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The genetic makings of South Asia

Mait Metspalu1, Mayukh Mondal1 and Gyaneshwer Chaubey1,2

South Asia is home for more than a billion people culturally some 50 thousand years ago (kya) [1,2,3,4]. Given the
structured into innumerable groups practicing different levels documented admixture of all non-Africans with Nean-
of endogamy. Linguistically South Asia is broadly derthals and ample archaeological evidence of Middle
characterized by four major language families which has Palaeolithic hominin presence in South Asia well before
served as access way for disentangling the genetic makings of the main OoA [5], it remains of interest to explore the vast
South Asia. In this review we shall give brief account on the and structured genetic landscape of South Asia for ves-
recent developments in the field. Advances are made in two tiges of potential additional archaic admixture events.
fronts simultaneously. Whole genome characterisation of Indeed, it was recently suggested that South and South-
many extant South Asians paint the picture of the genetic east Asians do carry a small proportion of genetic ancestry
diversity and its implications to health-care. On the other hand from an unknown extinct hominin [4]. While, these
ancient DNA studies, which are finally reaching South Asia, conclusions were not replicated in different datasets
provide new incites to the demographic history of the [6], the discussion is still open [7]. In a different bid,
subcontinent. Before the spread of agriculture, South Asia using a haplotype sharing pattern-based approach, Pagani
was likely inhabited by hunter-gatherer groups deriving much et al. [3] claimed that at least 2% of the genomes of
of their ancestry from a population that split from the rest of modern Papuans originate in an earlier OoA (xOoA) that
humanity soon after expanding from Africa. Early Iranian split from the rest of Africans around 120 kya. The
agriculturalists mixing with these local hunter-gatherers possibility of an earlier OoA is circumstantially backed
probably formed the population that flourished during the up by evidence for admixture of modern humans into
blossoming of the Indus Valley Civilisation. Further admixture Neanderthals long before OoA [8,9] and the growing
with the still persisting HG groups and population(s) from the archaeological body of evidence of modern human pres-
Eurasian Steppe, formed the two ancestral populations (ANI ence in Arabia [10] and East and Southeast Asia well
and ASI), the north-south mixing pattern of whom is known before 60 kya [11]. While the parallel studies [1,2] did
today as the ‘Indian Cline’. Studies on natural selection in not find evidence for genomic survival of xOoA in the
South Asia have so far revealed strong signals of sweeps that Papuans, they noted that a small percentage of such
are shared with West Eurasians. Future studies will have to ancestry may go unnoticed by the methods used in these
fully unlock the aDNA promise for South Asia. studies. If xOoA is true, South Asia would be a prime
place for vestiges of it to have survived. So far such
Addresses evidence has not been presented.
Estonian Biocentre, Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu, Tartu,
Estonia Formation of the current South Asian
Cytogenetics Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi, India
populace — the great mix
The rich literature on human mitochondrial DNA and
Y chromosome phylogenetics/phylogeography in South
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2018, 53:128–133 Asia [12–18] is largely in agreement highlighting the
This review comes from a themed issue on Genetics of human first, presence of deep rooting autochthonous genetic
origins component and second, shared genetic component
Edited by Lluis Quintana-Murci and Brenna Henn with West Eurasians. This western component
decreases in frequency from northwest (40%) toward
south and east (<10%) and is more prevalent in high-
caste groups (e.g. Brahmins). While it was evident that this genetic sharing originated likely in different time
0959-437X/ã 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. horizons, it was difficult to examine/test-specific
admixture scenarios.

In 2009 the seminal study by Reich et al. [19] turned the

page by conducting the first genome-wide survey in
South Asia. In parallel with creating a new toolkit for
Out-of-Africa and into South Asia population genetics analyses [20], this study revealed on
Recent studies harnessing the power of analysing com- the genomic level that most South Asian populations can
plete genomes from many populations worldwide have be described as mixtures of different proportions of two
established that most if not all humans outside Africa ancestral populations - ancestral Northern and Southern
descend from the main Out-of-Africa (OoA) expansion Indians - ANI and ASI - of which the former is genetically

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2018, 53:128–133

The genetic makings of South Asia Metspalu, Mondal and Chaubey 129

closer to West Eurasian genetic variation that to ASI. ASI Figure 1

in turn is as distant from West Eurasian branch than from
East Asian (or the two latter from each other). The ANI (a)
component has a familiar geographical spread pattern in
South Asia decreasing from the northwest - named in
Reich et al. the ‘Indian Cline’. Metspalu et al. [21]
extended this work by adding data on another 30 Indian
populations. While confirming the existence of the two
components, an attempt was made to date them with an
ad hoc approach relying on haplotype diversity. Proper
dating of the ANI ASI admixture event, measuring the
decay of linkage disequilibrium generated by the admix-
ture [22], was performed by Moorjani et al. [23] which
resulted in mixture dates ranging from about 1900 to
4200 years ago (2200 BCE–100 CE). Importantly, after
this period of mixing Indian populations apparently
shifted toward endogamy [23,24].
The myriad of recent ground-breaking ancient DNA
studies have reshaped our understanding of the demo-
graphic history particularly of West Eurasia. Unfortu-
nately the climatic conditions in South Asia make it
difficult for human (skeletal) remains, let alone DNA
in the remains, to survive for thousands (even hundreds)
of years. Nevertheless, after it was shown that the spread
of agriculture in Europe was a result of the demic
diffusion of early Anatolian farmers, it was discovered
that the spread of agriculture to South Asia was mediated
by a genetically completely different farmer population
in the Zagros mountains in contemporary Iran (IF)
[25,26,27]. The ANI-ASI cline itself was interpreted
as a mixture of three components genetically related to (c)
Iranian agriculturalists, Onge and Early and Middle
Bronze Age Steppe populations (Steppe_EMBA) [25].
The first ever autosomal aDNA from South Asia comes
from Northern Pakistan (Swat Valley, early Iron Age)
[28]. This study presented altogether 362 aDNA sam-
ples from the broad South and Central Asia and contrib-
utes substantially to our understanding of the evolution-
ary past of South and Central Asia. The study redefines
the three genetic strata that form the basis of the Indian
Cline. The Indus Periphery (IP) component is composed
of (varying proportions of): first, IF, second, Ancient
Ancestral South Asians (AASI), which represents an
ancient branch of human genetic variation in Asia arising
from a population split contemporaneous with the splits Current Opinion in Genetics & Development
of East Asian, Onge and Australian Aboriginal ancestors
(in accordance with [4,29]) and third, West_Siberian A sketch of the peopling history of South Asia. Depicting the full
Hunter gatherers (WS_HG). The authors argue that IP complexity of available reconstructions is not attempted. Placing of
could have formed the genetic base of the Indus Valley population labels does not indicate precise geographic location or
Civilization (IVC). Upon the collapse of the IVC IP range of the population in question. Rather we aim to highlight the
essentials of the recent advancements in the field. We divide the
contributes to the formation of both ASI and ANI. ASI
scenario into three time horizons: Panels (a) before 10 000 BCE (pre
is formed as IP admixes further with AASI. ANI in turn agriculture era.); (b) 10 000 BCE to 3000 BCE (agriculture era) and (c)
forms when IP admixes with the incoming Middle and 3000 BCE to prehistoric era/modern era. (iron age).
Late Bronze Age Steppe (Steppe_MLBA) component,
(rather than the Steppe_EMBA groups suggested ear-
lier) (Figure 1). Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2018, 53:128–133

130 Genetics of human origins

The two lesser sisters Among them, one of the largest and most notable one
The vast majority of South Asians speak languages belong- are Tharus, who are believed to be the aboriginal popu-
ing to either Indo-European or Dravidian families and can, lation of Tarai region. Analysis by using haploid and
from the genetic point of view, be described within the diploid markers on this population suggested their expan-
concept of the ‘Indian Cline’ described in the previous sions in three different directions from Terai, followed by
section. However around 20 million South Asians in total, extensive admixture with locals. Moreover, in spite of the
speak either Munda languages of the Austro-Asiatic family profound intra ethnic admixtures, the genetic signatures
or languages of the Tibeto-Burman phylum. Although linking all the Tharu groups was evident [34].
many scenarios have been put forward in the past, it is
by now quite clear that the Munda speakers of India are Sex-specific admixtures
derived from a dispersal from southeast Asia followed by Because of small effective population size and the fact
extensive sex-specific admixture with local Indian popula- that the lack of recombination renders mtDNA and NRY
tions [30,31]. The expansion in Southeast Asia is also chromosome effectively single loci, these systems are not
documented using aDNA [32]. Dating of the arrival of ideal for studying migrations of populations. Neverthe-
the Austro-Asiatic speakers in South Asia-based on Y less, sex-specific genetic diversity patterns can reveal
chromosome haplogroup O2a1-M95 expansion estimates interesting cases of population social structure [35] and
yielded dates between 3000 and 2000 BCE [30]. However, sex-specific admixture patterns as discussed before for
admixture LD decay-based approach on genome-wide data the case of the Munda and reviewed more generally in
suggests the admixture between South Asian and incoming [36]. Further studies including comparisons of autosomal
Austro-Asiatic speakers occurred slightly later between to X chromosome genetic variation will have to reveal the
1800 and 0 BCE (Tätte et al. submitted). It is interesting details of evolutionary history (sex-specific migration,
that while the mtDNA variants of the Mundas are sex-specific ethnically non-random mating, effects of
completely South Asian, the Y chromosome variation is random genetic drift owing to small Ne of mtDNA) that
dominated at >60% by haplogroup O2a which is phylogeo- led to current sex-specific pattern of Southeast Asian
graphically nested in East Asian-specific paternal lineages. genetic contribution into the Munda.
Genome wide the Munda derive ca 20% of their genetic
ancestry from Southeast Asia and the Lao people stand out Case studies of change of language or genes
as the best surrogate for the source population (Tätte et al. While language family is generally a good proxy for
submitted). It is also interesting to note that the Southeast genetic structure of South Asian populations, there are
Asian-specific ancestry contribution is larger among the several cases where such prediction is spectacularly
South Munda than North Munda. Furthermore, the Indian wrong. The largest tribal group in India — the Dravidic
component in Munda contains less West Eurasian-like speaking Gond — seem to share more of their genetic
genetic variation (and hence more AASI) than ASI (or ancestry with the Indian Munda speakers, rather than
Paniya as the best surrogate for ASI). Together this is with the other Dravidian groups [37]. On the other hand
consistent with differential Southeast Asian contribution the Mushars speak a tongue from the Indo-European
to as yet forming ASI population(s) where the relative group, yet genetically are again similar to Munda speakers
contribution of AASI was higher than in the finally formed [38]. These are examples of language change - where a
ASI (Tätte et al. submitted; [28]). population adopts a new language but retains much of
their genetic legacy, although the genetic history of the
The Khasi represent a separate branch of the Austro- Gond is likely more complex. Contrary example is pro-
Asiatic language family (Khasi-Aslian), differ genetically vided by the Brahui, who have retained Dravidic lan-
from Munda substantially and resemble more the Tibeto- guage while genetically they resemble their geographic
Burman speakers of India albeit slightly larger Indian neighbours in Pakistan, far from the geographic realm of
ancestry component [31]. Dravidic languages [39].

In India, the speakers of Tibeto-Burman (TB) languages Genetic vestiges of more recent immigration
live in the Seven Sisters States in Northeast India and in events
the very north of the country. Genetically they show a In additional to the several prehistorical migratory events,
clear East Asian origin [19,21] and around 20% of subse- South Asia has experienced immigration of several ethnic
quent admixture with South Asians within the last groups in the more recent past. Among the recent
1000 years [33]. The genetic flavour of East Asia in TB migrants, Siddis [40], Muslims [41], Jewish [42] and Parsis
is different from that in Munda speakers as the best [43] have been studied. The Siddis have been brought
surrogates for the East Asian admixing component are by Portuguese traders during the 17th–19th centuries and
contemporary Han Chinese [33]. sold them to the Nawabs and the Sultans of India to serve
as soldiers and slaves. The genetic analysis of Siddis has
The foothills of Himalaya hosts a wide range of ethnic overwhelmingly supported their admixture in last 200–
groups with linguistic, ethnic and genetic diversity. 300 years with 30% Indian and 70% African-specific

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2018, 53:128–133

The genetic makings of South Asia Metspalu, Mondal and Chaubey 131

ancestries [40]. Indian Jews arrived in two major waves, Future perspectives
on which the first arrived to South India (Cochin) during The recent advances in aDNA research have significantly
5th century, whereas second was settled in West India furthered our understanding of the evolutionary history of
(Mumbai) during 10th century [42]. In case of another South Asia. However, given the current temporally and
migrant Parsis, who came from Persia (modern Iran), the spatially limited aDNA record in South Asia, it is safe to
admixture with the local South Asian populations was assume, that significant advances will be made as more
minimal in comparison with other historical migrants to aDNA studies will be published, most importntly from
India (Jews and Siddi). The molecular data suggested Gangetic plain. South Asia is thought to have witnessed
longer Runs of Homozygosity (RoH) and their arrival to up to five distinct agricultural transitions [54], but the
South Asia in 7th century [43]. Parsis are genetically extent to which they were indigenous developments or
closer to Neolithic Iranians than to modern Iranians, who the result of either cultural or demic diffusion — or how
have witnessed a more recent wave of admixture from the they relate to the distribution of the languages — is not
Near East [43]. The spread of Islam in South Asia was fully resolved. Ultimately the understanding of the
predominantly cultural conversion associated with minor genetic genesis of South Asia is relevant for gaining better
but still detectable levels of gene flow from Iran and understanding of disease and providing better healthcare.
Central Asia, rather than directly from the Arabian Pen- And in this respect the differences of South Asia from the
insula [41]. more extensively studied parts of the World are important
not only because of different genetic ancestry and large
The smallest ethnoreligious community of Pakistan, the amount of genetic variation not present in other regions
Kalash, claim ancestry in the Army of Alexander the [55,56], but also social structure that affects kinship
Great. Earlier Y chromosomal and autosomal STR studies patterns which are relevant for disease. For example there
found no support for such claims [44,45]. While there is are 14 populations with population size over one million
discussion on the extent and timing of admixture events who have experienced more extreme founder effects than
in the demographic past of the Kalash, all agree that they the usual examples from Europe such as the Finns and
have experienced strong effects of genetic drift likely due Ashkenazi Jews who have extensively been studied for
to long-term small population size [46–48]. recessive diseases [56]. Combining the aDNA research
effort and extensive characterisation of extant genetic
variation make possible genetic ancestry aware investiga-
Natural selection to local environment tions of kinship patterns and their role in disease pheno-
As discussed above, in the broadest perspective, the types. This direction constitutes a both relevant and
genetic makeup of South Asians today arises from deep interesting direction of research for the immediate future.
autochthonous genetic legacy (AASI) and several more
recent admixture waves mostly from the West (Iranian
Conflict of interest statement
agriculturalists, Steppe pastoralists). Therefore, our
Nothing declared.
expectation would be that South Asian populations har-
bour a mix of shared (with West Eurasians) and exclusive
signals of natural selection. This is reflected in the sharing Acknowledgements
patterns of selection signals between continental regions M. Met. by Estonian Research Council grant PRG 243 was supported by the
[3,21,49]. Indeed, the two biggest signals of selective European Union through the European Regional Development Fund
project Centre of Excellence for Genomics and Translational Medicine
sweeps come from gene variants likely introduced to Project No. 2014–2020.4.01.15-0012 to the EBC-IG. M.Mon. was supported
South Asia through relatively recent admixture from by the European Union through the European Regional Development
the west. These top hits are related with skin pigmenta- Fund (Project No. 2014-2020.4.01.16-0030) to the EBC-IG. G.C. is
supported by the National Geographic Society’s grant for Research and
tion [50–52] and lactose tolerance [53]. Accordingly both Exploration (Grant No. HJ3-182R-18) and Estonian Research Council grant
have a geographic pattern in South Asia corresponding IUT-24-1 to the EBC-IG.
broadly to the ‘Indian Cline’. However, it is not immedi-
ately clear if natural selection on these gene variants is in References and recommended reading
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