Assigment 1 Component Based Architecture 5. Advantage and Limitation Advantage

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Assigment 1

Component based architecture

5. Advantage and limitation

Advantage Limitation

-Divides large project into many small ones. -Reusability

-Language independence +Increased Development time
-Reduced time to market +Harder to identifu requirements
-Enhanced quaility +Decreases usability
-Reusable components -Choosing Middleware
-Easy to replace components +Incompatible technology
-Testing is hard
+Unknown uses of components
-High initial costs

6. Applicable domain

Component-based approach has in last years shown considerable success in many application domains.
Distributed and web-based systems, desktop and graphical applications are typical examples of domains
in which component-based approach has been very successful. In these domains the general-purpose
component technologies, such as COM, .NET, EJB, J2EE are used.

7. Demo

Step 1: create a Class Library project

Step 2: adding code to FinanceMath class. This is a typical formula to calculate loan payment.

Step 3: Build a release version of DLL using the Build menu – see image below
Step 4: Create a new Windows Form Project
Step 5: Right click on References and select Add Reference. Click browse and locate the DLL in the bin

directory of the cecs445_dll_demo project

Step 6: add Fields,TextBoxes and Button to the Form of this Windows Form Project

Name text boxes as: loanTB, durationTB, interestTB and paymentTB; and name button as calcB
Step 7: double click at Calculate button and enter code for

*Note that these are demo code; have not added any exception handling code.

Step 8: Click Run button, and enter 30000 for loan-6 for duration- 4 for interest. Then click Calculate

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