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Cee eS eek NC NN PAE dy MF: MIBECHE VIL @lz (EAL 500. MAF ARR Eee with English Translation dinh kém tiéng Viét ask + TABS ~6HBOeE TT. The seventh day is for reviewing what you did @: the first six days. : Nogay thir 7 [a phan 6n tap ty ngay dau tién én ngay thir 6 Ose Omer -e bPSRU C&lk -@ OBE RUBBLELKS. co®) ° When you do not understand something, please look at the -@ question and check it out. Truong hgp khéng hiéu, hay xem Iai bai tap om +@ d& biét chinh xac, SARON-YORICBOT | £u®) . | @ EVES. . i The anewer s atthe bottom ofthe next page. ; Cau tra loi dug ghid dui trang tiép theo. —— is us — Y-JIZIwWT \ GB EMCaoEPORRERNLUET. This shows other possible answers. Gi6i thigu cach néi khéc c6 thé la dap an ding. This shows possible antonyms. / Gidi thigu ti trai nghia. = (KFDURORBE BNL TUES. ( | | | | | | This shows phrases that have almost the same meaning. Gi6i thigu cach n6i cé ngha gan gidng, | | | | | | | | \ * EERPRBECEMPUCHRT. This shows explanations and points to be careful of. Gi6i thigu nhong diém can chd y, phan gidi thich, vw... Be] KSSsmMBUERL TUES. fEbBWESIC, ERUTS ES. This shows common mistakes. Please be careful not to make any of Bhay them: Chirra I6i hay bi mac phai. Hay chi y khong stv dung, 5 Ta aa Sivan e oa OMN=|=E ag color aces OY sc saa AOE so Cs Une aves See Pere a hea [eee de oe OW azleles | ha ee clea OOREMBLEL ED. PSS ur Rua echae eVect wt Gemeente Nei a hod do it over b ee uk Ane Vir mNaT Ine EMI MN ear sea ne menractas ee Doar ela scare / 3018 Mao | man | ma= wa=|=) (&< Led) 7 30% 4124 MBo | MEN | ma 7 30 ff Soran em eee Nae ta Co IME ese ueruener cet Meri eae ers + Néu c6 phan nao ma ban it tra 161 dling VAL eat acs Wn Mal Brot ere ners a ati Sea ee end Veen mye t Me ye Een acre Mist 1 : © 5 / 30 BA 7/118 J z By a ly EB / 30 Fi yin | Meg 3 a a sea & DZEBEOSHRIERFIC. B FILO SHRICELT. ELUS OER PEBOREL. Choose the correct word from the multiple options after converting the underlined kanji word into hiragana or the hiragana word into kanji. Hay chon dap an diing sau khi chuyén cdc tlr gach chan tir cht Hiragana sang cho Han hoae nguge lai. DEZAIMEANETD. WS [LAV SORBED S—OROBEU. What is the right word to fit in the underlined space? Choose the correct word out of the multiple options. Bién gi vao ché tréng cho phi hyp? Hay chon mot dap an ding nhat. DEZAMEARETD. WS SAVED EMURED 5 —OHOUREL. ‘What is the right word to fit in the underlined space? Choose the correct word out of the multiple options. ‘Bién gi vao ché tréng cho phi hop? Hay chon mot dap 4n ding nhat. 1 KAL9 2 Uris 3 UACI Awe — OB eocta. x73 aItELEF SIVEL ET BLELEI Ub5*ELEI kon + Bu xv oS 1% 2015 3 4 4 @ <0 8 ABE vocHutén ve ° BOT (KU. Get CB 1000 (8 Ww 10000 SAE at CRA J | 1 3 COMO ADI EDLSWTTP. What is the population of this town? O60 Ak PEL evaTT. aun 1 BHA [BT Fae : BY ~ Town (name ofa town) aa & 8508 2 2 A] 2 + BARA, a Japanese (person) 3 HBA 5 =y: ~~ person ~- AB aot 4 #28 eo VE : BOA man/nguei con rai ngvo% dan ng * AA adult/nguoilén * >A - sA (9! AG <5: 1 moun/mm + AYE envance ii veo # HE 2000 I 2 1 BCT, L7AYe DUELS. Oss. DEW 0 DHE KAS RAK It’s hot. Let's turn the air conditioner on. i ° Nong nhi! Bat diéu hoa lén dil 1 uy t es F Lio t @ DS] DHS wnonsva o WT b hese Spot BUS) ALS opon ime & PAS ber & = BT | HT push/ dn @ 31< 3 FMR = WV [BBR] BAK oven sme © ALS 4 with a 2000 a 3 4 BUSY TBUT KES. @wpsria sy %A ABLE LK. Please write with a black pen. aaa “e aay Hay viét bang but den! 1 xv INT #N=i8R - Z7X tool, method / dung cu, phyong phép 2 | ® + BEC aH Fees. 7 yo echik Same ges. ale 3 : 4 2000 { 12 13 zea / 4 2 BOK BRATS. That person is a company employee. Anh Ay l& nhan vign cdng ty. DA : St company/ cong ty - SFA conversation / hdi thoai, cudc ndi chuyén_ ace ne ® (-3)? BO meet/ gap Ht] + + HEE president/ giam abc - SEAL employee /nhan vien FBSA working adult /nguoi trudng than, nguoi di tam Bl] 4: SHB - EB salesclerk / nhan vien ban hang Rileea | Chun 3000 8 2 bb. DEE pbs. BEAD RAW. O taser pemvoe CAV Gosh, I'm so thirsty. I'd like to drink some cold water. i, khat nuéc. Toi mudn uéng nude. seals 1 ott ® [PD<] + DEA PK be thirsty /knat ; HL) + BAD TK gothungry (a 2 HUT @) 5 aH) + HAS WAS clothes got wet/ ust qutn do 3 DALT é 4 alt 3000 i 6 1 HRSA TEUAAE BLE LIE. [—6 Ook Hott fot (HSM. Mr. Tanaka married a British woman. i : Tok NE) *#£2 AF describing the other person 2 sy + BE WADE. im hy a = ha 3 T hi (= NE (LD LIE) | (together) with NJ (cung) voi N ie 3 4” 5 ¢ RIESE Wile TOK. a ee 3000 16 It's four o'clock right now. Bay gid la 4 gid. | AY: SH thismonth thang nay UNE : ce: THROW when | was a child / hdi bé, * sat clock / déng hd & * 3H today /hom nay * 74F this year / nam nay * 38 this morning / sang nay , thei ther au 4 THEUA, HERVE HLT KEE. Excuse me? May I use the washroom? Xin 16i, cho t0i di vé sinh nhe cail [BF] WF tend cho mugn, cho vay € (US + TOE RUL PBR] RED BE UIE] & 9 BKC HUTS SUY E ‘When they want to use the washroom or phone, Japanese say “LT <7EEU) (May | borrow ~ 2)" meaning “May | use ~ ?’ Trong trong hgp la “nha vé sinh” hay * “dign thoa’’, vv... thi ngudita ding RUT <7ERU) (hay cho t6i mugn) véi nghfa la {RU7eL) (tdi mudn ding ). 2 CDR KITS Follow this road straight. Hay di thang con duéng nay! N@| *N=35p7 place /ché, dia diém + 7c RE MELE. FIT SEK. Poa @ acu ae. RELA. Ron AE AR ae Ae ED RIL 1 384 2 28btO 3 7244 4 2bbuN @ ta ake RELA. RAM 10 WET. : , im 1 £T 2 #5 3 4 tt 4000 4000 im hy & 2 7 10 CER 4 S% BAA KEL. This year, | came to Japan. / Nam nay tdi da dén Nhat Ban. [3E] 2 : 1 4 - 3Rz one year, next year/ sang nim ae One EL : SF this year /nmnay AR] AY : AR book/ sach - 1 AS. 2A. SAR one, two, three (long, oblong shaped objects) / 1 cuén, 2 cuén, 3 cudn * aS true, real / that sy Se WARSA eee 5K] DA : 3A nextmonth / thang tei, thang sau » 3 3B) next week /tudn to, twan sau ca) RS HORRU a 2 HO FAO Wis DSU, That teacher's classes are boring. Gid gidng ctia thay gido day budn té. DESB) boring / chan, bubn té ema DBS _| pile up, accumulate / phi, chat * BA WES snow piles up /tuyét pha 1 EA BAI REL. KAD 1OBRTUKT. | came to Japan last month. I'll be staying until the 10th of next month. TOi da dén Nhat Ban vao thang trudc. Tdi & dén ngay ming 10 thang sau. Ni PSN2&T | fromNt ton2/te Ni dén N2 Na, N2 =Festel 3 ABP time, place / thé’ gian, dia diém + 15BPS 20BET RRle HET. o RRDS MRET EDS EW PPUETD. SAE Ron @ cn. Pon = Pek Oe CO tk or GU J oy ray av BK BPOK (TS) BR hy le 2 @ ix te BET Fak TLELA Rot (HX. Yeay AYIY xrray ayta-J— FHA BE THAS EF as trae HY EEL Bott wi EEL be ByUEEL 9000 9000 9000 i hy & i] 27 t y TRA fr 25 4 Sit KAIC ET Yat ILELK This morning, | woke up at 7:00 and went jogging, Sang nay, 161 day luc 7 gid rbi di bo. BF) Fay: 9AM vreaktast/ an sang HE + BB every moming/hang sing" HEB (=H B) +99 ee Be: Em Bei fO BO:ER Fe % (-88/-24) | BES - TTF stand somehting up, wake up / danh hac 26 1 FYVAIVE BABPS. TLED YEAVE RIT LETLA EF UPA > LEU REPRE EEL? BUSCA > LEU ® BUREATLE a by ig 2 @ #4 ait Bc Ewe Let. (L(t bs ae aa Ron 10000 Oa reeves BI oJ 1 vott ee 2... WEES ET 3 Vwbolevst 4 BRAY RI © v 10 0000 RELY ATH. 1 FMNWT 2 ni T 3 FMVWVe 4 =n 10000 29 28 1 KAD Blt Be BBE LET. ‘On my days off, call my mother. \Vao ngay nghi, ti goi dign thoai cho me. QO eee Bec we Las. a 1 ast [&t| aK + 4889 grandmother / ba : (IE BSA mother! me 2 at [] FY : WAG - WH prone, train /tau aien - MER electricity, electric light / sign 3 attr [BE] 9 : SRB conversation /héithoai, cupen6i chuyen * HERR care / ham soc 4 pot $S% (4) | HAF talk n6i chuyen $E%EL = BB talk, discussion / cau chuyen 1000 29 EWE.) B[SPLWREU. | Bow BREED. COON » > BWelcome back” z27s —____ #o ‘A: Anh vé rdi day! B: Anh da vé al ve 1 CHltEtr ® BPAYREL 2 tHEL SHUT HUY BB me a AS i 2 KxtD Re (i Tl) KARST BB & DB BULUVF BL BULLET BUN =n3¢ 3 KILO e 4 Ke Leg “ooo 31 _ tea / 31 2 AAAS Alc He LET. eas Fees EL ‘The teacher talks to the students. Thay giéo nél chuyén v6i sinh vien. @ uLeit Ro mi HY EF. 1 [FE] 2 2 SEE - 9A last month thang true * JE 3B last week /twan truce #5 Zo ke tides 2 #8 SS tA frst /trvso (BE) 2 : SBE - EAE student /hoe sinh 3 RE Yay : HE G birthday sinh nhat « ERR es hard as one can / cham chi 4 kB U) (8%) | EES iive/s6ng D (-&h3) t EEN be born /duge sinh ra, ra aa EA HF * KF college / sainoc - 2P8B faculty /knoa ~ FIZ science /bo mon, khoa 32 1 WU ER EMD. TDA MOHELA, O28. om eI BRET HOI TEELAD. Why don't we go out somewhere since the weather is so nice outside? 1 BVT & Troi dep, vi vay di dau dé choi khong? CDS] HAWS leave or, go out! tra ngodi 2 BST co) e tS_| (BA eS 3 BILT = + BH 8G Ic RE MET. 4 BLT ul leave home a 8:00 every morning Hang sng, t6i ra khdi nha Idic 8 gid. 12000 33 3 A [HRD A-E—AY lt ENTI P| Oso Alt EM TED B[USISA KEWUONTS.| GI AS A-E—-AYT 7 A: “Which. is ff 7" B: “The bi t 7 ‘ ACéoeapnoctabenlacsinae? B.CéctornAl, 1 PAlt Roo @) — [fo] ~: a F 2 mAlt a ~Q| ~’s, of ~/ Tre tir diing thay thé cho mot danh tir da noi dén & dang truge t im & SALEM BRED RTT. | 3 DAD ha 5 BIWWA. BREADTT. FIs BLOTS .| 4 PAD S 12000 sen / 34 4 REIS RO Bic BVET. 6 b 35 © uv Fhe bookstore tein front of the station. Higu séch nam é truée nha ga. *HRE (=4IB) + AUB mainstore, main branch /higu sach ORE (Z| 47 : BL rooftop/ san thong 3 ie a bookstore, flower shop / tra hang hoa AB barbershop / tidm ct téc ~ ABI room / phong ra morning / budi sang EA: BY» BBY name/ten 2 BH. Gil BET fle FEET. \ oe up até: (00 every moring and go to work Hang sng, 161 day lic 6 gig’ va a. ~ Gidy nay méng nhung rét chéc chain. . - 1 (FLT DTW + mu i= thin paper / gidy mong BUN L YL) I—E— weak coffee /ca phé nhat 2 °5938 PA) 2 AEU'A, flower vase /Ig hoa (82 + TE flower /hoa » 12 P ex fireworks / phéo hoa 47 + KER opinion /y kién & (-/-28/-¥%) : BB see, look! nhin RAD able to be seen, be visible / nhin thay - RES ‘show, let ... see / cho xem wo ZO BRIS. BES AT OT MOWTS. The heater is on and the room is warm. Phong nay cé diéu hda nong nén ém. BERDW | Da7eby SFLU | 4 Als. HAPS Foele BRDU warm /am FBIELY cold, cool /lanh € FRLY BELLY cool / mat eRe RLU Ik DBL Ihave been teaching children English since last month T6i dang day tiéng Anh cho tré con ttr thang true. VTS + Qik. S HMBC AT UST. ASE ALE RATHES. HOES We2ces + HO Qe SRC Mut WET. Ese) % BAT WET. : Pha Ora vom. REEL Boat @ = <6 5 REC CoCo mM Bon = 1 2 3 4 —#B oat baat bet teat Vp 17000 17000 Ao tH RRO. 17000 43 44 2 —PAlc —B. REESE BET. | meet up with my friends once a month. Toi gap ban bé thang mot fan. FF) 4% : =f once motian DE: oA VECDIZ? *FA TA (lat: 18. 25 38-1) #4 (-8) * EIS rotate/ ai vong quanh [Rl ce: RES 2 TIPS RET EOS 5 BEY DPVETD. ‘How long does it take to get to the station from here? Tir day dén ga mat bao nhiéu thoi gian? [ps | (ID) DAS take (time)/ mt, ton (thi gian) (BEA) PDS cost! mat, t6n (ier) [FHS] _ pass (ime), time passes / qua, éi qua + BP BET EOFS BS RET. Spring fs over and summer will soon come, Maa xuan di qua va mua ha sp sia d&n. 1 BHSA. SHS RB. KE RPE. Mr. Tanaka is not here again today. Maybe he is stil sick. ‘Anh Tanaka hém nay cing khong dén nil. Chac van con 6m chang? oma) RS — UL RET RRA Fie RPh KLE RECATLE ($4) LES + LEA LELE + LEBATLE TS — LEY Li Labor Out MME BAT. 1 LASA 2 LALA 3 LAK 4 LAIELK Bono | | “Bh 4 e i> oe 5 -. he & i a Ron Vesa J A 4 sah 48000 sri (e) 18000000 Do i hy iS 2 18000 45 52 1 BEC HME HAT. \ read the newspaper on the train. Toi doc bao trong tau dién. fal 2 a BES (-L0) + BH LLY now/ mei [eA a7 aibaet newspaper publishing company / Toa soan bao & (- <] H/MEE/2A—hBE®) B< Yai RYE woman, female / phy nls, dan ba A O she @ giritriend / cd ay Oban gai BAM + HX woman icon gal. nw * OF airl, emale child /bé 98 2 Me KI 71 1 MAS FBVELED. gy DES Has your fever gone down? a ha sét cha? FHS oo down sha, xubng thd EAS & [EWS| FUS iowerina EWS S # FEELS FB go downstairs /aixuéna bacthana © LS v ° BRE FEUS getooff the train Jxudng tau dien HH y 72 1 BAD ACADS. HH BS BBTLED. {et probably rain hard starting tomorrow evening. 6 [6 tir chidu mai troi sé mura to. @) ~TCUED/ESD| HEME FF expressing predictions /thé nien sv suy dosn i + it ERESS. es +S Ale Ro ROTUED. 2 @io BwONnN HO PE BOT TESHAM, HVT HST HOWT HAWT 250000 3A D ELPTH. ove 5d & a SLIKW ned : 2000 Bas WATE TERA a AbD Ahab CAKE b ANECH 23000 59 73 2 HOMO PE BUT FERED. ‘Would you like to go for a walk in those woods? Bibd vao trong rimng kia khong? 1 bez WPL ak 2 Koz AB} HTS walk around, tako a walk / dao bd F BB (0 BS SHON 19 2 HAT travel / au lich 4 tev OW (-<) 47K HT (-5) + 47 do, carry out tién hanh, t che @ mM Enilt 74 3 Ald 3 ARBO BAP. I'm the second oldest among my siblings. /T0i 8 con thi hai trong gia din ¢é ba anh em, Toles lo [Be S7EU] FAH sibting, brother andlor sister / anh chiem &® DEC) RV temiy/giaaion Al fed + Obs 4 ARTS. z FEC? 2 (4%. Ci eBARTIR [~A RIT ~ ARIE! E 9 CSIC BBS ANT BAS. ’ iepansyou count yoursel as wellwhen you count how many siblings or family members 3 He you have. 4 tan © Nhat Ban, khi noi “(may) anh chi em’, “gla dinh (may) ngudi” thi e6 ngha a bao gdm oa ban than ngudi néi. 75 3 Wik MO FEEDS. NIATIC GELS ELY. GITFAOL @rre 'm not good at singing, so | don’t want to go to karaoke, Toi hat dé nén khong muén di karaoke. 1 43/47 because/vi * HEE reason /tido 3 4l ip BR + BUPs HABW. u A ak monmS. male CERMOR, =a6s ; oo 3 Ble hob Bhay @ << sme teers Bor (eM. 260000 ____ tH. ABET 540 26000 PRE RAE LAS a fy i 2) 26000 6 zen of 76 1 ZC BME BRBSE BUT ae a 2 oe8ET 1 tat 1 So 2 uv 8000 10000 @ <0 wae TEEtL. -O @ vr ENT WO, Baie FEE a . . Lt. -O a 2 DT HLES KMD 1 ETHEL T 1 #lco 2 iced @) 7000 9000 i = sae wR E -0 @ 25 weer, sau WRLET.—-O 3 @ x RBIS RAS ° reser) 2p —_ ° 2 1 bITELA 2 FASS come down, fall/ha, di xuéng * PIF lower/ ha xuéng Ui: FE * RE unskilled, not good at / kam © b A) $e cu F< Caw | DB tow, alittle/it 148 1 AIRE MUELESD.| BEL. SBULET. | ‘A:*Shall | open the window?" B: “Yes, please.” A: Bong cla sé lal chr nhi?_B: Vang, anh Géng hé toi v6i &) BAPOLET) BMUUET please /16inhe anh, anh hd (Gidip) t6i voi < EDz: go ahead / xin moi + AIBE BITE WUTTD.| B [lsh ESE) ‘A:*Can |open the window?" B: “Sure. Go ahead.” A; T6i mé ctva s6 c6 dug khong? B: Vang, anh ctr mo! uv 149 4 A-E—E MRE, ESSHUUTID. GB £55 /E95O SH UWUTTD Which would you like, coffee or tea? Ca phe va tra lipton, anh thich dang nao? Ni EN2& EBS (O185H) ~][Ni E N2E Not Ena~ + EWE BRAS EBSO SSH BTID. + SHEE MRE BART. ENS OSA FETIP. +BRO BADD HC. AH UBIEA BETID. (SHE —@ io BoA Le RTT. Ron mf YF At Sd 9000 @ ID A-78—I|k, ET MOT VSZOT mac. 1 ets & 2 Bs = 3 bee v 4 046 9000 @seye car. 1 5) Be 2 Ye Bite 3D (454 BU 4 DFE) Blt aw fy & 2 9000 95 a at al \ 180 2 5D BOL EH BUTS. That man has long legs. Ngudi dan éng dy chan dai. 3B] 2: Bt man, male/ san ong & St BET: ZB man/contrai, nam + 3 OF boy, mate child / be trai Rl ob: ze 7 (-VB/-) : BY be enough, be sufficient au » HEF add /them fe) Fa : BR schoo! principal /higutrudng BM ow) | RY | 151 3 ZH A-N\— lk, BLET HOT WOOT BATS. This supermarket is convenient because i's open so late. Siéu thi nay tign vi n6 déng cia mugn. ® [SEU] (HERI) EO late 7mugn & ALY z (ZE— I) BOY slow / cham © 3RUY EBV] BU tar/xa & HEL hn 162 2 MHWlé LNVA NSE BS BU. ‘Mt. Fuji is not as high as Mt. Everest. Nui Phd S¥ khéng cao bang nui Everest. Ni ld N2tze~@by N1 is not as ~ as N2/N1 khong ~ bang N2 (EN1 EU N2® fk9~) a hy BH 258 (BH BE BRU. & HEV BBO SPRL.) 2° aoee ‘express / tau nhanh * 48, 7X Be limited express / tau nhanh éac biét 4 + SWls RMI ELS BU. ! = SEY LO (SSH te LPI.) | 96 ShEW @# MT RE CVEF. @ ta. amo 36 Bon = 7H trio jm VE Lok. 1 Lo* 2 £3 3 20D» 4 owhks HLT bate KY ELED. 10000 bRLT 10 0000 BR ly ig a 97 CEA . 163 3 BP INC Me HUES. I catch fish in the oceans and rivers. Toi danh bat c4 6 bién va 6 song. i] DA «BFF beach, shore / by bién 348 mb : Jil £4: BAR oolatish /c vang SDE: oe | | 184 1 $id. AMO 35 WES HAT LHD. ® < 5 os 7 hy F 3 Last week, I took off four days out of the week. Juan truéc, tdi da nghi mat 4 ngay trong mot tudn. &om | BE EDP a (Ez0>) 2A D5) =A + SAlt SBT ACS. +SBlt BS PEEP OR. 155 2 BHié BS ROVELED. Have you already finished your homework? Bai tap lam xong rdi cht? [83~| +85 BMS LELE. +65 BEM SYEEA. [RHE~ + SE BEE SUES. +S BMS UTWERA. BSAIEW @ Bac ot RRC TL ET. 1 Ya29c 2 )4909 3.) 4c 4 )209 @eec see ae 1 HELA 2 xHELKA 3 CEYELA 4 be#LA @a lon sens LAz07) B for, Liew] 1 EME 2 49 3 FAWIE A TAWLE 1000 1000 156 4 BeRMIClk OS FUE MATL ES. During summer vacation, my family always goes on a trip. Nghi he bao gid cing di du lich ca gia dinh. %&D : B summer/muane - Ba J: RAK + THERE aquarium / thuy cung U3 : BRAT > FARBE Japanese-style hotel /khdch san truyén théng kidu Nhat ail co® 187 2 weblc HES AA BoELZ. | woke up several times during the night. Nia dem tinh day nhiéu lan. @® A EHS] AA HW wake up/tinh day, thac ide EES | + HA IEKS the carstops/xe ding * HE ILS < * AF IMC JABS stay at a hotel / tro & khach san Vi | [BBS] + HR < fez S veke un cay in tho morning bub sing dby oom + Wikis BES have an accident, an accident occurs / xay ra tai nan, xay ra sy c6 158 4 A[Zh. HEM LED? | BUY? ZAR CE LEWE. | A:"Did you do this?” B: "No, | would never do such a thing.” A; Anh da lam chuyén nay a? B: Khéng, 16i khong bao gid lam chuyén dé! ZAw|| Zhe |[BAB|| CAA] + ZA Ric BAKU. + BANTER. + Eht AS HETID. VIGHSS 100 SAE ® FRFIL OAS HR. Ron = kFwond = 7 ok tf oo 12000 lt BLATT. wt5u bbs ® Auxh = Yedle Y 12000 Q@aralseo WR LER THEHATLEL BI FOND = LTO LOSEKLTHH. 4] Che £5 Ss hth is CABS iS SABIE 2000 101 zea / 1599 1 D&S Be To Rabbits have red eyes. ‘Thé mat 6d. [B| ®: Bi» ~#8 counter‘for ordinal numbers /s6 thir ~ EZ | Eiity aim, purpose/ myc dich HP : Fr red/ dd - HS PA baby/ em de BP vy: FY 4 160 4 CMmRIS HTATID. mesee | we How are your parents? Bé me anh cé khoé khéng? (BEB 2% IB) honorific expression /Kinh ng Co) ¢ [GR parents / b6 me (nguei khac) ™ a * ZEA husband /chdng (ngudi khéc) uv wath . * REE (REA) wite/ vo (nguoi knac) Se + BH (SECA) + BLM (SLEA) Bey 161 2 A [SHO MB. 2% CZKUA TLE] BIZARIE BLPOKATID. | lid poorly on the test today.” B: “Was it that hard?” ‘A: Bai thi hom nay hoan toan khéng lam dugc ti nao. _B: Khé dén thé kia a? EAE | that~/dén thé, nhu thé + BE EABIE BUT SOTHO. ZA | this ~/ dn thé nay, nh thé nay + ZAGIE HULU BIS ENS TEBWTL ES. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Bono — Desks. so zc Messrs lan, HIF AIHIT 6 b EHF KHZ 130000 | ' NIE At BY ELAR a) | +5 &® | os = id é 13000 LEAS BNELK DILEWT DIbUOT DIeCOT O2oT WET omnes @) 13000 162 3 OES. BHO Ale MIEBIPS LNA. & Ifyou run, you might make iin time for the 8:00 bus, Néu chay thi cé Ié kip chuyén xe buyt 8 gid. | WEL Ca): ES Fel] 29% : BFR time / trot gian, tisng - ~f1H) ~ hours / ~ tiéng E36 ceo @BUVZE : [i while, during / git, gita luc, gift khoang, trong gigi, quan he EO FA the other day / dao truéc, dao nay, vira rbi 163 2 Hah. A/\% RD AD WE Leta. © v ¥ These days, there are fewer people who smoke. Gan day, ngudi hut thuéc [a da gidm di nhit [F3] © KILZ& WS smoke / nat thube ta As<| + BAS IRS the wind blows / gié thdi . £e &s< wipe your hands / lau tay 1E<] ¢ BRE HBX sweep the yaré/ quét son * EUSSIB< T HLS tee! sick and vomit /nguéi kh chiu, non mika 164 3 BEBWT. 298 RNELZE. a hy le 3 Tate everything without in any leftovers. Toi da an hét sach, khong dé thira. (fbb) transitive verb / Tha dong tir ~@ BF teave~/dblei~.abthia~ ¢ 33 ls. WIS THE BLES. (EAB}I) intransitive vorb / Ty dong tu ~8 BS siay, romain /~ @lel, cdnial~, ~thue * BRM KSA BOT WES. + PIC BOT. BBE LES. BhEW @*> fT wuvé LAD. BVELA BvelA BVELA Buselr Bor Ct. ne BK @ <0 7-48 LAOIAY. Bh bw. PY re 0) br: Fro Tt yyy a v fice / 165 3 4. fle BWELED. What did you say just now? Vira néi gi ddy? B| 69): BO fectecny ae language, word / ngén ngj, tiéng, tu. [Ei] US = & white (noun) / mau tring US Cu) : EAU white (adjective) / trang | 166 4 RIB BUATH. B< oTH UTI DP. . v L GB 0 RAD BU me TRO S | don’t fee! well. Can | go home early? Tol cém thy kho chiu trong nguéi. Toi o6 thé v8 sem due khong? KA) AFP feeling, mood / cdm gide, tam trang, thé trang #65 Riss feeling /tinh cém, cam gidc, tam trang, thé trang ¢ RUSS (15) Hl) oe Be fi Acie $n disgusting / khé chiu feel sick | cam gidc khé chiu trong nguei (= 5848 BU) Bhan y 167 2 ZO F—LE LEVWHE PUA APSE. GIHOF I want to play this game but | do not know how to, Tdi thich choi tro game nay nhung khéng biét cach choi. VTE} howto~/cachV VED ZE Bap ROH A 0% patitirsau Gee SSR ue ¥ @ so we Bs ASL EF. kon + BON = L649 bBeY Bey ron a)) 150000 i VV CH OH. thot 4 sare ® | EboTt ee bot 15000 iy 8) bat AKA AUTH. Ae< Kewe oe | xx A aS a | SOO 3 | se 150000 107 AKU 168 4 HD Alclé AnkeAS EX EA WET. ‘There are a lot of small birds in that tree. cai cay kia cé nhiéu chim con, @ seco BRL BOTS. j 1 TAKA S VN) 757 : /\ SABE elementary schoo}, primary school /truéng tiéu hoc eB ABE novel / tiéu thuyét 2 TAMA @ 5 BW avy | EW smal/ nhs 3 TAMA ie b zo 4 CAA TB] EY 5M vic crim - Ave 16000 169 1 HD. SZ BoTSOWWTHD. @ 60% woe ays CEU Excuse me? Can | sit here? d Xin 18i, t6ingdi ché nay dug khéng? 1 a ae 4 zx + i FHS) BS sitdown/ ngdi 7 @) (33) & & EDS] ABS touch/ so, cham tay 2 HAbITT < #3) LS tum, revolve / quay, di vong quanh 3 FKAT & ; v BB | WS split civde / chia, aap vo 4 [L¥P2T 160000 170 3 ASEM BO HM CIM, Bl BETS. These plates are diffrent sizes but the price is the same. Ché dia nay kich & khdc nhau nhung gia cd nhu nhau, ~&| * Ate (=N) *ZD I-WO REE EOL BUTI. ge THE BO AMEE RALD. a ae emu @YELA 5 2 smile LELA 3 show ATT 4 EMOKOACT omnes @) uimie-31 @@) 16 000 109 BAY 108 } _cxx_/ | 11 2 BECO REAL BITS. Their store attendant is really nice. Nguoi nhan vién ban hang & 6 than thién. i FY : BRARIE tea (and coffee) shop /quan (tigm) gidi khat + 5B OE Boy aoe: sate bé me (toi) | 172 4 N = Bf - BY AE 2 (time- amount /thoi gian,s6 long) *BW EU5 Bik 25hS DPUES. * REE SASS 138 LE Liz. ChE @we ort Be He Lat. ttKoL I ttok< EAE < ti < Bon = @ e614, Aw 1 Avttotr 2 Het 3 PKK AO 4 j7mcLvy Hd. F a—_ fey Tar b. 2 at b.& 3 at b. 4 am b.& co®) 40000 BOS LAWTH. se @& 10000 TFT .. ® hy & 2 ShEW 278 4 Jie WO% LHC RE LET. QD euro Ta Che BR HLTH. | always do my laundry on weekends. Tdi bao gid’ cling giat gid vao ther bay, cha nhat. [E) ki tm +e aaa KS *d: souvenir / qua > —, 2 ee + “ @ il 39: ETS 2 HLF 49 - 3 YAR EI 4 FA¥4I5 1000 279 3 [< Hav] &® PKCD] {EID usetul/co ich : om @) FED] AYE important, valuable, precious / quan trong oe c 5 _EUHI | serious, dligent, honest /ttt6, nghiém chinh 2 6tKT a 3 CEST 4 KOLAT nooo 200 2 Ald. $818, 8 FECTS. @ wit. #23U-+ Dy ta Teivit chorcon komma vetanhctngtem. HY tO SETH. : [Na 2% | Nt and N2 (as well)/c& Nt Kin N2 tee s i. + Rk tHAS BRAS Boe iS. ms & eS Dee 2 epee z leg Nea 2 Ne (4) | Nt or N2//N1 ho&e N2 n/t & 2 REM HSoT. fAET. sv ; 2 a 4 Cbyy/Cbrw nooo 166 167 zen / @ oo cH ld BOL. ROL, Legos Vi, 281 3 HUREO His CAG ERY EPATID. What industries are popular in your town? Thanh phé ota anh o6 nganh gi phat trién? BE) FY + ERE production (san xudt - ERE + ANEAE souvenir /qua FR) FAD : BH tesson/gierhoc - 2 HE graduation /t6t nghiep aay ise Te RY IR industry / cong nghiép kon + 120000 282 1 AlTHEUA. BH HS0T SAld HAKT. | @® LONIA. WELK T ANE LT BIDDUELE MOXY HAT CKSU.J vwEtty, A; ‘I'm sorry but I'm going to stay home today because | have a fever.” B: ‘All right. Please get some rest.” A: Xin I6i. Toi bj sét. Ngay hém nay t6i xin nghi a. 1 UR-+f B: Duge ri. Chi nghi ngoi di cho khée! = = = i PTE | + FRE (kG stay home trom school /nghihge 2 7-+h a * RT HKG rest at home /nghié nha 3 F277 OLE) ¢ BRE RUG enjoy music /thusng thre am nhac 4 kt 412000 @® zea ma Rov Et. 203 2 Wid. FAAL—KEP FY4—EM HU BOM HATS. | like sweet things like chocolate and cookies. Téithich a ngot, chang han nhu s6-cé-la hay banh quy. 1 £9 Ni EA Nez (EM) | (things like) N1 or N2/.N1 hay la N2.N1 cling nh N2 2% a + Auld. TUEEP DVD Emid (ZEAE RELA, . a hy = 3 mb hy fz Ni ®_N2 (&@E) | Ni or N2 (and other things) /(nhu la) N1, N2 ; fe 2 + ZO falcld. Asst? isin? RIDTVABED ROT WEF. rt a 412000 169 284 1 HD A-/\—-lé HEL. BUL, Bin OM. That supermarket is close, reasonable and selling good items. Siéu thi y vira gan vira ré ma dé thi t6t. FY: sat neighborhood / hang xém - JBI recently / gan day ED BP Cy EU - HK closely / gan 6 PY: BEE sate /antoan- KF B feel relieved /an tam G PT Cy: RU SB] E27: BAN. food and drinks /ad ubng Le: hip 5 cH 285 3 CNTS. NVAYO X-WE FLIYFUT WEA, I haven't checked my e-mail recently. Dao nay tdi khéng check mail & may vi tinh. & FLYT| © FLYIIFS check! check, kiém tra < Lik—b |] Lab report / bao cao Z—b | notebook / quyén sd XE_| © XEFZS take amemo/ ghichép uv oS 286 4 Bikals BAT ROUET. Summer vacation ends tomorrow. Ky nghihe aén ngay mai la két tha. NT) # N= Fgfel - 4 HE (time -amount/ thei gian, s6 eng) Pie R$ EO VAT BMT SOO RTT. fe + ZO ANB SE is SHB 500 MB UET. 3 + 100 BT CO AYE BUVELE, 170 QD two S27e BAT (HSU. Pon 1 3 * RY A ast JOLT (LOAT DIOAT 1 2 3 4 13000 Woh 2SVIS VeAe BET. sea (eg) 130000 QD walt Se BOLTH. YT WUNTTHT A. 1 “re 2 bb 3 £T 4 Ct 4130000 ITS St @) zea / Cha _/ 287 2 Fin HAH* BAT SEAL. Quo a0 wmlt mere. Please teach me how to write a letter. Hay day téi cach viét thu. BB church /nha @ [RR] 24% 5 WE oper city - EH ey | F37 : 8B classroom/lép hoc, phong hoo ~ 34 HF education /gido duc 6 b me oo hf kon = BL C28) HAS 140000 Qa lennon wes OSE Bd. HOF 288 1 Ale WDB NIC rhe BOT BALES. GB 97 he DT always put jam on my bread. Téi bao gity cling phét mit Ién banh mi rdi an. as 1 BELT WBS _| + /NR—Z BS spread butter (on something) / phét bo Ss = + 8% BS coor/pnit, voi quet 2 fhe a SDT] + HE BF change seats /chuybn ond 3 ITT . BRE BF take a picture / chup anh 4 tot 140000 209 4 HABA BATS. SSOTLH UTI, \'m busy tomorrow, so is it OK if we do it the day after tomorrow? Ngay mai thi khong duge tien. Dé ngay kia co duge khong? NTS UW PELL | Nis okay, Nis fine with me /N cong dugci cing khong sa0 Deen sa — oocsa. we, BRM LET. = 1 (t50Tt BR HLTH MRVELAD. : i & NES EXKE WOO PERE 2 ltbbtmok l294 3e VGN me uy is on PF + S8be RéTE UTED. Sata sae mai 4 libbeltnlyt 14000 173 SHEW d CE: 290 4 HO RU HIE CTD. What animal has a long neck? — @ sary RAM Bitoh. Con gi ma cé cai cb dai? 1 <5 al <0: 8 : = (BA) BAK : HH head satu 2 xb< (ey : 3 bo % b 4 Bes 15000 281 4 A TENDO HH oT USL. — QDrasec, sma i BVLTH LS Bld. WOE. I ‘A; “Someone's cell phone is ringing.” B: “Oh, it's mine.” ® A: Dign thoai di dong cia ai keu d4y?B: Skee ee) < WV GS | WS ring /kéu, reo, hot BET) ~S BEF drop~sasnnroi *~H BbS EH<) IAS make atuss iam Ams, am nao dong 1 Loe 2 025 >) 3 Ifé\ ie A PK EM =a 18000 202 3 HEA Sh ikbecTE OUTS. ME. at emULes. | Gp ale) SMe toms. Vetl ade You do not have to pay tuition today, but please be sure to do so tomorrow. Tién hoc khong nop hom nay cing dugc nhung ngay mai nhat dinh phai nop. @) nee 1 £VG4 VTE OW / PEE : on x itis okay to V/V cling duge 2 zo & lh94a z fy + BK BoTE UU TTD. ae 3 #5T (59% 5 [Va te /pEDan xOes UW 4 RAO 3 itis okay not to V/ khong V cing dug + SOCK LESTE PENELAL, ono gg ae 174 é 175 zea / 293 3 BECSPS RAD Ba Dheo The eestor is going to dal eal eae noon. Ti teua Khong Khi 48 tre nén xdu ri 145K [KR] FY | RR - RAFI weather forecast/ cr bio tho tét a - ey FB DS cw : Bey 2 Fag 5 3 45K b ; 4 WERE 1600 204 2 HRA, Rie BAM BATTS. @ ven troKor, wk WY EUs Sorry, m busy on Saturday. BS : ” + Xin Idi! Ther bay tdi khong duge tien dau day. 7a a 1% ® DES] ¢ MEA LU) be convenient sen, thuan ten eae | tay | ¢ ~DBBlS-- in the event of~, if~ /Trudng hop ~,.. 2 oT @&) a PLES] + WHE FF promise /hira, hen, camkst 3 ONT a 4 PLT 162000 295 2 SAEY BHD BUDS. Bok (ESB WCU ESD. @ Bll RA LRIL V-kNVEE 7 ° We don't have much time, soit might be better to run Khéng cén may the’ gian vi thé nn chay thi hon. abs 1 LA 12948 wy V%4E525 LY | one should + V, it would be best if+V/nén V tel a . Ba BR - S PPARU ETA FEI MU BOB UTS. 2 Lanit tht az hy a R 3 LHe kt hy & VEU (E52 UU) | one should not + V, it would be best not to + V/ khéng nén V 7 tE te lek Ig 3 | ee PEN EZSIcl, TORU SH UUs, 4 Les tid £ a SZ [BUS] + 7% BUS tate a shower/tém vi 2 L4LvTlhs5 a “ Bove Bela N 4 LHoktt 20000 307 3 SR Boe CLE. RT KK BBL BUT ) VT HB | have been ~ (on purpose) / cb V aS) + EMO Mit DUT BUETD. 1 BL i ‘; ‘ @ + 4+, HoT BNE, BND? 2 ut FELLA & 3 3 CT Levey 2 4 kT ees . 2000 187 186 zeR / B11 4 AVEO IEC Kc BAT SOT BAITS. @eeou eect. Living near a convenience store is convenient. a Toi séng gan civa hang tien Igi 24/24 gid nén rt tign. a 1 5A AY: BANes - SU(E J post office / buu dign 2 RA = Ail] U2 BAMA + IFAT use / su dung, ding 3 BA 4 2A 22000 312 4 A [COMO eM ROTI CHK. | | Bra. EO HEE ° B[kDoz# CHh.J ‘A: “The robber from the other day apparently got caught.” B: “What a relief” AmAwELKA ® A:Nghe dau tén trom vira ri da bj tom cé réi day. B: Tét rdi! < Bolewklar & < 1 2 3 bj LaITELA 4 DPES| ~A HES ~ get caught, be arrested / ~ bitom cd, ~ bi bat ¥AE HERS uv u (EWS | ~2 HLS escape /~ tr6n thoat LOU ALLELA BFE | ~% BE steal~ / lay tom ~ 22000 313 2 MBE Ble KS TH. OES BOL. Me MTSELE, Itseems like | have a cold, My throat hurts and I have a fever, too. Hinh nhu 16i bi cam réi, Cé hong thi dau va cing co sét. teh: te 1 8T 4T a te fet. 7 e VT UK | cometo..., getto... (tre nén) V 3 TC O5T 5 + CNS B0E BK BOTW TUES. S a 4 #T beoT ‘ 22000 189 188 CRA 314 2 RIE FATT. My wife is a scholar, Vo tdi la hoc gia, @ FA] 4 | $209 - 34 te inside of a room /trong prong « 12LP4 within /trong vong 35 : PAB inside / pia ben trong < JfH PB] Ya: BR - WEEE domtist bac sy rang ae Cat 315 1 PER. EO HEle MULE. | went to my teacher's house yesterday. Hom qua, tdi da dén tham nha thay giao. ) (eae) honorific language / Ton kinh ngir (ER BER) humble language / Khiém nhuéng ngtr < 3H |] A> OlBBTS! OME OTM lOMmE Boles | (2310 ; v $57 _| #9 [a5] onme kor wopGue ur BOATS] BRIS [Ro] OMB 316 1 HRE TY YE ROC SEOK. SADE BTAT. I bought a T-shirt for you. Try it on ‘Toi mua mang dén cho anh mét chiéc 40 so mi day. Anh mac thi xem nao! VT HS ry + CESPD EDD BOVUELAD, POT HELES, fe + OD tok DL—-CTS. BAT HT Ee | 920 3 EBlc ARICOWT MME LA. @ io wit TH MKT FRCS. l asked the doctor about my ilness. Hi bac sj vé bénh. eens 1 %5T = BEB<] HES be surprised /ngacnhien 2 bane = v ZES | LS be puzzled /khd, kno x 3 DoT 4 £b4ptT 28000 331 1 THECA, BD BOT. SAls BC WoT KEE. Excuse me? Can | go home early since | have @ headache? Xin 16i, 161 bi dau dau nén hom nay cho t6i v8 sem duge khong? VEETCESY (expression used when asking for permission) (cach néi xin phép) + $2 bee 5-5) : PES - $F collect, gather/ tap trung, tu tap ED ck] = EES + 4E77 how to do, way of doing /céch, cach lam é YA] bE cs 03) 2 AES dooin/ ivady - HAS @ 20 Blt Lagos $1. -@ ie 1 fy 2 Hy 2000 339 4 BREA, SE lc BAT WoT, @ nko eBK 85 .-® Me on tt me dn coma ibn a 1 “ne lhe 2 kOL&ELAD ® DAT UK | (A) E BAT UK take ( person /ain (0 464 @) ara ; ; 1000 BOTW | (HM) HOT ONC take (a thing) / mang (vatgl 46) di Sa = 3: ~% DAA {F< pick up a person) / i dén (ai a6) @ ED Ny Tit. Bb b vuttn. -® o ~% UIE FBS s00~ off ibn (1a) ——- 1 bE 2 kb 2000 340 1 CRSMESD APYRLAD, POT HET. Dio ELT HSL. -® | don’t know if | can do it but | will try. Toi Kh6ng biét Ia 06 lam durgc hay khéng nhung toi sé thi. 1 HARLADS 2 BARD ob ~P EDD | whether ~ (or not)/ ~ due hay khong B+ ZO HAS ELS Cm EDD BEL £5. 1000 x fe + LED ESP PPUREAD. Bid WP ABET. ® MBA Be cEVELA. H® ig . 3 . 1 BAA aT 2 MDEHT 2000 207 206 BhAEW 7 @ Batic Sli) Bwe ANS. -@ @ t20 Bi HEE T4.-O 1 ChB 2 ChE 1 5U 2 hid 3000 5000 5 G @ Brot £ot (EX. H® @ were. bib BYELE. -® é 1 HoT 2 Hot 1 ahs 2 tbfe sooo sooo @® eer: cot -@ @ FRATHH. ENA VSLTHO, -@ 1 EbbbtEL LF 2 OMTBELEF a 3000 oe un 1 BEAT 2 sbuTt 5000 & = @ ao REL PET. +® RIE BOD BBE CHIU. aeee Gi 1925 2 If ro -@ 1 DAK 2 BKK 40000 6000 BASAL LD Vey, HoT 1. BAB. @ eco Gar, BC bt Lape iss tb. -@ -@ 1 HoT 2 WT 1 Th Wy 2 Tt DEH a 3000 sooo B @uce to ye --@ @ <0 sy weetek, ber -@ ££ io) 3 1 PbeT 2 PbstT 1 BOTAT 2 BObeoT 6000 209 BhEW 7% @ BBO BEL OFPLIV. -@ 1 OBA 2 oBL (22) SB 7oq0 ie @ vte sont 084. -@ 1 £47 2 BHT so00 @ BPS Le BOCTSRAT a.-® 1 solott 2 oFb LOCH &) 7000 < B Qs vce —-@ 1 GOROELA 2 BolevwElsA 8000 @ ED VAKIYO Bild. WIC byEt. 1 BA Cee 2 MK cus 7o00 Hs LAD. -® 8000 210 @ 200 (Ee. 0 TFET 2 VET sooo @ x1 ori # UTS. —-® ie 1 aw 2 oki 410000 @ ee 108m WAC --® 1 beHELE 2 eyele 9000 & = ® 2 PEE ELE e ok LIK -® a 1 Cdk 2 BYAUK 10000 @ ee wars cau owe LIFES -@ 1 RATE 2 kEWOL ¢) 9000 in walt, bw Rate, Ato f TVEth. -® 3 1 478 2 Um/em 10000 @ face wy2+.-@ bY UeGel | (Gace, 1 Lejlifo 2 Leitso | @ ats @ / 30 4124 ep “0000 Week 4 ft s x iy 2 ie @ <0 Te amesjpvsie srLTH.-® Tein ines a 1 Dy 2 LR 3) Ci-|- xe teeeacneia a | 2 12000 OBEBATHALELE oy @ a. bon SHC BI FaIV—blt ie ODN ee a at t hie a7 1~6HB x S EORKLTH. -® Peers a eke ew a=| ) @) 1 bE. 2 (cay [=| 25 ee toe J | ; rN “000 a=)=[e/ 1 my SOR = ype : . ESI3 10 ca OOO = u @ LG PHOOW MT Z7VF—E DOL ae 5 . | i 0 OMREWBLEL ES. By Som | 712m : 3 1 708% 2 pha sade riaied | / 3085 / 1285 12000 uc FAECAL, FE {SM = eS Aas) @ @ Ue Sah eats) 1 Bote 2 BponT thanh xong 6 ngay Teenie 1 a 1108 x “ooo fat a ern ne err | 3 J 118 g Riera) 3 a a 1 212 mon-yorra M2 M1 M2 O1 ©: @1 ce ce sta & omrs @) @ 60 wit mite cr. DEEWMEVSPEMRFIC, B ~ = x KEOI FILO SHRICHLT, ELUSOEBIRE paso DL & PSRORS. Sante @ Choose the correct word from the multiple options after converting the underlined 3 ULen7Le . kanji word into hiragana or the hiragana word into kanji. 4 WAX £ 4 L ew Hay chon dp &n ating sau Khi chuyén cde tir gach chan tir cho Hiragana sang char Han hoa nguge lai. 4000 Q setlist co Hae oO Bod FO. DETZAIMEANETD. WS EAU SO BERD 5—DRORE. 1 L9ROT & ‘What is the right word to fit in the underlined space? Choose the correct word out of 2) 9 a the multiple options. eke : 3 akT ‘ign gi vao ché tréng cho phu hop? Hay chon mot dap an ding nhat. 4 KA 1000 @ +000 he TEFtL. DEZAIMEANETD, WS 1 ffmeab EAUVSEOE REDS —OBVES 1, 2 Tate tpat i What isthe right word to fit in the underlined space? Choose the correct word out of 3 frueokbe & the multiple options a RbEOE s ‘Dién gi vao ché tréng cho phi hop? Hay chon mét dap an ding nhat. “ 1000 215 376 3 5D Fld MRE CT ‘That person is a researcher. Anh dy la nha nghién cou. () Ht, TY : BEFETS research / nghien cou BY FE) 9 : HEB laboratory, research room / phong nghién cou 6 b ue Mess BZEZE research student/nghien cir sinh > Ht 377 2 Heels CO HHle DWT ED BOETP. ‘What do you think of this project? ‘Anh nghi thé nao vé ké hoach nay? eS how/ thé nao EDIT | how, in what way / 1am thé nao, bang céch nao < + EDPIT CLEC RELED. W How did you get here? Lam thé nao ma anh dén duge day? a 3€ Buasy uo ey 378 1 HAL TPBWES. MS TERA. If no one else is going, then | won't go, either. / Néu moi ngudi khéng di thi tdi cling khéng di. ~ab + 1000 FES HOES. wt * BUhIE TPAVE DUT SES. BR hy is 3 | 216 ~kS + OL HM Boks TeECA. Qe oven By ser. . Bo B RS a co a Rona cai a 2000 @ lo BRKOKOK, WAY EL ki. 1 £4 ® 2 $7 a 3 45 4 #£K 2000 att. a 1 Fokbre 2 (nb 3 Hes 4 fe 2000 217 379 4 45lc Balt HVECA. | don't particularly have any opinion. Toi khong 06 9 kién gi khac. al bh : fe 2 limited express /tau nhanh dac biet « le - FEBVG special aac biet | 4: HK meaning /ynghia » BEB - FH ME attention, caution /chi y 380 1 RELLY BURR DOI, KK GRY E Leta. Even though it was a difficult test, you did well. Ky thi khé vay ma ban cé gang nhi! @) S| ¢ EK POE! Well done! /Lam rat tét! o Ald KS Bie Ric TEES. = & often go to the movies. / Téi hay di xem phim. HW oREBIS & < BE LE. slept well yesterday. / Hom qua tdi ngu ngon. 381 4 2M Be KOT < ACE. Fle MAM ALG. Ifyou go straight along this road, you'll see the bank on your right side. Néu di thang durong nay sé nhin thay ngan hang & ben tay phai VBE | it (you~. when ~ /Néuv BR HE BSE SLAR BH MART, (SoS) Ro sco Kae HEE BR BET. (HLL) o V bE | if (you) don't~ / Néu khong V thi + OM LBW, AFC NEHA, (= MIB LEDOES) 218 tz @) < EEC] + 2 IB a package arrives /hanh ly duae gti dén 3 MDS ca Vi [BRS] 2% increase /tang © IS 4 X5% W 5000 387 3 WD RIE POHETD. ® REIL HRROA ° When will you go on your trip? Bao gid’ thi anh di du lich @? Vons] +89 DUK Be pee eR aie mR eo f oe epee R Be chus. REED Baht ATS. 3 a : aeueatnas & 2 20.5 BENELED. 4 bRDnE TY 5 sooo 222 223 | __crea / 388 3 IoC LO Hilt CO SE Pile HOT SSL. Please send my things to this address. 6 dac chuyén nha hay givi theo dja chi nay. B®) [Bl] B e<) : BI< puliikeo- 31H L drawer/ngan kéo ED I> ZF move /chuyén, chuyén nha é 3] “J°D : TRG broadcast / phat sng BS 3) KD 389 4 ASAI SOS RUELEL. Mr. Tanaka just went home. < ‘Anh Tanaka vira nay ve rdi dy. amomentago/vwany ¢ SOS BRE RNELE. soon/sépsta SOT S 128Glo QUES. a fromnow/sauday * ZHDS RRS DET. 300 1 EIS MCA HBV BVETD, When will the teacher be home? Thay giao khodng may gid sé vé nha a? BVEGS) eHVEHCRS BH «+ Th, aU BHAI BOR ATT. Ay Peace es EF (BVTS/VAT) HHVERTS AKT 9 + BRA BRUUELET. 224 Q ovo Re YC MERC KY HAEL AG. nee) 2 6HT9 (2) 3 LMT 6 “he G 4 U*RTO | 6000 | @ gx0 BvxL0 In EEL K 1 BaEY 2 BILEL & | 3 BH = | 4 Bixby 6000 Q@arrko ase ___. 1 FEAT BY ETH 2 CELUTITY 3 LEAL BY Eto 4 TELKULETD x A & 2 6000 225 391 cet CB 392 © a) 393 226 CRA ff 2 DEO RT HVT. SW SKIC RUDARLED. Let's get, eel fener autor einaicier ee subway. Ching ta hay xuéng & ga tiép theo va chuyén sang tau dién ngdm dit P&B] &s (5) : RES fell, come down / roi __ Bua) RUS © RS eR Fy see 1 RAO SLEAD BRR FEEL. | went to see my sick uncle. Toi dé di thm nguéi bac bi 6m. (4) #9] (33) BIEL» visiting someone who is sick /tham (nguei ém) (4) #0) | (45) 41, gratitude, thanks /camon (a) 409] (45) #RUY celebration / chiic ming, ming 2 BEAD REAS TELTTD. Do you know Mr. Tanaka's wife? Anh co biét vg anh Tanaka khong a? Mot WES | TRUTT AUT BUSES MUEEA | CHUTE GVEA | FURLA bon = 1 2 3 4 Q@ t4s PEC RELELK. a < TC B4T 1K < T BCT Q@rityroe av tne tthe 1 Peeltas 2 eect 3 cebultmls 4 vtelymiyr @ares ol BIO Brot Ma vAC TI WALEED wALEL LIM exvodlsie gee lAD® 7O0 wis ELE. cot CB Oo 7000 _ cra / 394 4 WHO BST. ROLELE. b Im relieved that you're not ‘eadly injured. Toi an tam vi vét thyong ofing nhe. PDS Cv : BU Onotserious ight /nhe, khong tram trong @nhe © HUY WW) 77 BOTS © DCTS : Dae worry + worrisome / lo lng ee TD, heart, mind / tam hén, trai tim HES) O< con {BUY ow/thdp & BLY 395 1 AUFERO. HU BO% PORN GVEA, uv \'ve gotten too fat, so | have to quit eating sweets. T6i béo qué cho nén t6i phai thoi dd ngot. HS ¢ EAETE PHSB quit smoking/ bs thudc la [PTB] + EME KE quit one’s job /nghi viec [ek] +579 eR IE BES stay at a hotel / tro & khéch san *%P4tH | lose weight, become thinner / gay xe ma IES a taxi stops / xe taxi ding lai, xe taxi dd 396 4 A [ES BEWELED. | BR & le 3 228 BUR SKDE BB WES TI ‘A: ‘What's the matter?” _B: “It's just that my head hurts a litle.” ‘A; Anh lam sao day @?_B: Khéng, toi hoi bj dau dau mot chit. WEB) [FH] OBER honorific form / Ton kinh ng *(LARSYE) fle BEUETD. + SLB IE ADT UOETD. [oer] * [FS] OBE MER humble form / Khim nhuong ng BREESE + TRIS AD UWELET. @ ner Kpset Hot (HEM. 1 ¥£9U 2 43 3 m5C = 4 £9U 8000 @ x0 +6 zit ayeaH ete RAIS tot. 1 Bolte 2 PoT 3 T2T 4 kT @ tstth. Bite HLT : EbAEtLD CHEV ELD EbvWEtLD WAKES ELD Ron + 8000 umes @) 8000 229 zee / 397 4 AS WDDET HOT SES. Please wait until we finish our business. Hay dgi toi xong viée! [FA] 37 : BA - FR preparation sin sang * FFF use /s0- dung, lo dung KR 43 Cbs): BHS 398 3 RO F< idle AVE TAT. ETH Alle Bor, A convenience store just opened near my house, and it's very convenient. Ngay bén canh nha t6i moi me mot cira hang tien igi nén rt tien, © gore BONUS = PB W TS * BD TBS a building is erected / a nha duge xAy xong o {ERE ROWS find a job /tim duge viec im * TERA PS do homework / lam bai tap vé nha ¢ RE WTS build a house / xay nha 399 1 SHELA, HK BNE HLT SSAECAM. Excuse me, could you lend me something to write with? Xin 18i, 66 thé nh anh cho ti mugn cai gi dé viét khong? VT SSRECAD * BE BOT SSAREAD. | (VTS EEWECAD VHS S A Al oe HAT CREUREAD. V TWEET ECAD * HSE RUT WEE EUAD. @ sko BA S00 ic Hee. 1 9h 2 3 3H 48 Q@ cnt 5 vows . 1 oat 2 Lomelet 3 boast 4 U40EF Ques se awe tone WITE EL. 1 £4 2 4T 3 TE 4 €Tk 9000 si 6) 9000 9000 231 Wiz @ Re 855 Aor 23am 1B PI Mot WET. 400 2 MBO SAld HO ahlc HERS, Write the answers on a separate sheet of paper. Hay viét cau trd {i vao te gidy khac! (2B) S11: PARE problem, question / cau hdi, bai tap ~ 72188 homework /bai tap ve nha 7 BE] Te -24/-a) : BAS answer tra oi - BA 1 eboT [Fil] Sy = Bi ASB special age biet 2 JkoOT PP CHa) : FNS separate / chia tay 3 pL>5T 4 BltoT 10 000 401 1 Chk SS USHUDS WERT. @ sas. wey RPS LF wY) I'm going to throw this out because I don't need itanymore. ee 7 ° Cai nay khong cn niva nén viet di. £ L k ° FTO! * CHE ITH throw trash away / vist réc = EBS] © RHE HL pay enti tn aha 1 sok & S USS] + % $8 pickup money/ nat dn 2 pees S 3 49 4 Foe 40000 402 4 Bld 8 mR She GPRS Tk WURUA. Mes ccs BsELK, Ihave to be at work by 8:00 tomorrow. Nady mai cho dn lde'® gies phai aén cong ty. 1 ay NETE] by~/choosatien ; N= Bf) - HHSEIE time-happening: event/ thei gian, sv kign, sv vigo 2 “ a a + PRET BUET. 3 bY a NET] antl /oénN N= APB - Bae 4 ite) 2 + 2RETORLET. ZREC ooo 233 232 zea / 403 3 R* 55 MWC, 2c 1 BL Plele HOT WET. SOE I go to the hospital every other week to get medicine. Hai tuan mot lan toi dén bénh vign dé lay thude., STU: a Ei) "7 : ZEiil transportation, traffic / giao thong BiB ordinary, normal /thong thuéng, binh thréng EB (2) : HHS pass/ ci qua - iV) street / phd BE C9) HD 404 4 BAIS. HAY Tok BPS ASIC BURLE. understand Japanese a lot better than | used to. Toi da hiéu duge tiéng Nhat hon truée day nhiéu. Foe | + SAU MALY Foe Ri. 23" o> e It's lot colder today than it was yesterday. . Hom nay tro’ lanh hon hom qua nhidu ~ 5 vv SHIPS FOE HM MIT WS thas been raining all day. / Mua roi suét ty sang DST | WBF absolutely, certainly /nhdt dinh 405 2 BUS CCALEIE BSELEL J wrote only what I could, / Toi da viét chi nhting ché cé thé viét dugc. NZEF | only~/chin NUEE |[N <505] to the degree of N, as many as N, for around N (hours, minutes) khoang N *N= B5fl gee tz E (time - amount / thai gian, sé lveng) +5 aise GUEST. s 2REMC BU M8 Lt. [N t£21) | nothing but ~ /toan N, chi toan N + Bit TLEPY BTS. BR fy eg 5 tar< Fas (Tra < (Pods ¢ wae Ge ee QarK vir! Dobty AY)ay AME bES Ron = S So BREO Rael uk s RES} KEUWIAC Pon + @ ose ets Hes BlbiLokt wa S maklo @ohk. 1000 X 28 ney) wh ou 1000 omnes @) 1000 | _tRR/ 406 3 THe OCS HBP Pubic Gor. KK LOUK HYVET. The plan to build a factory has been abandoned. Ké hoach xay dyng nha may da bj dieng lai. BS ® [rT] a9: EH incustry cong nghign » LA construction /nka may A ED BB] Pa7: LM - BB parking lot baad xe é (| 760 3B point of sales / quay ban - 4BPH place /ché, dia diém & WE] Y: ues S RD © 8S /-mB) : ~28 IERS ‘stop / ding, dd. ~% JEWS stop / cho ding, cho a6 wooo 407 2 Al. E57] BIS£9E BH BUBUC BS] @® vm. Wot MOS en HLEDY ETH Bolevete @) z TEtILETH & zuyety ‘A: How does it taste?" B: I think you should add more salt.” ® A: Vithé nao? B: Te cho la hoi bj thiéu mudi day! } %YS] BUS be sutficient, be enough /aa BUY ALY 1 z a ‘ | i ZB] BS remain/cdniai, conthva * BF 1 ES] ¢ TILA DRS riceis left over /thiva com S Pon = S| 120000 408 3 BAO AHEId ARIE RLU. GB Awe) E Studying Japanese is difficult but fun. Hoe tiéng Nhat vat va nhung vui. @ so Ra ter Leer bal on [~28] ~but, ~however/~nhung (=H E ()) ; ; R MRO HEC ds (CAPHER. TO Dik ETH MPH. a fe + WHit RATUVEM HS TEM CHE ee & 5 : . y || 4 SI Bhan y 120000 236 2 ) 237 cmz if 409 4 €E Kic MAN VET. @ 6 G There are matches in the spring and fall. C6 cudc thi vao mila xuan va mia thu. AK) Be : BA ote | 7: GTS pass a5 - MEASLY convenient (time-wise)/ dip thuan tién up| & (-3) : G5 meet, combine /hop 10 1 Ze. WS MCS BLEMVET HD. = i) About what time do you usually have dinner? Anh thuong an t6i lic may gid a? DLOES a VERS [RXS] D BaGR honorific form / Ton kinh nga EWS BS [47S] BRE humble form/ Khiem nhueng ng Boles) [B5) 0 Bele at 1 AAO Rd. BOL. HUTT. vanes @) My house is small and old. Nha toi vira hep lai vire cu. Ni&~L. N2b~ || ~L. (~L) +RERWL. €S BU, + BO Ale SAUVEL. BLU. a es re Mas BS WWTTE. sae. ene Pha y ~ and ~/ via ~ Iai va ~; no la~ , nao la ~ 1) @ co Hey Rit RoMI MAT CHS. 1 84. 2 KEED. Bl) > BETD 0 +e MUZSE. SeERES + BULES. + ED PAF AP EEEDCI A, Bray Bhlzl) @} cht exe Hie PAHAT VET. RAT AAT FAT BAT ce GD) Ron 220000 @ <> sa eye tL + ae Cc sea (22) Berry 22000 Qatersc.ma tree! Bldéb. 45 S5T WHELAN AL 9 RLS IF RAK KAT I Ron 22000 257 _ cea / 439 4 EAie fhe BX BAT VET. I'm thinking about what kind of essay to write. Toi dang nghi xem sé viét bai van nhu thé nao. Wel 99 : tex DS (5): LES make slam DAM (-28) | BAS o#® ca 440 1 ZO BAI AMI ELWTL ESD. Is this answer really eee = ‘Cu trd loi nay ligu c6 that sy ding khong? uu TELW correct aang * 3 Ul Fie [PELL ¢ BELLY A kind person / nguoi t6t bung, ngudi hién kanh ¢ BAD BD answer maiches / cau tra 161 khop 441 2 ATHEEA. BAIS MEZSTS 4K. | B fed. ED BIT 8 Utetas | GB KES a ‘A: "Mr. Tanaka is apparently going to take a day off tomorrow." A: Anh Tanaka, nghe noi ngay mai duc nghi day. B: ©, thay moi ngudi noi thé nti. ~EdE t seem like, appear to~ /nghendirang~ * feb heard from others / Truyén tin fi + SED Bld DEO HLY BK BDEDTS. 3 HRSA. MREEITS. 258 easy question, simple question / bai d8, cau hoi dB, vin ad db BUY B: “Oh, he did say that.” | O src EE LET. AWEIA AVL KOU S fae S Ron Dereve gine 1 BERET 2 Binet 3 £TEHL 4 £HvEF 230000 Qe ge ge aac RS LIKBI RS deLMED RE BAEZ RS TIPELNEV Ron = 23000 230000 omnes @) 259 a hiZU) aa 4 BRC BBE LET. DP Breve we we me eset. I cook inthe kitchen Nau &n & bép. 84: BR 18 28. 38 $4 : BIB typhoon / bao Yard | AFB - BJA dh food, groceries | dd thurc phm, 66 an VJ: FBEH reason /1i do» $H3% geography’ dia Ii eS 1 2 3 4 24000 4432 BPeWe BHC BNET EK. GIMCGVSEA : i< #%) Ltn. You'll be late for the meeting if you don't hurry. a Néu khéng nhanh én sé bitré hop day. 1x ® [BSNS] + HSIC HANS bolate for class /aén lop hoo muon, tr gid hoe 7 * BHA BN} the train's late /taudén te 2 X08 Y & BSHD | + IIS RLCAS catch a tran kip tau 3 LItb< = 4 che a 240000 444 2 RE QE BA BIRIC RS PELAAL, BD Qa laer. sat 8645027) Diesangran ene ceterNnie i Bw, Bk RS od @) [2PELNBO| might~, may ~ /c6 16, chang biét ching : BOE Bi CEAD PLAGE. BSAMELARL. : x & + RE. ARO BAIS bot EX ASPELNBW. 2 Lon fe 5 YE = 3 3 28D S 4 i | | j} j BLY 24000 448 1 FRO C&S HE BPOETH. When | was a kid, | was physically very weak. Toi hdi bé co thé yéu ot. as] 2 BIE: & body /co thé [BB] Rt coy : HBL © HBL 449 3 Cid. HAO 47S BEPC BESLT WRT. So, I'll be expecting you at the office at around 4:00 tomorrow. Vay t6i sé xin phép dgi anh tai vain phong lic khoang 4 gig ngay mala ) BEST OFF | [FO THT] OBEAMLAB humble form /Khiom t6n not [ZBAK BVET | PRKF] OBIE honoriic torm/ Ton kinn ng ZS [BUTE RET) (oes IETS! OBIE vw US oLPVEF | [HSTIRETIN GERI! FRE 450 4 BREA. 65 APS HT MOT NS ATH, | believe Mr. Tanaka has graduated from university and should be working by now. ‘Anh Tanaka chac chan la dé ra trvdng va dang lam viec. ~t&S"| expect that ~, should be ~ / chc chdn a «RESIS 1 HC RS TTS. i & Diag tf oP SAlS WR ITT. ee 5 Ss TYRE TE 264 Q@ ince cnt we Bro SECTH. 1 Letaz 2 Lelaza 3 beled 4 Eelara @ wn WIFEttA. 1 cbs 2 LAT 3 a@<¢ UTE 4 wl oes (LFas 2b 4k bL< ty £7 Tlt tv Tuy mv 26000 i U ( a 26000 Bw hy (e 2) 26000 265 448 1 FRO C&S HE BPOETH. When | was a kid, | was physically very weak. Toi hdi bé co thé yéu ot. as] 2 BIE: & body /co thé [BB] Rt coy : HBL © HBL 449 3 Cid. HAO 47S BEPC BESLT WRT. So, I'll be expecting you at the office at around 4:00 tomorrow. Vay t6i sé xin phép dgi anh tai vain phong lic khoang 4 gig ngay mala ) BEST OFF | [FO THT] OBEAMLAB humble form /Khiom t6n not [ZBAK BVET | PRKF] OBIE honoriic torm/ Ton kinn ng ZS [BUTE RET) (oes IETS! OBIE vw US oLPVEF | [HSTIRETIN GERI! FRE 450 4 BREA. 65 APS HT MOT NS ATH, | believe Mr. Tanaka has graduated from university and should be working by now. ‘Anh Tanaka chac chan la dé ra trvdng va dang lam viec. ~t&S"| expect that ~, should be ~ / chc chdn a «RESIS 1 HC RS TTS. i & Diag tf oP SAlS WR ITT. ee 5 Ss TYRE TE 264 Q@ ince cnt we Bro SECTH. 1 Letaz 2 Lelaza 3 beled 4 Eelara @ wn WIFEttA. 1 cbs 2 LAT 3 a@<¢ UTE 4 wl oes (LFas 2b 4k bL< ty £7 Tlt tv Tuy mv 26000 i U ( a 26000 Bw hy (e 2) 26000 265 CREA 481 2 the Chit AL BHO BACT. ‘That photo and this one were taken at the same place. Cai ay va cai nay la nhing bite anh chyp cung mot ch nhi. BZ Cv) : BU same /cing, giéng yr SR 32 4): BF copy/chup, sao vy: Se : FAH middie, center / chinn gida Al =e ro 452 4 Wine WLSTIE WITEEA, You shouldn't abuse animals. Khong duc tréu troc dong vat. ® [UES] + BF (CHS bully younger brother /treu em tral ZHT | ¢ HGS PE WF break atoy/lamhdng ad choi = Lid] FEA aie cnét % __. 1 ES £91 WOK 2 BET WAZ CRE 3 Eok ULAR 4 idoKk EK 30000 i hy ie 2 273 463 1 SAU? BUDT. B£0E FE RUT KESU). It's too heavy to carry alone, so lend me a hand, please. Mot minh thi nang nén hay gidp tdi mét call Be) BS cw: Bly Bl D4): BTS BUS 464 3 ATCA, KE? | BlHeE SkDET CHS S.J ‘A:‘Is dinner still not ready?” _B:“Itllbe done in just a minute.” A: Com van chua duge a? _B: Chit nira la xong day. CHS| ¢ TIA TE. Dinner has been prepared. / Com da chin. +FAhM THE. did well on my test. / Ti da lam xong bai kiém tra. +L SED TEk. ‘Anew store has been erected. / Cira hang moi da mé. s01 @) 465 3 WEIS S MRO ETAL. The movie just started. Phim vira moi bat dau. VETS oS ot EZBCT. | just came back home. /Tdi vita mai ve. Sek eer +5 RBS UCS ELSTS. am eating right now. / Bay gid téi dang an. + CHS BHAI AD EzaTS. | was just about to take a bath. / Dang dinh di tam bay gid. uaiz2 @) 274 @ we ene wv.-@ 1 ott 2 ott @ mesic Rae Boer. -@ 1 kK 2 oR @ were Ud woke MOT FO4¢ 1 Uo Le 2 LALA ® BYE HOLT (ET. -@ 1 (£UHIC 2 (LUT ® HEeLTHA. -® 1 HATIE 2 THE TI ®@ Cok, (9 1 (iT £F 2 (dio FE bitoT (EX. -@ Ee] 2000 1000 Sta (&) 2000 1000 a fy (i 2 2000 ChE / @ <0 a2 > BnttL. -© 1 winetyr 2 cbmetr 2 @ 720 UE HT (HAI. H® 1 Lady 3000 @ wen ci ciam-@ 5000 @ rh 7 Bet. +O 1 o* 2 Kk 1c 2 4000 6000 @ ClO RIE FILER BYET.—® @ wen ze

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