A Test For Non Numerates

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Appendix A.

Department of Education
Region III
City Schools Division of Mabalacat
Mabalacat City (P)


I. Oral Test: Read the following numbers. ( 1 point each ).

1. 456 987 658

2. 1 005 763 938
3. 456 769 546 369
4. 763 769 532 173. 27
5. 546 000 542 692. 453

II. Fill in the blank with the correct answer. ( 1 point each )

6. In 785 873 879 643, the place value of the underlined digit is
7. In 236 345 912 563 653, the value of 9 is ______________________________.
8. The place value of 7 in 534. 27 is __________________________________.
9. The place value of the digit 5 in 478. 875 is ____________________________.
10. In which period do the digits 456 belong in 786 456 867 532 753?

III. Write the following in standard form. ( 1 point each )

11. Five billion, seven hundred sixty four million, three hundred ninety two
thousand, five hundred eighty one. ______________________________
12. Twenty billion, three million, six hundred thousand, nine _________________
13. Seven thousand two hundred thirty three and eight hundredths____________
14. Ten and seventeen ten thousandths _________________________________

IV. Write each number in words. ( 2 points each)

15-16) 23 452 865 418 =________________________________________

17-18) 709 700 040 003 =_________________________________________

19-20) 34 031 936 . 27 =________________________________________


V. Perform the indicated operations: ( 2 points each )

21-22) 678 341 569 23-24) 45 875 . 87

875 563 874 683 971 . 63
+ 832 861 439 + 741 739 . 005

25-26) 567 397 27-28) 452 562 . 872

- 262 871 - 67 453 . 521

29-30) 674 843 31-32 ) 675 . 974

x 6 x 27

33-34) 8 1 960 35-36) 12 10 140

37-38) 16 ÷ 8 x 2 – 4 + 1 39-40) 8 ÷ 4 – 10 + 16
VI. Problem Solving. Analyze the word problem by answering the questions below.

a. During the clean and Green week celebration, 1 434 boy scouts and 1 053 girl
scouts joined in planting tree seedlings in Pampanga. How many scouters in all
joined the tree planting?

41. What are given? __________________________________________

42. What is asked? __________________________________________
43. What is the operation/s to be used? _______________________________
44. What is the number sentence? _______________________________
45. What is the answer? __________________________________________

b. Mr. and Mrs. Gomez bought a house and lot at Mabalacat Fiesta Community
worth P 500 000. They made an initial payment of P 200 000. How much was
the yearly amortization if they agreed to pay for 20 years?

46. What are given? __________________________________________

47. What is asked? __________________________________________
48. What is the operation to be used? _______________________________
49. What is the number sentence? _______________________________
50. What is the answer? __________________________________________
Answer Note: Description of Scores
I. oral Score Description
0-25 Non-Numerate
II. 26-37 Nearly Numerate
6) billion 38-50 Numerate
7) 900 000 000
8) hundredths
9) thousandths
10) billion

11) 5 764 392 581
12) 20 003 600 009
13) 7 233 . 08
14) 10.0017

15-16) Twenty three billion, four hundred fifty two million, eight hundred
sixty five thousand, four hundred eighteen.
17-18) Seven hundred nine billion, seven hundred million,
forty thousand, three.
19-20) Thirty four million, thirty one thousand, nine hundred thirty six
and twenty seven hundredths
21-22) 23 452 865 418
23-24) 1 471 586 . 505
25-26) 304 526
27-28) 385 109 . 351
29-30) 4 049. 058
31-32) 48 251 298
33-34) 245
35-36) 845
37-38) 1
39-40) 8

41) 1 434 and 1 053
42) total number of scouters joined the tree planting
(or any similar statement)
43) addition
44) N = 1 434 + 1 053
45) N = 2 487
46) P 500 000, P 200 000 and 20 years
47) yearly amortization they will pay for 20 years
( or any similar statement)
48) subtraction and division
49) N = [ P 500 000 – P 200 000] ÷ 20
50) N = P 15 000

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