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Adan Francies Santizas, Vhon

Arturo, Norman Tangcaag, Kevin

Garcia, Brian

1. Code the commands below:

t = 1 : 1 e 4;
x = 5 * sin (2 * 3.1416 * 100 * t);
plot (x)

2. Modify the amplitude of signal to have amplitudes of 10V, 15V, 20V, 1V and 0.5V. What do you
observe on the signal?

Answer : In 10V the sine waves go upward and higher while its frequency remains constant and also its
phasing remain lower and also constant it also applied on the other voltages in use. The phasing go
higher and lower constantly when the voltage input are high in number while all the voltage frequency
all remains constant. The Phase angle also remains constant and amplitude of the graph also shows the
changes in amplitude and voltage.

3. Modify the frequency of signal to 200 Hz, 300 Hz, 500 Hz, 10 Hz and 1 Hz. What do you observe
of the signal?

Answer : We observed in the graph and formula we used that if we put 5V value in the frequency the
voltage remains constant while we applied different frequency the angle phase and amplitude change
because when the frequency becomes larger in value the time changes and become shorter.

4. Modify the phase of signal to have phase of π/2, π/3, - π/2, - π and π. What do you observe?

Answer : We observed that when we changed the phasing value the angle and phasing speed are being
reduced and become slower when the changing value become larger and when we put the – π value,
the phase just inverted but the function remain unchanged.
5. Using the form XK = (1/k) sin (2 π K f t ± φ) and using t = 1 e 4, f = 100 and zero phase generate 20
harmonics 1 signals of k = 1-20. Add these signals and plot the sum of signals, draw and observe

Answer : In k=1 the signal waves go upward and higher while its frequency remains constant and
also its phasing remain lower and also constant it also applied on the other voltages in use. The
phasing go higher and lower constantly when the voltage input are high in number while all the
voltage frequency all remains constant.

6. Modify the frequency of signal to 600 Hz, 100 Hz, 300 Hz, 5 Hz and 1 Hz. What do you observe of
the signal?

Answer : We observed in the graph and formula we used that if we put 100V value in the frequency
the voltage remains constant while we applied different frequency the angle phase and amplitude
change because when the frequency becomes larger in value the time changes and become shorter.
7. Modify the phase of signal to have phase of π/4, π/5, - π/6, - π and π. What do you observe?

Answer : We observed that when we changed the phasing value the angle and phasing speed are being
reduced and become slower when the changing value become larger and when we put the – π value,
the phase just inverted but the function remain unchanged.

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