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Year 9 Maths: Statistics

During this topic students will learn about data collection, organisation and presentation. Students will be assessed through book
work, a topic test and a group data assignment. The expected levels for students in this age group are from Band 4C to Band 5S.

Year Level: 9 Band: 4/5

Teacher: Jesse King
KLA: Maths
Term: 4 Year: 2010 Duration: 4 weeks
Integrated with: Useful Links: - Username: JK83450 Password: test38 Username: VC1354 Password: scent54

Outcomes: Essential Learnings

Inner Learner 6, Constructive Learner 3, Constructive Learner 4, Inner
Learner 3, Inner Learner 1, Creative Learner 1, Collaborative Learner 1,
Collaborative Learner 4, Constructive Learner 1

Maths – Chance and Data

CD 4.2 Data • Recognise that most data sets are ‘samples’ taken to provide a ‘measure’ of an aspect of a
• Use numbers to represent qualitative data through devices such as Likert scales
• Calculate the mean, median or mode of a dataset and determine which of these measures is
CD 5.2 Data the most appropriate for a given situation
• Represent multiple variables using a single chart or table. They use methods such as box
and whisker plots to indicate the nature of the spread of data as well as the frequency.

Maths Refer to NTCF – Maths - Chance and Data – Page 8 – 14

Key Mathematical Language

median, moot, census, sample, reliable, theoretical probability, experimental probability, tree diagram, sample
space, validity, line graph, histogram, scatter plot, skewed, categorical, continuous, increments

Classroom Management
• Whole class discussions and activities
• Small group activities
• Individual activities.
• Group gathered data and information will be displayed around the room where possible

• Class work
• Topic Test
• Data Collection Assignment
Weekly Overview
Week Activities Assessment Plan
1 Review Mean, Mode, Median, Range. Topic 5 – 8 Mathletics. Book Work

2 Mathletics Topic 1 – 4. Frequency Distribution, Frequency Histograms and Polygons, Book Work
cumulative frequency histograms and polygon, frequency histograms and polygons with
grouped data.
Maths Online - Sampling Techniques, Scatter Graphs and Correlation.

3 Assignment Time – Collate & Organise Data. Book Work,

4 Present Data, Revision, Topic Test Topic Test & Data Assignment

Both the Teacher and the students will complete an evaluation for this unit. The Teacher will consider the questions presented below.

Questions suggested for the evaluation are as follows:

• Was the unit effective?
• Was the topic one that the students enjoyed and could relate to real-life/life-like situations?
• Were the assessment activities appropriate for evaluating student performance?
• What did I learn from this unit?
• What did I learn about my students as a result of this unit?
• What could I do differently next time?
• What were activities did the students enjoy and learn the most from, to try again next time?
• What activities did not work? Why?
• Did all students achieve the intended learning outcomes? Why/Why not?
Suggested evaluation questions for the Students are:
• In this unit I expected to learn…?
• What did I learn…?
• I learned best when…?
• What I liked best about this unit was…?

Northern Territory Government: Department of Employment Education and Training (2009). Northern Territory Curriculum Framework. Darwin, NT:
Northern Territory Government.

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