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Candor International School

Name: Date: 11/12/18 Grade1

Math summative assessment Rubric
Task: 2D Shapes and addition will assessed through a task sheet.
The students will be assessed based upon the following criteria:

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Progressing Beginning

(A) (B) (C) (D)
Identifies Is able to identify and Is able to identify Is able to identify Needs constant
the 2D shapes describe the attributes and describe the and describe the support to
of 2D shapes attributes of 2D attributes of 2D identify and
shapes with 2-3 shapes but has describe the
errors more than 3 errors attributes of 2D
Demonstrates Understands the Understands the Attempts to do Needs a lot of help
understanding of concept of addition to concept of some of the to find the solution
the concept of solve given equations additions but addition sums and to the addition
Addition independently and answers have 1-2 has more than 3 problems
with accuracy errors errors while
Addition word Consistently solves Consistently solves Solves addition skill of solving
problems multi digit addition word word problems addition word
addition word problems with with less than 50% problems is
problems with 80% accuracy accuracy requiring limited
accuracy. assistance from requiring
teacher significant
assistance from
Comment: ________________________________________________________

Teacher’s signature Parent’s signature

_______________ ______________

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