact us so we may amend the chart accordingly.

Please note that the dermatome diagram is supplied in good faith, and by downloading the chart, you
are confirming that you have checked the chart is accurate for the purposes you wish to use it for, and
will not hold apparelyzed liable for any damages, direct or consequential arising from it's use. Use of
the dermatome chart below for commercial gain or resale is prohibited without the expressed written
consent of If any of the dermatome images below are used on the internet, a return
link to must be included on the page containing the image.

Test Dermatome Points at Dots

Upper Body Test Points
C2 ‐ Occipital Protuberance
C3 ‐ Supraclavicular Fossa
C4 ‐ Acromioclavicular Joint
C5 ‐ Lateral Antecubital Fossa
C6 ‐ Thumb
C7 ‐ Middle Finger
C8 ‐ Little Finger
T1 ‐ Medial Antecubital Fossa
T2 ‐ Apex of Axilla

Lower Body Test Points

L1 ‐ Upper Anterior Thigh
L2 ‐ Mid Anterior Thigh
L3 ‐ Medial Femoral Condyle
L4 ‐ Medial Malleolus
L5 ‐ Dorsum 3rd MTP Joint
S1 ‐ Lateral Heel
S2 ‐ Popliteal Fossa
S3 ‐ Ischial Tuberosity
S3 ‐ Ischial Tuberosity
S5 ‐ Perianal Area

V1 ‐ Ophthalmic Division of Trigeminal Nerve ﴾Upper Face﴿

V2 ‐ Maxillary Division of Trigeminal Nerve ﴾Mid Face﴿
V3 ‐ Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve ﴾Lower Face﴿

Dermatome sectors on all diagrams are approximate, due to the way sensory nerves overlap.
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Spinal Injury Discussion Forum ﴾forums/﴿

Dermatome Chart ﴾dermatome.html﴿
Spinal Cord Injury Levels ﴾support/functionality/c1‐c3.html﴿
Spinal Cord Injury Prognosis ﴾spinal_cord_injury.html﴿
Spinal Cord Injury Research ﴾spinal‐cord‐research.html﴿
Spinal Cord Injury Statistics ﴾statistics.html﴿

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