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Enrique Guzmán y Valle

Alma Máter del Magisterio Nacional FULL NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades CLASS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DATE: _ _ / _ _ / _ _
Departamento Académico de Lenguas Extranjeras

I. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect Simple, Active or Passive, form of the
verbs in brackets.

1. They _________________ (harvest) grapes. They ___________________ (work) since early this morning.
2. He _____________________ (produce) a soil map of the field. This is the first time he ___________________ (use)
this equipment.
3. Scientist ____________________ (try) to develop plants which will survive well in dry parts of the world. They
________________________ (develop) a number of species successfully.
4. Mechanical harvesting machines ___________________ (use) since Cyrus McCornick invented the reaper in 1831.
Although the principles are the same, there ___________________ (be) many changes in technology.
5. People in Bangladesh _____________________ (use) the treadle pump to lift water since it was introduced in the
early 1980s. Over one million pumps ___________________ (sell).

II. Correct the ten mistakes in the job application letter. The first one has been done as an example.
Dear Mr. Pandya,

I am writing to apply for the job of Agricultural Technician which has been
1. ____WAS________
advertised in the Farmers Weekly on 16th March.
2. _________________________
I was born and brought up on my parent’s farm in Poland where we have grown 3. _________________________
mainly vegetable crops. At that time I have became interested in farming
4. _________________________
technology, especially planting and harvesting fruit and vegetables. In 2007, I
5. _________________________
come to Britain and has lived here ever since. At first I have done mainly seasonal
work on a farm in the South East, working in the hop gardens and in the apple and 6. _________________________
pear orchards. For the last two years I have been being a student at Writtle 7. _________________________
Agricultural College. I just completed a two-year foundation degree in Agriculture. 8. _________________________
During these two years, I have gained important practical experience working on a
9. _________________________
number of farms in the area.
10. _________________________
I speak fluent Polish and German and I had been working hard to improve my 11. _________________________
English since coming to Britain. In my free time I enjoy playing th guitar and I was
become a member of the local football team.

I hope you will consider my application favourably.

Yours sincerely,

Bazyli Rutecki
III. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

IV. Match the words with the definitions.

1. A method of preserving food by removing water. a. length _____

2. This device detects conditions on the ground and transmits it to a b. dehydration _____
computer. c. sensor _____
3. A machine used on farms to pull implements. d. bacteria _____
4. A substance applied to fields to make plants grow better. e. expensive _____
5. The noun for long f. tractor _____
6. These organisms can cause disease g. fertilizer _____
7. The adjective from expensive. h. weeds _____
8. A system of supplying water to farmlands i. harvest _____
9. A type of wire. j. sweet _____
10. Plants that farmers and gardeners don’t want growing on their land k. barbed _____
11. A plant grown in Egypt or India, for example, and used to make l. destruction _____
cloth. m. cotton _____
12. The noun for destroy. n. yield _____
13. The amount collected from the fields. o. irrigation _____
14. Ripe fruit tastes _______________
15. To cut and collect the crops when they are ripe.

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