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"Yes! The Exarchs of Dross! Our hated rivals.

They fancy themselves crows, but they are nothing but

sparrows in black feathers! Cowards, traitors and spies. Spies!"
Why do you hate them so much?
"Ha! A silly question! Some feuds have no beginnings and no ends.
We hate them because they follow orders from the mistress, like dogs. We hate them because they do
not pay us tribute. We hate them because they hate us!"
The mistress? Who is that?
"No! No more questions! Go, fetch our treasure or go away!"
Speaking with the Knave after fetching the belt-buckle:
"Well? Do you have our shinies? Speak, spy!"
I stole this belt-buckle from the constable's trunk.
"Such sparkle and shine. A prize! A prize from our enemy! Perhaps you are a worthy crow-friend after
Ask your questions. Ask!"
Did one of you steal a key from the Clockwork Basilica?
"A key? Yes, the Great Prize! The Shiniest Lock-Poker! Our heroic Knight of Marrow breached the
gates and claimed it from the clumsy apostles, and our Exarch foes!
The featherless ones squabble over its whereabouts, but they'll never find it. Never!"
Can you tell me where it is?
"No. Only our Duke of Crows knows. You cannot speak to him, crow-friend- not without an escort.
Find the Knight of Marrow. He is our grandest champion! Sleek and strong! Honor him with shinies and
sweet meats and he may help."
Where is this Knight of Marrow?
"By a great waterfall, south and east. Swooning like a lovesick dove, no doubt. Even now he builds his
lady love a glorious nest, but she is fickle and he is foolish.
Go and talk to him. He needs adventure."
Who are these Exarchs again?
"Enemy crows! The Exarchs of Dross.
They serve the shadow women and try to steal the Great Prize from us. But the Blackfeather Court
bows to no one! Our Duke will rend their Queen of Chaff to pieces and we will feast on her entrails!"
Shadow women?
"Shrikes! Weeping, featherless pale-skins that swat and curse us! And their other servants also- black-
robed cultists. May they eat sour meat and die!"
Why do you care about this key so much?
"If you see it, you will know. No silver glistens and gleams like the Prize!
The Exarchs and the shadow women want it, but it's ours now. Ours! The Knight of Marrow claimed it
for the Court. Ask him."
How did you learn how to talk?
"We crows are clever and wise. Wise! We bend our words into sentences just as you do- except we're
better at it because we're smarter than you."
Spy! Speak or I'll—! Wait… I know you. The Duke's tall, fat-legged vassal from Crow's Wood! Ha!"
Well, we're not in Crow's Wood anymore, Featherless! Go look for shinies somewhere else!"

"Crow-friend! I am glad I found you. Just let me... catch my breath."

Knave of Rooks? What are you doing here?
"The Duke of Crows sent us far and wide looking for you. My wings ache from the effort! Ache!"
"You wish to use the Gloaming Gates, yes? Well, only crows, and shrikes, and silly cultists can use
them. The Mistress keeps them locked."
So you activated it for me?
"Yes! You need a crow's cunning to use these things."
"Now, in you go. I will come with you, to help you find our brave Knight's murderer. You must kill the
Shadow of the Clock-god. Kill him, then we'll pick the bones clean!"
What about Luciana?
"The metal woman? Bah! We help her too, but only because we know you'd be cross if we did not. We
think she is stupid and ugly, but a friend of our crow-friend is sort of a friend of the Duke's. Sort of."
"Now, no more talking. Into the gate! Go!"
"Made it, at last. At last! Well done, crow-friend. You move quickly for someone with stubby legs and
no wings."
"Now, I will lock this gate with crow-magic. No one will follow you- I swear it on the Duke's fine
Are you coming with us to the Cogitum Centralis?
"Oh no. Not yet. Not yet! Our mischief's not done. We still have shadow women to peck, and cultists to
chase, and shinies to steal!"
Well, thanks for the help.

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