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St | UKASTON AT KULTURA (CATION . AND CULTURE) “Maynile og EE Non, --danuary 32, 1979 . ween ok D EER | ster 10, 8° 1979 se | TApREainrrno. reosig’ AND eaULATIONS FOR THE. SzSTEN OF CARRRR.BROGRRSSION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TBACHERS “rer Bugeaniirectors , Regional Directors | Schouis Superintendents 1... Ineloged are the rules 2nd regulations for the Amplemantation of Executive Order No, 500 of the President @abed Maroh 21, 1978, entitiee "Establishing @ New Systen of Career Progression for Public School Teachers", as pro- nuigated by the Civil Service ton, the Budget Commis .wion and this Office. ve . 2. Ib 4s desived that, imilate2grupon rocetpin ot thia Mee Order, schools divisiat guperaptendents cre} * gelegtion committee in the div: office, and 4 3 o committee in eash district, for-pyrpeses of dates end determining thoso wio|should-De_Appe: Geacher I position. The poptidetes: ‘shoulgil a before March 1, 1979. 7 ut 3. Initially, sinee there Are 15,000 y ab! the “humber of Master Teacher I positig each’ district mag.bé estimated by multiply idpit Fs) inthe Glatrict by .05. "This 26pkae vision, the: final-nunber pf Gastey Sieben five-oaeN diatriot. It must ve . Mot Wew poeitions and. therefore no, . ‘The number of teachers in a district ted Master Teachers cnly. ge; sae rents their usual item: ve Wc he following proce such eandidatene Wil publicity sheuld } 2th the-ateiatan to the gal OB ,. DAML guia : re “b, School principals division supervisors should be anked td submit to the district com- mittee the names’ of candidates for Master Teacher together with all supporting papers in accordance with the. aforementioned criteria. ¢. The tentative list of Master Teacher candidates in the'district should bé posted tn all schools so th&t any teacher who feels she deserves to be on the list but hes not deen included, may . request inclusion of her name provided she can ~~ present supporting papers to justify her claim. To ebviete the possihility of deserving teachers being by-passed by the District Selection gom— mittee, @ teacher who feels that’ her justified request had been.ignored, may bring her case direct to the division sélection committee, ctor! Comittee shall ge over = dandidates and submit to the ‘the names of those recommended yh position, listing the names 4, The District : ‘the papeta of X Division 2 for Mastett a ~-ene-pistrtet Ohms vtec shalt review all the mendstiogs for the district, carefully l--the candidates meet the Afted,. It shall certify that the tee meet the) Pequirements and the sup- cocumlants: ake authentic. - Cosmittee will rank all candidates “Boa shall recommend to the poa— the néminces in accordance wlth | 47 tted.. The superintendent shai 1: recommendation to the Regional ‘twaves the appointments for the Pirector shall create @ special . Omtendatigns of the divisions Geeision on who should be issued Mnat Regional Directors shall Frtrremularity in the appointment ' ers Ente sneretare enjoined to observe f care in meking such appointments , tuting chepktng measures down to school lever i. 1 1 panote aiyision superintendent shall direct principals, ‘district supervisors, and division supervisors to see to ft that mazimum and.optiman use is made of the Master Teachers. Girectors shalt Qurnish the Ministry of : Eascarran Mt cfeure with a ist, by diviotans end by districts, of all those to be issu: appointments as’ Master | . Tegone ett ” * Inel, As stated “ Reference: Nori Allotment: 1-2--(D.0, To be indicated in the Perpetua? Index . t under the fellowing al “ _ aa. EMPLOTMENT , erabamane * . SLATT SAL Zu bi CAPTONS~ Fe tan 5, \~ Pe ACHERS D, ‘Inegorvion Training -, sewinare, workshops pa TABLE OF CHANT ALOWANCES wa - Co Naot aitinamer 1 vivensioned yropnatien oe yeare of service requirenent for purposes of dotor~ mining KA equivatent). no Any activity or ancompichaent ‘already usod for an earlier promotion ney not be used for the noxt promotion. For eyamplo: it a scholarship of ono ! gear in 1975 hag» 73 crG.ted tor Haater Teacher 1, the, eame aay aot be credited for purposes of promotion to Mastet Teacher II. AL Scuolarehipe/Training grants without acadomic credita, 4a educationa celde 1 year scholarship, +5 unite « 19 months scholarchip/training ~ 3 |." 609 mon. « vo eR 2n5 mor . ve Lunt L month and below " Wo Sunde Re Awarde/conmondations (for excellence in any aspact of education) given by MEC officials Notional Avard = 8 unite oo + Regional award =f units - Divteion Aver? 2 unite District Award ~ Xounit- C. Official educational ‘rave outside the country: . for \ gvory travel abroad of at Ianot 1 week = 1 unity Bweeke or more = 2 unite Geainare cn velavait aubjact areas + Lunit for every, 15, houre Workahoye on relevant subject avons. = L unit for every 15 houre York Conferencos on relevant. subject ereax-1 untt-for every 15 houra Be * ay (ote: A Gandidate mist possess a2, the quilifications 4 St Andioated to be considered for the Uadtor att , Teacher position.) oe ” ' (Te Permangnt teacher. . , . * “24 Bachelo#'s degree) for teachers or equivalent aa -providgd {An Magna Carta fdr Teachers. Se : fvnVoare (at lenat 33 pte.) + Ay ae leagt three years experience. : 5 "Be AY lonet 25 points in teaderchip and vatentdass (ate ‘ft * tached, teble) or has beon a demonstraticn teacher, on the <'* Sagniset Reval plue 15: points Anpendorahip on and potential, "ry BAghite wal ’ ny + Vory' satisfactory porformance bating for tlie “Inet we It Se | Maotir 2. Very satisfactory rating Teacher 1. (or ‘RSP 1). ‘34 Bachelor's Mosree for tet An Magna Oarta for Teach: deren “for Mode ” : Wb ' ints in lgadership,’ potentie: * gtration teacher on ths “division-2eval pli ve ie 20 point sea tots sotentiediprovided, ‘ys here or casei + ple complation’ of x # “tavitien or ‘abboaptishmants listed’ rok seadtlgss Bten’e ph vee for ang: Pn for teacher . or equivalent, fare experience nnd at leant 200-0: dagree for tencher or equivalent "” pins at leqat 20 graduate unite and at Jonst + BB ored4t allowances (See table of credit +, [altovances.) 3s Vory satisfactory performance rating (at Aeant 25 ¥ Pts.) ae Nester Teacher II. ¢ pet Mewht, Leiet 45 Jointo in readership, pétentiay and . achiovonont provided: the activities or heooma link < ye gente ood for thie purpose had not bean’ oreds ted + fox oh dhrider pronotion. ’ eh Toacher IV “ Io7WRater Teacher IIT 2a hte. Anaad M.A, in Bauoation, m2, 0 or Mba. . Rt ‘outatadding porforannce ratitti 06 Kaator ” Resoher- TIT. s Ab Jeaat, 440 points in Yeadershih, potential, “aad . sctlerpaante vepvided the acoomplichadngs att | Wenants ofted for this purpose, pad tet, for, ap yong lier. pronoty 7 aye es | i “mtn to MEC Order Now 10, 9. 1979)! le RULES (AND REGULATORS PORE TOLEMENTATION OF ‘THE a SYSTEM OF CAREER PROGRESSION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL oo ‘TEACHERS da apiece who aro aptuaiiy teaching'shall bo conbidered “"tor Master Teather position. This. includes teachera who _beaides providing especial services have regular teaching, jon. 2s Master teachers shall be spleoted-on the hagis of the in * elosed ordteria, ‘It ie etroasod that 2 candidate muat possess all the qualifications specified. Uniosa other- . wise indicated, no suhetitutions for the qualifications { .+ Ti required shall'be, allowed. 3s Positions for Mastar Toacher chhll be allotted by divisions ~~" proportionally ‘pn thé" baaia of number of teachers. The number of positions for the division-chall likowise be Sdetributed proportionally anong alt Mistricta. . K If the inuaber of qualified candidates in the, division ... : ~ t.exoeeda the number of positions allotted, all qunlified !/ ps candidates shall be rankedysand the positions awarded offity: we °° the basis of the ranking, Qualified candidates. who cal ( unavailability of position, shall avtomatically be -rai with candidates for the next succeeding year. * “5uTE there are not enough qualifiéd teachers in the district: i vo") $9 f411-the siumber of Nagtor Teacher positions aliotted to ity the positionmey be filled by qualified teachers from other districts provided however that cuch «teashera ‘ ‘ahal) ‘verve in the district where the Master Toncher po , : + + "'vettiona have boon alloted, roa} ez Napohere shal have regular ‘vonching oad [,, ) MaPbden, “they-are expected to asstot other al genes : 7+ ALL Mapter, Teachers’ shall be, a esos under. the, school -head/s where|ithey are asa: twithatanding ‘their crank and’ salary. ; ven * , ‘Thé rates; of. compenbatich of the “ateticent evel ad Tencher positions, shall correspand to fh feative group se follow! Magter Tenchor I Principal I Mapter Teachor IT Principal IT + oMedter Toachor TIE | 2 Principal IZn + wMastér Teacher IV mieten tee ree 96, AE" AndLdaed: An Bxecutive Order No. 500, there: hall: bo: no switching ‘fron one oarser line to another unleos dda: + cq Sbearly denonstrated that the individu posssdsoa the neces~ sn ctgaty quallitications tor ‘the other ‘career ‘ling and cuch quali- foationé axééed thoes of-{ndlviduals in thd eareey ine who : 160 bo ‘conaidered: for: any oxi éting ‘vacancy ».. Forwexabple, a Magtor Teacher. I who desires to awitoh to the :Admintatrative + Group may bo considered for promotion to Principal IT if he “a posedddes all the qualification” for Principal II andids oute frankes!all the Principate T.who-are aspiring for the-posi tion. yalikevikd, a-Prideipel ‘TIT dy’ aviteh: toiMacter: ToacharsI¥: only cpoduonagn. 81, ‘the -Qdalitications for Masters Toaghar. IV, nd-8U0K gh aat{ dhswexccdd thoes: of Manter Teachers TIT ~ he? dsvieton vie! ard onndcntew for Nagter Teacher AV, po iJ edtions an = "Principal IV Fal cd 102" Mactor teachers IV thy be, considered). togothsy wathy district eibora;-zbr, promotion to-higher posi tone! provided ap baiab OL! the ‘ve quinenphite fért thexpobLtionadls.. Sz he eg Hye Li intved begat Oboe wRRD mod re * laetia walayy stnore “onda ‘po'Ml5| 000: pobdti bne? fori Masta or “"'fo¥ @lenentery dohool teachers, ° Positions fariNastenPeadhete 12, IIT, snd IV weil] subseqiently be oreated.: a ds Peal Abe cate, Lone for Master Teacherd ip’ the sovondary, loi may be Heated’ by tho local governments oF ‘schdols: Concerned provided My aro gives “bt We\bagiar of the: ork terdaepect tied. jqsion and Pronidential Exeoutive Assistant (sqD.) ATH Cc." Lara stat of the Budget : i ‘OREDIT POINTS FOR LEADSRSHIP, POTENTIAL AND a ACCOMPLISHMENTS; . a a ‘y 7 Vagatman Rinbor . 4 i of ita ¢ a. Introduces any of the following which has been fe ‘% adopted'or used by the school or district + 20 points for any ono of = Curriculum: or ingtritdtional. materials J? the itewe, = Effective teaching teohniques-or etrategios " “+ Maplittcation of york-as in reporting system, - record kesping, otc., or procedures that . regulted in cost reduction . = A vorthwhile income gonerating project for ae Dupile given recognition by higher of- fislais in the divigion 7 be Served ag “gubjeot poordinator or Y gidde chairs Han for at least one year} or aa adviser of |. sohool publication or any special school or= : gandzation ke dranatic club, glee club, + welence olub, etc. and diacharged auch, aceign ment satisfactorily for at least two yeers: provided such dgnments or oervices are in . addition to, end not oonsidersd part of, the , regular teaching Joad ea PB ey. 2. Bervad an chairaan of a special coanittio, auch Re carrioulun study conaittee; committeg to prea’ + ‘pare. instructional materinis; committer to pre=' . “pare school progrem, and discharges the work. 3% . otttotentiy ‘attdated or headed an “educational research Wity “dilly ‘approved by educational author gh.improvament of inetruationy Few per gonaher igfere | ‘& program of another sgenéy or coordina ,xWrel‘estvice improvement activity 4n af community poh késteodt hay, watrction, eat nduateted ae “egate least two Yo 4 For partieipetion as nenbor of euch netivity pe OP pont) aati Cther elodler activi tide ae inact on the He ‘weboo} level he fe att ata en A . ee ited: ath meritorious achiovosents such as” #éoeive prized, comendationa or ary form {.6f Fecognétion! National winner - 10 ptes Rogional'winner 5 pta> Division winner 3 ptse ps a Penta. of or coach’ to ‘contestants who er ‘Mth tic conch of aitietes or teams whe won” prizes as followst sgunized/asnaged fn. dnceorvico nativity or -~'s” 22 pointe: 20 pointe.

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