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Portfolio Artifact #2 1

Portfolio Artifact Number Two

Anna Stewart

College of Southern Nevada

Dr. Ce Isbell

Portfolio Artifact #2 2

Two African American administrators, Freddy Watts and Jimmy Brothers were assigned to

work as principal and assistant principal at a mostly African American based school. Ann Griffin,

a while tenured teacher also an administrator at this school made a very condescending

remark. She stated that she “hated all black folk.” Word soon traveled around the

predominantly African American school, and as expected many colleagues of both races had

negative reactions to Ann and her comment. The principal agreed that dismissal of Ann from

the school was the best fit since she was deemed unable to treat all students equally.

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) will be the first court case presented in

favor of Freddy Watts recommendation of the dismissal of Ann after her degrading remark

towards colored people. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka stated that racial segregation

of children in public schools was unconstitutional. This case was one of the most foundations of

the entire civil rights movement. I think that this ties into our situation by backing up Watts

suggestion to Ann. Discrimination in the workplace is not tolerated and even though our

teacher was tenured she can still be affected by her comment made.

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969) is the second court

case that I will be presenting in favor to Freddy Watts recommendation in response to Ann

Griffin. This case states that students and employees have the freedom of speech in school, as

long the material being spoken is appropriate and up to par. This relates to our situation

between Watts and Griffin because even though Ann is a tenured teacher, and is given the

freedom of speech doesn’t mean she is allowed to abuse these privileges enlisted to her. There

will be repercussion for what she stated since it was degrading and unsophisticated especially

in her situation.
Portfolio Artifact #2 3

Roberts v. The city of Boston (1849) is the first case that I will presenting in opposition to

Freddy Watts recommendation and for Ann’s position. This was one of the earliest documented

cases that relate to the situation regarding Freddy Watts and Jimmy Brothers. During 1849,

African Americans felt as if they were at a disadvantage because their white teachers and

classmates harassed and victimized them. In this case parents of the students responded by

requesting for special schools to be made for their children. This was shot down by the state

legislature but later ended up initiating segregated schools in the year 1798. This court case

sides with Ann and her statement against working with blacks. If these segregated school were

in place she wouldn’t have to worry about teaching African Americans due to the fact that

white teachers wouldn’t be forced or even allowed to teach students of color.

Pickering v. Board of Education (1968) is the second case that I will be presenting in

opposition to Freddy Watts recommendation and for Ann’s position. In the case Pickering v.

Board of Education, Marvin Pickering wrote in a letter to the local newspaper explaining his

disapproval on the school board’s distribution of funds. After writing this, Pickering was

dismissed for his allegations. After being dismissed from his teaching position, Pickering sued

the Board of Education claiming that the letter he wrote in was protected by his freedom of

speech. 8-1 voted in favor of Pickering and the court found that that the school administrators

did violate his First Amendments rights. This was due to that fact that Marvin Pickering made

these remarks on public matters as a citizen. This case relates to our situation because Ann

Griffin could argue on her behalf that the statement made on “hating all blacks” was addressed

as a citizen and not as a teacher. Regardless of the inappropriate wording and not being well

filtered, Ann could argue that her First Amendment rights were violated.
Portfolio Artifact #2 4

I side with Freddy Watts and his suggestion of having Ann Griffin step down because she

deemed unfit for teaching students of all various color. The case that speaks the loudest to me

would be Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969). This case states

that all students and employees have the freedom of speech unless deemed unfit. This case

justifies that Ann does have freedom of speech but since she abused this freedom she is at the

risk of being reprimanded and should take Freddy Watts suggestion of stepping down. The

other case being used against Ann Griffin and in favor for Freddy Watts is Brown v. Board of

Education (1954). This case states that racial segregation in schools is unconstitutional. This

goes along with our situation because tenured or not, Ann should not be able to stay in a

predominantly African American based school if she is making comments such as, “hating all

black folk”. This is taking her First Amendment right and abusing it and hoping that tenure will

protect her. I believe that after saying that she “hated all black folk”, Ann is not showing proper

ethics that a teacher needs to have. I do not think that a teacher should be able to stay in a

teaching position if they are without a proper filter.

Portfolio Artifact #2 5


Pickering v. Board of Education - ACLU Pros & Cons - (n.d.). Retrieved February 10,
2018, from

Related Cases. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2018, from

(n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2018, from


Underwood, J., & Webb, L. D. (2006). School law for teachers: concepts and applications. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.

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