"Anong Klaseng Buhay Na Dapat Meron Ako?": The Path of Life

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The Path of Life


• When I encountered the Lord Jesus Christ and became a Christian, the first question that comes into
my mind is "What next?”.
• I know that something changed in my life, me nagbago sa loob ko, something drastically and power-
fully change in my life.
• I know my life would never be the same again.
• But my question is basically...

“Anong klaseng buhay na dapat meron ako?"

• Nakakalungkot isipin na most of us had the same experience, at first we are so happy and inlove with
Jesus. We expected there will be changes in our way of life, but we have seen ourselves doing the
same old things that we've been doing.
• Nabago lang a simbahan pinupunthan mo pero ganon pa rin ang klase ng buhay mo.
• It is so important that our walk should be different from the way of life of those who don't have rela-
tionship with Jesus.

• Today it is so important to know what should our way of life must be.
• Let us look on what the bible says about our new life in Christ.
• Peter quoted this verse from Psalms 16:11

Acts 2:28 NIV

You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.'

• Sa King James Version is...

Acts 2:28 KJV
[28] Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy coun-

• The bible is clear and Peter knew that there is a way of life or a Path of life that we should
live by if we are truly a followers of God.

The paths of life is the ways of life!

• The bible is showing us a Path of life we should follow!

• A way of life we should live by.
• This path of life was give by God to man, it is actually innate in un humanity, because when God
created us he put in our soul and spirit this way of life or path of life.
• That is why the bible also say that "when we follow the ways of this world”
Ephesians 2:2 NIV
[2] in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the king-
dom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.

• Therefore it is importance for us to discover again this path of life that the bible is talking about.
• So when peter quoted this verse and after Peter’s finished preaching about the path of life acts
2:28, three thousand people got saved.
• And immediately the 3000 new disciples actually started to the path of life verse 42.

Acts 2:42 NIV

[42] They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of
bread and to prayer.

• The 3000 new disciples started immediately a new way of life. They actually followed the path of
• They did not only become a disciple by name but they actually live the path of life of a true be-
liever of God.
• So it is important that as disciples we should show and be an example of this path of life, this new
way of life in Christ.
• Hindi lang sila nag confess ng fath nila but they actually devoted themselves to this path of life.
• Ang iba ay devoted kung saan- saan at kung kanino
• At alam natin Kung devoted ka sa isang bagay, hindi ka napipilitang gawin ito. kundi nasisiyahan
kang gawin ito. At kung anuman ang ippapagawa or I laydown ng leadership sa church di ka nag
oobject , sa halip all out ka lagi.
• Devoted means they actually do this everyday of their lives or become part of their daily rou-
• How can you say you are living a way of life kung paminsan minsan mo lang ginagawa or kung
kailan ka lang free at available.

• So we need to know where these disciples devoted themselves?

Acts 2:42, 45 ESV

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of
bread and the prayers. . . . And they were selling their possessions and belongings and sharing
the proceeds with all, as any had need”.
• A great verse to follow up the path of life
• These are four practices na essence ng discipleship

1. Listening to the Teaching of the word of God

2. Fellowship and breaking of the bread
3. Prayer
4. Sharing (they gave)

• If we we are a disciple and follower of Christ it will help us stay on. Hindi lang sa one year journey,or
five year journey, instead a lifetime journey.
• These four things ay napaka critical sa atin, para ma develop until they become the delight, the joy
and the pleasure. Gaya ng sinabi ng verse 28. We noticed when he said the Path of life, sabi nya :

Acts 2:28 NIV

[28] You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.'

• It is called path of life or way of life because we do it everyday, it become our spiritual discipline.
• It becomes a habit of life.
• How to make spiritual discipline into habits that will bring joy?
• Every habit always base on pleasure it will bring
• Ang exercise sa simula mahirap,at masakit sa katawan, pero pag nakasanayan mo na ito ay maging
behavior hanap-hanapin mo, hanggang ito ay maging pleasurable.
• Why can't we develop these spiritual habits? Habits that we absolutely crave doing it.

• So let us look on each one of them and its importance to our way of life.

1. Listening to the word of God:

Acts 2:42, 45 ESV

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of
bread and the prayers. . . . And they were selling their possessions and belongings and sharing
the proceeds with all, as any had need”.

- They devoted themselves in listening to the apostles teachings.

- During that time the whole bible is not yet available so listening to the apsotles
teaching is their only option in hearing and discovering the word of God.
- Today we can easily read the bible anywhere and anytime. So READ with a Plan
not just random or by convenience. Dapat planado, dapat every day.
- It is still important to listen to the teachings of your pastor, LG leader and other
credible preachers of the word of God.
- Pag nagiging habit natin ito. Ito ay magbibigay satin ng REWARD (Pleasure)
- You need to understand that the word of God is a manual of life. The reward ac-
tually of reading, meditating and obeying God's word is so huge that it will really
change your life.

Joshua 1:8 NIV

[8] Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you
may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

- All of those who listen and follow God's word truly becomes successful and pros-
- Listening, reading and obeying God's word is a path of life that we should follow.
- A way of life we should live by.

- But discipleship is not only just reading the bible and obeying it, but it is also
about being connected to others. To be able to have a family to be belong to.
This is the next path of life.


Acts 2:42, 45 ESV

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of
bread and the prayers. . . . And they were selling their possessions and belongings and sharing
the proceeds with all, as any had need”.

• Fellowship means being with your spiritual family.

• They did not only meet but actually have breaking fo the bread, as in eating fellowship.
• A regular reminder, you meet the brethren regularly.a specific time to meet with specific peo-
• CHURCH services. It should be a non negotiable or maging optional,for a believer, Hear the
message, taking notes.feel the presence of God with other believers.at magkaroon lagi ng
connection lagi kang naka plug-in at ang flipside nito ay life groups
• Life groups- dito na develop natin ang intimate relationship with a small groups of people.
• Here we feel and develop
A – Accountablity to one another
B – Belongingness
C – Care for each other

Acts 2:42, 45 ESV
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of
bread and the prayers. . . . And they were selling their possessions and belongings and sharing
the proceeds with all, as any had need”.
• Prayer is our communication to God. Kung meron man nagpatibay sa faith ng mga biblical
characters since from the time of Adam till now is prayer.
• Imagine they don't have an organized religion, nor a written and printed bible but they were
walking with God. That is because of prayer.
• The early church do it not only on their devotion but among with the family of God.
• They pray for one another.
• Prayer is the venue where we can ask God to do something powerfully and miraculously to
our life and to others.
• Prayer should be regularly done, everyday, every time and every moment.
• It is our path of life and way of life.
• Prayer is what makes us intimate and enjoy our relationship with God.

4. SHARING: Plant a SEED daily.

Acts 2:42, 45 ESV

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of
bread and the prayers. . . . And they were selling their possessions and belongings and sharing
the proceeds with all, as any had need”.

• When we get into the path of life, our behavior and attitude change.
• We were able to give to others, we become a blessing.
• Giving became our joy and pleasure

“It is more blessed [joyful] to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35 ESV).

• Where ever we go we should plant a seed everyday!

• The world will not understand the Generosity of the family of God, imagine they are actually sell-
ing their possessions just to help the family of God
• As disciples of Jesus giving and sharing should be a way of life for us!

• True Disciples of Jesus had these path of life! This is their way of life.
• true disciples, always listen and follow the bible, the word of God, We should have fellowship
every week, Sunday and Life group is so important for us and we never compromised it kapalit ng
pahinga, lakwatsa, gawain bahay o ano pa man. Prayer is our joy because is our our time with
God and opportunity to help others. Sharing and generosity makes us different from others.
• How can you call yourself a Christian if these things is not your pat of life, your way of Life. These
makes you strong Christian and not just a member or attendee but strong child of God!
• Our way of life and our path of life we follows make us different from those proffesing christians
and makes us a true disciple of Jesus.

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