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Date:__:__ Feb 2013, FN/AN, Time: 2 Hrs., Full Marks: 60, No. of Students: 660 (Non-ECE branches); Mid Spring Semester,
Sub. No.: EC21 !01, Sub. Name: Basic Electronics
Instructions ---------------~-----------------7-":-:--:---:--7-"--:--
• An waveform sketches I diagrams must be neatly drawn and dearly labeled. Answers must be brief and to the point.
• I I
The final answers (numerical values with unit) should be underlined or enclosed within box. with unit.
• For every Question No., start your answer from a new page.
• Avoid .writing answers ofthe various parts of a single question at different locations in your answer-script.
31 23
• Given parameters which you might require: mass ofelectron: 9.1Ixi0- kg, Boltzmann constant: 1.38xi0- J/K, charge of
ele.:tron: I.6xlo- 19 c
• Fo,· any valtfe. related to any device parameter or circuit parameter, which you may find not given with a problem, ,assume
suitable 'vaiue for such parameter.
• Answer any FOUR questions (out of SIX)

lA. For the circuit shown in Fig. 1 consider Vps=16

V, R1=20 Kn, R2=IO K.Q, V1=0.7 V, and Vi=
0.5sinrot. Determine the de and ac output voltage as +
well as the diffusion capacitance considering the
following two conditions

(i) when R2 decreases from 10 KQ to 5 KQ

(ii) when VPs increases from 16 V to 20 V

Fig. I.

lB.Calculate the junction c~acitance for Ge pn Junction when 6 V reverse voltage is applied. Doping
concentrations ofNa=5 x 10 /cm 3, Nd=2 x 10 15/cm and let Cjo= 0.8 pF. Given the value of coefficient forGe
(B) is 1.66 x 10 cm-3K 312 and band gap (Eg) is 0.66 eV at 300 K.
2A. For the circuit in Fig. 2 the cut in voltage of
diode is V1= 0.7 V. Plot the v0 versus Vj.

Fig. 2

2B. In the voltage regulator shown in Fig. 3, calculate

the dissipated power in the Zener diode.

Given: Vt=50V, Rt=150Q, Vz=15V (assume Rz=O)

andR2=75Q z
Fig. 3
3A.ln the circuit shown Fig. 4, the switch is closed at
t =0. Calculate the tim~ t when the output voltage is
9~ . \

Fig. 4
3B. What is the. equivalent Thevenin's voltage and 20 10
Thevenin~s resistance of the circuit shown in Fig. 5?
.• t'. ' '


Fig. 5
3C. In the circuit shown in Fig. 6 a sinusoidal signal
generator with internal resistance 50 .0 is connected 1 mH
to a series LR circuit. If v; = 12 sin2x.ft, calculate the
linear frequency at which the rms value of the output
r--- +
voltage vo is 6 V. : Rs
I 1kn

Fig. 6
4A. In the circuit shown in Fig. 7, Vm=5 sinrot [volt], c
Vb=2V and V1=0.7 V. + +
(i) Draw the output waveform VoUT with respect
tot. VIN Vour
(ii) Draw the transfer characteristics (VoUT vs

Fig. 7
4B. In the circuit shown in Fig. 8, find out I1 (current
through Dl) and h (current through D2).
Rl R2 R3

Given: R1=R2=R3=Rt=Rs=~=lkn
Vt=5V, V2=3V and Vy=0.7V (for both the

R6 Rs R4
Fig. 8

-- -~- -· -- --
·; /


SA. In the circuit shown in Fig. 9, Find R2 and R4.

Given: V00=5V, Rt=6kQ, R3=4kQ, Ios=0.25 rnA,

. ~

Vus=3.5V, W=20 J.lm, L=1 J.lm, JlnCox=100 J.lANk,

Vth (threshold voltage) =1 V.

,.·• ' · .

·. ,' . -' .~ .. :.
SB. In the circuit shown in Fig. 10, Find Ii and I2 .

. Given: R=3kn, Vo0 =5V, Wt=20 J.lm; W2(:60 J.lm,

L1=L2=1 J.lffi, JlnCox (for both Mt and M2) =100
J.l~, Vth (threshold voltage) =1 V (for both Mt
and M2).

6A. In a hypothetical structure, made with n type Si
and n type Ge, shown in Fig. 11, find p (resistivity)
of Si and Ge. Hence find out the equivalent

Gtven:· No·cs·t)=lO 161em3, No(Ge)=lO1s1 em3, Jlncs·)
1= + -
em V-sec,
Jln(Ge)= 3800 em N-sec, A
(cross-section)=O.l mm , Lt=1mm, L2=0.Smm. v
Fig. 11
3 2
6B. In a device, suppose io= K(v0 +2v0 +3v0 +4), find out small signal resistance of the device.
Where, K-constant, in and vn are total instantaneous values.

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