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Anna Stewart

Dr. Hudson
Education 203

Post Philosophy Statement

1. What, specifically, is the role of the special education teacher in the classroom?

The role of a special education teacher is to give students who are dealing with special
needs the same education that any other student deserves to receive. The only difference
being special education teachers are more equipped to handle the many difficult
personalities, attributes and situations that may arise from teaching these students.

2. How do you believe students with special needs learn best?

I believe that students with special needs learn best when provided with detailed
instructions and tools that will fit their certain needs. Whether that is flash cards, special
apps, or videos of broader topics. Overall, students with special needs will need different
accommodations based on their own individual needs.

3. In general, what are you goals for your students with special education needs?

My goals for my students with special education needs is to provide them not only the
knowledge that they need but also the social skills to navigate as independently as possible
in their futures. I think that as a special education teacher it is just as, or even more
important to equip these students with skills that will benefit them for the social aspects of
the world.

4. What qualities do you believe an effective special education teacher should have?

Qualities that I believe an effective special education teacher should have is patience,
compassion, but also determined. Special education teachers need to have patience
because dealing with students who have disabilities are not that easy to work with.
Teachers also need to have compassion when working special needs students because as
hard as it is to work with these students with disabilities it is just as hard or even harder to
be an individual dealing with these disabilities. Finally, special education teachers need to
be determined because having this quality will push teachers to be the best that can be for
their students.

5. Do you believe that all students can learn?

I firmly believe that with the right amount of help, any student is able to learn. Some
students will be more difficult to work with, or have a harder time picking up certain
concepts and topics, but with the right work ethic and time that special education teachers
put into their students, yes any student can learn.

6. What do teachers owe their students with special education needs?

Teachers owe their students with special education needs the confidence and social
awareness that can help them in their futures. Students with special needs can go a long
way if they have the right amount of confidence and social knowledge, especially when
growing up.

7. How has your "Personal Philosophy" changed from the "Pre-Personal Philosophy"
statement you wrote at the beginning of this course.

My “Personal Philosophy” changed from my “Pre-Personal Philosophy” by giving me more

awareness of different strategies to implement as a special education teacher but also given
me more awareness and sympathy for students who are dealing with these disabilities.

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