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Student Name: ______________________________ Class: __________________


Department of Science
Mid Year Exam for Secondary 1

Science 07:45 – 09:15

Wednesday 2 December 2009 1 Hour 30 Minutes


Write your name and class in the spaces provided at the top of this page.

Answer Section A on the answer sheet provided at the back of the paper.
Answer Section B on the question paper.
Use blue or black ink only
If you will use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together.
Label all papers with your name and class.
Do not use paper clips, highlighters, glue, or correction fluid on your answer paper.
You may use protractor and rulers.

The number of marks in Section B is given in brackets [ ] at the end of the question.
You may use diagrams/drawings/sketches to help answer any question.


Section A 40

Section B 50

Section C 10

Total 100

This question paper consists of 17 printed pages including the cover page.

SECTION A. Multiple Choice Questions


1 Which of the following would a physicist study?

A How magnets interact with electricity.

B The process of digestion in beetles.
C What substances could cause metals to corrode.
D The movement paths of tigers in a forest.

2 Which of the following statements about technology below is true?

A Technology can solve all of our problems.

B All technology is used for good only.
C Science and technology benefit from each other.
D Science is the use of technological applications.

3 Alex saw some ants around a spot on the floor. Instead of killing them because
he was told that they are pests, he wondered what could have caused the ants
to form a circle. He then observed the ants for 2 hours before leaving them
alone. Which of the following attitudes did he show?

I. Curiosity
II. Willingness to work hard
III. Being observant
IV. Open-mindedness

A I and II only B II and IV only

C I, III, and IV D I, II, III, and IV

4 Which of the following is NOT a part of the process of scientific inquiry?

A Looking for ways to use a discovery for making money.

B Seeing, hearing, or otherwise sensing something different.
C Asking a question about an observation.
D Making a conclusion after testing an idea.

5 The vernier caliper below was used to measure the thickness of a certain book.

2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 0

The thickness of the book is _________.

A 2.10 cm B 2.11 cm
C 2.21 cm D 2.25 cm

6 A certain chemical is extremely poisonous and easily catches fire. Which of the
following hazard symbols would you see on the chemical’s container?

7 The following are units to measure volume, except for the _____________.

A litre B milligram
C cubic metre D milliliter

8 The SI unit of mass is the _________.

A gram B litre
C kilogram D kilometre

9 The side length of one small square in the grid is 1 cm.

1 cm

The area of the cat’s image is about

A 20 cm3 B 21 cm2
C 22 cm2 D 22 cm3

10 Look at the objects below.

A C 70
100 50 120 cm3
cm3 cm3 cm3
140 g 70 g 110 g 100 g

The density of water is 1 g/cm3. Which object will float on water?


11 What is the boiling point of water, in kelvins?

A0K B 100 K
C 273 K D 373 K

12 Which of the following is true about the stopwatches below?


Analogue Stopwatch Digital Stopwatch

A The two watches have the same accuracy

B The analogue stopwatch is more accurate.
C The digital stopwatch is more accurate.
D Both watches are not accurate.

13 It takes 20 minutes to fully fill up a tank with a pump that can push water out at
120 litres/hour. If a pump with a flow rate of 240 litres/hour is used instead,
how long would it take to fully fill up the tank?

A 5 minutes B 10 minutes
C 40 minutes D 60 minutes

14 Which of the following material properties is properly matched with its


Material Property Definition

A Thermal conductivity The ability to let heat pass through easily.
B Flexibility The ability to break easily.
C Boiling point The temperature where a solid turns to liquid.
D Strength The ability to resist being scratched.

15 A certain material is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. It also has a high
melting point, and is a brittle solid. It is most likely a _____________.

A metal B ceramic
C plastic D fibre

16 The table below shows the results of an investigation conducted in class.


Object Mass Density (g/cm3) Boiling Point (°C)

W 130 g 1.3 212
X 130 g 2.2 250
Y 250 g 5.3 212
Z 250 g 2.2 250

Which two objects are made of the same material?

A W and X B X and Z
C W and Y D Y and Z

17 Which of the following descriptions of elements is true?

A Elements are composed of compounds.

B Elements are the basic building blocks of matter.
C Elements cannot be combined in any way.
D An element can have different properties at different times.

18 Which of the following substances is a compound?

A Iron B Copper
C Nitrogen D Carbon Dioxide

19 John heated an unknown solid for a few minutes. He soon noticed the following

Properties before heating Properties after heating

White solid, powdery Brownish liquid with a black
substance floating on top

Which of the following conclusions about the white solid is most likely to be

A The solid is a compound. B The solid is an element.

C The solid just melted D There is not information available.

20 Which of the following is NOT a property of a mixture?

A It can be separated using physical methods.

B A mixture has 2 or more components that are NOT chemically bound.
C It is composed of one substance only.
D Parts of a mixture has all the properties they had before being mixed.

21 Which of the following properly classifies the substances?


Element Compound Mixture

A Oxygen Sugar Iron
B Hydrogen Salt Steel
C Water Calcium Milk
D Paint Carbon Sulphur dioxide

22 Alloys are mixtures of a metal and another substance (usually another metal).
Aluminium and gold are usually used as alloys. Why is this so?

A Alloys are more expensive than the pure metals.

B Metals have better properties than alloys.
C Alloys are usually stronger than pure metals.
D Alloys need to be processed with more effort than pure metals.

23 A mixture of carbon and water is best separated by _________.

A magnetic separation B filtration

C boiling D reverse osmosis

24 Boiling is NOT usually performed to separate a mixture of sugar and water.

Why is this the case?

A Water boils too quickly. B Sugar and water are chemically bound.
C Sugar burns easily. D The mixture cannot be separated by heat

25 Look at the equipment setup below.

Which of the following separation methods is most

likely to use this setup?

A Paper chromatography
B Evaporation
C Boiling
D Distillation

26 Which of the following are properties of a solution?

1. A solution is not homogenous.

2. A solution has 2 or more components that are mixed.
3. A solution has a solute that is dissolved in a solvent.
4. A solution cannot change composition.

A 1 only B 1 and 3 only

C 2 and 3 only D 1, 3, and 4 only

27 Study the diagram below.


The solute in this diagram is labeled ___.

CT D None of the above

28 It is the measure of how easily a substance is dissolved in another.

A Mixing B Solution
C Solubility D Suspension

29 Which of the following will increase the solubility of a substance?

A Increase in temperature B Decrease in the amount of solvent.

C No stirring of the mixture D Increase in the amount of solute.

30 The table below shows what happened when 200 g of salt was placed in 100
ml of water at different temperatures.

Temperature Observations
5 About 50 g of salt was left undissolved at the bottom of the water

27 All the salt dissolved after stirring the mixture for 3 minutes

50 All the salt dissolved after stirring the mixture for 1 minute and 27
90 All the salt dissolved after stirring the mixture for 51 seconds

What can be concluded from the results above?

A Salt is not soluble in water.

B Heat makes salt more soluble in water.
C Salt’s solubility is not affected by heat.
D Salt has the same solubility in water at all temperatures.

31 Which of the following is a general property of acids?


A Acids react with metals to produce carbon dioxide.

B Acids are sour-tasting.
C Acids have a pH of 7.
D Acids produce hydrogen gas by themselves.

Refer to the figure below to answer questions 32 and 33.

A metal powder is placed in a beaker of acid, as shown in the diagram below.

32 The bubbles produced are composed of which of the following gases?

A oxygen B carbon dioxide

C helium D hydrogen

33 The metal powder is replaced with calcium carbonate, and the bubbles are
collected. The gas is then exposed to limewater. Which of the following will

A Nothing happens to the limewater.

B The gas will produce a pop when exposed to heat.
C the acid will turn white.
D The limewater will turn white.

34 Which of the following pH values is correct for a strong alkali?

A 14 B8
C7 D4

35 Alkalis, in general, have the following properties:

Taste Bitter
Texture Soapy or greasy

Basing from this information, which of the following substances is an alkali?

A Vinegar B Tomato sauce

C Orange juice D Soap

36 Which of the following substances will result to the neutralisation of hydrochloric


A An alkali B Hydrogen gas

C Carbon dioxide gas D A salt

37 Liquid X was mixed with the following chemicals and its pH measured.

Indicator Resulting pH for

Water 5.5
Ethanoic Acid 4.0
Sodium Hydroxide (Alkali) 7.2
Universal indicator solution 6.5

Which of the following would be the most likely pH for liquid X?

A 5.5 B 6.5
C 7.3 D 10.2

38 Which of the following indicator changes is correct?

Indicator Acid Alkali

A Red litmus paper Turns blue Turns blue
B Blue litmus paper Stays blue Turns red
C Phenolphthalein Clear Turns orange
D Universal indicator solution Turns orange or red Turns dark green or

39 After an acid and an alkali completely neutralise each other, the pH of the
product is usually

A0 B3
C7 D 12

40 Several pH indicators were used on a liquid. The results can be seen below:

Indicator Color after exposure to liquid

Red litmus Red
pH paper Orange
Methyl orange Yellow

Which of the following is true about the liquid?

A It is a weak acid. B It is a strong alkali.

C Its pH is 7. D It is a weak alkali

SECTION B. Structured Questions (50 marks)


1 State which branch of science the following fall under. One has been done for
you. [2]

The speed of a rocket – Physics

The different needs for pet fish - __________________________

What happens when a piece of paper is burned - ________________________

2 Eddie wants to perform an experiment to test whether the amount of moisture in

soil affects the growth rate of mushrooms. Identify the independent and
dependent variables for this experiment to be fair. [2]

Independent variable: ____________________________________________

Dependent variable: _____________________________________________

3 The dimensions of a coin were taken using a vernier caliper, and the reading
can be seen below.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 0

a. From the readings above, put the proper readings for the caliper in the table
below. [3]

No Zero Error -0.02 Zero Error -0.06 Zero Error

of the

b. Using the no-zero-error results in (a), find the area of the coin. [2]

Answer: _________
4 The volume of a solid that floats on water was taken with the method illustrated



V= 120 ml V= 155 ml

a. From the images above, what is the volume of the solid? [2]

Answer: _________

b. The solid’s mass was measured before the experiment, and it was taken as
30.6 g. Find the density of the solid. [3]

Answer: _________

c. Will the solid float on cooking oil (density = 0.92 g/cm 3)? Explain your
answer. [1]


5 a. Give the definitions of the following terms.

Elements: _______________________________________________________


Compounds: ____________________________________________________


b. The table below shows what happened to some substances after being
dissolved in water and exposed to light.

Substanc Before dissolving in After exposure to light

e water
X Black powder Black powder in water

Y White, crystalline powder Grayish-black liquid and an acidic


In terms of elements and compound, what can be said about the substances?

X: ______________________________________

Y: ______________________________________

6 a. State at least 3 general properties of a mixture. [3]

(i) __________________________________________________________

(ii) __________________________________________________________

(iii) __________________________________________________________

b. Why are alloys generally preferred over pure metals? [1]



7 The following diagram shows a mixture of several materials.


+ + +
Sand Salt

Describe a method to separate the components of the mixture. [3]







8 a. Give at least 2 differences between solutions and suspensions. [2]

(i) __________________________________________________________


(ii) __________________________________________________________


b. Look at the diagram below, showing a powder being mixed with a liquid.

Is the resulting mixture a solution? Explain your answer. [2]


9 Complete the table below with the effect on the rate of dissolving (increase,
decrease, or no change) of the changes that happen below. [3]

Change Effect on the rate of dissolving

Increase in the amount
of solute
Decrease in the amount
of solvent
Increase in the
temperature of solvent

10 a. Complete the table about acids and alkalis below. [4]

Property Acids Alkalis


with metals
paper test

b. A substance is dissolved in water, and is mixed for 3 minutes. Afterwards, a

few drops of the solution are placed on some calcium carbonate. It is
observed that there are some bubbles that formed on the calcium carbonate.

i. Is the substance dissolved in water an acid or an alkali? Explain your answer.




ii. Pure water is then used on the calcium carbonate. What will happen to the calcium
carbonate? [1]



11 When two liquids were mixed with each other, a white solid and a third, clear
liquid were produced. Liquid 1 was known to have a pH of 4.3.

1 2

If complete neutralisation took place, identify the liquid and the solid in the
mixture. [2]

Liquid 2: ______________________________________________________

Solid: _________________________________________________________

12 Underline the correct statements among the following. [2]

Universal indicators turn only 2 colors to indicate pH.

Blue litmus paper remains blue after being dipped in a 7-pH solution.

Phenolphthalein is pink in alkalis.

Methyl orange is yellow for all acids.

SECTION C. Open-Ended Questions (10 marks)

1 Give at least 2 good scientific qualities, and explain how they are useful for the
scientific process. [2]

a. ______________ - _____________________________________________


b. ______________ - _____________________________________________


2 On the space below, give one piece of laboratory equipment. Sketch its cross-
sectional diagram, and state its use. [2]

3 a. Seawater can be used for human consumption, but the salt has to be
removed. Give at least 2 methods that can be used to separate the salt from
the water.



b. Is seawater a solution or a suspension? Explain your choice. [3]





4 Give one application of acid-alkali neutralisation in everyday life. Explain how it

is useful. [2]





Answers for Section A:


Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Questions 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Questions 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Questions 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

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