2.1 Project Charter Statement

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Project Management

Akhilendra Pratap Singh


Project Charter Statement

Project(Narrative) charter statement capstone project includes following sections;

A. Project purpose or justification

ABC Corporation is looking to automate the correspondence process for the software application, cde.

Customer service agent use cde SYSTEM to process the new applications but to mail the confirmation
letter, they manually print the letter and mail it the customer. The current process is a manual control
which requires the processor to select the proper template and manually copy the required information
from cde. They would need to print two copies with any necessary attachments. One to mail out & one
for record. They would need to manually create an air bill for each letter on the FedEx/UPS/USPS
website. Finally, the processor would then have to physically walk the paperwork to the record room to
have the letter recorded in the record room. This entire process takes an average of 2 hours for each
letter generated by the CSR.

This manual process leaves us vulnerable to human error. It’s sometimes difficult to locate these letters
in the record room, in the event of an audit. Keying errors can occur when manually entering all the
required data into the letter template. Templates can also be incorrectly altered while creating a letter,
which could cause errors on that letter, in addition to subsequent letters that would require that same
template. Also, manually creating an air bill for each letter can be very time consuming.

Purpose of this project is to automate the entire process of Confirmation letter generation and its
record management. The project will integrate the cde System with the printer and will enable users to
automatically select the template, attach images (application form etc) and send letters to printer which
will automatically create the air bill for the address on the application form. Current phase will cover
acceptance/confirmation letters only.

This project will save the time, will help in record management and will help ABC Corp in getting rid of
the above mentioned errors/issues. For more on benefits of this project, please refer to next section in
this document.

B. Measurable project objectives and related success criteria

Objective Success Criteria

To reduce the human error in the templates like 0 errors in letter generation
grammars, incorrect address entry and other
details of applicants.
To reduce the time of letter generation from 2 Time required to generate letters will be 20 mins
hours to under 1 hours.
Easy to manage and easy to find letters in the Scanned copies will be automatically uploaded to
record server and user can search any letter at any time
using the application number or applicant name.

Efficient tracking of air bills and cost associated All airbills will be stored on company’s finance
with them. folders and team will be able to access them and
use for computation with ease. It will also
provide ability to sort bills based on vendors and
To Reduce the labor cost by 50% over a period Cost should be reduced by over 50% in 2 years
of 2 years

C. High-Level Requirements
High-Level High-Level Requirement Description Priority
Requirement #
csr-irv-01 System needs to allow the processor to High
determine the type of letter template
based upon the application type and state.

csr-irv-02 The processor needs the letter to be High

available for editing and preview.
csr-irv-03 System needs to automatically collect the High
required data for the letter templates and
pass it to printer.
csr-irv-04 System shall have a new table set up to Low
match the zip code to the addresses.
csr-irv-05 System shall automatically upload the Medium
generated letters to finance directory.
csr-irv-05 System shall automatically print the High

D. Assumptions
 It will be a user procedure to accept the application.
 It will be a user procedure to initiate the process of printing the letters using print option in the
 User will verify the information on application.
 System will use the information entered on the application for printing.
 Admin Team will provide the list of updated zip codes.

E. Constraints
 System cannot determine the accuracy of the data entered on the application, it will remain a
manual procedure where it will be manually handled by user.
 System cannot handle special characters due to technical limitations therefore alternatives need
to be developed to handle those scenarios.
 Project budget cannot exceed $100000 but printer may need software upgrade to support this
 System still depends upon the user to select the correct template.
 Users need to manually look up the State form to print and attach to the letter when necessary

F. High-level Risks & Opportunities

1. System integration with printer may fail if printer’s software is not upgraded.
2. Project can be used to upgrade the system to handle special character.
3. Incorrect zip code table may result in mailing the letters to wrong address.
4. Overall cost of the project may go up as it involves multiple systems.
5. Timeline may not be met due to integration issue.

G. Summary milestone schedule

Task Name START
Project Start 6/21/2018
Evaluation & Solution Recommendations 7/1/2018 7/4/2018
Develop Project Charter 7/2/2018 7/5/2018
Deliverable: Submit Project Charter 7/7/2018
Project Sponsor Reviews Project Charter 7/17/2018 7/19/2018
Project Charter Signed/Approved 7/27/2018 7/29/2018
Create Preliminary Scope Statement 8/6/2018 8/8/2018
Determine Project Team 8/16/2018
Project Team Kickoff Meeting 8/26/2018 8/28/2018
Develop Project Plan 9/5/2018 9/7/2018
Submit Project Plan 9/15/2018 9/17/2018
Milestone: Project Plan Approval 9/25/2018
Project Kickoff Meeting 10/05/2018 10/07/2018
Verify & Validate User/System
10/15/2018 10/17/2018

Design Solution 10/25/2018 10/27/2018

Procure Hardware/Software 11/04/2018 11/06/2018
Install Development System 11/14/2018 11/16/2018
Tech Analysis & Documentation 11/24/2018 11/26/2018
Coding & Unit Testing 12/04/2018 12/06/2018
System Testing & Sign off 12/14/2018 12/16/2018
Install Live System 12/24/2018
User Training 01/03/2019 01/05/2019
Go Live 01/13/2019
Audit Procurement 01/23/2019 01/25/2019
Document Lessons Learned 02/02/2019 02/04/2019
Update Files/Records 02/12/2019 02/14/2019
Gain Formal Acceptance 02/22/2019 02/24/2019
Archive Files/Documents 03/04/2019 03/06/2019
Project End 03/02/2019

H. Summary budget

Deliverable/Task Total Hours

Specification 37
Specifications 17
Code and Unit test 120
System test 130
Integration (FIT) 30
QA and UAT support 50
Install support 20
Management 31
Project Management 77
Total System hrs 512
Rates/Hour $160.00
Total Budget $81,920.00

I. Stakeholder List

Stakeholder Name Role

Name 1 Program Director
Name 2 SME
Name 3 Operations Manager

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