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(Case Study : Jawa and Bali Island)

Arief Rahman Hakim, Soni Darmawan

Jurusan Teknik Geodesi Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

Abstract: Mudik can be interpreted as "returning home" even though it literally comes from the word "udik = village", so that
the meaning of mudik can be translated as "returning home" which is always done by the Indonesian people ahead of the Eid Al
Fitr celebration. Generally Lebaran homecoming is carried out by all Muslims who are overseas or live far from their hometowns.
In carrying out homecoming, a homecoming route map is needed as a consideration in determining the homecoming route to be
taken as well as supporting information in helping Lebaran homecoming. Currently there are two versions of the homecoming
route map made by Itenas Bandung, but the homecoming route map must be updated to be used by users. The purpose of this
research is to analyze what elements must be changed, identify aspects that need to be considered and make a visualization of
cartographic design maps of the island of Java and Bali in 2019 appropriately in order to be attractive and easily understood by
users of homecoming route maps in reading the information contained on the map. The method used is qualitative research in the
form of discussions with related parties in making maps of homecoming, studio activities and digital map-making processes. The
results of this research are in the form of visualization of cartographic designs of the homecoming route maps of Java and Bali in
2019 that are in accordance with the cartographic rules and distributed digitally through the official website of Itenas Bandung.
With this homecoming route map, it is expected to be able to assist users in carrying out Lebaran homecoming in 2019, both in
determining the homecoming route, looking for the rest area and determining the amount of toll tariff expenditure (if using the
toll lane).

Keywords: Homecoming, homecoming route map, update, visualization of cartographic designs.

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