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EKT/2K2SE/ET – 6716

B. E. Sixth Semester ( Mechanical Engineering ) Examination

Course Code : ME 1310 Course Name : Energy Conversion (New)

Time : 3 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 60

Instructions to Candidates :—
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry marks as indicated.
(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
(4) Diagrams should be given wherever necessary.
(5) Illustrate your answers wherever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
(6) Use of non – programmable calculator, Steam tables, Mollier's chart, Thermodynamic
tables for moist air, Psychrometric charts and Refrigeration charts is permitted.
(7) List of Constants :
Specific heat Capacity (Cp) of air : 1000 J / kg / K,
Gas Constant (R) of air : 287 J / kg / K and Adiabatic index (γ) of air : 1.4

1. (a) Prove that the work done per kg air in a compressor is given by

RT1 (
– 1 ) where rp is pressure ratio, 'n' is compression

and expansion exponent. 7


(b) A single stage double acting air compressor delivers the air tat 7.5 bar.
The pressure and temperature at the end of suction stroke are 1 bar
and 25 0C. It delivers the 2.2 m3 of free air per minute when the compressor
is running at 310 rpm. The clearance volume is 5% of stroke volume.
The pressure and temperature of ambient air are 1.03 bar and 20 0C.
Determine :—
(i) Volumetric efficiency of compressor
(ii) Diameter and stroke if both are equal

EKT/2K2SE/ET - 6716 Contd.

(iii) IP and BP of compressor if mechanical efficiency is 85%.

Assume Index for compression = Index for expansion = 1.3. 7

2. (a) A centrifugal compressor running at 10000 rpm delivers 660 m3 / min of free
air at 1 bar and 15 0C. The air is compressed from 0.97 bar, 20 0C
to 4 bar with isentropic efficiency is 82 %. The blade is radial at exit
and flow velocity is 62 m / s and constant. Outer Diameter is twice the
inner diameter and slip factor is 0.9. Blade co – efficient is 0.9.
Determine :—
(i) Final air temperature
(ii) Power required
(iii) Diameter at outlet and outlet
(iv) Breadth at inlet
(v) Blade angle at inlet. 8


(b) An aircraft engine is fitted with centrifugal compressor. The aircraft is moving
with a speed of 850 km / hr. At altitude, pressure is 0.23 bar and
217 K. The pre whirl is given to inlet duct at 250. The inlet diameter
is 255 mm. The outer diameter of impeller is 540 mm. The speed is
16,000 rpm. Calculate stagnation pressure of compressor at outlet where Mass
flow rate is 216 kg / min. Assume absolute velocity of air at inlet to be
aircraft speed, isentropic efficiency is 80%, slip factor is 0.9 and Power
input factor is 1.04. The altitude conditions are assume to be static. 8

3. (a) Derive the correlation for degree of reaction and show that at degree of
reaction to be 0.5, velocity polygons at inlet and outlet are symmetrical.

(b) Air at 290 K enters in 10 stage Axial flow compressor. The overall pressure
ratio 6.5 : 1 with an isentropic efficiency 90%. The blade speed is
180 m / s and constant axial velocity of 110 m / s. Take mass flow rate is

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3 kg / s. Assume the work is equally divided between the stages and blades
are symmetrical. Estimate the power required and blade angles. Draw velocity
polygon. 7

4. (a) A test on two stroke engine gave the following data : speed = 350 rpm,
net brake Load = 650 kg. Mean effective pressure = 3 bar, effective brake
diameter = 1 m, ambient conditions are 20 0C, Fuel consumption = 4 kg / hr.,
CV of fuel = 43 MJ / kg. Mass analysis of fuel : Hydrogen = 15%, Carbon
= 85%. Quantity of cooling water used = 500 kg / hr, Temperature rise of
cooling water = 200C. Exhaust gas temperature = 400 0C, Cp for dry exhaust
gas = 1 kJ / kg K. Find : Indicated power, Brake power, Mechanical efficiency,
Draw heat balance sheet on basis of kJ / min and percentage basis.

(b) Explain the working of 2 stroke petrol Engine and compare it with
4 stroke engine. 8

5. Attempt any Two questions :––

(a) In a theoretical VCRS cycle, evaporator temperature is – 10 0C and condenser
temperature is 40 0C. A single acting single stage compressor running at
120 rpm, has a stroke of 100 mm, bore of 120 mm and clearance ratio
of 0.1. Refrigerant is R – 12..
Determine :—
(i) Refrigerating effect and work of compressor per kg of refrigerant.
(ii) Volumetric efficiency and mass flow rate of refrigerant
(iii) Refrigerating effect in kJ / s and Tr.
(iv) Theoretical and actual power of compressor, if overall efficiency
of compressor is 0.8

(v) Carnot, Theoretical and Actual COP of above system. 7 1


(b) A VCRS cycle uses R – 11 as refrigerant and operates between the temperature
limits of – 15 0C and 45 0C. Mass flow rate of refrigerant is
0.25 kg / s, is superheated by 10 0C after evaporator and is subcooled to

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40 0C after condenser. Above unit is used in water cooler where water
is cooled from 40 0C to 10 0C.
Determine :—
(i) Refrigerating effect and work of compressor per kg of refrigerant
(ii) Refrigerating effect in kJ/s and Tr
(iii) Theoretical and actual power of compressor, if overall efficiency
of compressor is 0.8.
(iv) Carnot, Theoretical, Actual and relative COP of above system

(v) Mass of water cooled per hour. 7 1


(c) Draw schematic diagram of VCRS system. With the help of P – h diagram
where refrigerant is subcooled liquid after condenser, discuss the effect of
evaporator temperature on performance of Vapour Compression Refrigeration
System. Draw T – s diagram for the same. 72

6. Attempt any Two questions :––

(a) The reading from a slings atmosphere is as follows :
DBT = 30 0C and WBT = 20 0C ; Barometer reads 740 mm of Hg. Using
steam table determine :—
(i) Dew point temperature
(ii) Relative humidity
(iii) Specific humidity
(iv) Degree of saturation
(v) Vapour density
(vi) Enthalpy of moist air per kg of dry air
( P – P V WBT
) ( DBT – WBT )1.8
Carrier Equation PV= PV WBT –
2800 – 1.3 ( 1.8 DBT + 32 ) 71
(b) 30 m3 / min of a stream of moist air at 15 0C DBT and 13 0C WBT
are mixed with 12 m3 / min of a second stream at 25 0C DBT and
18 0C WBT and then heated by heating coil whose temperature is
45 0C and by pass factor 0.1.

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Determine :—
(i) DBT and WBT of the resulting mixture before heating coil
(ii) Mass flow rate of air entering the heater
(iii) DBT and WBT of the resulting mixture after heating coil

(iv) Capacity of heating coil in kJ / S. 7 1


(c) Describe an air conditioning system which will be used for hot and humid
conditions. Draw schematic diagram and show the process on Psychrometric
chart. 72

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